Part 12

Returning the Grandkids

By Lasiter

(nudity, exhib, Mg, Mgb, inc, oral)

Bill takes Meagan and Jeff home to their parents where some of his questions are answered...

Chapters | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted 2020 with all rights expressly reserved by its author unless explicitly granted.

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Eric and Paula were slated to arrive home late Saturday afternoon from their trip to Hawaii. I was loathe to take Jeff and Meagan home. Hell, I wanted them to stay the rest of the summer, but I couldn't very well just keep them.

Before taking them home I did have a talk with Jeff about blowing Mike the night before. He was rather nonplussed about it all. It was in fact, not a big deal with him at all. As far as he was concerned, I was just being an old fogy about it. When I turned him down he was rather hurt saying, "You always let Meagan blow you. She's your favorite!" Okay, he had a point there, but still...

On the four hour drive to take them home to their parents, I reiterated that they weren't to talk to anyone about what had happened during the past week, especially their parents. "I'll do the talking about that," I told them. "But the only thing I will be telling them will be about will be the nudity and nothing else. We were all nude almost the entire time and had fun just being together. Okay? That's all I'll tell them and that's all either of you should tell them. Otherwise some really bad things might happen."

They looked at each other, shrugged, then they both promised to not talk about any sex between any of us. I had by that time begun to question my earlier conclusion that Eric and Paula knew nothing about the sexual activities of their two kids. How could they not know? Were they that clueless? I didn't think so. Still, if they didn't know, I concluded that it was best that they should forever remain ignorant of the true facts.

Upon arrival both kids greeted their parents with hugs and disappeared inside. I shook my oldest son's hand and got a hug from my well endowed and skimpily dressed daughter-in-law. Both expressed their thanks for looking after the kids.

"Not a problem," I told them while ogling Paula's grand display of cleavage. "I enjoyed having them both. I just wish it was for longer."

Eric and I then retrieved the bags from my car, including my overnight bag, as I wasn't about to just turn around and drive for another four hours, nor was I expected to.

Inside, Eric fixed drinks; a pina colada for Paula and scotch on the rocks for both he and me.

"The kids weren't any trouble, were they?" asked my son as he handed me my drink.

I took a sip and got right down to it. "Well, as you know, I've been babysitting Lisa, the little four year old girl next door, until her parents can find a suitable day care for her. What you might not know is that the reason they are having such a problem finding a suitable day care is that Lisa has issues with keeping her clothes on. And well, with Lisa running around nude, the kids thought it was okay to go nude too and I let them. It was only after I had tried to explain Lisa's penchant for total nudity that the kids told me that you guys were into nudism as a family.

"Now don't be angry with them for spilling the beans, Eric. I don't have a problem with how you raise your kids. Nor do I have a problem with your choice of lifestyles. That's your business and I accept that.

"They let me know that it made them uncomfortable with me being dressed, like their nudity was somehow wrong. So I went nude too..."

At the conclusion of my little confession my glass was empty. I looked up from my empty glass to judge how Eric and Paula were taking this confession. Paula was giggling with her eyes, her lush lips cured at the corners with a tight smile.

Eric took my glass saying, "Glad they weren't a problem, Pops," turned and promptly refilled it.

As Eric handed me the refill, the kids came out. It didn't even register on me in that they were both naked.

"Mom, Dad," called out Jeff, "can we go swimming?"

"Of course, dear," Paula replied without taking her eyes off of me.

"Is that all they did?" she asked while the kids disappeared outside. "Just go naked or... was there more to it than just that?"

I remained mum.

"I trust that none of this shocks you?" she then added.

"To be honest, I was at first, but I got over it."

"Good. I wouldn't want you to think badly of us," she said.

"No, I don't think badly about you," I honestly replied. "My love for all of you is unconditional."

Turning to her husband Paula said, "See, Eric. I told you he wouldn't have a problem with us being nudists. You should have just told him a long time ago."

"I honestly didn't know how you'd react, Pops," Eric responded with a sheepish grin. "You were always such a straight arrow with us as kids."

I confessed, "I thought about going to a nudist camp when you were all little, but your mom had a cow when I suggested it. I never brought it up again."

