(Mg, ped)

Edited by Lance Vargas

Text version

EDITOR'S NOTE - As you may know I'm a scavenger always looking for research material, and every once in a while a treasure falls into my hands. I bid on and won an abandoned property lot that included a bunch of luggage and odds and ends. In this small child's suitcase was a Hello Kitty flash drive. This gem was one of the many files on the drive. I've only edited it for grammar and punctuation. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.


Dear Diary

I have to tell this story because I will explode if I don't tell someone. I'm serious. I know you won't tell because I promise to burn this after writing it all down.

I have a boyfriend! I'm serious. And he's a whole lot older than me.

Remember Ashley? She's my very best friend and we've known each other all our life since first grade. I love going to Ashley's house because her mom and dad are fantastic.

I live with my mom at our house. It's just us two. I never even met my dad, and I don't know if he's still alive. That's probably why I like being with Ashley so much. Her dad is the most awesome guy I know, and he treats me like his little girl too. He makes me feel special.

My mom has a good job at the bank and one day in third grade she got a promotion so I had to go to after school care every afternoon. I hated being there. I was bullied by some older boys, and one hurt my hand one time. So mom decided I wouldn't go anymore, so she had a babysitter pick me up at school and bring me home.

I didn't like Mrs. Desell at all. She had a thick accent that I could barely understand, and she made me do things like clean and stuff that mom never made me do. So I told mom I would rather go to after school care.

Ashley and I were talking about it one day at school, and Ashley said "Why don't you come to my house?"

So I asked my mom and she called Ashley's mom and she said that would be great. She always liked when I came to play with Ashley.

I loved riding home with Ashley every day. I felt like I was one of their family. I was a twin! Ashley and me wore the same size and everything. We could have been twins except she was a brunette and I was blond. And Ashley says I was more developed than she was because she still had some baby fat and I was slimming down. But you could hardly tell with our school uniforms.

They lived kind of far away from us so Mom wouldn't pick me up sometimes until around six o'clock. Lots of times Ashley's mom would ask me to stay for dinner, but my mom told me to always say no.

So mom always picked me up and we went home to eat. Except for Fridays.

Fridays became extra special because one week my mom called Ashley's mom to apologize and say she had to work late and if it's ok if I stayed later than normal. Ashley's mom told my mom why not let me stay over and I could sleep in Ashley's room in her spare bed.

I almost cried when my mom told me! I screamed out loud I was so happy! I called Ashley right away and we both screamed on the phone! Our moms made us quiet down. I could hear Ashley's mom on the other end saying almost the same thing my mom was saying!

Mom packed me a little suitcase to bring to school that morning. I felt very special when Ashley's mom picked us both up. I knew it was going to be a wonderful night. And it was.

Ashley's dad joked with us at dinner. He always teased me when I was there. My heart always skipped when he talked to me, even though he was an old man like around 33 or something. He was very, very handsome and didn't treat me like a little girl at all. That night he even hugged me good night when Ashley and I went to bed.

I thought this was the best night of my life!

But the next week was even better. And the next. Every Friday I would go home with Ashley, and we would stay up and talk about boys or play games or watch movies. Then we would go to bed real late. Sometimes we would fall asleep on the tv room floor and we would wake up the next morning in our beds. Ashley's dad would pick us up and take us to bed. I dreamed about that happening, but I was always asleep when he would do that.

Then mom would come pick me up the next morning and visit with Ashley's parents. Then we would leave before lunch.

I wish I could spend the whole weekend with them sometimes.

I started to get a big crush on Ashley's dad. His name was Brad. I would watch him more and more when I was staying with Ashley. He cooked dinner most of the time. Sometimes he would cook outside on the patio. He would wear shorts sometimes. I loved looking at his legs. They looked so strong. His arms had a lot of hair that sometimes tickled when he hugged us.

One time we were playing on sofa with him and he grabbed me and put his chin on my neck to tickle me with his beard. His bristles were sticky and felt weird at first. But then they felt good. It was like hugging a real man.

The more I stayed at Ashley's the more I started to fall in love with her dad. I hardly saw him during the week because he would usually get home right when I was leaving. But Friday nights were special because he was there.

