(Mg, fond, oral, inc, mg, 1st, cons, exhib, MMMMMg)
At a very young age, Sierra was introduced to sex. Dad and her uncle tried to keep it a secret, but when the cat's out of the bag...
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unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : The beginning of the story was inspired by a story I read several years ago by Lea Adams entiled FIRST TIME. She hasn't written anything in several years nor has she responded to my e-mails... nonetheless I wish to thank her for some great jack off fantasies.
Hi! My name’s Sierra and I’m a junior in college. I will tell you upfront, I don’t particularly like boys my age. They are so naïve, so bumbling and generally conceited. Don’t get me wrong, I do like men… I love men… older men; men like my dad (Dan) and my Uncle Billy. Men who are financially secure and who have the means to provide me with the lifestyle that I demand. That lifestyle includes plenty of sex with virile men who appreciate what a young woman like me has to offer. The man who took me to St. Kitts last week, he’s three times my age. We had a great time and I love being adored.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a prostitute, a whore perhaps, but not a prostitute. I am supported by the men or man I am in a relationship with, but a lot of women do that and that’s not prostitution. I love sex and love to shower the men I’m screwing with everything I’ve learned about sex from my dad, Uncle Billy and their friends. I may have been used growing up, but I was never abused and I have no regrets nor harbor any hard feelings towards any of them, especially against Daddy.
Yes, I’ve had sex with my dad almost for as long as I can remember, if you count oral sex, and before that, I had sex with Daddy’s older brother, Uncle Billy. When that started, I can’t be certain, but I was very young. From what I have been told by Daddy and Uncle Billy, is that when I was around four years old or so, Uncle Billy took a job in the same town where Daddy and my mother lived. Mom and Dad both worked so that they could afford the house we lived in and with them both working, I was carted off to daycare for the first four years of my life.
My dad worked normal business hours, but at some point, my mother began working in the early afternoon until around ten o’clock at night. I would spend my mornings with her, my afternoon at day care and then in the late afternoon, Daddy would pick me up. By the time mother came home, I was already in bed asleep. That suited me and mother just fine, because quite frankly, I never had a truly loving relationship with her.
The new job Uncle Billy took was a night job. It was decided that Uncle Billy could help with the household bills, general upkeep and would move into a spare bedroom. Then once mother left for work, Uncle Billy would watch me until Daddy got home just before Uncle Billy went to work. I adored both Daddy and Uncle Billy, so I stayed up with Daddy until Mother came home and would sleep in until she left for work.
Mother and Uncle Billy didn’t get along all that well, but then she didn’t get along with anyone that I know of. They never saw each other during the week, so that was manageable. On the weekends, Uncle Billy would disappear for two days and then reappear at the start of the next week. If only Daddy could have been as fortunate! I can still remember the yelling and the arguments between Daddy and Mother that seemed to be a fixture of the weekend. Of course the arguments would erupt during the week as well after mother came home from work, and while I lay in bed I’d hear the most dreadful things.
What I most remember about Mother was the tension in the air whenever she was around. I didn’t understand any of it at the time, but I eventually came to realize when the term “bitch” was invented, they had a woman like my mother in mind. You may have noticed that I call her Mother and not Mom or Mommy, as she was never a mom to me unless she was forced into it. To her, I was just another inconvenience in her life, like Daddy was.
So in the morning, I would lie in bed, pretending to be asleep until I heard Mother leaving for work. Then I would jump out of bed, run to Uncle Billy’s room and jump into bed with him. He was usually awake by that time too and like me, had been playing possum until Mother left the house. Then we could have fun together. I don’t mean sex fun, but just terrific uncle rough-housing and playing with his squealing and adoring little niece kind of fun.
After a good tickle session, he’d get up and fix us both some breakfast. Then we played until Daddy got home from work and took over for Uncle Billy. Somehow, Uncle Billy always found time to fix supper, straighten up the house, give me my bath, do the laundry and do all the things that were too much of a bother for Mother to do. I say he did the laundry, his laundry, my laundry and my dad’s laundry, but he never touched anything of my mother’s. As for the suppers, it was always just enough for the three of us, as Mother never seemed to eat at home during the week. Uncle Billy made it easy for Daddy and me. As for Mother, he avoided her like the plague.
After about six months or so, Uncle Billy had gotten in very late and was sleeping in for real. I jumped into his bed and was confronted with his soft prick poking out of the flap of his boxer shorts. Being a naturally curious little girl, I had to touch it. I guess I was amazed when it got all hard and stiff. I was toying with it when he woke up. He didn’t say anything or react in any way; he just pretended to remain asleep while I got my first hands-on lesson in male anatomy. When I finally lost interest, he rolled over and “woke up” like nothing had happened.
Frankly, I don’t remember any of this, but that’s what Uncle Billy told me years later, and I guess I have to believe him. Next morning the same thing happened, except his dick wasn’t hanging out of his drawers on its own; I had fished it out to play with it while he feigned sleep. He did “wake up” though. I don’t know if I was embarrassed or not, but he told me it felt good, but that I shouldn’t tell anyone, especially my mother. Of course, why would I tell her anything? But I was also made to understand that I shouldn’t tell Daddy either or else he’d have to move out. Move out? My Uncle Billy move out? No way was I ever going to say anything to anybody! According to Uncle Billy, that was the last night he ever sleep in his shorts; from then on, it was au natural.
Needless to say, I got an eyeful every morning. I also got a handful. And it wasn’t long before I was discarding my nightgown in my bedroom before running to his bed in the late morning as naked as he was.
Like I said, he always bathed me before Daddy got home, and he continued to do that, except rather bathe me in the hall bathtub, he now took a bath with me in the large Jacuzzi in Daddy’s bathroom. And of course there were lots and lots of touching going on both in and out of the bath.
This leads us to the first thing sexual that I remember clearly. Well, that’s not exactly true; perhaps I should say the first sexual incidence that I clearly remember. I foggily remember the games I played with Uncle Billy before that, but this one stands out with an uncommon clarity.
Uncle Billy had been living with us and watching out for me for a year or so. He had just given me my bath and we were on Daddy’s bed. Like he always did, Uncle Billy kissed me and blew bubbles on my bare skin all over, and I mean just that, all over. He sucked my toes, one at time (something I still enjoy very much) and like all toe sucking sessions, he worked his way up my legs to lick and suck on my pussy, something that I liked a lot too. Like I said, I don’t remember the first time he went down on me, just that he did that a lot, but this time it was different.
I remember enjoying the feel of his tongue as it dug into my little slit… God, I loved that! I was facing the door and suddenly Daddy was standing in the doorway. Looking back, it seems like time stood still, for Daddy just stood there watching his brother eating me out. He didn’t say anything nor did he make a move, he just watched as Uncle Billy licked and sucked between my legs. I wanted to warn Uncle Billy, but I couldn’t say anything; I could only watch Daddy watching us. In reality, it was probably less than a minute that he stood there stunned beyond belief, but in my mind, it seems like he watched us for a long, long time, like everything was in slow motion. I squirmed to get way and only managed to wrap my little legs about Uncle Billy’s head. It must have been quite a sight! Then Uncle Billy grabbed my legs and pushed them forward so that he could lick my asshole. Finally Daddy said something, just what, I can’t remember, but I do remember how surprised Uncle Billy was. And I remember the all the yelling afterwards until Uncle Billy was driven from the house.
Thinking back, it was the worst day of my life. Daddy didn’t say or ask me anything and he hadn’t beaten Uncle Billy to a pulp, but suddenly and abruptly, Uncle Billy was out of my life. Now instead of having the best friend ever to play dolls with, I was back at Day Care. About the only thing that hadn’t changed was the yelling and arguing between Mother and Daddy whenever they were in the same room.
Months passed. Daddy picked me up from Day Care and that night he told me that Mother had moved out and that she wasn’t coming back. I received that bit of information with about as much grieving as if somebody had told me the termites and spiders had been eradicated from the house. Mother meant nothing to me. In her absence, she would not be missed… ever.
Things were now much quieter around the house, and with the change, came an adjustment in my routine. After Uncle Billy’s eviction, Daddy had resumed giving me my bath at night. Daddy wasn’t nearly as much fun as Uncle Billy was at bath time, but with Mother out of the picture, it was only natural that Daddy and I grew closer. Closer as in, I started sneaking into his bed. Closer as in I started walking in on Daddy while he was nude in his bathroom. Closer as in we began to take baths together. Closer as in, the games I played with Uncle Billy’s cock, I began to play with Daddy’s cock. Closer as in…
Except for maybe licking my pussy, Uncle Billy had never pushed himself upon me. I played with his dick a lot and delighted to see him squirt his “love juice”. I kissed his dick, almost on a daily basis, but it simply never occurred to me to put it in my mouth. For some reason it did occur to me to do just that with Daddy’s dick. Daddy said we shouldn’t do that anymore, but I liked the way it felt between my lips and he always let me do it to him anyway.
So there we were one Saturday night, watching yet another boring baseball game. Actually I don’t think Daddy was watching the game, he was watching his dick sliding in and out of my mouth as I bobbed my head. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice and Daddy jumped up knocking me to the floor. It was Uncle Billy! I hadn’t seen him in almost a year and ran to give him a hug.
“Why you fucking hypocrite,” Uncle Billy derisively snorted. “I never made her suck my cock.”
I thought a shouting match would break out or worse, but nothing happened other than the two brothers made up and Uncle Billy moved back in. No more Day Care! Yea!!!