"Well, maybe you should go with us sometimes," Paula offered. "That is, if you want to go.

"But first, I'm dying to get out of these clothes and into the pool. Would you like to go skinny dipping with us, Bill?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. Yes, yes I would," I honestly replied.

"Don't think that I haven't noticed," she said, "but you've been undressing me with your eyes for years. So, how about doing the honors," she said turning her back to me and lifting the honey blond hair from her neck.

I looked over towards Eric. He nodded for me to proceed and so I did, pulling the halter string and undoing the bow. Modestly she put her hands up to her breasts to keep the top from falling away while I went after the back strap bow. She turned back towards me and slowly lowered her hands, taking her top with them. With the top discarded, she arched her back slightly to make her hooters seem even bigger. Good god! What a rack!

"You like?" she teased.

"Damned right I like," I replied feasting my eyes on her ripe melons.

"Well, you can look all you want, but you can't touch. Those are the rules... at camp that is." Was that an invite to cup those beauties?

"Now I can't go swimming with these tight short-shorts on," she immediately added, deflecting my attention for a moment. "So will you be so kind and help a poor girl out?"

Right then Eric passed from behind me bare butt, leaving me to finish stripping his wife.

I moved in closer, eye to eye, except that she was a head shorter than I am. With my arms brushing her generous tits, I reached down and unbuttoned her shorts. Zip! Down went the zipper. With a little tug, I began working her shorts over and off her hips. I quickly ran out of arm and had to kneel to strip off the shorts. Daintily, she stepped out of them and I returned to remove her minimalist thong, not that it concealed anything. Eye level with her pussy, I saw that she was as bald as her nine year old daughter was, but there was no hint of stubble, she appeared to be a smooth as a baby's ass.

Working the thong down, I had to extract it from her labia. With it down to her ankles, she stepped out and once free, she turned and strode towards the patio, leaving me kneeling and holding her undergarment, an undergarment that quickly made it to my nose. She smelled fresh and divine.

Dropping the thong, I rose and made my way outside. By then Eric was in the pool with his kids, tossing Meagan around. Paula stood by the edge and struck a pose for me. Damn, what a knock out!

"Are you coming in, or are you just going to gawk?" she asked.

"I just need some help myself," I responded.

She grinned and stepped up to me. First to go was my polo shirt. Then my cargo shorts along with my briefs. As I had worn flip flops for drive over, she quickly rendered me as nude as the rest of the family.

"Well, that certainly answers the question of where Eric got his big cock," she said glancing up at me grinning mischievously. I was as hard as I had ever been. "But you know, it's impolite in nudist society to walk around with an erection."

"Uh, sorry, I couldn't help it," I apologized.

"That's okay, Bill. You're a man and men do that sometimes. Don't they?"

With that she rose and told me that we needed to shower off before going into the pool.

"Care to join me?" she asked impishly, turned and headed for the outdoor shower. I was right behind her.

There was only room for one person under the shower head, unless you wanted to get skin-to-skin. I wasn't about to be that forward, as I was still unsure of all the ground rules with this nudism thing, so I just watched her as she put on quite a show. I was still hard as a rock when she stepped out and I took my rinse off.

We played in the pool for a long time, just having fun like any other family would have. Despite the earlier sexual tension, the sex games were kept to a minimum. I was briefly groped a few times, by Paula and the kids, and I caught a handful of tit and bare butt now and then, but overall it was relatively tame.

I had been to their house several times since they bought it, but this was the first time I had been there when the pool was open. During the warm months, they would visit me and my wife, never did we visit them, as there was always some excuse why this weekend or that wouldn't work. We'd visit at other times, but not when the pool was open.

After an hour or more in the water, we, the adults that is, were ready to take a break while the kids continued to swim and play.

Eric fixed another round of drinks and the three of us sat around the patio table, each sitting on a towel, where we could watch the kids and still talk privately. I had questions, lots of questions, plus I didn't want them asking me questions, so I got right to the point.

"So, how did you and Paula get into nudism?"

