This work is copyrighted to the author © 2004. Please
don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story. Thank you for your consideration. Michael
Story in plain text here
Maranda knew that it was wrong, that her sister's boyfriend
was off limits to her, but when all was said and done she had
the hots for him and let her body do the talking. Her sister
Caroline was working late again and this seemed like the
perfect opportunity to take advantage of Sean's nice hard-
body. Maranda had been looking at that body for months now
thinking how nice it would be to use it for her own pleasure.
She'd been unbelievably horny lately.
She lay there in Sean's bed for a few more minutes enjoying
the smell of his sheets. She leisurely rubbed her sister's
skin lotion into her flesh; it heightened her arousal to feel
her fingers massaging the lotion on to her breasts, arms and
legs. Yes, it would be fine to fuck Sean, she thought. And
even finer to do it behind Caroline's back. Forbidden fruit
was always the sweetest.
Maranda heard him first. The front door closing and his car
keys as they hit the brass bowl that sat on a table just
inside the door. She heard him walking through the apartment
and quickly spread-eagled her naked body on top of the
rumpled sheets.
The door to the bedroom opened and there he was, the object
of her most recent obsession. Sean's eyes widened as he saw
his girlfriend's younger sister lying in his bed. He realized
immediately what was happening. Caroline's little sister was
asking to be fucked and he knew that he'd be doing it within
moments. He'd been eyeing that tight little body of hers for
some time now and he'd known that she was turned on by their
flirting sessions over the past few weeks.
Sean looked around furtively as if he were worried that
Caroline might be around somewhere. Then without saying a
word he began to strip his clothes off while Maranda watched.
Maranda couldn't believe it; it was finally happening. She
watched, eyes glued to Sean's body as he shed his cloths
piece by piece. When he shoved his under shorts down his
well-muscled thighs Maranda gasped as his strong thick
manhood popped into view. Then she sighed with pleasure as
Sean climbed into bed next to her; his naked body pressed
firmly against hers.
Within seconds Sean was kissing Maranda at the same time
fingering her. It took only moments before she was fully
lubricated and shivering in ecstatic pleasure. He was such a
stud, she'd hoped for so long that he'd be attracted to her
one day, and here they were on the verge of doing IT and she
was SO ready it was almost hard to breathe.
Maranda wanted to taste him, wanted to make Sean hers. She
pushed his hand away and rolled him over and in one smooth
motion took his big beautiful cock as far into her mouth as
possible. Sean was in instant heaven as he felt her lips
encircle his hot flesh. It was something he'd done with
Caroline many times, but this was different. Maybe it was the
illicit nature of the act, the fact that he was cheating with
his girlfriend's little sister, but he was definitely
enjoying this head job more than any that had come before.
Maranda's pretty face bobbed up and down taking Sean's
manhood in as deeply as possible, then pulling back up to his
cockhead, then she would lick the flange just under the head,
suck it hard then sink down onto him again moaning as he
shoved into the opening of her throat.
Sean backed up against the headboard of the bed with Maranda
following eagerly -- sucking him to the edge of orgasm.
Within moments he lost his control and spurt hot come into
his new lover's mouth. Maranda sucked and sucked as he shot
his load, groaning in pleasure. She felt wonderfully in
control, and wanted more from him, much more from her
sister's man.
Finally as Sean's body quieted, Maranda began to french him,
rolling him over on top of her. She began to manipulate his
semi hard cock with one small hand, while massaging his balls
with the other. Maranda wanted to be fucked, she needed to
feel him let loose inside her, she wanted to make him hers
and the best way to achieve that feeling was a royal fucking.
It didn't take long to get Sean fully hard again and he soon
realized what was expected of him and was more than happy to
comply. Fucking this hot little body was just the thing, he'd
be glad to pound away in her if that's what she wanted.