After I started school and when I was about eight, Daddy built a swimming pool in the backyard and installed an eight foot privacy fence. As nudity was pretty much the norm when at home and if there were no guests about, the pool provided another excuse to just go around naked. I played sex games with both Daddy and Uncle Billy, but the sex games never went beyond oral sex, if you don’t count finger fucking. The games were also generally confined to behind closed doors, but with the pool, things changed. Uncle Billy, always an instigator, plopped me up on the edge of the pool and went after my cunt while Daddy was just a few feet away. Pretty soon, I was giving both of them blowjobs as they sat on edge at the shallow end of the pool. The sex games had moved out in the open and throughout the house.
Uncle Billy was something of a tech wizard, and on Saturday nights we would all watch the Simpsons, Family Guy and various Disney cartoons, except these weren’t what you’d see on regular TV. These were pornographic cartoons, with Bart Simpson fucking his sister Lisa; Maggie, the baby, sucking Homer’s dick, Marge fucking the nerdy neighbor Ned Flanders, and things like that.
It didn’t take me long to realize that dicks and pussies were meant for each other, but when I suggested that I wanted to try what Bart was doing to Lisa, Daddy nearly had a cow. “No penetration,” he practically shouted at his brother even though I was the one to suggest it. “She’s not old enough for anything like that!” For the time being I would have to be contented with fingers up my twat or up my butt.
I didn’t know how serious Daddy was about not fucking me until I was much older. Uncle Billy then told me that Daddy would have cut his balls off if he had stuck his dick into me. So I remained technically a virgin until I was older even though my hymen had been breached years before, long before Daddy knew that his brother had been messing with me.
The incestuous relationship I had with my daddy and my uncle was a carefully guarded secret and for obvious reasons. I heard all about “good touches verses bad touches” in school and when I did, I was well prepped to keep my mouth shut, after all, my daddy and uncle loved me, so how could what was called a “bad touch” that actually felt so good, really be bad? I quickly realized that my teachers were full of it when it came to my daddy, my uncle and me. Maybe if it was some stranger who wanted to hurt me… I knew all about those creeps and how to avoid them, but what my teachers were saying made no sense to me whatsoever.
I should now point out that we didn’t live a secluded life, cloistered behind closed doors. Daddy and Uncle Billy had lots of friends who came over on a regular basis. No nudity then! No sex games either. There would be people over to go swimming, drink beer, and barbeque. Sometimes I had friends from school who would spend the night, and only if the other girl insisted on naked games in my bedroom, did I ever do anything that any other girl might not do.
Of all of Daddy’s and Uncle Billy’s friends, Uncle Joe, Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack were the closest to them. Of course they weren’t actually my uncles and unlike my real uncle, didn’t lay a hand upon me. The five of them had been running buddies since elementary school. As they were practically like brothers to Daddy and Uncle Billy, I called them my uncles too and no one seemed to mind. One or all of them seemed to be at the house all the time; especially during football season, basketball season, baseball season or for a night of poker. We had the big screen projection TV for watching sports and we had a pool table and poker table set up in the basement game room, so our house was “THE” house for the guys to get together and have fun.
Of the three, Uncle Joe was my favorite. He had a photography business and had a son, Benny, who was two years older than me. Uncle Joe was divorced, so I didn’t get to see Benny that much, but Benny and I had been buddies for years, so whenever he did show up, we had fun together.
One late spring weekend, just before school let out for the summer, Uncle Joe brought Benny with him for poker night. This was unusual, but he had switched weekends with his ex-wife. Rather than changing the poker-night weekend for everybody, he brought Benny with him. Normally it was my job to play waitress during these affairs, bringing the guys beer and chips as needed and being tipped handsomely for it. I loved it when they were all there. But this night, Benny was there, so I begged off waitressing to play with him. We swam and goofed off for several hours before I got the bright idea that Benny might like to play sex games.
I was eleven then, almost twelve, just finishing up fifth grade and my tits were little more than promising mounds capped by big nipples, nipples distended by years of being frequently suckled. I was wearing one of my unlined bikinis made of thin material and when wet, my nipples really stood out. Benny who had just turned thirteen had noticed and I noticed him noticing me. He was pretty embarrassed to have been busted, but I told him that it wasn’t a big deal and asked him if he wanted to see them. Of course he said yes, and we retired to my bedroom behind a closed and locked door.
I can still remember him sitting nervously on the edge of my bed as I dropped my top for him. His eyes got big and I noticed something else getting big too. I let him look for a minute or two before I asked him if he wanted to touch them. “Can I?” he asked with a look of astonishment only matched moments before by his expression at the first glimpse of my bare tits. He touched me hesitantly and then withdrew like my skin was too hot to touch. I lay down on my bed and invited him to touch me again. He wasn’t so hesitant that time. He was pretty clumsy, but I really didn’t mind as I had harbored a crush on him for years. I asked him if he want to kiss them. Sucking a nipple has got to be one of those things that need no instruction because even if his touch was untrained, he had the right instincts when it came to sucking my tits.
It really felt good as always and soon I got carried away and just had to play with his dick. He didn’t say a thing as I felt up his hard organ, nor did he say anything when I started to push his wet swim trunks down. Soon I had him where I wanted him, naked in my bed and at my mercy. Like every male I’ve ever come across, he really liked me playing with his dick. I would have let him take off my bikini bottoms if he had tried, but he never did, nor did he try to get his hand on my pussy, though I certainly wouldn’t have stopped him.
I had him stand up beside my bed and like I loved to do with Daddy and Uncle Billy, I went down on my knees before him. “Holy shit, Sierra,” he gasped as I slid his cock into my mouth. He certainly didn’t last long. Almost as soon as I got going, he was cumming in my mouth. I’m positive that he was surprised as hell when I wouldn’t let him pull out as he came.
He got real nervous after that, afraid that we’d get busted, so we put on our swim suits and went back outside to the pool. When he was finally convinced that no one from the poker game was likely to stumble onto us in my bedroom, we went back, this time I got completely naked too and I treated him to another blowjob. It also took a little doing to convince him that it was okay to touch me between the legs, but soon enough he had his first hands-on lesson in female anatomy.
I saw a lot more of Benny after that night. The following Wednesday, he came over with his dad. Then while Uncle Joe and my dad talked about whatever, we disappeared for a while. Benny was quite literally up for another blowjob and I happily delivered. We made our reappearance and soon thereafter, Uncle Joe and Benny left. I saw Benny again the following Wednesday night and just like the week before, he left a very happy boy.
That Saturday, Uncle Joe and Benny came over in the afternoon. I noticed that Uncle Joe was looking at me more than he usually does. Dad grilled hamburgers and afterwards, Uncle Joe challenged Uncle Billy and Daddy to a round of Eight Ball with a bet of twenty dollars per game. Daddy and his closest friends always made bets on practically anything, football games, basketball games, baseball games, the Dow Jones average or pork belly futures at the close of the market on a randomly picked day in the future. You name it, they came up with a friendly betting scenario that worked for everyone. Daddy and Uncle Billy saw an opportunity to clean Uncle Joe’s clock and amongst a lot of good natured bull shit, they disappeared for the rest of the afternoon down in the basement game room.
With the adults out of sight, Benny was quick to suggest that we disappear too… to my bedroom. Of course I thought that was a good idea and within minutes of the men going downstairs, we were upstairs and naked. Benny was a lot more confident about what he was doing this time. Sure he wanted a blowjob, but he also wanted to smooch in addition to sucking my tits and playing with my pussy. First thing I know, he was on top of me. My legs spread and my technical virginity was a thing of the past. It was still a year before my periods started, so it wasn’t an issue when he came inside me. We both liked doing it so much that we did it again and then again.
I saw a lot of Benny that summer. Uncle Joe brought him over just about every Wednesday evening and every other Saturday, and while the adults did their thing downstairs or wherever, we’d go up to my room to do what we both had been thinking about all week.
It was early July and during our third screw du joir that our plans ran into a small problem. To Benny’s horror, the bedroom door opened and my dad poked his head inside to check up on us. I’m not sure who was more surprised, Benny or Daddy, but Daddy quickly closed the door and let us be. That was it for a good time that night, as Benny was so freaked out about getting caught by my dad that he didn’t want to play anymore. Me, I still wanted to play. I learned right then and there that there’s no worse a sex partner than a guy who is freaked out. He didn’t want to do anything, except put his swimming trunks back on, and with them on, he was afraid to venture out of my bedroom, so we sat and we sat… me naked and him in his swimsuit.
He panicked when there came a knock at the door. It was Daddy telling us come downstairs and get a bite to eat before the other guys arrived to play poker. I told Benny that he had nothing to be worried about, got dressed and went downstairs. Benny did come down after a while, but he studiously avoided my dad. As for Dad, he pretended that nothing had happened.
I was still in my bikini when Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack arrived. Uncle Joe asked me if I was going to be their waitress that night. He had a five dollar bill in his hand and soon the other four, including my dad, had anted up with their usual tip money.
Uncle Mike suddenly piped up, “Is she wearing that? Damn, that deserves another five dollars, boys!”
So instead of my usual twenty five dollars I made fifty dollars that night. Wow! I had always worn regular school clothes on poker night, but it was obvious to me that I could make a whole lot more wearing a whole lot less. Poor Benny, he hid the entire night in the media room watching TV, expecting the house to come down on him in any minute, while I was having a grand and profitable time playing waitress.
And a grand time it was, for me and Daddy’s friends. Uncle Joe offered me two dollars if I would sit in his lap. That was an easy two bucks! Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack got in on the action and soon I had over sixty dollars and counting. The second time I sat on Uncle Joe’s lap, he pulled me squarely in his lap. I knew immediately what the hard thing was that I was sitting on. I made eighty four dollars that night, just doing what I had always done and I knew what I going to wear at the next poker game.