"Well, it was in my sophomore year," Eric began. "As you know, the entire frat scene turned me off and I was looking for an organization I could get involved with that was fun. Someone jokingly told me about an off campus student nudist club. I thought, 'Naked chicks! You bet!' and sought it out.

"I went to a meeting. To my disappointment everyone was dressed, and most the people there were far-out hippie types. I felt totally out of place and was regarded rather suspiciously, like I was there just for the naked women... which I was. Then this stunningly beautiful girl walks in, Paula. I'd seen her about campus, but had never approached her, thinking that she was out of my league. Turns out she was the club president.

"We got to talking and Paula then tells me that she was raised a nudist and that her dad is part owner and managed Eden Valley, a naturist resort.

"I joined the nudist club that night," Eric informed. "It was the best decision I ever made. I was already in love with a girl I'd never had the courage to speak to and the following weekend I'm naked with her, along with a gaggle of naked freaks at this fabulous resort. We hit it off big time."

In the twelve years that they had been married, I'd met Paula's father twice, once at their wedding, and then again at Mark and Kendra's wedding. After that, there was no contact between us. As for her mom, she was dead and long gone before that.

Paula again invited me to join them at Eden Valley over the Labor Day weekend. It wasn't that I thought running through the woods naked would be fun, but rather it was great opportunity to get to know a side of Eric and Paula's life that I had heretofore been excluded from. There was, of course, a problem... Lisa. Then I realized Lisa wasn't a problem, as her parents would be home for the weekend to look after her. So I agreed to the invite.

I expressed my concern that I would be impolite by popping boners every few minutes. Paula reassured me that after a very short time, that I would be perfectly comfortable being nude with other nude people. "You're comfortable being nude with us, aren't you?"

"To be honest, Paula, being around you, I'm hornier than a three horned Billy goat!" Eric laughed and she just smiled.

We swam again for a while, then Eric grilled steaks for dinner. By then I was very comfortable being nude with Eric and his comely wife, despite the continued waywardness of my pecker.

After digesting dinner for a while, things got heated up again. Eric cranked up the stereo and put on mix of dance tunes. It was party time and Paula wanted to dance, with Eric, with Jeff, with Meagan and with me. I just wanted to watch, citing my age as reason to remain on the sidelines. Besides, the show was especially good watching Paula shake her lovely ass and big hooters. But she was having none of that. The first dance I was coaxed into with Paula was a fast number. I did my best not to be a goofus. Then I danced with Meagan. I sat out the next one, another fast number, besides Eric was dancing with Meagan and Paula was dancing with Jeff, leaving me odd man out.

The tempo changed. Eric now danced a slow number with Paula, skin to skin. Meagan wanted me to dance with her, so I did, keeping an eyeball on my son and daughter-in-law. To me it looked like they were engaging in coitus as they ground into each other.

The next slow number, Jeff danced with his mom, his face buried between her tits, while Eric and Meagan danced close.

It was my turn next and I was looking forward to rubbing against Paula, but the next number was a fast one and I had to settle for jiggling tits, not that I minded.

Eventually I got to dance cheek to cheek with my naked daughter-in-law. I took great pleasure in her rubbing her tits against my chest, and seeing that no one, especially Eric, took exception to my hands cupping her bare ass, I did just that. My unruly organ did its thing and rose to attention, trapped and leaking against her abdomen.

"You're a bad boy," she whispered to me.


"Don't be," she replied as she ground into me further aggravating my condition.

When we broke apart, Paula had a wet spot on her tummy. Eric noticed and tested the wetness. I thought Eric might say something, but he never did and the party went on.

We took another swim in the dark, and then took a soak in the hot tub. By then I was quite worn out and after fifteen minutes or so, I excused myself to go to bed.

I went upstairs to my room. It was very nice guest accommodations, with a king sized bed and bath with a walk in shower. I brushed my teeth and hit the sack.

Lying in the relative dark, the room softly lit with the glow of a night light, I was reflecting upon the day's events when my door opened and a small figure slipped inside. A moment later, Meagan crawled into the sack and under the covers with me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Can I sleep with you, Poppa?" she replied.

"No, not with your parents just downstairs."

"They never come up here," she answered.

"Maybe not, but it's too risky," I rejoined.

