Part 21


By Lasiter

(FMg, MF, MMgg, MMff, oral, anal, exhib, cons)

Babysitting Little Lisa concludes...

Chapters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2021 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material, please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

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Even on a good day my cell phone isn't high on my list of priorities.  Mostly scammers and junk calls about the warranty on my car had expired and other such garbage.  At a nudist resort, it's is even lower on my priorities.  Besides the nuisance of carrying the damned thing around and the nuisance of junk calls, nudie folks get a bit uptight about having their picture taken or the picture of their spouse and/or naked kids taken by who knows who.   So it's best if it's left in your room, trailer, tent or vehicle and avoid any unpleasantries which might get your ass kicked out and your phone sent to the bottom of the pool.

But I was expecting a call from Paula and Eric, so I checked it.  Sure enough, there was a voice mail. But not from Paula or Eric, but from Staci Higgman. 

So I picked up, expecting a playful call about wanting to suck her daddy's dick or other such happy wishes. That's not what I got...

"Daddy!  Daddy!  I need you, Daddy!" she shrieked and sobbed. "Oh, Daddy!  I need you!"

A little short on the details, but she was obviously distressed.  About what, she didn't say, but I was fairly confident she wasn't THAT desperate for my cock.  So I called back and got her voicemail.  Phone tag, not my favorite game.  Now I was stuck inside waiting for her to return my call.  Meanwhile, Lisa... where in the fuck was Lisa?  She was here five minutes ago...

Carrying my stupid phone, I headed out into the lobby.  I first went to the front desk where one of Rhonda's girls was tending to things, which one, Macy or Tracy, I have no idea, but she was busy flirting with this young cute stud who was eager to get to know her better. 

I interrupted them.  "Tracy!"

"I'm Macy," she corrected, clearly annoyed that I had butted in on her lining up some age appropriate dick.

"Lisa!  Have you seen Lisa?"

"No, Mr. Bill. She's supposed to be with you, isn't she?"

"Yes, but... Oh, shit!

"The pool!"  Surely she wouldn't just jump into the pool...

I dashed out side and quickly scanned the entire water park.  No Lisa. 

Back inside, Macy and her stud were gone, replaced by Tracy, only I didn't know it was Tracy.

"What's the matter, Mr. Bill?" the naked girl behind the front desk asked. 

"Lisa, I can't find Lisa!"

"Oh, she's with Mom," she replied. 

"Why didn't you tell me that before?" I asked a bit irritated.

"I just got here!" the girl defended.

"Oh, I'm sorry, uh..."  Who is who, and who is this one?  "I mistook you for your sister.  She was here a few minutes ago."

"Yes, she on her break right now.  Can I help you?"

"Yes, where is your mother?"

"She's up in her suite, with Lisa."

"Thanks."  What a relief.  Well, no need to worry... I looked down at the phone and saw that I missed Staci's call.  Damn it! I had the frigging ringer off!

I called back and Staci answered, only she wasn't making any sense. However, I got the gist that something awful had happened.  Had she been raped?  No, she would have enjoyed that, just so long as it wasn't too violent. 

"Slow down! Slow down, Staci!  What has happened?"

She didn't slow down and she was practically hysterical, but I did get the part about she wanted me to come home. Why, I still had no clue, but obviously, I needed to get my ass home ASAP.

"I'm coming home, right now!" I told her even though I doubt that she heard me with all her blubbering.  "I'll be there in three, three and half hours."

I ran upstairs to Bob and Rhonda's rooms.  Bob let me in. 

"Where's Lisa?"

"Eating pussy," Bob replied with a nod towards the bedroom.

I rushed in and sure enough, Lisa was between Rhonda's legs munching away at her cunt while Rhonda sucked on some Asian guy's cock.  Jimmy, Fred's twelve year old assistant, was videotaping the entire thing.  The guy pulled his cock from Rhonda's mouth and lifting Lisa's head by her curly hair from Rhonda's cunt, hosed down my little charge's smiling face.  Shit! What kind of guardian am I?

I should have been outraged, but I popped a boner, especially when Lisa was eagerly licking the guy's still oozing glans. 

"You want some of that?" Bob asked referring to his slut wife.

Yeah, I did, but...

"Some other time, Bob," I replied. "Lisa and I have to get home right away."

"Is there a problem back home?"

"I really don't know, but Lisa's mom called me frantic and not making much sense.  I'd better get."

"You can leave Lisa here with us, if you like," Bob offered as he ran his hand up between her puggy legs and ran a finger up her baby snatch.

"No, I better get her home to her mama." With that I lifted Lisa up and carried her downstairs, her face dripping splooge.