I imagined that he was my boyfriend. I already wrote you about that two weeks ago. Remember? That he and I had a secret that nobody was supposed to know about? Just me and him. I imagined him holding me and kissing me and us holding hands. And I dreamed about him picking me up when I was sleeping and he would look at me and kiss me and then put me in bed.

I even had some naughty thoughts about him but I never wanted to think too much about them. I didn't know how that made me feel.

Well, things changed a lot one Friday night. And I mean a whole lot.

He had cooked steaks on the patio and Ashley and I were helping him bringing plates and stuff. I loved being near him.

When dinner was over I heard Ashley tell her mom "please? Pretty please?" And her mom said "OK" and Ashley screamed "yay!" I asked her what? And she said that her mom said we could use her bathtub to take a bubble bath. That was awesome!

Her mom turned on the tub and left us in the bathroom. We got undressed and got in the tub. It was huge! Ashley dumped like almost half of the bubble bath in then turned on the jets.

Oh my god, the bubbles just started growing and growing until we couldn't even see each other! They were everywhere! We splashed and screamed and blew handfulls of bubbles at each other! We must have played in the tub for over a half hour. I remember the water was cold.

Ashley's mom came in and told us to begin washing up and get out. Then Ashley's dad came in with an armful of towels and we screamed! I know he couldn't see anything but I loved teasing him. "You're a guy! You can't see us!" I screamed at him.

He smiled and put the towels down and put his hands over his eyes. I said, "that's better." And then he opened his fingers and peeked at us and teased us until we screamed again. Then Ashley's mom fussed at him and told him to leave. Then she left.

We dried off and changed into our pajamas. Ashley wore a nightshirt and I had a baby doll that mom just bought for me. I loved it.

I loved their den. The carpet was very thick and Ashley and I would lay down right on the floor to watch tv. There was a big sofa that we loved to lay on, too. We could turn the tv loud because it was on the other side of the house from the kitchen and anyway her mom and dad were always upstairs.

That night Ashley wanted to watch a videotape so we laid down on the sofa and watched it until she fell asleep. And I was almost asleep myself when I heard someone turn off the VCR and the sound woke me up.

I peeked out of one eye and I saw Ashley's dad go over to her and kiss her on her forehead. Then he said "it's time for bed, darling." Then he picked her up with both arms like she was nothing, and I heard him say, "I love you, little girl." And he walked up the stairs with her.

My heart started beating real quick just thinking about him picking me up too. While I was waiting for him to come back down I started watching the TV. I was just barely watching when I saw a bunch of teenagers at the beach and all of a sudden a girl took off her top and showed everyone her boobs. Well, that woke me up, and when Mr. B came back downstairs I was sitting up on the sofa watching the program. A boy and girl were kissing now, and then I started to feel embarrassed because Ashley's dad came in the room.

"Hey, you're awake," he told me and then he sat down next to me on the sofa. He asked me what I was watching and I told him I didn't know. My face turned red when the girl with no top on showed up again and her big boobs were bouncing all over the place. When I turned to look at Mr. B I must have gasped out loud because he wasn't wearing a shirt - just short pajama bottoms.

He looked at me and asked if I was ok, and I told him I got a hiccup. He laughed and then looked back at the tv.

"You like this show?" he asked me. I said I didn't know.

"You think that girl is pretty?" he asked. I said I guess so.

"She's got an attractive figure," he said. I nodded my head.

"Can I get you anything, Sweetie?" he turned to ask me and he must have caught me staring at him. I blushed again. Like I said he was the most handsome man I ever knew and he was sitting on the sofa with just me and not even wearing a shirt. I saw the hair on his chest and he looked so muscular. I wished right there that I was old enough to be married to him. He would be my ideal husband.

I shook my head no that I was fine.

"You look very sleepy," he said and then he put his arm around me and pulled me to him. I rested my head against his side and felt all warm and cozy inside. I loved being right there so close to him with him holding me tight. I was his little girl. His warm body made me feel so comfortable that I guess I fell asleep.

When I started to wake up I started getting the feeling. And it felt so good that I hoped it wouldn't go away too soon.

OK, I've never told you about the feeling before because it's kind of embarrassing to talk about. But because all of this happened I have to tell you about it.

When I was eight I woke up one morning with this feeling between my legs. It was stronger than a tickle and it felt like bright sunshine coming from my bottom. When I touched myself between my legs it felt like a shock but a real good shock. I had to touch myself right on my kitty.