"No, it's not. Jeff and I sleep together all the time and they never say anything. Besides, sometimes Daddy sleeps with me and sometimes PawPaw sleeps with me. So why would they mind me sleeping with you?"

"Really? You sleep with your dad and PawPaw? So what do you and your daddy do and what do you and your PawPaw do when you sleep together?'

"Nothing. We just sleep."

"Is that what we're going to do, just sleep?"

"Not if you want to," she answered as her hand surrounded my flaccid prick.

"Look, what happened at my house shouldn't have happened."

"But it was so much fun. We all had fun, didn't we? Can't we have some fun tonight?"

"Meagan, I..."

"Do you want me to blow you? I will if you want me too."


She answered by kissing down my chest and down my tummy. She didn't stop and was soon laying kisses on my pecker. Naturally, my cock sprang to attention and before it had fully inflated, it was surrounded by the warm wet embrace of her mouth. All further discussion of her blowing me was put on hold.

So she's pumping her lips up and down my shaft and the door opens again and another figure entered the darkened room.

"Poppa. Poppa, are you awake?" my grandson asked.

"Yes, what is it, Jeff?"

"Is that Meagan in here with you?"


"She's blowing you?"



"Hey, I want a blowjob too."

"Get in line, Jeff," I muttered.

He proceeded to peel off the light cover to observe his little sister performing fellatio on me. He wasn't content just to watch and buried his face between her buttocks. That did it, I felt my balls beginning to boil and all the sexual tension built over the day came to a roaring head.

"Uggghh," I grunted through clenched teeth as I spermed my nine-year-old granddaughter's sucking mouth. She didn't miss a beat and continued sucking me until I had fully unloaded my balls while nary spilling a drop.

Releasing my cock, her first words were, "Stop, Jeff. That's so nasty!" as she squirmed away from her older brother.

"Blow me, Sis," he told her.

I was okay with that, but I had my own agenda. Positioning her face up with her head on the pillow, I moved down, spread her legs and buried my face in her sweet young pussy and began scouring her cunt with my tongue. She liked that, liked it a lot. Meanwhile Jeff scooted up and straddled her head. Gripping the head board, he lowered his dick to his sister's mouth and proceeded to face fuck her. It was a repeat of one of my lurid video clips I had shot just days before.

She began squirming about and then bucking her hips. Her thighs gripped my head and I could feel her orgasmic contractions on my tongue buried in her vagina. She went limp and I pulled away. Jeff too pulled away. We settled in with them surrounding me.

Next thing I knew and it was sun up. I woke up with Jeff playing with my dick while Meagan sucked and nibbled on my nipple. That's when Paula walked in. The kids immediately stopped molesting me, but the damage was done. I was busted!

"Jeff! Meagan! What are you doing? Leave Poppa alone and let the man sleep. Now scoot, the both of you!" Meagan and Jeff scurried out of the bedroom, leaving me alone with my daughter-in-law, my erection pointedly obvious. I was expecting a reaction, but not the one I got.

"I'm sorry, Pops, for them waking you up. But now that you are awake, breakfast in ten minutes." She then turned and left the room.

I got up, took a dump, shaved and took a quick shower. Ten minutes later, I was downstairs still in my birthday suit and joined the family for a breakfast of bacon and eggs. Nothing was said about the kids being in bed with me that morning.

The rest of the day went pretty much like the day before. Skinny dipping for hours throughout the day, interspersed with time out to shoot pool and play ping pong, as well as taking in a pre-season professional football game. For the most part my dick behaved quite well and remained flaccid for the most part.

The highlight of the day was when Paula and Eric informed me that my other two boys and their families also went to Eden Valley regularly. That explained a lot, as it had bothered me greatly that my boys had grown so far apart from me. That wasn't the way it was supposed to be, and now that I knew why, I was determined to rectify it.

I was the only one to get dressed that day, and that was only at the last minute that evening before I had to go home. All in all, it was great weekend and I was looking forward to joining them at Paula's dad's nudist camp for the Labor Day weekend.

The End of Chapter 12

In Part 13 - Bill is introduced to Paula's dad's nudist resort...



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