Uncle Joe and Benny visited more than usual the next few weeks and I was as receptive to Benny as he was to me. But what I didn’t know, was just how much things had changed. Naturally Daddy told Uncle Billy what he had seen with Benny between my legs, and now that I knew what fucking was like, I wanted more, from Daddy and Uncle Billy. Daddy wouldn’t have any of it. If I was fucking Benny, that was fine with him, but he warned his brother that I was strictly off limits when it came to doing me.
I talked to Uncle Billy about it and told him that I’d keep it secret, but he told me that he would never betray his brother and that it was up to me to get Daddy to fuck me before he would fuck me. I didn’t have a clue as how to go about that, but Uncle Billy had a suggestion.
One of my most favorite things to do was to climb on top of Daddy or Uncle Billy and sit on his dick lengthwise, trapping it between my pussy and his belly. Then I would rock back and forth, sliding my slit along the length of his dick until they shot off. It felt great to me and it felt great to Daddy and Uncle Billy. Uncle Billy explained that when I’m on top like that, that I was the one in control. All I had to do was slide a little too far up, lining up the entrance to my cunt with the head of his dick, then slide back taking him inside me. We practiced it for several days. I learned that if I thrust my hips just so, I came very close to running Uncle Billy’s dick up inside me, but he was always on guard for that and stopped me before he was too far inside.
With my technique perfected, I was ready to take Daddy whether he was ready or not. It was a Saturday night and no one was expected to drop by. Uncle Billy was showing his latest pornographic cartoons he’d acquired and I was all naked and snuggly with my daddy. After going down on him, I got him on his back and mounted him like I always did. Back and forth I slid my pussy along Daddy’s hard cock. His cock rubbing my pussy like that always felt really good for both of us, so I let the pleasure build.
I was getting all hot and bothered, and Daddy and I both were very slippery, so I looked over at Uncle Billy watching us. I could tell by his expression that he was just as hot as I was anticipating the climax to our performance. Uncle Billy nodded to me. I slid forward more than usual and feeling Daddy’s prick perfectly positioned, I jerked back.
Gawd, it crossed my eyes! Daddy was a lot bigger than Benny was, a lot bigger! Impaled by what felt like a baseball bat, I tried to dislodge myself, but Daddy gripped me by the hips and he held me on him. I pleaded with him to let me go, but he didn’t, saying something like, “You wanted this, Sierra, and now you have it.” After a minute or so, it was still uncomfortable; it didn’t hurt like it did at first. I was stuffed, that’s for sure, but the shock gradually faded away into a mellow glow. Once I stopped my whimpering, Daddy eased his grip and I was able to move. I knew that he would just grab me if I tried to move off of him, so I wiggled my hips trying to get a little more comfortable. Then he raised me a few inches and then gently pushed me back down. I got the idea real quick and when he let his hands fall away, I was on my own.
With my little pussy stretched tight around his big cock, it was really hard for me move, but move I did. As I slowly rose and lowered myself on his prick, it began to feel better and better. It was so different from just sliding along his dick and I knew that I could really get to liking this. With each stroke, I became more and more disconnected with my surroundings. I must have been quite the sight all slack jawed, glassy eyed, and with sweat pouring from my every pore as the fuck lust totally consumed me.
I remember being hit with the most fantastic orgasm, then nothing… nothing at all. Daddy said I passed out still speared by his dick. He rolled us on to our side and withdrew his prick. He said he checked me out to be sure that I hadn’t torn anything and said that my pussy lips gaped open for a minute, then they became very swollen and hot to the touch. He knew that I had had enough, and carried me to his bed.
Next thing I knew, it was morning. Daddy was by my side, snoring away. My pussy felt like someone had used it for a punching bag, but from the inside. It was a couple of days before the soreness mellowed enough that I wanted to try it again… Daddy didn’t mind. Uncle Billy waited almost a week before he balled me for the first time, saying that he didn’t want to give my Dad any second thoughts. After that, they both fucked me several times a week and sometimes several times during a day. By that time, I wanted it so much that Daddy said that I was a nymphomaniac. He had to explain what a nymphomaniac was, and when he did, I knew he was right.
I certainly didn’t have any regrets. I loved my daddy and my Uncle Billy and they loved me back. Screwing Benny had proven to be the best thing I had ever done. Benny also proved to be a horny dog and whenever he was around, I never ever told him, “No,” though he wasn’t nearly as good as Daddy or Uncle Billy was when it came to fucking.
What I didn’t know at the time was how much boys talk about the girls they have sex with. Daddy and Uncle Billy only discussed me among themselves if at all, but Benny proved to be a blabber mouth. Not with other boys, though I’m sure he bragged to them too, but he told his father, Uncle Joe. As I found out years later, Uncle Joe had been talking to Benny about sex and girls and encouraging him to go as far with a girl as she allowed, but to go no further. Uncle Joe asked him if he’d ever felt up a girl, let a girl play with his dick, that sort of thing. Benny, completely trusting his dad, told him everything, the blow jobs, the butthole lickings and the fucking. He also told him how I put out at the drop of a hat. He even told Uncle Joe about us being caught by my dad, but that Daddy never said anything to him or made any effort to keep us apart.
That got Uncle Joe to thinking. It was obvious to him that I was much more experienced in sex than Benny was. I was still a few weeks from turning twelve, so just where did I get all that experience? There were never any other boys about when he was over at our house and he was there often. Then there was the acceptance by my dad of Benny and I having sex like it was no big deal. Uncle Joe surmised that the most likely place I was gaining that experience was at home. But with whom? Uncle Billy seemed to be the most likely candidate to him, but then again, maybe it was Daddy. Perhaps it was both Uncle Billy and Daddy? Just how long had this been going on? As they had been best friends forever he considered just asking Daddy; but if Daddy wasn’t involved and if Daddy didn’t know Uncle Billy was doing me, that could have resulted in some serious repercussions. If he just came out and asked Uncle Billy, he was certain that Uncle Billy would just deny it and then what? You just don’t go around asking some man if he was fucking an underage girl, because if he wasn’t, who was? One thing he didn’t want to do was jeopardize his lifelong friendships, nor did he want to jeopardize his son’s ready access to a sure piece of ass. Uncle Joe finally decided that he’d just have to learn the truth the hard way, by ferreting it out. It just so happened that he had a perfect opportunity when he was contracted to do a photo spread for a kids’ clothing catalogue.
I was so thrilled when Uncle Joe asked me if I wanted to be one of the models. Even more so when he told me how much he was going to pay me. Wow! I was going to be a professional model! Of course Daddy didn’t object, why would he? Best of all, Uncle Billy was available to take me to and from Uncle Joe’s studio while Daddy was at work. So just weeks before school started for the Fall, I had my first paying job (if you don’t count tips for waitressing during poker games and Sunday afternoon baseball games).
When we arrived at Uncle Joe’s for the first photo session, there were several other kids there, both boys and girls, accompanied by a parent, and except for Uncle Billy, they were all moms. Benny had hired on to help his dad, so he was there too.
In addition to Uncle Joe’s large hand-held camera, I marveled at all the equipment that was set up, the backdrops, the lights and the multiple cameras set to automatically snap a shot every ten seconds or so, each remotely slaved photo appearing on one of a multitude of computer monitors.
I modeled a few outfits and as the afternoon wore on, the other kids finished up their four hours for the day until finally I was the only one left.
“Sierra, now that everyone else is gone,” Uncle Joe said in a nonthreatening way, “I need you to model some underwear for me. Of course if you don’t feel comfortable doing that…”
“Sure. I’ll do it,” I answered.
“Billy? How about it?” Uncle Joe asked my uncle. “You can veto the underwear thing, and that will be fine with me.”
“No, I’m okay with it, as long as Sierra is comfortable with it,” my real uncle replied.
“You don’t think Dan will have a problem with it, do you?” Uncle Joe asked.
“Dan? Naw, I doubt it.”
Uncle Joe turned to me and said, “Now, if at any time you get uncomfortable doing this, you just tell me and we’ll stop. Okay?”
I wasn’t shy about nudity at all, so why would I be shy in underwear? With that settled, Uncle Joe picked out my first outfit. It was a very pretty blue panty and bra set that covered a lot more than any of my bikinis did. I took my outfit to the dressing room and put it on. Then Uncle Joe had me pose this way and that, like he’d been doing all day, while clicking away with his camera. Next was a pink outfit, then a white. Pretty soon I lost track.
A few days later at my next scheduled modeling day, it was pretty much the same thing. Modeling clothes along with the other kids and then modeling underwear after they all left. I assumed that other girls were modeling underwear on the days I wasn’t there, but it never occurred to me to ask. Nor did I have any way of knowing that there wasn’t going to be an underwear section in the catalogue. I just did what Uncle Joe asked because I trusted him completely, just like I trusted Daddy and Uncle Billy.
The start of school was looming ahead and the photo sessions had been going for nearly two weeks when things got a bit risqué. Uncle Joe wanted some backside shots, only he wanted me topless. I didn’t mind and Uncle Billy didn’t question it either. We started out with me ducking in and out of the changing room for the first few panties. Uncle Joe complained that he was falling behind schedule and to speed things up would I mind if I just changed panties on the set.
So there I was, pulling off my panties and then pulling on a new set while Uncle Billy, Benny and Uncle Joe looked on. I wasn’t completely nude, but for maybe thirty seconds at a time, but thirty seconds repeated over and over added up. Not only that, but the panties became skimpier and skimpier until they weren’t panties at all, but thongs and with Uncle Joe having me turn this way and that while holding my arms up or whatever, it was turning into a lot more than just backside shots.