But that feeling was too strong when I touched it so I rubbed myself against the bed and it tingled a lot. And I learned when the feeling would come that I could rub a pillow on it and make it last even longer. Then I found out my stuffed elephant was perfect when I pushed it between my legs and rubbed myself up and down on it. So that's the feeling I'm talking about, and I felt it coming on again even though I wasn't even awake yet. I felt myself moving up and down in the bed, and I worried that I might wake up Ashley if I moved too hard, so I opened an eye to look for another pillow.

I let out a little squeal when I found I was still laying against Mr. B's chest, and I was rubbing myself on his leg! My head was resting on his hairy chest and my knees were resting on the sofa on either side of him and I was rubbing my bottom up and down on top of him! My mind told me to stop immediately but my body felt so good that I couldn't make it stop.

I started to get really worried that I might wake him up, but I never felt that feeling so strong before. It was almost like it was burning and tickling me from the inside, and I felt it get stronger and stronger. And I knew something was going to happen if I could just go a little bit more. Yeah, if I went a little bit more I could finish and it wouldn't wake him up. But I was so scared that I was going to wake him up. But still I couldn't stop myself.

Then came a feeling like I never felt before. It felt like the bright tickling feeling had gone all the way down to my toes and up to my eyelids and even up to the top of my head. It took over my whole body and I started to moan out loud and I couldn't even control myself. My body started to shake and I stopped moving up and down. My arms grabbed Mr. B by his side to hold on and I didn't want to hold too tight in case I woke him up.

I rubbed my bottom just a little bit and everything went black as the feeling was too strong. My body shook and shook until the feeling finally went away. I could feel pajama panties all wet and I was afraid I had peed myself.

I was trying to figure out how to get off of Mr. B without waking him up when I looked up at his face and saw his eyes wide open! He was awake! Oh my god, I knew I was in such deep trouble and I was trying to figure out what I could tell him. Do I tell him I was dreaming? Yes! I was having a nightmare.

But then he grabbed me by my arms and picked me straight up and put me on the sofa, and he said "I gotta go." And he left the room.

It was only then that I realized that I wasn't rubbing myself on his leg at all! I had been rubbing on his pee pee and it was hard. I know boys pee pees get hard because Tommy Dunbar showed me his one time and wanted me to touch it. I said why and he said if I liked him that I would touch it. Well, I used to like him but I didn't want to touch it.

I knew I was in very big trouble, and I probably would not be allowed to come back to Ashley's house. Ashley's dad will probably tell my mom and she'll find out that I've been doing it for a long time, and I'll probably be punished for a long, long time. But most of all I think I hurt Mr. B because of how he looked, and because he left so quickly.

I needed to go tell him I was sorry and that I was having a bad dream. I didn't hear him go upstairs so I wondered where he went and then I saw a light on in the downstairs bathroom.

The door wasn't closed all the way so I peeked in to see if he was in there.

"Mr. B?" I said as I opened the door. There was a little bright night light plugged in above the lavatory so I could see inside.

I screamed "Oh" when I opened the door a bit more and saw Mr. B standing in front of the toilet. His pajama pants were halfway down and I could see all of his butt crack. I got very embarrassed and said "Sorry" and began to leave.

"Cassy, come here," he said in a rough low voice.

"I'm sorry, Mr. B. I didn't mean to..." but then I stopped when he turned around and touched my arm and then grabbed it lightly.

My mind was in a blur now because he was holding me and I stayed right there and I couldn't figure out what I was seeing. I mean it was Mr. B but his pants were down and it looked like another arm sticking out from the front of his pants. It took me a little bit before I realized it was his pee pee, so I was right that I was rubbing myself on his pee pee because it was very big.

It was long and looked like it had muscles in it. There was a big purple ball on the end that was shining in the night light. It bounced when he moved, and he reached with his other hand and pushed his pants all the way down to the floor. I watched him step out of them and his pee pee bounced some more. I couldn't stop looking at it the way it moved and everything. There was hair all around where it was sticking out of his body.

Then he told me "do you see what you did?" I told him I was so sorry, so sorry that I didn't mean to do anything. I told him I must have been dreaming.

He said it must have been a good dream. I didn't know what he meant.

He said he wanted me to help him. I asked help him do what? And he said come here.