Back in Mel's lair, I found my car keys and clothes. Quickly I dressed, but I couldn't find Lisa's clothes. After fruitlessly looking about, I remembered that when I'd arrived days before, I'd brought her in naked and that her clothes were still in the car.  Scooping up Lisa, I made a beeline to my car.  Sure enough, her little sundress was waded up on the floor, stained with the breakfast burrito she'd eaten on our way to Eden Valley.  The dress was a mess, but I attempted to put it on her anyway. She wasn't having any part of that and threw a fit.  Giving up on that, I tried to put her in the car seat with a similar lack of success.  Finally I said, "Fuck it," and put her on the floor with her toys.  She was happy with that, but the whole way home I was worried I'd get stopped for something or someone would see her and I didn't want to have  explain any of that, especially with dried semen on her face and in her hair.  I barely made it home running on fumes with Lisa complaining the last hour or so that she was "hungie".

We made it inside.  As soon as I was inside the kitchen from the garage, I heard sobbing.  Staci was there, in my living room, crying.  Obviously she had let herself in, as she was wont to do.  Lisa was thrilled to see her mommy and crawled all over her.  Staci was glad to see her too and hugged her tight and laid on her motherly kisses to her baby.  Staci was dressed, but in a bikini, a bikini that left little to the imagination, but she still looked a mess.  Her hair was disheveled, her makeup smeared and her eyes were red from crying. She looked pitiful.

Having gotten hugs and kisses from her mommy, Lisa was up and letting me know that she was "hungie".  Damn, I had very little in the fridge, but I found a can of ABC soup and fixed that for her.  Leaving her happily playing in her food, I sought out Staci to find out what had happened.  It wasn't good I  suspected. 

Actually it was quite good, for Mike.

The whole weekend thing with the boss was so the boss could get to know him better.  I don't think he actually got to know much about him, because he wanted Mike to take over an entire division of the company. Of course that required Mike to pull up stakes and move to another state, but for Mike, it was a fantastic opportunity.  The details of the promotion were worked out and Mike was sent directly to take over in his new position.  Staci, she was sent home to pack up and meet up with Mike in a few weeks.

Staci, however, didn't want to go.  She really didn't want to go. She liked her job and liked the people she worked with.  She wasn't looking forward to moving Lisa to a new town and then begin the search for another suitable sitter for Lisa.  Lastly, she had become very attached to me.  I knew she and Mike were having some problems, who wouldn't have problems living with Mike?  But I had no idea that Staci had grown so unhappy with her husband.

But, being the loyal wife, she set about preparing for the move.  The company was buying their house at market value, so that wasn't an issue.  The company was moving them, and was sending packers to pack up everything.  Meanwhile, Staci gave her employer her two week notice. 

Me?  I looked after Lisa every day, and every night Staci fucked my brains out.  I was going to really miss those two.

It was a few days after I had returned from Eden Valley with Lisa that I took Lisa with me to do some needed grocery shopping.  So I was pushing Lisa around in a basket, picking up whatever I needed.  She was being especially good and wasn't lifting her sundress up to show that she was bare underneath.  Amazing what a bribe of ice cream can accomplish! I was about halfway through the store when I noticed a guy who seemed to be following us.  That was odd, because he was carrying a small shopping basket in one hand while holding the hand of a little girl with the other.  I told myself that I was imagining things.

But a few aisles later he came up to us.  "Excuse me," he said, "but you look very familiar. Or more precisely, your little girl looks very familiar."  With that, Lisa decides to lift her dress and flashes the guy!  I got her dress down real quick, but the damage was done.

"I know," he said reaching out and touching her nose with a finger, "you are Lisa.  I just didn't recognize you with clothes on."

"Excuse me?" I interjected.

"Eden Valley!  I saw you two at Eden Valley this past weekend," he explained. 

"Oh, we haven't met.  I'm Jeffery and this little doll is Millay. 

"You two were quite the center of gossip," he continued, "what with that movie you made.  I was going to introduce myself, but when I had the chance, I couldn't find you.  The front desk said you had gone home for an emergency.  Hope everything is okay."

"Everything is fine.  Her mother received some news that upset her.

"By the way, I'm Bill."

"Pleased to met you, Bill," he said offering me his hand. 

We shook hands and he pressed on, "I do believe we have a lot in common, Bill.  I take it that you babysit for your granddaughter.  So do I, except Millay is my great granddaughter.

"Say, would you be interested in getting these two together for a play date?  None of the parents in my neighborhood will let their kids play with Millay, as... well..." Pausing he broke out with a big grin, "She's prone to losing her clothes."

