This work is copyrighted to the author © 2004. Please
don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story. Thank you for your consideration. Michael
Story in plain text here
Jennifer was any man's dream. At 20 she was the perfect
specimen of a female, a petite woman whose blonde hair
and blue eyes reminded one of her Viking heritage and
lustful play in bed. And David was no exception when it
came to appreciating her charms.
Their relationship had been a little lopsided from the
beginning. Since he'd met Jennifer about four weeks
earlier, she'd pretty much run his life for him. Telling
him what to wear, and were they were going to eat, and
what club they were going to go to in the evenings. David
didn't really mind that she was bossy. If he really
wanted to admit the truth, he'd have to fess up to the
fact that her bossy ways secretly turned him on. He would
never admit it out loud but a little bit of bitchiness
was something he craved in a woman.
So it was no real surprise when Jennifer demanded that
they stay home one Saturday night and mess around. David
had expected that she'd want to go out on the town, but
was pleasantly surprised that she wanted to be with him
all by themselves.
It didn't take long before the young couple were in the
throws of passion, with of course Jennifer making all the
aggressive moves. Having made David strip buck naked some
time ago it didn't take too much effort to get him to lie
back on the couch and let her have her way with him.
David loved it when she sucked him off.
She really knew what she was doing with her mouth and
probably had, had a lot of experience doing it if the
wonderful feelings she was giving him were any proof.
David lay back and watched this lovely woman bobbing her
head over his crotch enjoying the warm moist feeling of
her mouth and tongue working him over.
It didn't take long before he felt himself ready to cum.
David never told Jennifer when he was about to cum. It
was one of the few things that he did to get 'even' with
her for being so bitchy all the time. When she started to
gag from his cum shooting down her throat he always felt
a since of power over her. And besides, he didn't want her
to stop and pull away, he wanted to make her swallow it.
True to form Jennifer had no idea when he was ready. That
is, until she felt David grab her hair and he shoved his
pulsing cock deep into her mouth. Then she began to gag
as David unloaded gush after gush of hot sticky cum down
her throat.
Jennifer knew why David always ended up forcing her to
take him and frankly she didn't mind it at all. She too
had a secret, she liked to be dominated and this one
little show of force from David never grew old for her.
She only wished that he'd be more of a man and force her
to do other things too.
Jennifer was the way she was because of her childhood
experiences and couldn't help the way she treated David
and for that matter all her previous boyfriends. She'd
grown up in a very strict fundamentalist family whose
patriarchal dictator father never let any indiscretion go
Jennifer could never do anything right for her father and
could never get away with anything. She was always being
punished. This wouldn't have been too bad except that her
perfect younger brother was always held up to her as the
'perfect' child.
When Jennifer was 13 and her brother sexually accosted
her in her own bed one weekend when their parents were
away at a religious retreat, she thought that 'this'
would surely make her father realize that his son was
less than perfect. She'd even let him force her just so
she could use it against him.
But when their parents finally returned home Jennifer
couldn't bring herself to tell her father about what her
brother had done. She tried to, but her brother Jason was
so confident about her not being believed that she lost
her nerve.
That was the beginning of her incestuous love life and
her need to get even with any boy that was ever attracted
to her, and many a male had been. With her angelic blonde
good looks, she attracted them by the carload.
Finally Jennifer moved out on her own, but the visits
from her brother didn't stop. At 20 she was used to being
dominated by her younger brother, she was used to doing
anything he told her to do. And now it even gave her a
kind of perverse pleasure to do as she was told.
Over the past couple of years Jason had begun to get
really kinky in his demands. Many nights when Jennifer
was getting ready to go out on a date, Jason would insist
that she fuck him several times. Sometimes only moments
before the doorbell would ring. Once he was screwing her
while her date was waiting at the door pushing the bell
over and over again.
David had met Jennifer's brother and he didn't like him
much, and Jason knew this. As a matter of fact Jason
didn't like David all that much because he knew that
David was screwing his sister. It made him a little
jealous to know that another man was getting into his
pretty sister's panties.
And that's exactly why what happened, happened.
That Saturday 'stay at home' wasn't arranged because
Jennifer didn't want to go out on the town, or because
she wanted to spend the evening in bed with David. That
evening was arranged by her brother, and used to doing
whatever Jason told her to do, Jennifer unquestioningly
Earlier that afternoon Jason had a little talk with his
older sister, "Baby, I want you to get him tied down to
the bed and I want you to have it done by 9 o'clock."
Jennifer nodded her pretty head obediently with a
mounting since of excitement. 'What did her perverted
brother have in mind this time,' she wondered silently.
