I Guess This Is What
A Lesbian Does

Written By Phoebe

This work is copyrighted to the author © 2004. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. Thank you for your consideration. Phoebe (phoenlxarlzona@aol.com)

Story in plain text here

I didn't want to do it at first. But she just wouldn't leave me alone and I guess I didn't know how to tell her no.

Carla was an attractive woman of 25 and we'd been hanging out as friends for a year or so when the subject of Lesbianism came up one night. We'd been to a friend's party until the wee hours of the morning and were walking to my car when she asked me if I'd ever though about having sex with another woman.

I was pretty tipsy from all the alcohol I'd consumed that evening but not so far gone as to miss the sexy inflection in her voice as she asked me about what I thought.

I could see the dawn breaking on the horizon as we kept up our brisk pace toward the car. Almost casually I said, "I'm pretty happy with men, and besides I'm not sure how you'd have sex between two women without a penis between them." I thought I was being witty and that Carla would stop talking about it, but I was mistaken.

"Kristy, that's crap about needing a cock to have a good time. Half the fun is the foreplay, and who better than women to know what women want. I know that Bob never seems to satisfy my needs, all that ever happens is he gets his off and leaves my frustrated as hell."

I knew that she was right about her boyfriend Bob, he was a real creep and I wasn't sure what she saw in him, but that still wasn't a reason to go lesbo as far as I was concerned.

That was our first conversation about lesbianism and the beginning of this really strange thing between us. After that night Carla kept casually bringing it up and for some reason I didn't discourage her. Being single I hadn't had any sex in almost 4 months and Carla's talk about woman sex turned me on for some reason. I'd always admired her body and to actually know that she was interested in me sexually was quite arousing.

What happened three weeks later will stay with me for the rest of my life. Carla, Bob and I were out all night partying. It was a Saturday night and we didn't have anything pressing to do on Sunday so we really did the bar circuit. About 5 in the morning Carla and Bob started yelling at each other. (too much to drink and a lack of respect for each other)

Bob ended up storming out of the place and as we found out a few moments later the asshole had taken the car. Carla was furious and started screaming obscenities as she walked in a circle in the almost empty parking lot. Finally I was able to calm her down and suggested that we walk to my place since I lived the closest.

My place was no more than 5 miles away and we could easily make it in less than an hour, so we started off. What happened next will always be frozen in time for me. I still can't believe that I did it, all I can say is that I, like Carla, must have had WAY too much to drink that night.

As we were walking down the sidewalk, I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked at Carla. She spun me around and without saying a word she kissed my right on the mouth. Within seconds I was returning that kiss with a deep passion I hadn't felt in months.

Before I knew what she had in mind Carla had pulled me into an abandoned building only 20 feet off the road. She had me up against the wall of the place and was feeling me up. I couldn't believe it, it felt so... strange, yet it felt exciting. She knew what felt nice and what didn't so "everything" felt nice.

A moment later my top was unbuttoned and then hers was too and we hugged each other. I can still feel the sensation of her bare breasts pushing against mine, it was incredible to feel her hard nipples poking my flesh. My head was spinning as she tugged at my skirt. Within less than a minute of our being there I was naked.

Carla didn't waste any time she just knelt down and began to eat me. I was standing there naked and quivering in an almost hypnotic state as my best friend tongued me to an intense orgasm.

Then it was my turn to rip Carla's clothing away. Her pussy sucking had only inflamed me and I desperately wanted to make her feel as good as she'd made me. I remember thinking to myself as I knelt in front of her. "I guess this is what a lesbian does. I guess I'm a lesbian now."

It shocked me as my mouth touched her bush covered pussy. As I felt her slick hot lips against mine I knew that I was for sure a lesbian. I was even more sure when I started to go to town on her twat. It was wonderful, so empowering to make her scream in ecstasy as I tongued and sucked her to orgasm.

Afterwards we stood in each other's embrace, naked and shivering in the early morning light. Finally I looked about us and realized that it was fully morning now and that two little boys were peering at us from the sidewalk. They looked scared and excited at the same time. I figured that we'd better get dressed and out of there before someone in authority came snooping around wondering why the all little boys in the neighborhood were congregating around an abandoned building.


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