I had to laugh.  "There aren't any kids Lisa's age in my neighborhood, and as for losing her clothes, Lisa is very prone to losing her clothes too.  No daycare will keep her," I chuckled, "so it's just easier to keep her home and just let her be herself."

"My problem too," Jeff said looking around to be sure we weren't being overheard.  "Not that I  mind," he snorted.

"The big problem with Lisa being with me all the time is that she doesn't have any other kids her age to play with. A play date?  Yeah, that'd be great!" I said. "Lisa really needs a friend her own age to play with."

"Well, we're free the rest of the day," Jeff offered. "So if you're free... Your house or mine?"

"Well, I need to go home and put away these groceries," I replied.

He lifted the basket and showed me how little he had in it, two boxes of tampons.  "My daughter and granddaughter are running low, so I was sent to resupply them. Let's just do it at your place."

"You're on, Jeff!" I laughed. 

Halleluiah!  I wouldn't be saddled with entertaining Lisa all day as usual.  An added bonus would be an adult to pass the time with, an adult with some common experiences and interests.

I finished my shopping chatting it up with Jeff. Lisa was likewise interested in making friends with Millay and had demanded to let out of the basket.  Millay was a cutie.  Dressed in play shorts and t-shirt, she appeared to be a little older than Lisa, almost a head taller than Lisa, with long dark straight hair pulled back into a ponytail and bright blue eyes. It was really cute seeing them walking hand in hand through the store. 

I gave Jeff my address in case we got separated and they followed us home.  I let Lisa out of her car seat and began hauling in the groceries, stepping on her sundress as soon as I crossed into my kitchen.  Jeff and Millay were right behind us with Jeff carrying the last load of my groceries into the house.  I heard the joyful squealing of little girls somewhere in the house.

"How about a beer, Jeff?" I offered even though it wasn't noon yet.

"Yes!  A beer would be good," he replied.

I pulled out two beers and set about putting the groceries away.  Finished with that task, we retired to my family room to enjoy our beer.  Soon the girls came charging through on their way out the backdoor, both as naked as the day they were born.

"Shall we go out and supervise?" Jeff suggested.

My backyard was perfectly safe, but the weather was nice, so why not? Besides, the scenery was better.

We sat in my lawn chairs in the deep shade while they played hide and seek, trampling my garden, not that it mattered that late in the year. That lasted about twenty minutes or so before they both came running up to us to take a break.  Lisa, all hot and sweaty, climbed into my lap.  Millay did the same with Jeff, except that she spread her legs about Jeff's thighs putting her young hairless pussy on full display to me.

Jeff and I continued our conversation about Eden Valley while we nursed our beers.  His story was remarkably similar to Eric's story about how he became a nudist.  When he was in college, he dated a girl who grew up in a nudist family. A couple of trips to a local nudist facility and he was hooked.  He married the girl and left his old life behind.

Idly I gently rubbed Lisa's bare tummy while we talked.  Jeff in turn, began rubbing on Millay's leg. At first it was all very innocent, two older men chatting, notwithstanding the little girls in their laps were stark naked. 

As we talked I watched as Jeff's hand got closer and closer to the nexus of Millay's legs.    I in turn allowed my hand to go below Lisa's belly button to the top of her bald mons.  Briefly I glanced up from Jeff's fingers, and looking back down, saw him draw circles across her puffy vulva and slit. A moment later Jeff's finger penetrated between her lips. Good thing I was still dressed or my rising penis would have lifted Lisa off my lap.

I looked and saw that Millay eyes were mere slits and the little smile on her lips.  I glanced back down at her finger plugged cunt and glimpsing up, I saw that Jeff was grinning. I, in turn, slid my finger into Lisa.  From there, all subtly was lost as we openly masturbated our little girls.  Lisa loved to be fingered and it was immediately apparent that Millay enjoyed her great grandfather's digit's attentions as well.  

His fingers left her now swollen cunt and he lewdly licked his fingers of her juices.  Then he pushed her gently off his lap and stood.  Down went his shorts and off went his t-shirt. He wasn't wearing underwear and had left his flip flops in the family room, so he was as nude as our little girls were.  He sat spreading his knees.  Millay, without being told or coaxed, moved between his legs and took his cock into her mouth. 

"Noogie,  Poppa?" Lisa asked seeing her new friend honking on her great grandfather's cock.

"Why not?" I answered as I rose to strip off.

When I sat, Lisa was on my dick like a gecko on a fly. 

"Yeah, suck his cock, baby girl," Jeff said maybe a little too loudly. 

