This work is copyrighted to the author © 2004. Please
don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story. Thank you for your consideration. Phoebe
Story in plain text here
Pepper Anderson was a pretty girl. She'd always been
that way, back when she was just a baby. Her mother told
everyone that her darling daughter would grow up to be a
movie star; she was that attractive. (Living in Southern
California made dreams like that come-true, or so her
mother said.)
Pepper was also very promiscuous, and from a young age
too. At age 6 she talked two neighbor boys into pulling
their pants down to let her play with their weenies. At
age 10 she had her first full-fledged fingering by the
McPherson brothers. It was hard to believe that no one
caught them at it, 3 children standing by the big
curtains at the back of the classroom. Pepper was the
one with her pants down this time, with 2 very curious
boys getting an eye full, and a handful too.
By the time Pepper turned 12 she was no longer a virgin.
It had happened on the 10-acre utility lawn that skirted
the middle school that she attended. Pepper and her
boyfriend Johnny Martinez were messing around in the
grass, way out in the middle of that field. Dusk was
approaching and apparently Pepper was giving off
invisible signals because before they left the lawn area
that evening Johnny got lucky and Pepper was no longer a
Pepper had enjoyed that experience but had worried until
her next period came. She'd didn't want to get pregnant,
not even by Johnny.
She went to her mother and confessed what she had done
and was immediately taken to the family doctor to get
fitted out for the proper pills to protect her from
future youthful indiscretions. (She was also grounded
for 3 weeks and Johnny was no longer welcome around the
Anderson's home.)
That didn't stop Pepper though. Once she was "safe"
after the 2 week period of being on the pill, Pepper
waylaid Johnny one day as they were leaving school and
took him to a vacant lot behind a stand of old Ironwood
trees and let him have his way with her again.
Pepper decided that she loved sex. Everything about sex
fascinated her. After the first few times with Johnny
she took time to inspect his "equipment" and his body in
general. She'd never actually seen a boy naked before
Johnny Martinez. Being an only child had its drawbacks
sometimes, Pepper thought as she played with Johnny's
stiff dick and squeezed his tight nuts between her
Pepper especially liked to run her hands over Johnny's
smooth brown body; it felt like he was on fire when she
did that to him. He would squirm around and respond to
her every touch. And when she would finally dip her
hands down between his legs he would moan in excitement
and sometimes, even shoot off for her.
That was another thing that fascinated Pepper; the fact
that Johnny could shoot his stuff so far. She measured
it once when he'd been very excited; he'd shot his first
spurt almost 3 feet up into the air. That had been quite
a sight.
Pepper and Johnny became a regular thing until summer
came along and she was sent away to summer camp. But
that turned out to be interesting when it became
apparent that there was a boy's area on the other side
of the creek.
Pepper had her second experience with full-blown sex at
the camp. She met a nice boy during the first night at
the big group campfire. The boy was from San Francisco
and he'd had a girl before. Actually he'd had a few and
wasn't shy about it.
It didn't take more than an hour that first night before
the 2 of them here in the woods; Pepper on her back, and
her new lover was pumping away between her legs. And it
wasn't too many more days before Pepper was introduced
to the boy's "good" friend and there was a threesome
going on in those woods at night.
That was when Pepper realized that sex could be with
more than one boy at a time. It was more exciting than
with just Johnny. To actually be lying there getting it
from one boy while the other watched and masturbated.
And when they both joined in at the same time Pepper
knew that this was the way she liked it best.
Pepper was very popular in high school and learned a lot
about boys, sex and many other important things. When
she graduated from high school the first job she took
was at a topless club. Why not? She thought. After all
she had a good body and tits to die for. One of those
other important things that she'd learned was that men
liked her. Liked her, and her body. So why not use her
natural assets to make a little money.
She made more than a little money. If an 18-year-old
topless dancer was willing to be "very" pleasing to the
right men she could make an obscene amount of money.
Pepper was always busy, either at the club or at someone
or another's apartment or condo, or sometimes at some
guy's house when his family was away.
Pepper liked it with married men the best. They had the
experience and they paid the most too. Nothing like
getting the best sex around, and getting paid well to
The only problem was that by the time Pepper was close
to turning 20 she'd pretty much alienated her parents
and her old school buddies. After all you could only
steel so many guys away from your girlfriends before
they wouldn't talk to you. And her parents got tired of
irate wives calling up and screaming in the phone at
So, Pepper finally decided to move out of town. For no
particular reason she picked Albuquerque New Mexico to
make as her new home. Besides, she'd amassed enough
money to live on for quite a while and thought that she
might start college that next fall and New Mexico
University sounded like a nice place to go. Anyway, she
drove the 750 miles in her 99 Toyota 4X4 pickup in two
days, leaving Southern California behind with very
little regret.