She obediently set about to do as she was told.
David was a little surprised when his girlfriend pulled
out the nylon cord and whispered into his ear, "I'm going
to tie you down to the bed so you can't get away, then
I'm going to do really nasty things to your body and you
won't be able to stop me." She looked deep into his eyes
and then pushed away with a giggle and took first one
hand then the other and tied them with a loop over the
A rush of adrenalin made David's heart race and his cock
stand proud, throbbing in time to his heartbeat. He'd
cum in Jennifer's mouth only five minutes before but
this new twist was making him painfully hard.
As Jennifer was completing the knots at his ankles David
heard the doorbell. When Jennifer got up 'naked' from the
bed he quickly said, "Jenn don't answer that, c'mon I'm
tied up naked on the bed, now's not a good time to be
answering the door to some stranger."
But Jennifer just gave her boyfriend a long look before
answering, "It's not some stranger David," and she walked
out of the room.
David was frantic now, he realized that he was really
tied to the bed and couldn't get loose. This was not
good. Then he heard voices and struggled to look at the
bedroom door to see who was there. 'What the fuck was
Jennifer doing? Why would she let someone in while they
were having sex?'
Then to his shock he saw Jennifer's little brother walk
into the room.
"Hey Davy how's tricks?" Jason asked with a smile on his
handsome face.
"What the fuck?" David yelled, his dick wilting and his
face blushing bright red with embarrassment and
"Don't worry Davy, we just wanted to try something new
and exciting. I bet if you just relax you'll even enjoy
it." Jason said and laughed.
Then to his unbelieving ears David heard Jason say, "Okay
Jenny honey show me how you fuck him will yeah?"
Jennifer obediently walked over to the bed and stood
beside her trust-up boyfriend. "He isn't hard any more
Jason," she said with disappointment in her voice.
Jason grunted and came over to look. "You know Davy I can
see why my sister likes to fuck you so much. You have a
nice body and that cock of yours looks like it'd be a
pretty good size when it's hard."
Jason reached out and began to fondle David, massaging
his limp cock and squeezing his nuts gently between his
fingers. David just looked up at him then at Jennifer.
Then in anger he said, "What the fuck are you doing? What
are you a queer?" David instantly regretted his words
when Jason painfully squeezed his balls in his fist.
"Ouch, oh fuck, please stop it, stop it, ouch!"
"Now Davy old friend, you'll be much better off if you
just don't say anything else tonight. And to make sure
that you don't get into any more trouble I'll just have
Jenny love put something in there to shut that cake-hole
of yours."
Jennifer silently picked up her discarded panties and
with David struggling to try and avoid her she stuffed
most of the material into his mouth. "Here Jenny love
take this length of rope and tie your panties tight,"
Jason said.
David looked up at the brother and sister, now wondering
if he would survive this night. Jennifer was acting
strangely, like nothing he'd seen before. Gone was the
bossy, bitchy attitude and it was now replaced with a
complete adoring submissiveness.
David could only watch as Jason walked up next to the bed
and reached down for his dick again. David was determined
not to go along with Jennifer or her queer brother. The
last thing he wanted was anything to do with another man,
and especially this fucking jerk, and now that included
his weird sister too.
But David didn't have a choice in the matter, he was tied
to the bed and no amount of struggling would help him out
of this situation.
Jason continued to stroke David's dick. Finally he said,
"Well, it looks like Davy isn't gonna cooperate. Jenny
love, help me twist Davy over and then I want you to
crawl under him and fuck him for me. Get him really hard
get him really horny for me baby."
David struggled uselessly as the brother and sister
twisted his body over so that his wrists and ankles
crossed. He even tried to kick at them when Jason undid
one ankle so that they could reposition his legs wide
open again.
Then in a detached sort of why David lay quiet as his
pretty girlfriend (the fucking pervert) crawled under
him, pushing him over on his side then pulling him on top
of her. All the time David was aware of Jennifer's
brother watching them from behind.
Then Jennifer began to rock under him. At fist the weird
situation made it so that nothing she did could even
remotely turn him on. But after awhile his body began to
betray him and his cock started to grow. And when
Jennifer felt him growing she reached down between their
crotches and positioned him at her soaking wet slit.
David flinched when he felt Jason's hand shoving at his
cock. Then as Jennifer began to thrust up at him David
could feel her brother's fingers feeling between his cock
and her pussy as Jennifer pushed and pulled. It almost
felt like Jason was jacking him off as his fingers moved
in unison with Jennifer's movements.