He then pushed Millay off his hard cock, picked her up and sat her in his lap facing me. His cock was sticking up between her legs pressed against her cunt.  He began humping in the chair, sliding his dick along her slit.  I had to wonder if he was going to fuck her. I thought that she was a bit young for that sort of thing, but in a situation like this, you just never knew what might happen. 

What happened was after humping her cunt for a few minutes, he shot off on her tummy and began smearing his cum into her now open pussy lips with his dick.  This was just too much for me and I unloaded into Lisa's mouth.  Being the skilled cock sucker she was, she gulped it down without losing a drop.

When my senses returned, I saw that Jeff was still holding Millay, his cock now drooping , her belly covered in ropes of cum.    Lisa was still kneeling between my legs, looking up at me seeking approval.

"Be a good girl, and go clean up Jeff and Millay," I told her. 

She smiled and quickly moved to Jeff and his girl.   She leaned forward and began licking the cum off her new friend's body.  Then going lower she licked her cunt and then licked his dick and took it into her mouth to suck the juices off of it.  Then she returned to Millay's pussy and began licking her like she licked Rhonda back a the lodge.

"Son of a bitch," he exclaimed in a low voice watching her eat his young great granddaughter.  I must admit, it was quite the show and soon his rising cock was bumping Lisa's chin.  Lisa left the girl's pussy and went for the hardening dick. "Oh, fuck..." he hissed before he jerked a few times.  He was still super sensitive and had to push Lisa off his dick.

"God damn!  She's great!" he exclaimed.  "She's better than a lot of older girls!"

Leaning forward, he took her pretty little head in his hands and told her, "You are really something else, darling.  But I need a little break.  Okay?  You can do that later.  Okay?"

"'Kay!" Lisa brightly answered.  She hopped up and returned to my naked lap. 

"How about another beer, Jeff?" I asked.

"That would just be perfect," he replied as Millay slid off his lap.

"I need to get up, baby," I told her.

She looked back and up at me and replied, "'Kay," before sliding off my lap. 

As I went inside, I was followed by the two little nudies who disappeared giggling into the back of the house. I pulled out two cold brews, turned and handed one to Jeff.

He twisted the cap off,  lifted his bottle and said, "Here's to a great life!" I clinked his bottle and we both took a drink.

"I have to ask, is she still a virgin?" he asked.

"No, not by a long shot."

"Then what I heard about her getting fucked by several boys in the movie Fred made is true?"

"They weren't her first," I added.

"Have you..."

"No.  She's too young. I don't want to ever hurt her."

"My sentiments exactly when it comes to Millay.  Though I suspect it won't be much longer before I get my cock into her.  I'll have to have her mom's permission to do that."

"You've fucked her mom?"

"Yeah, after she got knocked up, I figured one more cock wouldn't hurt her."

"You knocked her up?"

"No!  Besides I shoot blanks.  Been shooting blanks ever since my daughter got with child.  I didn't father my granddaughter either.  But once they were making their pussies available, I figured, why not?  They didn't mind me rutting with them either. I still rut with my daughter and granddaughter. "

"What about your wife?"

"Oh, she passed years ago, when my daughter was still little.  Fell off a horse and broke her neck."

"Gee, I'm sorry."

"Ah, it was a long time ago.  She was a lot of fun though.  A real crowd pleaser if you get my drift. 

"How  about you, Bill?  You divorced?"

"No, cancer got her a few years back."  I left it at that and he didn't press for details.

"Speaking of my granddaughter, Jenny, you probably saw her at Eden Valley.  She worked as a lifeguard this summer.  Sixteen, bottle blonde, big tits, great shapely ass... Enthusiastic fuck too. I'll have to introduce you to her and her slut mother, Amy.   Both will fuck you blind," he said ending with a laugh.

"Lifeguard?  I'm sure I saw her, but I can't place her."

"She's the one who told me about the movie. She's made dozens of fuck flicks with Fred and Kendra. Made enough to buy herself a nice car with plenty left over."

"Fred's the father-in-law of one of my sons, Mark."

"And Mel's your other boy's father-in-law.  I've made a movie or two with his daughter, Paula.  Tits to die for on that one! And her little girl, Meagan... she's a popular one with the boys."

"I have another son who goes to Eden Valley, Jason."

"Yes, I know Jason and his pixie wife Gwen. Oh, do I know Gwen! Their little girl, Sandra, is buddy-buddy with Millay.

"So where in the hell have you been all these years?" he asked.

"I just got into this fairly recently."

"You're kidding me!  You come across as an old pro at this."

