Hardly a Rest Area
(Mb, some Mgg, ped, bj, anal)
Edited by Lance Vargas

Another six hours to go, but I wasn't the least bit tired. I was halfway home, but the weather was perfect so cruising on the interstate was easy. Traffic was lighter than normal between Tallahassee and the state line, and I applauded my decision to travel on a weekday.
I normally would fly from Tampa to Memphis, but I wanted a change of pace and scenery, and crusising in the convertible now made me feel great about my decision.
I decided not to teach a summer session, so I left as soon as the semester ended. Now I was truly enjoying some peace and quiet after visiting with the folks for a week and a half. After the divorce I learned to cherish solitude and a dozen hours alone in a car is pretty much a fortress of solitude.
It's easy to daydream with the cruise control engaged, so I had to constantly engage my mind to keep my eye on the road.
The conversion van ahead of me normally wouldn't have caught my eye, but the constant moving of the curtains in the rear window drew my interest. I pulled up closer behind it and watched the fabric being twisted and pulled every which way. I assumed there was a pet or some kind of animal back there causing a stir.
Well this was a nice diversion, I thought to myself. But at that moment a hand appeared at the window, the palm placed flat against the glass. I grew concerned thinking I was witnessing something bad.
Then the hand pulled the curtain aside and a young girl's face appeared in the window. She looked me square in the eye, smiled and then disappeared behind the curtain.
"What the fuck?" I said out loud.
Instantly, another female face appeared at the curtain, smiled then abruptly pulled the curtain over her face.
Kids playing I reasoned.
Then both curtains opened and both girls appeared giggling and laughing. Well, I assumed they were laughing as I couldn't hear them. But they looked like they were having fun, probably at my expense.
I smiled back at them and then backed off a bit putting some distance between the van and me.
I saw the blonde in the right window shake her head mouthing "no," but I reasoned that with my curiosity satisfied I'd be a bit more cautious.
Then the auburn-haired girl on the left side stuck out her tongue and laughed. I immediately stuck my tongue out at her just by instinct. They both laughed and fell back in the van.
The curtains parted again, and both girls started making funny faces which soon turned into kissing actions aimed at me. Of course, I pretended to kiss back.
Then the little blonde pretended to rub her chest closing her eyes and hanging her head back. They both immediately broke into laughter and disappeared again behind the fabric.
When they reappeared they were smiling but watching what I would do. I started to rub my chest and half closed my eyes with my mouth open. They laughed again but did not leave the window like before.
Then the one on the left turned around and pressed her backside against the window. I smiled and nodded my head. The little blonde then mimicked her partner's actions, but she pulled her shorts down showing her pink panties.
But she quickly pulled her pants up and faced the window. I nodded my head even more vigorously and licked my lips at them.
I pulled a bit closer to the van being careful not to tailgate too closely. Since we were the only two vehicles within a half a mile I didn't want to draw suspicion from the van's driver. But I just wanted to get a good look at these two and wondered how far they would go.
The turn signal on the van grabbed my attention, and I began to back off. The blonde had a look of concern on her face as the van began to turn onto the exit. She looked a me and quickly pulled her shirt up to her neck displaying just-developing breasts. The look of shock on my face gave her the reaction she was fishing for.
I blew both of them a big kiss as the van steered onto the off ramp and out of sight as I passed it.
Well, that image will keep my daydreams stoked for a few hundred miles I thought to myself. And it did. I started imagining taking those actions to a logical and illegal conclusion where I meet them both at a rest area and show them how to really tease.
I had driven for the better part of two hours with a throbbing erection just thinking about those two little teasers and finally resolved that I would have to take matters into my own hand. The sign for the rest stop nailed the decision for me. A quick wank in the stall and I would be satisfied and raring to go for the remainder of the trip.
Ordinarily, I would never pay attention to the big No Security sign, but this time I said to myself "good." There were two cars already there in this little middle-of-nowhere place, and one was waiting for me to pass before it pulled out. I saw an elderly woman walk from the bathrooms back to the other car with her waiting husband inside.
All to myself, I thought. I'll make it quick. I dashed into the men's room and was surprised to find it relatively clean. A couple of urinals and two stalls, all stainless steel. I slipped into the stall next to the wall and dropped trou.
Junior sprang up before me almost panting for my hand. I was already leaking, and I soaked my hand with precum. This definitely won't take long because I was almost there.