That was on a Friday. When we had finished up, well after the normal quitting time, Uncle Joe asked Uncle Billy to bring me in Saturday morning. We pretty much picked up where had left off the night before, with me modeling thongs and despite the fact that Uncle Joe didn’t seem to be particularly hurried, changing out in the open. Well before we had arrived that morning, I had figured out that maybe things weren’t exactly on the up and up… I mean, I was poising practically totally nude. No children’s clothing catalogue would ever publish photos like these, but maybe some of Uncle Billy’s pornographic web sites would, and I was familiar with them.
Knowing that Uncle Joe was practically another brother to my Dad, I figured that Uncle Joe knew all about me and sex. So I wasn’t at all surprised or hesitant when he handed me this long thin woven belt and told me to tie it around my waist and to take off the thong. I did and my first porn photo shoot began. Nor was I surprised when his language became coarse as he commented on my fat nipples, my bubble butt and even my pussy and generally calling a spade a spade. He said that a girl shiny with oil was a hot seller. Taking his sweet time about it, he personally applied the oil all over my body. Then he had Benny join me for some nude boy and girl shots.
After a half hour of very suggestive poises, he turned to Uncle Billy and I overheard him say, “I’ll bet you twenty bucks that if I tell her to blow him, she would.”
He didn’t ask me to do that, but instead told us, “I need to have a talk with Billy. You kids go ahead and screw if you want to.” That was Benny’s prearranged cue and he pushed me to the floor and fucked me while Uncle Billy and Uncle Joe watched with the remotely slaved stationary cameras snapping away.
“I know all about you and Dan and Sierra,” Uncle Joe told Uncle Billy as they watched us fornicating for the cameras. “Mike and Jack suspect it too,” he added. Actually no one actually knew anything, but Uncle Billy didn’t know that Uncle Joe was bluffing. “Now for you and for Dan, the best way to keep all this under wraps is for me, Mike and Jack to be as guilty as you and Dan are. I can assure you that I’m not going to go blab about something that will land me in jail, now would I? Neither would Mike or Jack.
“So tell me the truth, good buddy… once Benny gets his rocks off, are you going to have a problem with me getting a blowjob from her?”
Uncle Billy turned to Uncle Joe, shook his head and calmly replied, “Dan’s going to have a cow. Not about you getting a blowjob, but the fact that you know what’s been going on. Shit! Mike and Jack know too?”
“Yeah, we figured it out a while ago,” Uncle Joe ventured dishonestly.
“Who else knows?” asked Uncle Billy with genuine concern.
“Just us… and maybe Benny.”
Benny shot his wad inside me and rolled off of me.
“Hell, I don’t give a damn if she sucks your dick, Joe, but I really do think it might be best if I have a talk with Dan first.”
“Believe me, Bill, I’m sorely disappointed. But if that’s how you want to play it, I’ll take a rain check.”
On the ride home that afternoon, Uncle Billy asked me how Uncle Joe knew about me and him. That rather confused me as I had figured Uncle Joe knew all about it from Daddy or from him. I simply shrugged and honestly answered, “I dunno.” Uncle Billy left things where they were.
Daddy did have a cow when we got home and learned that Uncle Joe knew they were having sex with me. As far as Benny fucking me right in front of Uncle Joe, that didn’t seem to rise to the level of concern he had for being exposed to his best friends as an incestuous pedophile. But by the time the guys arrived for that night’s poker game, he had talked to Uncle Joe and had calmed down quite a bit. Still, you could tell that he was nervous.
As always, I was acting as waitress for the men. Knowing I needed to dress properly to get a good tip, I put on the flimsiest, tiniest bikini I had. With Uncle Joe egging on the others, I had a good tip going before the card game even began. They played a few hands and I sat in the lap of the player who had won the previous hand, something that everyone seemed to enjoy.
A new hand was dealt out and as Uncle Joe scanned his cards he commented, “Mike, Jack, I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve been doing a shoot for a children’s clothing catalogue and Sierra here has been doing some modeling for me.”
“Yeah, Billy told me that,” Uncle Jack replied tying his best not to gawk at my crotch.
“Me too,” added Uncle Mike.
“She’s been modeling underwear,” Uncle Joe casually commented.
Uncle Mike looked up from his cards. “Really?”
“Yes, and she’s quite good at it too.”
Uncle Mike cut a glance at me and while discarding two cards said, “Well, I’d like to see that.
“I’ll take two cards.”
Uncle Joe now drew three cards and then turned to me. “How about it, Sierra? You want to model some underwear for us tonight?”
I was pretty certain that he meant modeling with the underwear on, but then again… “Okay,” I agreed as I squirmed about in Uncle Jack’s lap.
Uncle Jack gripped my bare thigh and whispered to me, “You’d better hold still, baby.”
Feeling his erection growing harder and harder under me, I coyly replied, “How come, Uncle Jack?”
“I think you know damned good and well why, little girl.” I giggled and wiggled my butt on Uncle Jack’s erection, but he made no more complaints other than quietly muttering, “Jesus, girl.”
Uncle Joe had brought several paper lunch bags with him and now he held one up and told me, “Go put this on, Sierra.”
I slid off Uncle Jack’s lap, took the bag from Uncle Joe and then took it to the game room bathroom to change outfits. It was that pretty blue panty and bra set that I first modeled for him, and it concealed a lot more than the bikini I was wearing. I made my entrance to the applause of Daddy’s friends. I turned this way and that to give them a view from all angles.
“How about a tip for the sexy model?” Uncle Mike laughed.
Five dollar bills flew into the center of the table for me. I noticed that everyone but Daddy chipped in; still it was a very easy twenty bucks. I fetched fresh cold beers for everyone and then sat in Uncle Billy’s lap as he had won the last hand. Then Uncle Mike won and I sat in his lap. Uncle Joe won, but instead of sitting in his lap, he gave me another bag containing another outfit to model. This outfit was a little more revealing and the guys all tipped me again. This was fun and profitable!
When I came out with the third outfit on, Uncle Joe had won another hand. Poor Daddy, he seemed to be losing every single hand.
Uncle Joe patted his lap and I climbed aboard, but this time it was different. Usually the guys would just put a hand on my hip or my thigh while they held their cards in their other hand. Uncle Joe started off with a hand on my thigh, but it wound up between my legs, stroking me gently through the panties. He won that hand too, so I had to stay and his touches became bolder.
“You’re all wet,” he whispered to me while rubbing my pussy. He removed his hand, but then stuck it down the front of my panties. Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack were sitting on either side of Uncle Joe and I think they knew what was going on as they seemed to be watching me more than watching the card game.
Daddy finally won a hand and Uncle Joe gave me the fourth bag of clothes to model. When I got to bathroom and saw what I was supposed to wear, I had to giggle… you could see right through the transparent black material, my enlarged nipples showed, my butt crack showed, and if I had been able to see between my legs, I’m sure that my pussy slit was showing too.
When I went out that time, the guys hooted and hollered. I also got a bigger tip from all of them, except Daddy of course. I felt sorry for Daddy, he had lost almost all of his money and didn’t seem to be having a good time. This time I also had my butt stroked by Uncle Jack and Uncle Mike.
I hadn’t been wearing the outfit for very long, so it surprised me when Uncle Joe wanted me to change again. This outfit wasn’t even see-through as there wasn’t anything to see through. It was only a pink thong and as far as thongs go, this one hid absolutely nothing as the widest part of the thong was no wider than the thinnest part of the thong. When I put it on, not only was my butt bare, but my pussy mound was only traversed by a thin pink string that then slotted into me, concealing absolutely nothing. I might as well have been without any panties at all. I shrugged it all off and as there was no bra with this outfit, I figured that Uncle Joe wanted me to keep on the black see-through bra.
“Holy shit!” cried Uncle Mike when he saw how little I was wearing. “This calls for another tip, boys!”
Uncle Joe wasn’t so happy however. He contributed to my tip, but then told me, “Come here, Sierra.”
I went up to him and he stroked my bare ass for a moment while everyone watched and then told me to turn around facing away from him. “This outfit doesn’t have a bra, silly,” he said as he removed the see-through black bra.
Uncle Mike who seemed to be especially excited now, quickly folded his hand. With a five dollar bill he lured me to him. I took the five and let him feel up my bare butt while he exclaimed, “Damn! Would you look at those freaking nipples!”
I wanted to stay and make sure that he got his money’s worth, but Uncle Joe won yet another hand and told me to come sit in his lap. This time it was Uncle Joe who folded quickly, even though he had three of a kind. Freed from the rigors of the game, his hands encircled my chest and he fondled my nipples openly. Taking even greater liberties, he pulled on each nip, stretching it out and let it pop back in place, bringing my large points to full all out erection. That just about stopped the game altogether.
He had me stand, then he pulled my thong down and then off. I was now naked, totally naked, and being ogled by Daddy’s friends. Uncle Joe pulled me back into his lap, playing with my nipples with one hand while the other hand went for my pussy.
“Oh, god damn!” exclaimed Uncle Jack. “He’s finger fucking her!”
I think Daddy was very distraught by then and not just about losing all of his money. Me, I loved the feel of Uncle Joe’s big hands and big fingers playing with me. Unfortunately it came to a stop when Uncle Billy won that hand and I had to go to him. That was also the hand that completely broke Daddy.
“Okay, that’s enough!” Daddy declared standing up. “Game over!”
“Wait a minute, Dan,” Uncle Joe said. “Remember what we talked about? About how to keep a secret a secret?” Daddy sat back down, burying his head in his hands.
“What secret?” Uncle Mike asked.
“What do think, dummy? She’s here at the table, stark naked and I’ve been playing with her tits and fingering her pussy! You hear any complaints from her father?”
Uncle Mike turned to my dad, “Jesus, Dan, you let Joe molest her like that?”
“Tonight’s the first time I’ve ever so much as touched her,” Uncle Joe declared somewhat disingenuously.