Talent finds its way easily enough. Pepper's talent was
showing off her body and she'd already lined up a gig at
the Rhino Club, a men's club down on Mennal Blvd., right
in the heart of down town Albuquerque.
She soon got into the rhythm of life in the Southwest
cowboy town. That is until one afternoon not long after
starting her new job a bunch of tough looking guys came
trooping into the club. It was obvious that these guys
were different than the regular run of customers. As
they came waltzing in they pushed men to one side and
roughed up a couple that didn't move fast enough.
Pepper was just about ready to come on stage to do her
act as these grubby looking men moved up to the front
and sat down at the vacated tables. They ordered beers
and began to pound the tables with their fists when the
waitress didn't move fast enough for them.
This crowd of troublemakers were getting noisier when
the owner finally came out of his office to confront
them. Raja was a nice little guy from India or Pakistan
and wasn't much of a threat to these big burly men. They
shouted him down and demanded a show, or else. He
scurried away with sweat darkening the back of his white
dress shirt.
At that point Pepper knew that it was pretty much up to
her. Either entertain these guys and make them happy or
get the hell out and save herself. She decided to stay.
The challenge was just too much to pass up, and besides
it was an exciting experience, not knowing what would
Pepper signaled to the dry little man who served as the
DJ and show accompaniment for the girls, to bring up the
music. She did a quick once over of her costume and then
pranced out onto the stage as the spot lights flared
into life.
That night Pepper was doing her "Cindy Schoolgirl" act.
Since she could still pass for 16 why not take advantage
of it, and besides the customers usually liked it a lot.
(More tips.) But as she skipped up to the edge of the
stage she was stopped cold by catcalls and hooting.
Apparently this audience didn't like schoolgirls.
Pepper looked out over the crowd and realized that they
wanted to break the place up, and unless she could catch
their attention they would most certainly do it. She
stood right up at the edge of the stage and looked down
at several of the big dirty men who sat right up next to
the stage. They seemed to be the ones that everyone else
looked to.
Without a thought for the consequences Pepper began to
disrobe. First off with the white blouse then a step and
she had the plaid catholic schoolgirl skirt in one hand.
No stopping now, she knew what she was going to do. The
only course of action was to shock, to take them by
surprise. Her heart started to pound in her chest as she
began to peel down her nylons and she found it hard to
breathe as she pulled her g-string and bikini bra off
and flung them to the back of the stage.
Then the moment of truth, "Any of you big fucking men
"BIG" enough to come up her and be part of the act?" She
stood totally naked, arms akimbo, legs firmly planted
with her feet about 18" apart, right at the edge of the
stage and looked down at the table of evil looking men
who were obviously in charge of this gang.
Somebody from the back of the room yelled, "Yeah,
where's Navaho Joe? Fuck he'll do it, he'll do
anything!" There was a cheer of approval at that
Pepper kept looking at the men in front of her, then one
of them stood up. He was obviously the one called
"Navaho Joe" because he was obviously an American
Indian. He had to be at least 6'6" and at least 300
pounds. And grubby, Pepper noticed, but what the fuck,
she thought, in for a penny, in for a pound.
"C'mon up her "Chief" I want to get a closer look at
you." Pepper was playing to the crowd of men now and she
pranced stylishly back and forth showing off her assets
to them. She knew that she had to look damn impressive
to these scruffy group of "Bikers" - that's what they
were, bikers!
Why hadn't she noticed that before? As the big man moved
toward the stage with a leer on his face Pepper noticed
for the first time the "colors" patch on his front
pocket. "New Mexico Hells Angels" Oh fuck. Oh damn, what
have I got myself into now? She thought.
"So honey you wanna be Navaho Joe's little squaw do
you?" He laughed as he lumbered up onto the stage.
Pepper knew that things could turn ugly if she couldn't
pull this off so she instantly decided to be the
aggressor and try to keep the upper hand with this big
man. Feeling the blood surging through her veins Pepper
skipped up to the big Indian and jumped up on his back
and started to slap him on the butt, "Giddy up horsy,
giddy up!" She wrapped her long slender legs around the
dark giant and tried to ride him like a horse.
Navaho Joe was momentarily thrown off by this little
girl's aggressive action. Then to Pepper's relief he
played along with her and began to slowly lumber around
on the stage with her planted firmly on his back.
Pepper started to pretend that she was a bareback rodeo
rider and pulled back just holding of to the man's cut
off Levis vest with one hand and waving the other wildly
in the air. She started to scrunch her pussy against his
back like a cowboy rocking in his saddle. Only Pepper
didn't have a saddle and the big man knew it.