So I walked past his side to stand kind of in front of him next to the toilet. His big pee pee stretched out over the toilet and kind of hung there. Then he took his other hand and grabbed his pee pee and pulled back on the skin. He made it look even longer the way it was stretched like that.

He moved it back and forth and I could feel the heat coming off of it when it came close to my face.

"Touch it, please," he said to me. At first I sure didn't want to touch it because it just looked angry. But I was so scared he would spank me or tell on me that I reached out my hand and just barely touched it on the top. It felt burning hot.

He took his hand and put it on top of mine and made me move my hand around it.

He let out a groan and I thought I had hurt him but he said that it felt so good.

I said "really?" And he said my hand felt wonderful touching him right there.

Something about it made me feel so dirty but knowing it made him feel good made me feel better about it.

Then he moved my hand back and forth on it and he groaned some more.

He told me to hold it harder if I could. So I grabbed it as hard as I could and I could feel it move like it had a heartbeat. It was like holding an animal or something that was living and breathing.

When he took his hand off of mine I could feel his pee pee jump while I was holding it. I looked at the tip and saw a little cut or hole in the front and a drop of water was coming out of it.

He reached for my other hand and put it underneath his pee pee so I was holding him with both hands. Then he started pushing his hips back and forth. I had to take off one hand to move my hair out of my eyes, but I put it right back on.

He kept pushing into my hands harder and harder and he told me to squeeze tighter. So I took both hands and squeezed as hard as I could, but it scared me so much when he let out this loud growl like a monster or something. And all of a sudden he grabbed my hands with his and pulled them close to his body.

I saw a bunch of things just then: it was like something was moving underneath my hands like a little pouch with something inside of them, and then he started to pee kind of a white stuff all over the place, I could feel the stuff coming out because it was pushing past my hands. And it squirted out real fast and hard, I could hear it splashing on the toilet and wall even though Mr. B was growling loud. I wanted to let go so bad but he held my hands tight. Pretty soon both of my hands and his were covered in the stuff that was real sticky and smelled funny.

That's when the weird thing happened and I saw his pee pee start to curve downward. I could see more stuff leaking out of the tip of it.

He let my hands go and I slowly pulled them away. He took his hand and shook his pee pee and I saw some drops fall into the toilet.

I really didn't know what to think right then because he just turned around and sat down on the toilet. His pee pee was still sticking up between his legs, and he dropped his hands to his side and let out a deep breath. He was sweating all over his forehead and I could see his hair sticking to it.

His eyes were closed and I looked all over him. It looked like he had been running he was breathing so heavily. His pee pee was getting smaller and smaller and that was just weird.

I didn't know what to do so I just stood there. Then he opened his eyes and I got scared that he was going to be so mad at what I had done before. Then he smiled at me, and all my fears just went away.

He said "You ok?" And I said uh huh. Then he said "Me too."

I just stood there with my hands stretched out and the stuff was still dripping from them. And then he opened his eyes and looked at me and said "oh, I'm sorry, let's get you all cleaned up."

And he got up from the toilet and I couldn't help it but I watched his pee-pee swing back and forth when he walked towards me and touched my hands.

He turned on the hot water and then picked me up and sat me on the counter while he felt the water.

Then he took my hands and put them under the warm water and got some soap and started to wash them. It was almost like he was massaging them! It felt so good feeling him rubbing my fingers like that. Then he got a towel and wrapped my hands in them.

I was so surprised when he stuck his pee-pee in the lavatory and started to wash it too! He soaped it up then rinsed it off and then he got another towel to dry it off. I giggled when I saw him do it. I guess I just never thought about washing it off.

But then he looked at me and said "oh no! We got it on your nightgown I'm so sorry."

And I looked down and saw a bunch his stuff on the front of my top leaking down.

He said that I couldn't wear that anymore right now and asked me if I had another nightgown. I told him that I did and it was upstairs and I could go and put it on. But he said "No, don't go all the way upstairs... unless you're ready for bed. Are you sleepy?"

I told him I wasn't. Heck no I wasn't tired at all especially after what just happened.

And he said "but you can't wear that because it's nasty." And he came and began to lift up my nightgown and I got really worried.

He stopped and said "What's wrong?" I didn't say anything.

And then he goes "I don't have any clothes on. Do you need any on?"