The swish of the bathroom door almost made me limp and my hand froze in mid stroke. Damn, I hate company. I was hoping he'd just pee and leave, but my disappointment became real when I heard him enter the next stall.
Shit, so close! Maybe if I just stroked quietly, if that were even possible. I fingered the bloated head of my cock, and the feelings were intense. Oh yes, this would get the job done I figured.
"You need some help?" I heard someone whisper. The voice startled me, and my dick slipped out of my fingers.
"Uh no, I'm ok." I stammered.
"It's OK, I don't mind, you know," came the quiet voice from the next stall.
"No, I'm fine." I was more adamant.
"OK, it's just that your breathing sounded funny, and I didn't know if you were ok."
I realized there was a levity to his voice as if he was making fun of me. And was I really breathing that heavily? Shit, I thought I was being quiet.
"I can give you a hand with that," he whispered again, this time a little louder.
"No, thanks." I managed to mumble as I was now visibly shaken.
"I really mean it - I don't mind."
"No, look, I'm ok."
"If you just put it under the stall right here I can do it for you," he insisted.
"Hey, look, I'm straight, ok? I don't do that."
"Well, I'm kinda straight too, and I do do that, so here..."
And I saw his hand move under the stall divide and touch my shoe. I pulled away in fright more than anything. I was now visibly afraid of him. What the hell am I going to do? How did I get myself in this situation?
Damn, I let my dick get me in trouble here, and I had no idea how to get out of it. Here this truck driver or lunatic or whatever is going to rape me, and I'm defenseless with my pants around my ankles.
He grabbed my leg and I yelled "Hey!"
"Ssshhh, it's ok. I wouldn't hurt you. Just let me hold it. Come down here, and then I'll leave you alone."
His grip on my ankle wasn't that strong, and I didn't feel powerless but I was still hesitant to get up and leave.
I can't explain why, but I hesitantly turned to face the wall and drop to my knees. His hand immediately went from my ankle to under my crotch, and I jumped when I felt a finger touch my butt.
His hand searched briefly and quickly found my shaft, and he began stroking it back and forth.
Oh shit, what in the hell am I doing? I'm letting another man jack me off. What in the shit is going on here? Now I began to curse those two little girls for getting me into this situation. But despite my inner protestations I never lost my erection because, well, it felt good.
I was becoming lost in the moment with all of the feelings bombarding me at once. I was letting this man, this strange man, beat me off, and I was enjoying it. I started enjoying it so much I began to moan.
As he jacked me off he began to pull on my dick to get me closer and closer to the wall of the stall, and pretty soon my dick was on the other side. I was sticking straight up on the other side of the wall, and he was having his way with me.
When I felt his tongue on my glans I must have jumped a foot! I hit my dick on the bottom of the stall, but his lips never left.
I began to pull back a bit because the feeling was so intense, but those lips held on with a powerful suction. I could feel my balls tighten.
During all the movement I had moved back some into my stall, and I looked down to see his mouth covering the head of my dick. Then I got the shock of my life. It was a kid - a young boy - who was sucking on me.
My instinct kicked in and I pulled all the way back, and he let out a "heyyyyy!"
"How old are you?" I demanded.
"Fourteen, why? Why does that matter? Didn't that feel good?" he answered.
"You're crazy, kid, you're trying to get me in big trouble!" I almost yelled.
"Sssshhhh," he countered, "my mom will hear you."
"WHAT?" I cried, "Your mom?"
"She's sick. She's in the women's bathroom. We're going back to Mobile, but I think she ate something bad at the restaurant. This is like the sixth time we stop, and she takes forever. So come one, let's finish."
"Oh hell no," I told him. "You're just a kid, and I'm not having sex with a kid!"
"Look, we're not having sex. I'm just giving you a BJ, and you know you liked it," he said.
I did like it. My dick barely wilted, and for a brief moment I gave it some thought, but before I could say anything I heard his door click and open, and I figured he gave up and was leaving.
I yelped when my door suddenly sprang open and there in front of me was a boy naked from the waist down with a rather sizable erection bouncing in front of me.
"Get out of here!" I whispered hoarsely.
He ignored me and reached for my dick. His mouth descended on my traitorous dick that never lost its rigidity. As if by habit he reached behind him and fumbled for the lock, and upon finding it he latched the door.