They clowned around for a while to the approval of the
rough crowd. What man, even a mean man, wouldn't like to
see a pretty naked woman clowning around in front of
them? The sight of this small hard-bodied woman riding
the big behemoth was entertaining even to this jaded
But it didn't last long; Navaho Joe grew tired of the
horseplay and finally stopped. Pepper dismounted and
took a deep breath. She knew what was going to come next
and even felt a little thrill run through her body at
the thought. Gotta keep em entertained, she thought.
Then she turned to the big man and said, "Well mister
horsy, that was fun, now lets see if anything else about
you resembles a horse."
Pepper knelt down in front of the dark giant and began
to fight with his fly. It was an effort because as soon
as the Indian realized what this little female was doing
he sprang a lump down there that slowed progress
considerably. Pepper looked on in disbelief as the lump
got bigger and bigger. She kept tugging away at the
offending zipper and watching his erection snacking down
one pant leg. It looked like it was heading for one
knee. Impossible. Frightening. Exciting!
For the first time in her life Pepper was afraid. What
was she getting herself into? Too late, the big fellow
began to unfasten his belt and ripped open his pants.
Pepper leaned back on her hunches and watched as the
biggest gnarled cock that she'd ever seen in her life
poked out into view.
The crowd went wild. They obviously knew about Navaho
Joe's "Tool" - the joke was on her, she shivered in fear
-- and excitement.
Still howling with mirth the crowd looked on as Pepper
made an exaggerated vaudevillian mannerism in the best
silent film style with hands splayed out at either side
of her face, pretending shock. The fact that she was
shocked only made her act more convincing.
The Indian's boner was so big that it couldn't stand up
on its own. Even though the big man was fully hard his
big dick was skewed to one side and just barely stuck
out straight from his hairy crotch. It was darker than
his face, almost black. The head was a midnight purple
and Pepper could see it expand and retract in rhythm to
his heartbeat.
Now the catcalls started again. They had seen this
before. Once a woman had seen what Navaho Joe had to
offer they always backed out, some probably ran away
screaming. Not Pepper, she'd never seen anything like
this, and besides where would she run?
Reaching both hands out and lightly running her fingers 1
up and down his thick shaft, Pepper looked up at the big
Indian. He was standing there with his head thrown back
and his eyes closed, enjoying her touch. This action of
Pepper's shut the crowd up. They expected her to
protest, to get up and leave, but when she reached out
with a look of curiosity on her lovely face everyone
knew that this time things were going to be different.
The next logical thing should have been to taste him. It
wasn't like she hadn't had public sex with men at
private parties before. (That's were a girl could make
real money.) But even Pepper knew that there was no way
this thing was going to fit into her mouth. No fucking
way on earth! And besides the guy smelled a little.
The Indian wasn't going to let Pepper back away now. He
grabbed her hair in both fists and brought her face in
contact with his flesh. He rubbed Pepper's chin against
his cock-head and then pushed himself against her lips.
She looked up at him and saw that he was watching her.
What the hell, she thought, and went into her usual act
with slight modifications due to his size.
The small golden girl began to lick and slurp up and
down the long dark shaft of his super sized cock. Pepper
gave him everything she had and the crowd grew quiet
again. The sight of this beautiful young white woman
going to town on the dark Indian's cock was a truly
strange experience, even for this crowd.
Pepper began to enjoy herself, she knew that all the men
in the place were wishing that it was them she was doing
this to, she could hear several of them groan in
sympathy with the big Indian's obvious pleasure.
It didn't take long before Pepper received her second
surprise. The big Indian grunted loudly and Pepper felt
a hot blast of lava on her cheek. It felt almost like a
hot sticky blow. Then another hit her between the eyes,
temporarily blinding her, and a third hot sticky glob
shot up her nose almost choking her when she breathed it
Then she was kneeling back on her haunches again, wiping
his come from her face as best she could. This guy must
have been holding it in for an awful long time, she
though, because he sure had a lot of come.
Finally Pepper found part of her schoolgirl costume and
managed to clean some of the larger globs of the
Indian's sperm away.
Not done yet Pepper took his gnarled shaft back in both
hands and began to frantically lick away the hot sticky
residue. She didn't actually do this because she wanted
to, but her stage savvy told her that the crowd would
like it. The Indian had a full "normal" load just
waiting to be sucked up even after he was done shooting.
And the crowd liked it.
Thinking that the show was over Pepper stood up in front
of the Indian and kissed him on his thick lips. But to
her shock he grabbed her and hugged her body to his. In
a split second he'd pulled her off the floor so that her
feet were hanging in air. She could feel his baseball
bat sized cock-head pushing up between her legs.