"Believe it or not, until a few months ago I was a straight arrow.  I had no idea that my boys and their families were into nudity. But Lisa came into my life and changed me forever."

"So tell me about Lisa.  How did you get unfettered access to her?" he asked.  I spent the next hour or so telling him all about Lisa, her parents and what they allowed.  

The girls came out from playing with Lisa's dolls.  I fixed us all lunch and then put them down for a nap.  Nap over, we had the girls dance for us.  Millay moved with some grace, but Lisa was just plain comical, even though she wasn't trying to be funny. 

After they danced, Jeff was ready for some fun.  He had Millay come sit with me while Lisa went with him. 

"Can we use your bedroom?" he asked holding Lisa in his arms.

"You can't fuck her," I told him.

"I know.  I just want to be comfortable while I eat her out."

"That's not a bad idea, Jeff," I said.  "Come with me." 

We carried the girls to my king bed and side by said we orally took our pleasure with their young tasty cunts. It surprised me when Millay wrapped her legs about my head and twisted side to side, seized by an orgasm.  This little girl had been sexualized as early-on as Lisa had been.  I could only wonder what she was going to become when older.

When our tongues grew tired, we had the girls suck us.  Millay proved to me that she knew how to give a proper blowjob.  Jeff wasn't disappointed in Lisa either.

Once we caught our breaths and the glow of a good cum was still upon us, Jeff glanced at my digital alarm clock and announced that he needed to be home before Millay's mother, Amy, got home from school.

"Why don't you come over, Bill?  We can tie up my granddaughter when she gets home and take turns fucking her!"

I laughed at his outrageously indecent proposal, though I suspected he wasn't joking.  Begging off, I told that I needed to get supper on before Lisa's mom got home from work, which was the truth. 

We found Millay's clothes, gathered his up from the backyard and he bade his leave, but not before getting me to promise that I'd bring Lisa to his house tomorrow morning for another play date. Both girls whined about Millay leaving, but they were very excited to hear that they would be playing together again tomorrow.

With the play date over, I sat Lisa down in front of the TV and turned on Sponge Bob Square Pants for her.  She loved that stupid show, so it kept her out of my hair for a while.

When Staci arrived home from work, I told her about meeting Jeff and Millay and a little about the play date, leaving out the sex parts.  Staci was very excited to hear that Lisa had a friend who was just like her.  I was expecting Lisa to spill the beans when Staci was asking her about her new friend and all the fun they had together, not that it mattered. 

Later that night, after putting Lisa down for the night, Staci and I did what Staci and I often did.  I was glad that I'd had sufficient time to build up another load of semen to deliver to her pussy, and she was glad that I lasted a good long time before sperming her.

I rolled off and was about to doze off for the evening when Staci demanded to know, "What else happened?"

"What? What are you talking about?" I replied playing dumb.

"Daddy, you know perfectly well what I'm talking about!  I'm sure you guys didn't just let the girls play together all morning and afternoon without playing with them some yourselves.  So, what else happened?"

So I told her about the backyard finger fucking and the oral sex. While I went into the details, she worked over her clit with a vibrator until she had a screaming climax.  Then it was her turn to get sleepy.


The play date at Millay's went about as I expected.  Jeff had a pool and the girls played together with us in the water for most of the morning, but they also took time playing with Jeff and me onshore, or rather playing with our dicks.  Jeff wasn't much on cooking, so we took the girls out for lunch.  Of course they wanted to go to McDonalds, as much to play in the play area as to eat yet another Happy Meal.  Jeff and I both opted for breakfast foods, which are edible and which they had just recently made available all day.  We had both girls dressed in shorts and a t-shirt so they wouldn't be flashing strangers while playing in the pool of plastic balls.

Lunch over, we took them home, put them down for a nap, but not before having them suck our cocks.  The girls slept for a very long time and had barely awakened when Amy got home from school.  I recognized her immediately as the Nazi lifeguard who busted my balls for inadvertently putting my hands where they shouldn't have been on Meagan's pussy.

Of course we were all nude when she came in.

"Amy!  This is Bill..."

"I know who he is," she replied giving me the evil eye.  Then she broke out into a come hither smile and added, "He's a bad, bad man.  Molesting little girls out in the open.  But I set him straight.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay at Eden Valley," she continued,  leching on all the naked little girls...

"Oh, yes, I enjoyed it very much," I answered.  "I also enjoyed leching on not so little girls."

Looking over at Lisa and Millay naked and playing dolls on the floor, she said, "You two old bastards haven't been molesting these little girls, have you?"

"Oh, no!  Not us!" replied Jeff as he lewdly jiggled his dick.  "We were waiting for something with tits to show up."