"All it takes is a quarter to open these stupid doors," he said as he dropped to his knees and I heard the quarter rolling on the floor. He inhaled the head of my cock again, and I knew it wouldn't be long before I would fill his mouth with my cum.
Shit, I thought. I got worked up over little girls, and here I am letting a little boy suck me off.
"Do you wanna fuck me?" he asked holding my cock in one hand as he took a breath.
"What? No, I don't fuck kids, especially boys," I said adamantly.
"Hey, I'm not a virgin and I don't have AIDS or anything if that's what you're worried about."
"I'm telling you I'm straight," I said. "And somebody might come in," I bluffed.
"Nope," he said still holding and jerking my dick, "I put up the out of order sign when I came in. Ain't nobody coming in here for a while."
That little cunning piece of shit. He must have seen me come in here.
He stood up in front of me barely reaching my shoulders. A good looking kid that I would have never mistaken for gay. But here he was jerking my erection and rubbing it on his bare stomach. Then he bent it down and rubbed the head of my dick on his dick. Damn, that was like electricity.
"Can I fuck you then?" he asked innocently.
"No! Nobody's fucking anybody!" I yelled.
"Look, sit down" he said pushing me back on the toilet. I fell backwards with a thud on the toilet seat.
Almost immediately he jumped in my lap, and it happened so quickly I was confused how he did it. But he had my dick pointing directly at his little butthole, and his bloated cock bounced on my shirt front.
"Please take it," he said as he started to gently bounce up and down on my rod. I could feel something slippery on my glans, and I worried that he had either crapped or was bleeding.
He saw the look of concern on my face and said "Vaseline. I been playing with myself in the car while my old lady was driving. See, I'm ready."
And with that he unceremoniously impaled himself on my dick. I was fucking a kid and a boy at that. Shit, his butt was the tightest thing I ever had my dick in. And I have to admit it felt fantastic.
"Oh shit," I grunted. And I grunted again and again. Each bounce made my erection harder, and I felt my balls churning.
Sometime in all of this my hand found his cock, and I began to stroke it back and forth. I've never touched another male's organ before, so there were so many firsts that happened in the last ten minutes.
"Oh yeah, man, oh goddam," he moaned. "Oh shit, I'm about to cum!"
And as soon as he said that I felt my dick throb once, twice and then release. I began to empty my load into his 14-year-old behind, and almost simultaneously his dick exploded all over the front of my shirt.
He squealed like a kid while I grunted like a mad man. I didn't care that he was spunking all over my clothes because I was unloading my balls inside of him. I grabbed him by his waist and pushed down hard as I tried to get all of my cock inside of him as I continued to spasm. The intensity cause me to almost black out.
Finally, we were both breathing heavy but not saying a word. I held him against my chest as my cock wilted but never popped out.
"You have a goddam huge dick, mister," the boy panted in my ear. I didn't know what to say.
"I gotta clean up," he said as he got off my lap, and my dick slipped from his rectum.
"Yeah, me too," I said looking at my cum-soaked shirt. I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and dabbed at the spunk. I heard him enter the stall next door and rustle with his clothes.
"I live in Mobile," he said. "Are you around there? I'd like to see you again."
"No," I answered.
"Barry, you ok?" I heard a woman's voice call from outside.
"Yeah, Mom. I'm coming. I was a little sick, too," Barry lied.
I heard his stall door open then the bathroom door.
"The sign says it's closed," I heard his mother say. Barry said something, but I couldn't hear what he said as the two of them walked away. I heard a car start and then drive away.
I was left alone with my pants to my ankles, my shirt soaked with semen, and my dick dangling as if lifeless. And then I thought about the girls in the van, and my cock jerked.
"Oh no you don't! You got me in enough trouble today as it is" I said and got dressed and left the rest area.
Eight hours left. Could this trip be any more adventurous. I wasn't sure I wanted to find out.

© 2015 by Lance Vargas.
Fantastic story. I'm straight but I'd fuck that kid too. Perhap on the follow up he can meet and fuck the two little girls? Thanks
Great story . I was hard and stroking all the way through it .. Thanks ..JOHN
I enjoy rest area stories, have a few of my own
A very cute story, well written, which is very refreshing in this genre. Keep it up!
really hot story, would love to see what happens next
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