I was about to correct him by pointing out that he had touched me all over when he had oiled me down that morning, but he pressed on. “Billy, tell us, just how long have you and Dan been playing with her?”
Now it was Uncle Billy’s turn to hide his head. “Holy sweet mother of Mary!” muttered Uncle Jack.
“Now, listen up you two knuckle heads,” Uncle Joe snarled. “Now you two have just seen me fingering her cunt and that makes me as guilty as Dan and Billy. The fact that you sat here and watched her strip naked and make a spectacle of herself also makes you just as guilty under the law. So, for your own sake, as well as your friends’ sake, keep your mouth shut about this and anything else that might go on that could land us all in prison. Do you understand what I’m saying? Like everything we’ve ever done, we’re in this together, guys. If one of us goes down, we all go down.” Uncle Jack and Uncle Mike solemnly nodded, though by this time the beer had significantly dulled their senses.
Uncle Joe took the deck of cards and had Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack draw a card. Uncle Mike drew the high card and I was told to go sit in his lap. I did and Uncle Mike held me like I was about to break or something. Uncle Joe whipped out a small digital camera and snapped a shot on me sitting naked in Uncle Mike’s lap. Then he told me to go sit in Uncle Jack’s lap.
“Hey, I didn’t get a chance to feel her up,” Uncle Mike protested as I moved to Uncle Jack’s lap.
Uncle Joe replied, “There’ll be plenty of time for that later, Mike,” as he took my picture with Uncle Jack.
Uncle Jack wasn’t as timid as Uncle Mike had been and his hands seemed to be everywhere at once. I was so hot by then that it took him no time at all to get me off. Next thing I knew I was deposited back in Uncle Mike’s lap to be molested.
“So… just how far can we… uh, go with her,” Uncle Jack asked.
“Well, I know for a fact that she’s no virgin,” Uncle Joe declared.
“How’s that?”
“Billy and I watched Benny fuck her this morning,” Uncle Joe explained.
“Bullshit!” snorted Uncle Jack.
“I’ve got photos to prove it.”
“Now wait a minute! Wait a fuckin’ minute!” my dad said angrily. “No one is going to fuck her! I mean it, god damn it! She’s too young for that!”
“Benny fucks her,” Uncle Joe observed.
“Benny’s a kid, just like she is. You’re too big for her, Joe, so just forget it.”
“Okay, okay. Uh, how about blowjobs?”
Daddy buried his head again. I squirmed away from Uncle Mike and went to Daddy to comfort him. “It’s okay, Daddy,” I said hugging him. “You know how much I like doing that with you and Uncle Billy. “ I could have added Benny, but he had completely slipped my mind for the moment. “I’d love to blow them. All of them.”
Daddy looked up and looked at me. Then he looked at his friends and said, “Blowjobs… okay.”
Uncle Joe shouted, “Yes!” and scrambled to get his jeans off.
“Hey, who said that you’re first?” Uncle Mike asked.
“I set this all up! That’s why I’m first!” Uncle Joe declared.
“So the fuck what! Let’s draw cards or something,” Uncle Jack added.
So, the three of them cut cards to see who I sucked off first. To his disappointment, Uncle Joe came in third. In a way, I was glad he did because he is huge! Oh, my, god! I could hardly get the fat head into my mouth! By the time I was finished with him, my poor jaws hurt so much I could barely talk.
Dad then stepped in and told everyone that the party was over and for them to go home to their wives. The guys were all in a pretty good mood by then and even though it was early for a poker night, they all left without putting up to much of a fuss. Uncle Joe, however, hung back and pointed out that he didn’t have a wife, so could he spend the night… with me.
“Go home, Joe. You made your point tonight, damn you, so don’t press your luck, asshole. Besides, I should be pissed off at you.”
“How come?”
“Mike, Jack… Neither one of them knew a damned thing before tonight. Did they?”
“How long do you think it would have taken them to figure it out?”
“Maybe never.”
“Bullshit! They aren’t dummies. Somehow you had us all fooled for what… years? Once a secret is out, good buddy, it’s out. Best to do damage control early, while you can. Hell, you ought to thank me, Dan.”
“Thank you? For making Sierra into a whore for the gang?”
“You made her into a whore, Dad, not me. Look, we all adore her and we all value your friendship above all else, so… what’s the problem?”
“Ah, fuck! There’s no problem, Joe.”
“Good, then I can spend the night? I won’t fuck her… I give you my word.” They were as close as could be and Uncle Joe’s word to Daddy was his bond. That was the first time I slept with Uncle Joe.
Daddy took me aside and told me that I could do whatever I wanted, but that Uncle Joe wasn’t to force himself upon me. If he did, I was to tell him and… Daddy wasn’t sure what he’d do, but he wanted to know.
Uncle Joe was true to his word that night. He had always been nice to me and I trusted and loved him like I trusted and loved Uncle Billy. He did, however, do everything but fuck me. He sucked my tits until they were sore, he sucked my pussy until I couldn’t stand it anymore and he sucked on my asshole; while I licked his dick and his balls, licked his ass and sucked another load from his heavy balls.
Uncle Joe woke me up by shoving his big cock in my face. We wound up in a 69 with me on top and were sucking on each other when Daddy popped in to check up on us and see if anyone wanted breakfast. He saw what we were doing and let us be for the moment. Remembering what Daddy had said about me doing whatever I wanted, I decided that I wanted to feel Uncle Joe’s big cock between my pussy lips. If he wasn’t so damned big, I would’ve just hopped on his lovely cock lickity split. But he was big and remembering how much Daddy’s cock had hurt the first time that I hopped on him, I decided that a nice pussy slide would do the trick quite nicely. So I spun around on Uncle Joe’s hairy chest and positioned myself straddling him with his cock trapped between his belly and my pussy.
I began to rock my hips back and forth, rubbing my pussy on his large caliber dick. Uncle Joe grabbed me with his powerful hands and made me hold still. “Your Daddy will kill me if we fuck, darling.”
“We’re not going to fuck,” I giggled as I slotted onto his thick prick. “But almost.” I began to slide back and forth, rubbing his bulbous glans over my clit. His cock, being bigger than anything I’d experienced before, felt wonderful.
“You like this, Uncle Joe?”
“Oh, baby! You’re treading dangerous grounds,” he hissed. Maybe I was, but he didn’t stop me.
“We’re not fucking, Uncle Joe. I’m just rubbing my cunt along the length of your dick.”
“You do this with your, Daddy?”
“Of course I do it with Daddy. Uncle Billy too.” He relaxed his grip, lay back and enjoyed the feelings coming from his dick.
“Oh, fuck, Sierra,” he moaned. He grasped my hips and pushed me back and forth on his cock. “Hell, I ought to just go ahead and fuck you,” he said, “but I promised your Daddy...
“Damn, that feels good, you little whore… Oooo, don’t stop, Baby. Don’t stop until I shoot off a load.”
Daddy opened the door again and seeing what was going on nearly exploded. “God damn it, Joe! I said no fucking!”
“We’re not fucking, Daddy,” I told him. “I’m just treating Uncle Joe to a pussy slide. He likes it as much as you do.”
“Ah, Jesus,” Daddy muttered. All three of us knew that it was just a matter of time before Uncle Joe and I fucked, but Daddy tried his best to stave off the issue for as long as possible. “I mean it, Joe. No penetration!”
“Oh, fuck, that feels so incredibly good, Dan,” he answered my Dad. “Oh, yeah, baby, slide that slutty pussy on my dick. That’s a girl…”
“I mean it, Joe,” Dad repeated.
“Yeah… fuck… I hear you, good buddy. I promise… hell, I promised you last night… Oh, fuck!”
A big wad shot from his dick and up onto his hairy belly, then another and another as I continued until my slit was soaked with cum and he grew soft and pliable.
I wiggled on him and urged, “Let’s do that again, Uncle Joe!”
He was gasping for breath for a moment before he could answer, “I’m plumb wore out, honey. Why don’t you have your daddy do you?”
I looked back to see what Daddy’s reaction to that was, but he was gone, apparently satisfied that Uncle Joe wouldn’t be overly frisky anytime soon.
Sliding off his large frame and feeling very naughty, I licked the cum from his belly. That earned me a big finger up my butt before he rose with a growl and hauled me off to the bathroom for a shower.
Later that morning as Uncle Joe joined Daddy and Uncle Billy at the kitchen table for a cup of coffee, Daddy asked Uncle Joe, “When in the hell are you going home?”
“There’s nothing at home for me; you know that. Besides, there’s a preseason game on this afternoon.”
“Two games,” Uncle Billy corrected. “Packers and Cowboys at one and Steelers and Colts at four.”
Uncle Joe then turned to Dad and told him, “See, why go home? I’d just have to turn around and come right back.”
No one mentioned Uncle Mike or Uncle Jack, but it was understood that they’d come for the games too, they always did.
“Hey, Sierra,” Uncle Joe said to me as I poured milk into my cereal, “are you going to be our waitress for the game?”
“I guess so,” I replied as the vision of dollar signs and what I could buy with those dollars danced in my preteen head. “Sure!”
I wasn’t sure what, if anything, I should wear for the football games that afternoon, a bikini or maybe that black see-through bra and panty set I had modeled the night before. When the guys arrived just after noon, they seemed especially excited. I had always heard that the preseason games were crappy, just an excuse for the teams to make a lot of money while they sorted out their rosters for the season. But it wasn’t the games they were excited about… it was last night and the promise of more this afternoon. It really made me feel special that it was me that they were excited about.