Sean pulled Maranda over onto her back and climbed between
her legs and positioned himself for the plunge. Within
seconds they were fucking away like bunnies. Sean groaned as
he thrust into his girlfriend's little sister for the first
time. The feeling of her tight little cunt adjusting to his
swollen manhood was incredible. She was so lubricated that he
just slipped in to the hilt without effort. But the feeling
of her tight little twat wrapped around his member was making
him crazy with lust and he pounded away without a thought in
his head but the glorious release that would come with
But Maranda had a different idea; she hadn't actually had an
orgasm and wanted one more than life itself at that moment.
Making her body rigid, she pulled Sean's humping body over so
that she was now on top, then to his groan of disappointment
she pulled herself off him, but quickly sat down again
impaling herself on his big shiny cock, ready to take full
advantage of her new position to give herself the pleasure
she needed.
It was now Sean's turn to watch as Maranda used his body for
her pleasure. He watched her tight little body bounce up and
down on his wanker, watched her muscles flex as she raised
and lowered herself in the pursuit of sexual pleasure. It was
an incredible sight. A sight that began to make his come rise
from deep inside with a slow bubbling lust like he'd never
experienced before. Maranda was such a sexy little slut that
Sean knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.
Within seconds Maranda moaned and shoved Sean's pulsing cock
as deep as possible into her dripping pussy and ground down
to make the most of the pleasurable pulses that surged
through her body in mind numbing waves.
To Sean's surprise he didn't come just then, maybe he was so
into watching Maranda's orgasm overtake her that he sort of
forgot his own needs for a moment. Whatever the reason as
soon as Maranda fell over to nestle beside him, Sean quickly
remembered his own need and snuggled up next to Maranda and
discretely slipped himself back into her from behind as they
lay side by side.
Within seconds they were doing it again just like they had
moments before, both lost in their separate lusts.
* * *
Unbeknownst to either Sean of Maranda, Caroline had come home
early that day and had innocently walked down the hall to
change from her nurse uniform in preparation for making
dinner that evening. When she was about ten feet away from
the bedroom door she stopped stock-still and listened.
What met her ears were the sounds of sex, the sounds of
lovemaking -- and they were coming from her and Sean's
bedroom. Instantly Caroline was furious, in that instant she
knew that Sean was cheating on her, but what she couldn't
quite understand was why. Their love life was fantastic, just
the night before they'd fucked for almost two hours after a
prelude of oral sex. Why would he do such a thing?
Caroline crept up to the bedroom door with the intention of
throwing it open and giving both Sean and his fucking slut a
piece of her mind, prior to throwing them both out of the
house. What she hadn't expected was that the "fucking slut"
would be her own little sister.
As she opened the door just enough to see into the brightly
lit room Caroline's breath caught in her throat as she
realized that her little sister was fucking her boyfriend
with abandon. She was shocked, but the first emotion she felt
was excitement, not anger. Caroline shook her head in
bewilderment at the feelings of lust that surged through her
mind and body as she watched her sister using her boyfriend
like a gigolo. She couldn't pull her eyes away from the sight
of Sean's body thrusting up at her sister's tight little
body, watching his enormous cock sinking into and pulling
back out of Maranda's slime coated cunt-hole.
Caroline and Maranda had always been close. When Caroline had
reached puberty at 12 she had taken some of her new sexual
frustrations out on her little sister. They'd found
themselves in her bed some nights and Caroline quickly made a
willing pleasure partner of her younger sister. She'd
introduced Maranda to her first manual orgasm and Maranda had
in turn paid her back many times for that introduction.
But once Caroline had found out about boys, she'd pretty much
pulled away from Maranda sexually. But now that she watched
her boyfriend fucking her little sister like that it brought
back old memories of their mutual lovemaking and turned her
on so incredibly.
In a flash Caroline made up her mind, she thought to herself,
'what the hell, she's my little sister and I lover her, and I
love Sean too, so where's the harm.' She quickly stripped to
the buff in the hallway just outside the door to her bedroom.
Just before entering she thought about the wonderful strap-on
dildo she'd bought only the other day. She hadn't really
thought about why she'd bought such an item, but now she was
glad that she'd acted on impulse. Maybe she'd teach her
little sister another lesson.