David didn't want it to happen, but couldn't help
himself, he was hard and no matter how much he tried not
to, his body was responding to the stimulation that this
brother/sister act was performing on him.
Jennifer picked up the pace and David began to feel his
excitement rise. He didn't want this to be happening but
he had to admit to himself that he was fully aroused and
the restraint and inability to stop them from raping him
was secretly fueling his lust.
David stopped daydreaming about restrained sex when he
felt the bed jiggle. He tried to look over to see what
Jason was doing but Jennifer held him around the neck and
all he could tell was that her brother had climbed on the
bed and was kneeling over them.
Then he almost vomited with fear and loathing. He felt
Jason fumbling around near his butt. 'What the fuck was
that queer pervert going to do now?' he wondered, trying
to scream at them both. But only muffled moans escaped
the tight gag blocking up his mouth.
'Oh fuck Oh god! The bastard's gonna fuck me in the butt!
Oh fuck NO!' his mind screamed because he couldn't get
much noise out around the gag.
David's eyes began to water as he felt the first searing
pain of Jason's invasion of his rear hole. 'God,' he
thought, 'it hurts so bad!' And it did. David could feel
Jennifer's brother wiggling round on top of his back. He
knew when Jason had worked his cockhead into his butt
opening. 'Fuck it hurts,' was all he could think.
Jason was frantically trying to penetrate Jenny's
boyfriend before she knew what he was up to. He realized
that she might not like what he was doing. But Jason had
been thinking about just this event ever since he'd met
Jenny's boyfriend. David had that smooth hairless skin
that always attracted Jason. Usually it was found on
girls, but what the hell, he'd poke anything that
appealed to him.
Doing a sandwich with Jennifer and David was what had
been running through Jason's head for weeks now.
As he thrust home all the way to his balls he could hear
the Wesson oil he'd used as lubricant squishing against
his crotch and David's buttcheeks. It was so perverted.
He could still feel Jennifer's valiant efforts to thrust
up against David's cock, although she was now trying the
lift two male bodies and wasn't being too successful.
David was screaming into his gag and jerking around
trying to dislodge Jason's deeply thrust cock from his
rear end. Finally Jennifer noticed the extra weight and
the distress that her boyfriend had written all over his
face. Then she noticed her brother who had just begun to
hump into her boyfriend's butt.
At first Jennifer was shocked to see him screwing
David's butthole. Jason had made love to her so many
times before that the thought of his dick screwing a male
butt made her feel like she couldn't ever let it back into
her cunt again. But it also excited her, the dominant side
of her came out when she saw the distress in David's eyes
as her brother raped him from behind.
Jennifer in a moment of inspiration rolled Jason and
David over onto their side and scrunched down to take
David into her mouth again. She was wildly excited by
what her brother was doing to him. If the truth be
known she had always been turned on by the thought of
two men 'doing it' with each other.
David couldn't believe what was happening to him. His
girlfriend was wailing away with her lovely mouth,
keeping his dick stiff against his will, while her
brother was fucking his butt. David could feel Jason's
slimy cock penetrating him deep down inside. For a
momentary flash he wondered if this was what women felt
like when they were getting screwed.
The pain was pretty much gone by now. The sensations were
more of a numb rubbing feeling as the nineteen-year-old
queer boy thrust away in his butt. And with the hot moist
mouth still working on his intensely ridged cock it
wasn't long before David lost all control and began to
cum with a rush like he'd never felt before.
As David jerked and squirmed relieving himself in
Jennifer's mouth Jason could feel David's orgasm as his
butt muscles tensed and relaxed with each ejaculation and
this brought him to a head too.
Jason groaned as he came deep in David's asshole. David
closed his eyes in disgust tinged with lust as he
realized that a guy had just emptied himself in his
bowels. But even that humiliation couldn't stop the
pleasure that his own cum in Jennifer's mouth was giving
Finally it was over. Three bodies lay panting for breath,
two loudly and one muffed through a gag. After a few
moments Jason reached over, (Still firmly embedded in his
lover's butt) and pulled the rope loose that held
Jennifer's panties in David's mouth.
David didn't say a word. Even when Jason finally pulled
his still hard dick out of his butt he just lay there.
Normally that would have been the end of Jennifer's
relationship with her boyfriend. It had happened before
when her boyfriend's realized that she was screwing her
brother on the side. But in this particular case, after
David had a chance to recover and realized how much fun
that evening had really been. Well, let it suffice to
say that instead of just Jason taking advantage of
Jennifer's 'boyfriends' now there were Jason and David
And I'll bet you can imagine how much fun they had with
Jennifer's new boyfriends from that day forward.