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This site contains fictional erotic stories with graphic and explicit descriptions of sexual activities between adults and minors intended for viewing by adults who expressly desire to view such material. This site is not suitable for minors or prudes. Having said that, by entering this site, you are representing that you are not underage (below 18 in all cases, 21 in some regions) and that it is legal for you view such material in the state and local community in which you view this material. You further agree that you are viewing this material on your own free will and are not offended in any way by sexually explicit stories faeturing explicit sexual acts between adults and minors. If you're looking for a romance tale, you're looking in the wrong place.

Again, if you are under 18 years of age, do not enter this site as it is illegal for you to do so and you are not welcome here. Also if you are offended by sexually explicit stories, graphic descriptions of sexual acts, or profane language, DO NOT enter this site, as I do not wish to offend your sensibilities. The stories are completely fictional and any resemblance to actual people or other entities is purely coincidental.

Thanks to asstr-mirror.org for sponsoring this site.

By entering this site, you agree to abide by the ASSTR terms and conditions agreement.

By entering this site, you represent that you are of legal age (below 18 in all cases, 21 in some regions) to do so in the region and local community that you view this material.

By entering this site, you represent that it is legal for you to view such material in the community you reside or view this material.

By entering this site, you agree that you do so of your own free will.

By entering this site, you agree not to allow anyone not of legal age to view any of this material.

By entering this site, you represent that you are not offended by sexually explicit material, graphic descriptions of sexual acts, or profane language.

By entering this site, you represent that you understand the difference between fact and fiction, and that all material, text and graphics, is fictional.


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