Caroline strapped on the dildo to her naked body, and
cinching down the straps tightly to her fanny. This was an
unusual toy because it came with a squeeze bulb and a vinyl
tube that allowed the wearer to squirt hot water and any
other substance into the recipient. In other words it was an
interactive cock that would "come" on command. That thought
made Caroline shiver in anticipation as she slowly pushed
open the door and stood in the entrance watching Sean lazily
fucking her little sister as they lay side by side.
Within moments Caroline was standing beside her sister and
boyfriend looking down on them. Maranda noticed the shadow
passing before the light source in the room and opened her
eyes to see her sister standing next to the bed. She took in
the fact that Caroline was naked and that she was wearing a
dildo that was standing at attention.
Sean hadn't been as quick to notice what was going on. But he
did stop his thrusts as soon as he felt the shift in the bed
as Caroline climbed onto the it to kneel before her sister
taking her into an intimate embrace, kissing her deeply.
Sean almost went limp still plugged into his lover's cunt.
The shock of being caught screwing his girlfriend's sister
was quickly replaced by amazement, then renewed arousal as he
watched with his mouth hanging open as the two sexy sisters
began to lock lips like lesbian lovers. Sean was instantly
and painfully hard again -- and still buried in Maranda's
juicy cunt.
It was almost by mutual unspoken consent that all three of
them became lovers. Sean couldn't believe his luck, to have
his girlfriend fall into a threesome with her little sister
was almost beyond his imagination. But he was going to take
full advantage of the situation.
As the two sisters kissed Sean quietly positioned Caroline on
her hands and knees above her sister. Maranda quickly
understood what he had in mind and snuggled onto her stomach
whispering to her sister to, "Fuck me Caroline, fuck me with
your big cock."
Without hesitation Caroline positioned herself from behind to
do just that. She was eager to see what it felt like to fuck
like a man, this was such a turn on that she didn't even
realize that Sean was doing the same thing to her. He'd moved
up behind her and was positioning his real-life "dildo" to do
its job with the same eagerness that she was doing to her
little sister.
Sean sank into Caroline and Caroline sank into her sister
Maranda. All three groaned in lustful delight at the new
sensations that this never-imagined threesome was creating.
They could all feel each thrust, each murmur, each grunt and
groan. It was like three bodies had become one.
Maranda kept moaning, "Fuck me Caroline, fuck me," and Sean
kept up with Caroline's thrusts. This went on for a few
minutes until Maranda began to scream muffled screams of
ecstasy into her pillow. Caroline kept up the pace and even
reached underneath her sister to rub her slick little clit to
bring her sister off even harder.
Finally Maranda couldn't take any more and begged her sister
to stop. Sean pulled Caroline over into his lap and began to
fuck her from beneath. It was a strange sight to see. Maranda
who was recovering from her own intense orgasm watched as the
couple in the bed beside her fucked. Caroline sitting on top of
Sean's thrusting cock with her erect "dildo-cock" thrusting
out into the air.
For some strange reason that Maranda didn't fully understand
she reached out and brought her sister's rigid "dildo-cock"
to her lips and began to bob her head over Caroline's crotch.
Maranda could smell the heated sex that was going on only
inches from her face. She could feel her sister's "cock"
thrusting between her lips as she sucked it. Then a moment
later she knew that Sean had come because everything went
still for a moment. Not the kind of stillness of sated lust,
but the tense stillness of a man filling a woman with his
Everyone held their breath in unison. Sean hadn't been able
to hold out any longer when he'd seen Maranda giving her
sister a "blowjob" it was so incredibly erotic to watch that
he'd lost it and flooded his girlfriend's pussy with his hot
Maranda watched as Sean jetted into her sister. As his come
pulsed out around the seal made by her sister's pussy lips,
the sight was so sexy to see that Maranda experienced her own
little orgasms as she lay there watching her sister being fill
with Sean's come.
* * *
Sometime later that night they did it all again. And
afterwards, they all agreed that, that night had been the best
sex they'd ever had. Caroline admitted that she liked sharing
Sean with Maranda, and Maranda agreed.
Sean certainly wasn't going to argue with the arrangement.