Uncle Joe was busy setting up the betting pool sheet for today’s games. It consisted of a ten by ten matrix, with the numbers 0 through 9 down one side and across the top. Along the top was Packers/Steelers and the vertical was labeled Cowboys/Colts. One sheet would suffice for both games. The guys would each pick twenty squares and put up $5.00 per square. If the score at the half or the final score was say Packers 21 and Cowboys 14, whoever had the square corresponding to 1 and 4 won that pool. With four chances to win $125.00, it was always a popular thing to do. Most of the time only one guy was left holding the bag, but sometimes two were. Rarely did anyone ever win 3 out of 4, and never did anyone ever win the whole $500.00. It was a fun, friendly bet, something they all relished without any potential to be out more than a hundred bucks.
While the guys were picking their squares, I hustled off to the kitchen to get everyone a beer. It took two trips and by the time I had served everyone, the betting pool was set.
Uncle Joe took a long swig and said, “Okay guys, let take a vote. The bikini is cute, but who wants the waitress naked this afternoon?” Four hands shot up.
Daddy, the sole hold out for the bikini, said, “You can have her naked if she wants to go naked, but that doesn’t mean you clowns are going to have an orgy with her.”
“What, no sex?” Uncle Mike asked. “I think we need to vote on this.”
“I have a compromise,” Uncle Joe stated. “The betting pool. Sierra gets the money and the winner gets…”
“A blowjob!” interjected Uncle Jack.
“Precisely what I had in mind,” Uncle Joe declared. “I propose the winner of the half time pool gets sucked off. All in favor say, “Aye”.
“Aye!” shouted my three honorary uncles. Both Uncle Billy and Daddy remained mute, Daddy for obvious reasons and Uncle Billy didn’t want side against his brother when it came to matter of the guys having sex with Daddy’s little girl.
“What about the final scores?” Uncle Mike asked.
“Well, I was shown something very interesting this morning. Something Sierra is very skilled at and has practice quite a bit with her daddy. It’s called a pussy slide.”
“Pussy slide?”
“Now wait a minute, Joe!” Daddy exclaimed. “I’ll be damned if I pimp her out like this! She’s not a prostitute!”
“Who said anything about prostitution?”
“Paying her money for sex? That’s prostitution!”
“We’re not paying her for anything. We’re just making a bet. A bet with an unknown outcome. True, she gets the money, but it’s a more like a tip for playing a game with us. We take a risk… maybe it pays off, maybe it won’t.”
“What in the hell is a pussy slide,” Uncle Mike demanded unconcerned with Uncle Joe’s finer points.
Ignoring my dad’s protests, Uncle Joe explained, “Well, you lie flat on your back and she sits on your dick.”
“She fucks you?”
“No, no, no. It’s not fucking exactly. It’s like a hotdog and a bun, the bun is her pussy and I’ll let you figure out what the hot dog is. Then she slides back and forth… along your dick.”
“You’re shitting us!” Uncle Jack blurted out.
“No, she did that with me this morning when we woke up.”
“You slept with her?”
“Yeah, I didn’t have to run home last night to be nagged at.
“So... how about it, guys? All in favor of a pussy slide for winning the final pools, say ‘Aye’.”
Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack looked over at Daddy. No matter what he did, Daddy knew he couldn’t stop it now, so he nodded his approval. “AYE!” rang out through the room along with a lot of laughter.
My dad held up his hands and called out, “Wait a minute, fellows! Wait a minute. It’s really Sierra’s decision if she wants to play the game.”
Five hundred dollars! I never imagined having that much money in my entire life. “YES! I’LL PLAY!” I gushed in near hysteria.
“Then get your little ass naked, you little slut,” Uncle Joe growled playfully as he tore at the strings to my top while Uncle Billy and Uncle Mike literally ripped the bikini bottoms off of me.
I think that was the first time I had ever actually been stripped… I’d gotten naked a lot with Daddy, Uncle Billy, Benny and even a few times recently with Uncle Joe, but never before had anyone torn the clothes off of me. It was so unexpected that I squealed and made a half-hearted attempt to get away, not that I actually wanted to get away. When I did get free, I was flustered, but ready to play.
“No fair!” I hollered. I think my feigned resistance caught them all by surprise. Daddy, Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack both wore a look of concern. “You can all see all of me, but I can’t see all of you!”
“So you want us naked, you little slut?” Uncle Joe asked while lewdly groping me between the legs and making me squeal once again.
(Maybe I should point out something here about Daddy’s friends… Until the poker game the night before, no one had ever called me a slut or a whore before; certainly not Daddy and certainly not Uncle Billy, nor have they ever called me a slut or a whore since, but Uncle Joe, from that weekend on, he called me a little slut and little whore, both in private and in front of Daddy. Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack called me that sometimes in private, but not in front of Daddy. Uncle Joe explained that he meant it as term of endearment and not insulting. Uncle Mike made no such distinctions; he said he called me a slut because I was a slut. Uncle Jack, he never bothered to explain, nor did I ever think it was necessary. They all loved me and I adored them all.)
“Stop!” I hollered as Uncle Joe playfully goosed my pussy. Getting away from my molester I declared, “I want you all naked too or else I won’t play!”
I scooted over to Uncle Mike for protection and as he tried to wrap his arms around me, I moved out of his reach. His eyes were roaming all over my nakedness and it made me feel all tingly that he was looking at me that way.
I put my hands on my hips and looking him in the eye I told him, “Naked, Uncle Mike.”
He just stood there not sure what he should do, so I helped him out. I grabbed his belt and unbuckled, and then unzipped him. Next went the button and down I pushed until his jeans were at his knees. Leaving Uncle Mike with his pants half off, I turned my attention to Uncle Jack. By the time I had Uncle Jack’s jeans down to his knees, Uncle Mike had managed to get his shoes and jeans completely off, leaving him standing there like a lost little boy in his t-shirt, socks and tightie-whities, except his BVDs weren’t tight at all, but rather baggy and not attractive at all.
“Everything, Uncle Mike!” I demanded. “Socks and all… I mean it!”
I guess Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack, being cold sober, felt self-conscious about getting naked in front of me and their buddies. Uncle Billy had no such reservations and neither did Uncle Joe. Daddy played along as well, telling the two shy guys, “Mike, Jack, you heard her, if you want to play…”
“They don’t have to play, Dan,” Uncle Joe interjected. “They can forfeit and go home right now.”
That did it; Uncle Mike dropped his drawers and pulled off his t-shirt. Uncle Jack was still trying to get his jeans off over shoes when Uncle Mike discarded his last sock. Always the boys when together, with Uncle Jack bent over and hopping about on one foot, Uncle Mike reached over and gave Uncle Jack a shove. Everyone but Uncle Jack had a good laugh at his expense as he went sprawling on the floor.
On the floor, Uncle Jack was cursing at Uncle Mike when I decided to help him out. Getting his sneakers loose, I pulled his jeans off his legs. I took his socks off and then yanked his boxers off his hips. He raised up a little to help out and they joined the piles of clothes already scattered on the floor.
I hopped up straddling his stomach and pushed his shirt up. He took the hint and got rid of it himself, while I took the opportunity to feel him up like I would be soon felt up. The look of surprise at having me rubbing and gently tugging on his nipples was precious. Apparently nipple play excited him for I could feel his thingy touch my butt and then slowly rise up my lower back. I turned halfway and while pinching a nipple with one hand, I grasped and caressed his cock with the other.
“Holy shit!” I heard Uncle Mike exclaim. “Holy fuckin’ shit!”
Poor Uncle Jack didn’t know what to do other than just lie there and allow me to feel him up. I teased him for a minute or so and then jumped off him when he started to become active with his hands. In doing so, I wound up in Uncle Mike’s grip. All shyness on his part had evaporated and he took my hand and placed it on his cock. I gave a playful squeeze or two and made my escape.
Looking about the room, I had five hard dicks on full alert, including my daddy’s. I’d never before seen so much delicious male meat at one time and it was nearly overwhelming. I’ve seen lots of hard cocks since then, but this was the first time with a crowd. Those five dicks were hard for me and all I wanted to do was fall to my knees and get to it! But there was that stupid Betting Pool thing and I’d have to wait at least an hour before I could suck my first cock. How could I wait that long? Then an idea struck me and calling out, “I’ll be right back,” I dashed off to my bedroom, giving the guys a few moments to cool off a bit.
Maybe I should have just stayed and done what my first instincts told me to do, but when I came back with a ruler, Daddy was giving them all another lecture on “no penetration”. Darn it, I should have just hopped on Uncle Jack’s prick when I had the chance!
The guys were all nodding their heads and giving Daddy the promise he’d extracted from them. Blowjobs and pussy slides were about the best I was going to get… this is until the guys left and Daddy and Uncle Billy had an unrestricted go at my pussy with their dicks. I didn’t think it was fair, but I knew not to cross Daddy as he might have gotten mad and run everybody off before the real fun began.
Daddy came up to me and whispered, “No fucking. You can do whatever else you want, but no fucking these guys.” Party pooper!
“Okay, Daddy. You make the rules.”
Actually Uncle Joe made the rules for the betting pool, but I didn’t make that an issue. He was after all, my daddy and I had to listen and obey him… up to a point.
I whipped out my ruler and told the crowd, “What I want to do first is measure everyone’s dicks.”
That caused a bit of a stir, more so than I would have thought, but how was I to know that guys are so sensitive about the size of their cocks and to be quantitatively compared to their friends was mortifying. Only Uncle Joe thought it was good idea, and one look at his salami explained his confidence.
“No way!” protested Uncle Jack.
“Everyone here knows Joe has the biggest dick, so let’s just leave it at that,” added Uncle Mike.
Even Uncle Billy was nodding his head in agreement, and if they took a vote…
“No fair!” I shouted out. “I think it will be fun.” I stepped up in front of Uncle Mike and grabbed his dick.
“You want to play, or not?” I demanded.