I guess I really didn't. I mean he was naked in front of me after all. And I'm just a little girl so it's not like I'm showing him anything. I mean not like him! That's for sure!

So he lifted my nightgown over my head and dropped in on the floor by his pajama bottoms. Then he pointed to my bottoms and said "do you need to keep those on too?" And he said it like he wanted me to take them off. So I said no.

And he pulled on them so I lifted my butt so he could get them off. It felt weird being naked with him in the bathroom like that. I started to feel naughty again and scared I was going to get in trouble. But then he picked me up and hugged me tightly.

He said, "Oh, you're so beautiful I could eat you up!"

I felt all warm inside and I felt myself tingle between my legs.

"Do you want to go watch tv again?" he asked me. I didn't know. I didn't want to leave the bathroom with no clothes on.

He told me, "We'll go lay under a blanket." And I felt better about it.

He opened the door and I ran out of the bathroom on my tiptoes to the sofa. He grabbed a blanket off the back of the chair and sat down and wrapped us both up in it. It was very warm.

He started watching the movie again, but I kept thinking about what just happened, and I was still scared he was going to tell my mom. I kept wondering about what he did in the bathroom and what I did on his leg earlier. It was such a different feeling. I felt like my life had changed and I was grown up now. I guess we had sex but we didn't kiss so I think it's not really sex. I know what sex is about but my Mom thinks I don't. I know it's when two people get naked and kiss and touch each other. I'm hoping he kisses me, but I don't want to ask him.

I got a little tired and I laid down even though I wanted to stay by him because he was so warm. I was happy when he laid down too right behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled my back and it felt good.

He kind of rocked back and forth and that made me feel good. But then I felt something begin to rub in my behind, and I realized that his pee pee was getting hard again. I began to giggle.

Pretty soon it was real hard again and it felt huge on my back. He was rubbing it up and down between my butt cheeks and it was starting to get kind of raw. I tried to move around so it wouldn't bother me, and he asked me if I was ok.

I told him I was a little uncomfortable, and he said let's change position again. Then he grabbed my leg and lifted it up a little bit and I felt him move his big pee pee down and he rested it on my other leg. Then he put my leg down and I had his pee pee trapped between my two legs.

He told me to look under the covers and tell him what I see. I looked down there and it looked just like I had a big pee pee growing between my legs! I told him I looked like a boy!

Then he started rocking back and forth again and his pee pee begin sliding between my legs. He told me that it felt good. He asked me if it felt good to me and I said I didn't know.

Then he told me to reach underneath his pee pee and pull it up against me a little bit. When I did he began to rub against my kitty and it began to feel real real good! I began to pull it even harder against me and he started to moan again. I began to get that feeling again, you know, the tingly feeling in my bottom. And it didn't even start by itself. I made the feeling come. I got a little confused at what was happening.

He asked me if I was feeling good and I told him yeah. Then he said he might come again and I didn't understand him.

He moved my leg up and then he sat up on the couch. I sat up too to see what he was doing. He was all naked and his pee pee was sticking straight up from the couch. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It looked even bigger right there.

Then he reached and picked me up under my arms and put me in his lap. His pee pee stuck up from between my legs again. He grabbed his pee pee and began to rub it on my kitty but it was different from a while ago. It felt kind of good but not like it was.

I think he knew that because he said "Let's try this." And he turned me around so I was resting on his chest like when I woke up.

"This should be much better," and he began to move me up and down with my kitty resting right on his pee pee. He was right - this was much, much better! Right away the tingly feeling came back and it was even stronger than before. I started shaking the feeling was so good, and he asked if I needed a blanket and I said no. I felt his hairy chest against my chest and stomach and it felt so good. But not as good as the feeling in my kitty.

His big pee pee was rubbing on the inside of my kitty. And then he started moving me up and down even higher and I could feel the big ball on the end of his pee pee bumping into my kitty and that was too much. All of a sudden all the fireworks started going off in my head again and all I could do was stutter "uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh." And I felt my eyes roll back in my head and I started to moan.

Then he said a bad word - the "S" word and he pushed my butt down hard into him and I felt him start to jerk underneath me. I must have passed out for a couple of seconds because he asked me if I was ok and he was stroking my hair.

I said I was ok and I felt something warm underneath me like it was wet or something. I was afraid that I felt so good that I peed on him and I got scared again.