"Is that so, Daddy?  Hope you won't have long to wait."

"No, I don't suppose we will," he answered while fondling himself.

Releasing his cock and changing the subject,  he asked, "So how was your day, darling?"

"Pretty boring actually," she replied with a frown.  "I'd rather be at Eden Valley scolding old buzzards at the pool than putting up with geometry or English composition or world history."

"Back in the day, I rather enjoyed geometry," I said. "But I'm into more natural shapes now."

"Oh?  And what natural shapes are you now into?"

"He's like me, baby," Jeff interjected.  "He's into the shapes of pretty girls."

Turning to me he said, "Now isn't she a fine specimen?   Great tits, don't you think?"

"And a nice ass too," I quipped.

Amy glanced up at the ceiling, shook her head slightly and then looked back down at us. "If you two weren't so cute sitting around naked, I might take offense."

"Then why don't you get comfortable?" Jeff asked.

"I need a bite to eat first.  I'm famished." With that she set her book bag down and headed for the kitchen where she found a bag of carrots.  Jeff and I followed her.  She retrieved the vegetable peeler from a drawer, and when Jeff began unbuttoning her blouse, I offered to peel as many carrots as she wanted.

By the time I had four carrots peeled and sliced into quarter strips, Jeff had her nude. Standing behind her, he reached around with both hands and made a show of fondling her magnificent tits.  She didn't seem to mind, indeed she seemed to enjoy her grandfather's hands on her.   

As Jeff felt her up, I offered her a carrot strip.  She took it and pulled away from Jeff. 

"Millay!" she called out.  "Do you and your friend want some carrots?"

"Yes, Mama!" I heard from the adjoining room.  Almost instantly Millay and Lisa were in the kitchen.  Millay eagerly accepted a carrot strip from me and began munching away.  Lisa, she suspiciously regarded the carrot strip I held out to her.  Amy picked up a handful from the counter and Millay asked for more.

Peer pressure can be a wonderful thing.  When Millay encouraged Lisa to try it, she did.  The first bite was tentative, but as she chewed on the crunchy veggie, a smile came across her face. 

"Can I have some more, Poppa?" she asked.  It was a food breakthrough!  For months she had been rejecting my offer of a carrot for a snack, claiming that they were yukky.  No amount of cajoling her would tempt her into just trying a carrot.  Suddenly her world view of raw vegetables changed.  And when Amy pulled out a plastic carton with sliced cucumbers and another with sliced summer squash, Lisa tried them and declared that she liked them too.  Amy had me slice up a couple of apples and then more carrots.  All were voraciously consumed. 

I had to admit, even though Amy was way too young to be a mommy of a girl Millay's age, she was good mommy. Well, maybe not too good, for Jeff seized her from behind again and while mauling her tits, he kicked her legs apart and there in the kitchen with me, Lisa and her little girl watching, he came up between her legs and effortlessly entered her.

"Oh, yes, Daddy...  That feels soooo good," she cooed.

After slowly pumping into her cunt for several minutes, Jeff pulled out.  He pushed her to the kitchen table and forced her to bend over it.

"Want some teenage pussy, Bill?"

Well, I had screwed Lisa's mother like this any number of times in Lisa's presence and figured Millay too had watched her mother be taken like this many times.  I helped myself and ran my cock up her puss.  While I leisurely screwed this fine girl, I took the opportunity to examine her anus.  As I suspected, her bulging anus indicated that she was no stranger to anal sex. I could have switched holes, but I was enjoying myself too much to chance rejection.

Jeff tapped me on the shoulder.  He wanted me to yield, so I yielded her cunt to him.  My cock was probably not out of her teen cunt for more than five seconds before he filled it again.  This time he wasn't taking her slowly, but slammed into her time and time again, setting her callipygian buttocks to quaking with each impact.

He pulled out and I ran my cock back into her.  She wasn't quiet as we fucked her, but kept up a steady prattle of urging us on. I too put it to her.

I yielded to Jeff.  This time his aim was off and he plowed into her asshole.  Her head came off the table and she shouted, "Oh, gawd! Oh, gawd!" then settled down to have her ass fucked.  While sodomizing her, Jeff handed me a tube of KY Jelly.  I hadn't seen him grease up, but evidently he had.  I too greased up and when he yielded to me, I slid into her butt like a hot knife through soft butter.  And that's what her rectum felt like, soft butter.  I didn't last too long after that and had a one of the most intense cums in a long time. 

I pulled out and Jeff spread her cheeks open to reveal her now gaping anus.

