Alicia 3

I Love My Daddy!

By JimBob

(Mg, bg, gg, cons, fond)

Our girl has returned to Grandpa's English estate after spending most of the summer in the South of France where Sarge has been taking care of her every wish and need.  Alicia is about to become a schoolgirl In London, and is excited about staying with her Daddy.

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I cried when I had to say goodbye to my man, Sarge, and come back to England.  Sarge had a tear in his eye too.  But I am a big girl now and I have to start school.  Daddy is going to pick me up tomorrow and I am going to live with him while I go to school.  I am over being sad, because I love my daddy and living with him will be nice, even if it is only on weekends.  Daddy says I will go to a private girl's school and will live there all week.  It will be kind of scary at first, but Daddy says I am a big girl now that I am five, so I will get used to it. But I can't help being scared.

Daddy picked me up today!  When I saw him drive up, I ran and jumped into his arms and we kissed.  I made a boo-boo.   On my second kiss Daddy was starting to open his mouth to say something to me.  I thought he was giving me one of those special sexy kisses, so I gave him my tongue.  Daddy pulled back and looked at me.  Then we did some more regular kisses.  I think I will hear more about that later. 

We had lunch, and then the car was loaded and we started for London.  Sure enough, the first thing Daddy asked was who taught me to French kiss.  I lied and told him it was some of the boys at the Estate playing house.  It was only partly a lie, because we did play that game, but I was the one who taught the boys. Kissing wasn't the only thing I taught them, but I didn't tell Daddy that either.  Some things are better you don't tell to daddies.

I love my apartment!  I have two rooms and a nice big bathroom to myself.  Daddy has two rooms and a bathroom too, and there is another bedroom.  We have a cute little kitchen, but Daddy says we will eat our meals out on weekends.  Our maid has a small apartment next to ours.   We are on the fifth floor, and the rest of the floors are all Daddy's workers.  Daddy's office is on the fourth floor, right below us.  I get to go down there and play near Daddy's desk where he could watch me.  Saturday we go to Daddy's club.  He plays squash and I watch the big kids learning Kung Fu and Karate.  Then Daddy showers and we go to lunch.

I loved my big new bed, and I loved to have Daddy help me get ready for bed.  He would help me take my clothes off.  Then I would have my bath.  Daddy would help me wash.  When I had my clean knickers on he would lie down on my bed with me and we would cuddle.  Daddy liked to rub my bare chest and sides.  It would tickle me and make my body tingle clear down to my knickers.  I would hope he would touch me where the tingle was, but I didn't think a little girl should ask her Daddy to do that.  Then I would go potty and Daddy would help me into my nightgown and tuck me in.   Oh, yes... I almost forgot.  Daddy would kiss me goodnight.  Daddy and I kissed a lot now.  And we did the tongue stuff a lot now too.  Daddy said it was more fun to kiss that way when we cuddled.  But oh, I wished he would do like Sarge used to touch me.  I wish we could sleep together too, but when I asked him he said, "Not until you are sixteen!"  Sixteen? That is a long time to wait.

I started school last week.  They put me in the first dorm with the little kids.  Even though I can read and write, they started me in kindergarten with the babies. This week I am taking some tests to see how smart I am.  When the teachers told my Daddy that I am smart, he said he knew it, and he wanted me tested.

Wow! Now I am in the second dorm with the big girls.  I am in third grade!  My Daddy said he will pay for the extra help I will need for a while, and I will have to work to catch up.   But I think it is easy to do the work.  I didn’t like sleeping in the dorm with the little kids.  Someone was always crying for their Mama at night.  Now it is quiet except some of the girls sleep together and giggle a lot in their bed.  I wonder why they do that?   What is so funny?

Anita is the biggest and toughest girl in third grade.  I am the littlest and the weakest.  Last night after bed check, she came to my bed and told me to come to bed with her.  She cuddled me close to her and she kissed me.  I kissed her back, and even gave her some tongue.  She was surprised, because she didn't know how to French, so I showed her.  She liked it!  We did it a lot that night until we went to sleep.  When I had to go potty in the early morning I went back to my own bed like all the other girls did.

The next night Anita came and got me again.  This time when we started kissing, she told me it gave her tingles in her chest and she rubbed her nipples through her gown to show me where.  I said I got tingles there too, so when we Frenched , we started to rub each other's nipples through our gowns.  Then we tried pulling our gowns up, and rubbing bare skin.  That was really good fun, but our gowns kept coming down.  So we took them off.  That was oh, so nice, but I couldn't help think about how Sarge and the boys had rubbed me and gave me cums and how much nicer that felt.

Anita and I took our showers at the same time and I thought she rubbed her pussy more than she needed when she washed it.  That night when we were in bed in only our knickers, kissing and rubbing, I stuck my hand down into her knickers.  I found her clit and rubbed it before she could stop me.  Anita did not try to stop me.  She spread her legs open, and I rubbed her clit and nipples until I felt her have a cum. She pushed my hand away.  Then I waited for her to do me. She turned her back and went to sleep!  I was mad so I put my gown on and went back to my bed.  I had a little cum there, but I had to do myself.

The next night when I got in Anita's bed, I took my gown and knickers off and got into bed.  Anita said I should put my knickers back on.  I said I wanted her to tickle my pussy like I had tickled her pussy last night.  Anita said that was too nasty. 