He laughed and said we have to go clean off again, so he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. I could feel his pee pee wasn't hard anymore and I wondered why.

When we got to the bathroom I saw his white stuff all over me and him and I realized then why his pee pee wasn't hard anymore. It had shot the white stuff out again.

It covered my whole stomach and everywhere. He had it in his hair around his pee pee and some on his chest. He reached in the linen closet and got some towels and wash clothes out. He put a towel on the counter and lifted me up and sat me on it.

He got out a wash cloth and wet it and began to clean me off again. It felt so good because he was so gentle. Then he began to wash my kitty and I jumped. Nobody had ever done what he was doing to me. He was opening my kitty with his fingers and wiping inside. I was embarrassed because he was looking at it so close.

He would wash a little bit then feel with his fingers to see if it was clean. I didn't want to tell him but that felt so good when he would put his finger right there. But I think he knew it was doing something to me because he asked if it felt good.

I shook my head up and down that it did and he said something like "Well, then you're gonna like this."

He put his head down to look at my kitty even closer but then I jumped when I felt him put his tongue right on it! I'm dead serious he put his tongue right in between the folds of my kitty! It was like he was trying to poke his tongue in my hole.

I was kind of grossed out that he would put his mouth that close to my bottom. But he kept moving his tongue in and out and it began to feel soooooo good. He started to lick from the bottom to the top of my kitty and I started to get dizzy because it felt so good.

Then I felt him put a finger on it and he would lick and press and lick and press. I had to rest the side of my head against the mirror because I almost couldn't stand all the feelings he was making me have.

His tongue and finger was so wet and they both felt so good. But then he started to put his tongue like inside of me - up in my kitty. That felt so weird but it felt so good! He tried to go deeper and deeper inside of me but his tongue could only go so far.

Then I felt him put his finger right there and the minute he pushed it in the fireworks went off again. I know I screamed loud because he put his hand softly on my mouth. I couldn't help it. I was shaking so hard and almost bouncing off the counter but he kept his finger in me and his tongue was licking the top of my kitty. The feeling started where his tongue was but I felt the explosion deeper inside of me.

He moved his face and hand away and held my legs until I settled down.

I looked at him smiling at me and I smiled back even though my eyes were almost closed. He stood up and I saw his pee pee was big and hard again.

He said something like "Boy, I wish" and he put the end of his pee pee right on my kitty and pushed it against me. It looked weird to see my kitty wide open like that and this purple ball kind of pushed inside of it. But it felt good except I was a little sensitive.

So I grabbed his pee pee and begin to rub on it with my hands like a while ago. He liked that I could tell.

He picked me up and put me on the toilet because I was slipping on the towel.

I grabbed his pee pee with my hands again and looked right at it. It looked just like a plum on the end with a little hole. And I figured that's where all the white stuff comes out.

Then I did something that I don't know why I did it. I kissed it! I just kissed it right on the plum!

Boy, did he jump! I laughed and said what's wrong? He said it's sensitive and that felt too good. I kissed it again and he jumped. Every time I kissed it he would jump.

Then I licked it and he really jumped up like I had shocked him or something.

I asked him "Do you like that?"

He said "It's too much! I like it too much!"

So I kept licking and kissing his plum and all of a sudden I felt his hand on the top of my head trying to hold himself steady I guess.

But then I felt him begin to push my head into him and he started to push his giant plum right into my mouth. The only thing I could do was open my mouth real real wide. He got most of his big ball into my mouth and began to move it back and forth.

I had to breathe hard out of my nose. I was trying think of what this looked like: a little naked girl sitting on a toilet and a big naked man sticking his pee pee in her mouth. I didn't even think about being grossed out or anything. I mean after all he licked the inside of my kitty. And his pee pee didn't taste bad at all.

He started to shake and shake again and I knew something was about to happen. I swear his pee pee grew bigger in my mouth. He reached for my hands and put them underneath his pee pee and I could feel like two big balls inside of a sack. They started to move up and I remember that's what I felt a while ago.

He made a loud grunt and immediately I felt my mouth get full of warm stuff. There was so much that I swallowed some and some came out of my nose! And it burned like crazy. I tried to move my head back but his hand was still there pushing me. I began to scream but nothing came out and I just swallowed some more of the white stuff. I found out it was white stuff coming out again afterwards.