“Oh, Jesus,” he moaned in defeat. It only took a few seconds to bring him up to full attention. Placing the base of the ruler at the base of his dick, I measured 6 ¾ inches. Next I estimated how thick it was an inch or so from the cock-crown flare; a little less than 1 ½ inches.
Uncle Jack was next. He groaned in embarrassment as I announced 6 ½ inches long and 1 ¼ inches wide.
I did Uncle Billy next. 7 ¾ inches and a solid 1 ½ inches wide, maybe a little more. He seemed to be pleased with that. Daddy came in the same as Uncle Billy, 7 ¾ inches by 1 ½ inches. I saved the biggest for the last. Uncle Joe weighed in at a heafty 8 ¼ inches long and 1 ¾ inches wide.
I didn’t know how to compute cross sectional areas or volume of cylinders. Heck, I was supposed to start sixth grade the next day. My whole unstated purpose of this exercise was to figure out if I could fit Uncle Joe’s cock in my pussy without getting hurt. It sure looked bigger than Daddy’s dick, but the way I figured it Uncle Joe was only a half inch longer and a quarter inch wider than Daddy, so maybe it would fit without too much problem. My plan was that if Uncle Joe won a pussy slide with me, that I would just make my move and it would be over before Daddy could object. After that, it wouldn’t be fair to Uncle Mike and Uncle Jack if they couldn’t do me too.
Well, if I knew my math (which I didn’t), or if someone had done it for me (but no one did), the cross sectional area of Daddy’s dick was 1.77 square inches, whereas Uncle Joe had a cross sectional area of 2.41 square inches or put it another way, Uncle Joe’s cock would stretch my vagina some 36% wider than Daddy would. Volumetrically it was even worse. Daddy came in at 13.7 cubic inches, whereas Uncle Joe came in at a whopping 19.84 cubic inches. If they both could have gotten all of their dicks into me, which neither could for another year, Uncle Joe’s dick would have taken up 45% more space in my cunt than Daddy’s. No wonder Daddy was so adamant about them not doing me. It wasn’t Uncle Mike or Uncle Jack he was concerned with, it was Uncle Joe and Uncle Joe only. On paper it seemed to me that Uncle Joe was just a little bit longer and little bit wider, when in fact he was a whole lot bigger.
With my objective, if seriously flawed, analysis of Uncle Joe verses Daddy in mind, I was confident my plan would work.
By the time all that had taken place, it was almost at the end of the first quarter of the football game. I retrieved everyone a fresh cold beer and then had a ball teasing the guys. Uncle Joe was leering at me with a hungry look when I came back in from my second trip to the fridge, rather than handing him the beer, I quickly pressed it up against his genitals. You should have heard him holler! Of course that spelled big trouble for me as he grabbed the beer from me, grabbed me and throwing me onto the sofa, he pried my legs open and pressed the side of the beer bottle into my bare cunt. It was my turn to holler and everyone had a good laugh.
When I got away from the brute, I plopped down between Uncle Jack and Uncle Mike for protection. They were a lot happier with me sitting nude between to them than they were sitting side by side each other in the buff! What’s a playful girl to do with two dicks within easy reach? Being true football freaks, Daddy and Uncle Billy were actually paying attention to the game, whereas the attention of the other three was directed at me. Soon I had hands on both tit mounds exploring my large nipples, and soon after that I had a pair of lips on each nip and two hands down between my legs. Daddy had taught me that if a girl wants a boy to touch her cunt, that she should spread her legs for him to make it easier. I made it as easy as I could.
“Don’t be timid, guys,” I heard Uncle Joe saying over the back of the sofa. “Finger fuck the slut’s cunt. She loves it.”
Don’t know whose finger went inside me first, but the other managed to get inside too while a thumb strummed my clit. I laid my head back and looked up at Uncle Joe grinning down at me while stroking his big cock. I was just thinking how nice it would be to be sucking on his fat knob when he shot a wad right into my face. Apparently some got on Uncle Mike’s face, as he bolted up, ripping his finger from my pussy cursing, “Ah, fuck! You bastard! God damn it, Joe! Aaaaaaaaaaa fuuucckkk!”
That got Uncle Jack’s attention and he looked up just in time to dodge away from another big wad. By the time Uncle Joe had expended himself, I had cum on my face and on my chest. Having caught his breath, Uncle Joe leaned over the back of the sofa and merrily smeared his junk all over my chest. Scooping up some man goo on my face, he wiped his hand between my legs. Uncle Mike was long gone by then to clean up, but Uncle Jack began complaining about the mess and how he wouldn’t touch me thanks to Uncle Joe.
Dad heard all the ruckus and diffused the situation by sending me off for a quick shower. Uncle Mike was at the wash basin scrubbing his ears and his hair and muttering like an upset squirrel. I walked past him, started the shower and stepped in. A moment later, Uncle Joe pulls the curtain open and joins me.
“We can do that?” Uncle Mike asked, clearly surprised at Uncle Joe’s boldness. Uncle Joe didn’t bother to answer him as he had me fully engaged with his soapy hands.
“Hell, I ought to just fuck you here and now, you little whore,” he said to me. All the playing around had me hornier than hell, so that sounded like a good idea to me, at least lust wise and mathematically confirmed as a safe proposition, so I ground my butt into him to encourage him. Of course I was a lot shorter than he was, so my butt ground against his thighs while his cock rubbed against my lower back. “But a promise is a promise, and I promised your father,” I heard him say while he molested my little boobies.
Oh, darn! Rules! Promises! Here I had this big aggressive man naked in the shower with me, wanting to do to me what I wanted him to do, but, ‘Nooooooo!’
“I’d better get out of here while I still can,” he said. Uncle Joe stepped out of the shower, grabbed the towel and headed back to the guys, leaving me not only alone, but without a towel to dry off with too.
“Yahoo! Wet, naked girl!” Uncle Mike hooted when I came back still dripping wet. Curiously no one paid either him or me any attention. They were all watching the stupid football game. I looked up at screen and saw that everyone seemed to be standing around and then this guy kicks the ball.
“Whoa! Can you believe that?” someone said.
“Fifty three yards!”
“Oh, god damn it,” cursed Uncle Joe.
“Only twenty seconds, left. Packers 14, Cowboys 10! Too bad Joe! Looks like I win the blowjob!” Uncle Jack declared.
It took me a few moments to figure out what all the excitement was all about. Apparently Uncle Joe held the Packers 4, Cowboys 7 spot, but with the field goal the betting pool results had shifted to Packers 4, Cowboys 0. I was ready to get to it, but the stupid game wasn’t over yet. There was a kickoff and then they just did nothing much until the clock ran out. Now it was official!
There was some hubbub among the guys and Uncle Jack was declared the winner of the half-time pool.
“You ready for your blowjob, Uncle Jack?” I asked as sweetly as possible.
“You’re damned right I am, sweetheart! You had me hornier than a billy goat on that sofa, you know.”
I knelt down in front of him. “Uh, can’t we do this somewhere a little more private?” he asked.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Jack,” Uncle Joe exclaimed, “let the little slut blow you!”
“Yeah, give us a show, Jack!” Uncle Mike added.
“I’d rather not…”
“Rules are, the winning prizes are to be collected in public,” Uncle Joe interjected.
“Who says?”
“We all watched her blow you last night, so let’s get on with it. Right, Dan?”
Knowing that it was generally useless to argue with Uncle Joe when he had his mind set on something, Daddy just shrugged. I hadn’t thought things through, but Uncle Jack had a point; on the other hand, sucking his dick while everyone else watched was way-wickedly naughty. I grabbed Uncle Jack’s dick and that settled the matter.
I started by licking him all over, his dick and his balls that is, and even licking him under the balls for a moment, until his entire dick and nut sack were wet with my spit. Next I concentrated on teasing the head, licking round and under the rim and then running my tongue up and down his cock tube. I switched to mouthing the head, like a ball and socket while my tongue polished it and gathered the seeping salty ooze. Finally I took more of him into my mouth, sliding the shaft back and forth between my lips. I wanted to give him the best blowjob ever. I might have come up short with the best-blowjob-ever, but I put my all into it and Uncle Jack seemed to enjoy every moment of it.
An argument of sorts erupted between the four voyeurs. “Cum in the slut’s mouth.”
“No, cum on her face!”
“Cum on her tits.”
“She doesn’t have any tits, just nipples.”
“Cum in her mouth, Jack.”
Over the chattering I heard Uncle Jack moan what a good cocksucker I was and that made me work even harder. It was a nice comfortable fit and I took him deep with no trouble at all. I sucked and licked and nibbled and sucked while pumping the length of his cock between my lips with my hand.
“Ohhhhh fuuuccckkk!” he groaned and when he did, I felt the cock tube begin to pulse and with that, a nice creamy treat squirted onto my tongue and into my mouth. You might have expected that being that much smaller than Daddy that he would shoot a smaller load too and you’d be wrong. I gulped and swallowed as my mouth filled and still more pumped from his dick. It tasted sweet too, sweeter than Daddy or Uncle Billy. It was yummy!
I didn’t mean to, but when he softened and slipped from my lips, a little dribble of cum ran from the corner of my mouth. I looked at the all the guys and smiled.
“Cum slut,” Uncle Joe snorted with a smile. No one disagreed with him.
Having done my part for the first half of the first game, I was sent off to the kitchen to retrieve snacks and more beer. By the time I had finished, the second half of the game began, with everyone, including Uncle Jack, having the same odds of winning a pussy slide.
Uncle Joe gleefully described the sex act in detail and offered to demonstrate it, but everyone was on to his motives. So he demonstrated just using his hand and having me hump back and forth like it was his cock. That drove Uncle Mike wild and he wanted me to do that with him. Why not? Next thing you knew, I was humping arms and legs like a dog in heat. That was okay by me, as I loved having my pussy and clit rubbed and loved the psychedelic light shows that were generated by flesh-on-flesh heat.