So I took my gown and knickers and I went back to my own bed. Anita caught me and said she would beat me up and started to pull me back.  So I gave her a karate kick in the belly.  Anita said, "OOF!" and she sat down, and then she threw up all over her nightgown and the floor.  When the night monitor came to see what all the noise was, I was in my bed.  Anita didn't want to say the littlest girl in the dorm beat her up, so she said she had a belly ache and got sick.  So they took her to the nurse.  After everyone who was awake told the others I beat Anita up, no one teased me anymore.

Anita was mad at me for a week, then she came and said that I should come to bed again.  She said she would do everything to me that I did to her.  We kissed and made up. We gave each other good cums almost every night after that. I found third grade very easy and did not need a tutor long. The days and nights passed fast for me with all the activities. 

Daddy and I started going to his club and we would run around the track a bunch of times.  When we were done, we would take a shower together and he would wash me and I would wash him.  I got to see and touch his big cock.  When he let me wash it, I would use my hands.  Sometimes it would get big and hard.  When it did that, the purple end would come out.  I liked to touch that part.  It was hard, but the skin was like satin, so smooth.  When I touched it too much, Daddy would say we had to rinse off and we would get out and get dressed.  I never got to do what I wanted so bad to do.

That summer vacation I spent mostly on the estate in England.  Emily and I and Curtis and Jack would go out into the tall grass and play house.  When Emily played now, she would get wet down there.  She showed me and let me get some of the wet stuff on my finger and rub it on my clit.  It made it slick and slippery so it felt good when Jack rubbed it.  Emily told me that when Curtis had a cum that white stuff came out of his pee hole.  She said you must not let it touch you or it would put a baby in your belly.  Curtis told her that.  I think he was just bragging and telling her a fib.  I wanted to ask mummy, but I knew she would ask me how I knew about that.  She always does that.  My Daddy just answers my question.  I am going to ask him next weekend. I am going to ask him about wet stuff down there and why I never get any and about babies and other things.  He never asks all those questions about what have I been doing.  Those questions just get me in trouble.

I almost forgot.  Since I am six now, Grandpa gave me a little cottage for my very own.  It has a sitting room, a bedroom and a bath.  Since I take all my meals at the big house, I don't need a kitchen.  I have a big bed and Emily has done a couple of sleepovers with me.  We got naked in bed and I taught her how girls can pleasure each other.  We had great fun! 

When my Daddy came to the estate, I thought he would stay in my cottage and sleep with me.  We would have had great fun too.  But no, he stayed in Priscilla's cottage.  I saw him come out this morning.  I'll bet he rubbed her nipples last night.  She has big ones.  Maybe they will get married?  Then I would not have to be a little bastard.

I asked Daddy today if he was going to marry Priscilla.  He just laughed and said, "Why should I buy a cow when I am getting milk for free?"  My Daddy just doesn’t make any sense sometimes.  I'm talking about marrying Mummy, and he is talking about milking cows.  I would have got mad at him, but we were laying on my bed, and he unbuttoned my shirt and rubbed my nipples.  After I was satisfied with that, we took a nap cuddled together.  My Daddy is the nicest person to cuddle with in the whole world.

Grandpa and I went to France to spend a little time before I have to go back to school.  Sarge and I gave each other a big hug when I first saw him.  He said I had grown some.  I told Sarge that I wanted to see the estate.  He said the car was ready to go, so I gave the maid my bag to unpack and I went off with my man.  My pussy was all tingly because I knew I was going to have a big cum before I got back from my ride.

Sarge knew what I wanted.  Or was it my sitting on the front of my seat and panting in his ear?  He went into our closest secret spot in the closest woodlot and parked.  Before I could get my knickers down, Sarge was in back beside me. He began to unbutton my shirt.  I made him stop.  I wanted a cum right now!  Sarge pulled my knickers off.  He lifted my skirt and looked at my pussy.  He put his big finger down there and felt that I was a little bit wet.  He used some spit on his finger to make my clit more slippery. Then he rubbed me to a big cum.  I got all tingly.  I saw the shooting stars.  It was so good and I was happy all over.

I offered to give Sarge his cum.  He said wait, because he wanted to be naked with me.  He got back in front and started driving.  He took my knickers with him.  I saw him smelling them.  It made me tingly and wet to think about what we might do when we got there.  I knew Sarge would want to get started as soon as we got there.  I took off all my clothes while Sarge drove.

When we got to our secret pond and parked, Sarge jumped out and took his clothes off.  Sarge showed me something new.  He lay on his back and had me lay on top of him with my pussy right on top of his big cock.  It was standing up when he laid down.  I was afraid I might break off when I laid down on it, but it bent right over and the bottom of it went into my crack.  It was hot against my clit.  That sure felt good!  Sarge helped me move back and forth so my clit rubbed on his big shaft.  I had a little cum when Sarge grabbed the cheeks of my bum and pressed me down tight while I rubbed my pussy on his cock.  When Sarge started to grunt and move me really fast, I had another cum.  Then Sarge had his cum!  His cum stuff went up between our bellies.  It made it all warm and slippery there.

Sarge and I went in for a little skinny dip to wash off, then we lay down on the soft grass and let the sun dry us.  Sarge gave me another cum with his finger while we cuddled.  We dressed and Sarge drove us back to the big house. 

In France, we always dressed for dinner, so I had to change clothes.  The rest of my stay in France was swimming, riding and rides around the estate and to the towns with my man. Every day Sarge gave me lots of cums, and I gave him cums too.  I cried again when I had to leave my man and go home to go back to school. But when I thought about soon being with Daddy again, I began to feel excited about being in my main man's arms again.

The End of Part 3


This is a fantasy story. All of the characters are fictional people and all of the locations exist only in my mind. Enjoy!

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