"Come over here, girls," he said, "and take a look at Millay's mommy's asshole."

The girls gathered round and looked as milky semen oozed from her open anus. "Some day, after a man has fucked your ass, you too will have an asshole that looks like this," he told the two very young girls. 

"Look, Lisa!  Mommy's hole is closing up!"

"That's right.  It closes back up no worse for wear," Jeff informed.  "But you will have to learn to do your exercises to keep your pussy and asshole in good condition and not get all loose and sloppy."

With that he let her buttocks spring closed and slapped her on the butt, raising a red hand print on her very tanned derrière. 

"Who wants to go swimming?" he then asked.

"Me!" the girls sang in unison and then dashed outside.  Millay dove right in as she was strong swimmer. I had to run after Lisa and caught her before she just jumped in. She wasn't at all a good swimmer.  I got a pair of water wings on her and went into the water with her.

A few minutes later, Amy and Jeff came out and got into the water.  She more or less ignored me, but gave Lisa a lot of attention.

Back when she was twelve and thirteen," Jeff said, "Amy gave swimming lessons here.  She still gives lessons at Eden Valley. If you want, she can give Lisa swimming lessons after school.  All nudists need to know how to swim, especially the very young."

I looked over at Lisa with Amy and saw that the water wings had been discarded and Amy was bobbing Lisa's head under the water, urging her to make bubbles by blowing the air out her nose.  She stopped after a minute or so doing that and laid her on her back teaching her how to float. Lisa's first true swimming lesson had begun.

Lisa was very proud of what she had done in the pool and told her mom all about it, and told her mom how every day Amy was going to teach her swimming after school.  Staci was pleased, more than pleased.  She had wanted Lisa to take swimming lessons this summer, but was afraid of Lisa's behavior.  With Amy, there was no issue with her being naked.  Having no time to fix supper before Staci arrived home from work, I just ordered a pizza.

So every day after school and on Saturday and Sunday, I took Lisa to Jeff's when Amy would be available to give her lessons.  By that time, I became aware of a running issue between Amy and her  grandfather.  Seems Mel had offered her a position as a hostess at the Lodge during the off season.  To do that, she needed to drop out of school.  Jeff wasn't keen on that at all.

I asked him about it, the hostess thing. "Even though the resort is mostly closed down during the late fall and winter, the Lodge is still open," he told me.  "Lots of folks come to the Lodge on the weekends on what are called Open Door Weekends.  Make a reservation, check in and leave your door wide open.  Soon someone will show up at the door looking for sex.  It's basically a big swap fest.  The women more or less stay in the room and the guys wander around fucking anyone who will have them.  A hostess is sort of like room service, not room service pussy, though that happens, but meals, snacks and liquor delivered to the room by hostesses. And sometimes the hostesses deliver sex.  You'd think that with all the free pussy available that paying for pussy wouldn't be very lucrative.  But you'd be wrong. 

"What Mel really wants is for her to be a whore. Not that I have anything against whores.  Amy's mom has been a hostess for several years and she makes good money doing it."

The following week, two days before the packers were due to pack up Staci's house, Jeff broke down and told Amy that he'd talk to her mom about it.  Amy was ecstatic.  Me, I saw the writing on the wall.  Not only was Staci and Lisa soon to be a thing of the past, but Amy and her daughter too, along with Jeff.  I knew they had a trailer permanently at Eden Valley, so a full family move would be easy.  Me, I'd just have my hand to keep me company, that is unless I too moved to the nudist facility and into that travel trailer Paula and Kendra wanted me to buy. Without Lisa and Staci nearby and available, there was absolutely no reason for me to keep my house and let it become my prison once again. I called an agent and listed the house.

Having made my decision to move, I set about calling Eric and Paula and giving them the news.  But before I could say anything, Eric and Paula had news of their own.  They were taking over from Mel and would be the general managers of Eden Valley.  Mel wasn't going anywhere, but he was tired of the day to day hassles of running the resort.  He just wanted to lie about and have someone suck his dick and provide him with a warm moist hole to stick it in.

Then they told me about their plans to build a house on the grounds.  A house big enough that I could live there too if I wanted. Heck, in listening to their plans, I forgot to tell them about my own plans. 

Staci then comes in and delivers her own bombshell. She didn't want to go and be with Mike.  She wanted to stay with me. 

I asked her if she was divorcing him. 

"We were never married," she told me. "When my dear sweet Daddy died, I was lost.  Pregnant and lost.  Mike took me in.  Rather than being my daddy's whore, I became Mike's whore.  I never told him, no, to anything and he took advantage of me. He kept me breast feeding Lisa until she was three, so that he could breast feed on me.  And he found it funny to have Lisa nurse on his dick and swallow his milk.  He kept her nude and played with her sexually.  That's why she's like she is. 