I felt like I was going to suffocate but then he let my head go and I gasped like I was drowning. I coughed a lot and he asked me if I was ok and I said I was.

He told me that was the most fantastic thing that ever happened to him and that I was a very special girl to him. He told me that he wanted to be my boyfriend but we have to keep it a secret in case his wife or Ashley finds out. I promised I would keep it a secret.

He told me that every time I come to spend the night that we could do this again if I wanted to. He said we could do a lot more later. I told him I really wanted to.

He washed me off again but this time for real. He didn't touch my bottom like last time. Then he dried me off with a towel. I had to rinse my mouth out to get the salty taste out.

Then he reached down and got his pajama pants and put them on. He told me I could put on a new nightgown when I got upstairs and I said ok. He grabbed my old nightgown and panties and then we walked out of the bathroom.

He asked if I was ready for bed and I said I was sleepy.

Then he picked me up just like he did for Ashley and carried me up the stairs. We were real quiet when we got in the bedroom and Ashley was still sleeping. I felt around in my suitcase and find my other PJs and put them on.

He waited while I got dressed and got into bed. Then he knelt by the bed and pulled my covers up over me. I felt him put his hand under the blanket and rub my belly. It felt so good.

He told me he loved me and I was his special girl. I told him I loved him too and that he was my secret boyfriend.

He smiled at me and I felt his hand touch my kitty again. I reached out a felt his pee pee under his shorts and it was getting hard again.

He said next time ok? And I said yes. He kissed me. He kissed me right on the lips and not like a Daddy kiss. More like a boyfriend and girlfriend kiss. I grabbed him and hugged him while we kissed. Yay! Now we had sex!

I went to bed dreaming about Mr. B and what we did. I can't wait until next Friday night. It's going to be even more awesome!

© 2015 by Lance Vargas.


Excellent! Better and better. Writing in the girl's voice isn't easy. I know, I've tried it. Maybe I can do better using your style as a model. Great story!

Very well written waiting to read the rest hope the next will go father with her and include the daughter!

I love the story and cannot wait for the sequel when (hopefully) he fucks her. It is so sweet and gentle and caring and yet filled with lust and (I guess) depravity.
Fantastic. Lots more please.

This is best story! It made me cum twice! It is soooo hot! You write very well. Will there be for to this story or another story like this?
Thank you!

Loved every minute of the story and hope you have loads more with this one. Been there and it great. I have 3 daughters now grown and we had lots of fun. and still do.

This was a beautiful story and so very believable. As a father of two beautiful girls myself although a bit older than the dad in the story, I felt his feelings and would probably have reacted in the same way he did. The story was so full of love that I would have loved that little girl in the same way the dad in the story did. I can't think of anything more exciting and stimulating. I wouldn't have forced entry into her but I would still have tried all the same and done it many times afterwards like he wanted to. I have lusted after my daughters too and the same feelings would apply if I could drum up the nerve to try loving them in that way too. Do you think I should try my luck in this direction? I just know it would feel wonderful if I did. Thank you so much for echoing my thoughts and keep writing these super stories. x

Mr.Lance Vargas: Your story is amazing. Your style is outstanding. Your narrative is unmatched. Normally, I am a fast reader.... But not this time.
I read every letter,because I lived inside that beautiful, descriptive literature. We have to check more than a 100 stories and authors to find a valid one. To me you are classified one of the top 10/1000. Excellent work.

I got partway into this story before I recognized that I'd read it a while back. I remembered that I'd liked it so much, and was glad to be reading it again, this time with some anticipation of the beautiful ending. The narrative as told from the little girl's point of view is so refreshing, so compelling, so sweet and girly! This is a great story! I hope Cassy and Mr. B. have many more magical Friday nights together. They sound like a perfect match for each other.

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(Mg, ped, 1st?) He does his mom a favor and thinks the little girl is nothing but a distraction. Soon he becomes very distracted.


(Mf, incest?, hj?) Little girl feels all grown up - literally.


(Mg, hj, bj) What's a growing boy to do when a little girl invades his privacy? Enjoy it.


(Mg, ped, cons) So this is how it feels to fall in love with a child.


(Mff, inc, ped, exh, voy, no sex) Lisa and Shelley devise a plan to learn about male anatomy. And it involved Lisa's father.

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