I slid off Uncle Mike’s leg after one particularly good cum and sprawled out on the sofa. I felt my leg being pried apart and thought that I was going to be fucked, or at least I hoping I was going to be fucked by Daddy, Uncle Billy, whoever.
Instead I felt hot breath on my hot little pussy and then a fat tongue sluicing up my dripping trench. I didn’t know, nor did I care who was eating me, as I was seeing shooting stars once again. The tongue and mouth withdrew and I heard some talking like it was from another room. Then the hot breath returned and another tongue licked up my sensitive juicy slit. Instantly I knew it was different tongue, but who’s I had no idea, nor did I care. At that point only the next building climax mattered to me. I could have sworn that all five had a turn licking my pussy, but maybe it was only three, or perhaps four. All I remember was that when it was over, I didn’t want it to be over. I never wanted it to be over… never! The men were chatting it up, joking around and laughing. Vaguely I came to understand that Daddy was the object of their ball breaking derision.
Daddy lifted me up and gave me a big hug.
“Do her, Daddy!” someone hooted.
“Yeah, incest is best!”
“Games over, baby,” he whispered into my ear between gentle kisses to my neck. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“Do what, Daddy?” I asked weakly.
“I won the betting pool, baby,” he said softly. “I can just put you to bed for a nap if you like. We don’t have to do anything.”
“Come on, Dan, we want to see this!”
“I’ll do it,” I said weakly.
“You don’t have to, baby.”
“Can we fuck… for real?”
“Shhhh, no one knows about that.”
“Fuck that little slut, Dan. You won and we want to see you get your due.”
“Hmmm, okay, Daddy, if that’s what you want.”
“What do you want, Sierra?”
“I want to feel your cock between my pussy lips, Daddy.” The endorphin levels must have been dropping, because I was coming around. Finally I understood what was to happen next, and I was eager as ever. “Put me down, Daddy and lie on your back.”
“No tricks, young lady,” Daddy said sternly. “You understand me?”
“You can trust me, Daddy,” I murmured.
“Bullshit. You run my dick up your cunt, little girl, and we’ll never have another football party like this again. Not only that, but your betting pool money will go to charity. And you’ll be grounded for a week.”
“Party pooper!” I pouted.
He set me down gently and lay down on the floor. I knelt by him to play with his dick until it was good and hard. Then I straddled Daddy, slotted him between my lips and began the rocking motion that was guaranteed to get us both off. God, from all the cat calls and crude remarks, you’d think those guys had never seen a girl and her daddy rubbing their sex together. The nastier they got, the more I put into it.
“Careful, Sierra,” Daddy urged as I slid faster and ground my cunt harder onto his stiff dick. As my fevered brain became foggy once again, I thought that the only thing better (without getting into hot water with Daddy) would be if Uncle Billy shoved his dick into my mouth, but the rules… pooh!
Still it was a lovely cum riding on Daddy’s dick while everyone watched. I felt him throb and then go soft. Sliding off, I did what I always did, lick up Daddy’s cum from his belly while Uncle Joe called me a cum slut whore and goosed me with his bare foot.
Later on, during the second game, I jacked off Uncle Mike, Uncle Jack and Uncle Joe, knowing that they’d last longer when and if they won the remaining two betting pools. Uncle Joe was slouched down on the couch after making him cum. I sat on the floor and stroked up and down his hairy legs for a moment before kissing his feet and nibbling on his toes. When I put it in my mouth, it occurred to me that it was like sucking a short fat prick, and that gave me an idea.
To Uncle Joe’s disappointment, I stopped toe sucking. But he was only disappointed for a moment. I straddled his foot and sat down on his foot. It only took a moment and his big toe slid into my cunt hole. Not very far, but it felt really good in an odd sort of way, I mean it wasn’t exactly round like a dick, instead it somewhat oval and that felt a little strange.
“Would you look at this little slut,” he called out. “The whore’s fucking my god damned big toe!” That got everyone’s attention and Daddy told me to knock it off. Sheesh, it wasn’t all that great, but can’t a girl have a little fun?
Finally the half came with a score Steeler’s 3, Colts 6. This time Uncle Billy won a blowjob. I had as much fun as I could, seeing that he came too quickly. Should have jacked him off when I had the chance.
I let the guys feel me up, suck my nipples and finger my pussy for most of the second half, or at least when I wasn’t shuttling beers. By the time the game ended, I was getting a little tired and little sore from all the pawing and what all. Uncle Joe was some upset when he didn’t win that betting pool either, but Uncle Mike was gesturing and prancing about with his dick swinging as he celebrated his long sought victory and the prospect of me sliding on him. Once his demonstration was over, he plopped on his back and played with himself to get hard. I climbed on board and got after it. From the way he was carrying on, it must have been the best feeling he ever had and wanting to please him, I gave it my all. I threw my hips forward and jammed them back.
Oops! Uncle Mike’s prick was buried inside me. It’s what I really wanted all afternoon long and now that it happened I rode him bareback. I was expecting Daddy to go ballistic on me, but he said nothing. In fact, no one said anything. Except for the lurid wet sounds Uncle Mike and I were generating, it was eerily quiet.
Eventually someone stated the obvious, “Damn, she’s fucking him! She's really fucking him!”
As I lost myself on Uncle Mike’s prick, I heard voices again, but paid no attention other than it was Uncle Joe and Daddy having a discussion about me and fucking. Thanks to unloading his balls earlier, Uncle Mike lasted a good long time. He rolled us over and he pounding into me from on top, then he rolled the other way and humped up into me. His dick felt really nice inside me. Not as filling as Daddy or Uncle Billy, but much larger than Benny’s.
I felt a flood in my pussy and Uncle Mike deflated and slithered out. Wow, what a fun football game afternoon! I could hardly wait until next week.
Uncle Mike rolled me back on top so that I could get up, but Uncle Joe lifted me up and carried me to the coffee table. He lay me down on my back with my legs hanging off the end.
“Get her arms, Billy,” he said.
Suddenly my arms were stretched out above my head. He grabbed me by the ankles and spread me open. As he nestled that big cock of his between my legs, I thought, ‘It’s huge!’ then thinking back to the mathematics I had worked earlier, I knew that it would be tight, but that it would work out… somehow.
”You’ve been begging for this all day, you little cum slut," Uncle Joe growled. "So hang on whore, you’re going to get fucked.”
Oh, my god! I never imagined what he would do to my poor little pussy. Daddy had been right. He was too big, way too big, and now that I had gone and done it, there was no way anyone, Daddy included, could stop Uncle Joe from fucking me. Frankly I think Daddy had just given up trying to protect me from myself and left it happen.
I suppose after having jacked him off earlier, you’d think Uncle Joe would have lasted longer than he did. I was in some other world where pain and pleasure meddled together. I could hardly breathe, let alone cry out even though my mouth was wide open. Then I felt the pulsing and I came like never before. I didn’t know if it was day or night and I think I actually passed out. All I remember, my first true fuck with Uncle Joe was over and my pussy felt so empty.
“Alright, Jack. You do her,” I heard someone say.
“She’s unconscious, for Christ’s sake,” I heard Uncle Jack protest.
“It’s for everyone’s mutual protection. You’re the only one who hasn’t fucked her.”
“Dan hasn’t fucked her,” Jack countered.
“He fucks her all the time. So does Billy. Now Mike and I have fucked her and you’ve gotta fuck her too. It ain’t like the law’s ever gonna consider you to be innocent, so do it. Do it, or I’ll crush your fucking balls!”
Someone was still holding my hands above my head when I felt someone climbing over me. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Uncle Jack looking down at me with the most anguished expression on his face.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he said then he thrust into me. At the time I wasn’t so sure what he was sorry about, but he didn’t seem to be too sorry for very long as I wrapped my legs about his butt and spurred him on.
After being stretched by Uncle Joe’s monster, Uncle Jack was nothing at all. I can’t say that I enjoyed it… no, that’s not true, I did enjoy it; ever since I impaled myself on Daddy, I’ve always enjoyed a hard cock up my twat, it was just that… there wasn’t much friction, or at least as much friction as I liked.
After that, Daddy took me to the shower with him and he cleaned me up and put me in his bed. Next thing I knew it was morning. He woke me up and told me that I had to get ready for school. School! I had to go to school? What happened to the lazy days of summer?
The next time Uncle Jack was over, I made sure that he had nothing to be sorry about. He sure as heck didn’t miss the football game the next Sunday.
Like the previous Sunday, Uncle Joe drew up a betting pool and I raked in the cash. I had been sore most of that week, but with Uncle Joe doing me just about every evening after work, I adjusted quite handily to his “whole hog sausage” as Daddy called it. Uncle Billy had already taught me how to exercise my pussy to keep it tight, so no permanent harm was done… everyone got a nice snug fit.
The guys all played that game, or at least they intended to, for a few weeks… then it was back to the winner taking all the cash and me just taking cocks all afternoon. They did tip me though, very generously, for my waitressing that is, as Daddy didn’t want anyone to think (and that included me) that they could buy sex from me… heck, they just took it and I loved it!
From Sixth Grade through High School, every Sunday the guys got together for football, or basketball, or baseball and to ball me. I have no regrets, only great memories of my loving Daddy, and my loving uncles.
So that’s how I came to love men.
Uncle Jack’s wife ran out on him a few years ago and the guys now have Penny, Uncle Jack’s little girl. Penny was just a toddler when Uncle Joe first figured out Daddy and Uncle Billy were having sex with me. She’s a pretty girl, petite with red hair and freckles. I taught her everything I knew about men and little girls and she proved to be a star student.
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