"And worst of all... I let him. 

"But what's done is done and she's a happy little girl.  I just don't want to start all over trying to find someone to help me with Lisa and not get upset that she's been so sexualized, and not worry constantly that someone would report us and have her taken away from me."

"What about your house?"

"It's Mike's house.  Everything in it belongs to Mike.  And as long as Lisa and I are in that house, he owns us too.

My gloom was instantly lifted when I heard her say, "Lisa adores you, Daddy.  I adore you.  Lisa and I will be good girls for you.  So... can we stay here with you? Please?"

"Of course you can!  I adore Lisa.  She's become part of my life."

"What about me, Daddy?"

"I'd love to have you become part of my life too." I refrained from telling her, 'I love you.'  I liked her, loved her tits, her pussy and her ass, and I loved that she was so free with them and was such an enthusiastic fuck.  But I didn't want her to think that I wanted to marry her.  Yes, she would be the ideal playmate to have at Eden Valley, but not as my wife.

"Then we need to go get something from next door," she said with some urgency in her voice.

We went into Mike's house and she took me into a spare bedroom that Mike used as an office.

"It's all in here," she said tugging at a locked filing cabinet.

"What's in here?"

"All Mike's dirty videos he's taken over the years. Of me, of Lisa, and of you with Lisa.  We need to get them so he can never use them against us."

"I'll have to break the lock."

"No!  I have the key," she said digging in her pocket and producing the key to the filing cabinet.  "Mike sent it to me so I could send him some papers for the house."

Thankfully, it was the right key. She unlocked the cabinet and found the two external hard drives he kept under lock and key.  "This one should be a back up of that one," she said holding up the two hard drives , one in each hand.   "Or maybe it's the other way around."  She handed me the incriminating hard drives and located the folder with the papers  Mike needed. Then we closed it up and locked the cabinet.

"What about your sister? Melanie, isn't it?  Doesn't her husband have a copy of all this?"

"I don't have a sister. They're just some people Mike met on line.  They don't have anything except the stuff with their boys and Lisa. Mike would never be so careless as to let any of this stuff get out of his possession."

"Didn't he upload it all to a remote server?"

"No, Bill, that was just a line of bull for your benefit. So he could keep you on a string and yank your chain whenever he wanted to make you dance to his tune.  No, everything is right there in your hands."

Well, that was certainly a relief!   But then again, as devious as Mike was, what was to keep him from having a third copy that Staci knew nothing about?  I could only hope that I never found out.

We took the purloined hard drives back to my house, along with the papers Mike needed.  The papers we would FedEx to him in the morning.  The hard drives... Should I destroy them or keep them for my own entertainment?  I didn't have to decide right away, so I stuffed them in my bedroom closet along with my personal videos of the kids and Lisa.

I told Staci about my plans to relocate to Eden Valley to be close to my kids and grandkids.  Of course that wasn't the only reason, but it was a good enough reason on its own.

"You're going to need some clothes, Staci.  I know it's a nudist resort, but we can do a bit of traveling around the country with the travel trailer I'm buying from my son's father-in-law, Mel.  You'll like Mel and I'm sure he'll like you too.  There's a number of other friends and family at Eden Valley that you'll enjoy meeting too.  It's nothing like around here.  Nothing at all.  It's total freedom... within limits, of course, but free to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whomever you want.  You're going to love it, Staci."

"You mean we'll just disappear?"

"No, we'll be visible, very visible, but we won't have to worry about nosy neighbors or worry about Mike coming after us.  I'll turn everything over to my lawyer without leaving a forwarding address.

"Now, let's pack up just what we need.  I'm going to call Goodwill and have them come clean out my house.  Then, we're gone."

"What should I tell Mike?"

"Well, you probably need to tell him something.  So write him a letter, a Dear John letter.  We'll send it snail mail when we are ready to leave."

And that's what we did.  The only person I told where we were going was Eric and Paula, and Jeff.  Eric and Paula were thrilled.  Jeff, he said that it helped him make up his mind about keeping Amy in public school.  He would be taking Amy and Millay to Eden Valley permanently too and said that he'd see me there in a few days.  Meanwhile, Millay hitched a ride with us, which made Lisa very happy that her friend was coming along with her.


A brief note: Sorry it has taken me so long to post this final chapter, but all my attempts really sucked, so I delayed, rewoke, shit canned, rewrote, etc, until I had something that wasn't totally lame and god awful.


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