Pepper struggled in the big man's arms. She knew that he
would never fit in her, that he'd kill her if he tried.
But there wasn't much Pepper could do about it, she was
in a bear hug and helpless. He stood there like an
indestructible tree, thrusting his branch at her and
there was nothing she could do to stop him.
Finally Pepper pulled herself together and decided to
make the best of a bad situation, "Hey, Chief, hold it a
moment. You could kill a girl with a baseball bat like
that. If I've gotta fuck you, then let me get on top so
we can do it at my pace."
The big dark man instantly let go of her and Pepper
found herself released and straddling his big log of a
dick. It was like sitting on a tree branch with a leg on
either side. How strange.
Then to the hoots and howls of the crowd Pepper made the
big man lie down and quickly climbed on top of him. She
knelt between his thick legs-- but soon realized that
she would have to stand to get in the right position.
There was no way that this would work, but she was
determined to try anyway.
Standing, Pepper placed a foot at either side of the
giant's hips and reached down to take his monster in
both hands. She gingerly positioned it at her female
opening and slipped the head up and down her slippery
slit. It felt good, but there was just no way to make
this really happen, she thought.
His cock was at least 14" long, maybe longer and a good
6" around. Just the length was almost a third of her
body height. What a monster! She shivered as she
pictured the black snake slithering into her, to finally
come right out her mouth. This little fantasy only
served to make Pepper wetter and allowed a little more
of the head to slip between her golden pink pussy-lips.
It was already uncomfortable, but Pepper figured that
she should be able to get at least half of him in her,
even though he was too big around to fit comfortably.
She started to make a game out of it. She stood over the
Indian and began to rock back and forth, letting him
slip in and out of her a couple of inches at a time. At
least it would look really perverted to those perverts
in the crowd, she thought, always the showgirl.
Then something happened. The big Indian took hold of
Pepper's hands and looked into her eyes. "I know you can
do it girly. You'll be the one, c'mon baby fuck my good
--- please. I've never been able to do it right before,
always to big, but I have a feeling about you, c'mon
please baby."
He tugged at Pepper's wrists, pulling her down to him
and off balance. She couldn't stop the slow decent and
began to impale herself on his huge stiff cock. It hurt,
but Pepper was determined to see how far she could take
this. A little farther down, more pain.
Then Pepper lost her balance all together and came to
rest against the big man. She was pushed up so that her
tits were in the man's face. He was still only a few
inches in her and his huge dick had pushed her small
body up his.
With an inward look of concentration Pepper began to
wriggle on the big man's erection. The room became so
quiet that you could have heard a pin drop. No one there
believed what they were seeing. This small golden female
mounted on a dark Indian's huge baseball sized cock
rocking back and forth, trying to take him in.
Pepper rocked slowly, feeling the man's big cock snaking
farther and farther in. It was getting hard to breath
now. He must be half way in by now, she thought. She
reached down to feel him and sighed. He was half way in.
But could she take any more, she didn't think so, but
she kept rocking on his poll, back and forth, back and
It was the most amazing fuck Pepper had ever had. This
big dark Indian with the baseball-sized dick was making
her crazy with lust. Something about being stretched so
wide and being penetrated so deep was bringing her off.
Just as she realized that she was becoming aroused her
first orgasmic spasm hit. She wriggled further on to him
and another rush ran through her trim little body.
Orgasm after orgasm washed over her as she sank further
down on to his mast. Pepper could feel him sinking into
her like no man had ever done before. She felt full,
fuller than after a big Thanksgiving meal. Then he began
to thrust up at her.
With the first thrust the Indian slid all the way home
and Pepper stopped breathing, waiting for her small body
to split in two. Then he pulled back and thrust again
and Pepper screamed. Not in pain, but in response to
something she'd never felt before. It was a continuous
orgasm. Spasm after spasm of pure blinding pleasure
washed over her as she began to ride him like a wild
woman galloping, on the back of a stallion.
The sight of the small white woman riding the big dark
Indian like a rodeo star, taking the big man in all the
way caught everyone by surprise. They soon began to urge
her on with real admiration and cheered her as the big
Indian began to convulse in agonizing shivers of ecstasy
and shot fountains of his seed into Peppers willing
She kept riding the big man's cock until he begged her
to stop. Finally the couple was spent, lying of the
floor of the stage gasping for air. Pepper knew that she
had accomplished something that she had though
impossible only moments before.
As things turned out Pepper ended up taking a road trip
with Navaho Joe and the Hells Angels shortly after that
day. She ended up staying with Navaho Joe for almost 6-
months until the fall when it was time to start college.
She was sad to leave the big man, but a girl has to seek
new horizons after all, and being a Hells Angel's
girlfriend was rather limiting...