This work is copyrighted to the author © 2004. Please
don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story. Thank you for your consideration. Michael
Story in plain text here
You can get used to anything if you make your mind up to it.
It all started when I noticed a hickey on my wife's
neck. I just got a glimpse of it but I knew instantly
what it was and that I hadn't put it there. Hell how
could I have? We hadn't had sex in almost two weeks, and
if the truth be known our marriage was heading for the
But even though we were drifting apart I had never --
even in my wildest dreams -- thought that my honey would
cheat on me. We'd been high school sweethearts and had
been virgins the first time we made love. I had always
been faithful and I just assumed that she was too.
I can still remember how our friends had teased Laura
and I when we first started going together in school. We
looked like brother and sister. We were both slender and
both 5' 11" tall with light brown hair and dark brown
eyes. Even I had to admit that we looked like siblings.
But the important thing was we weren't. We were
attracted to each other to the exclusion of all else.
The sex was intense and plentiful and the pleasure
extreme. It was a match made in heaven. At least until
she got pregnant 4 months before graduation.
We both graduated from high school and then got married.
I mean what else could we do?
Now 12 years and 3 children later we were growing apart.
But damnit Laura was still sexy looking and I didn't
want to lose her. And there were the kids to think about
So when I first saw the evidence of my wife's betrayal,
I didn't blow my top. In fact I didn't say anything at
all. But I did begin to think about what I should do
about it and finally decided that I would spy on her to
see where she went and with whom.
You see, I work from my home office as a marketing
consultant. The business was the legacy of Laura's dad
who had built the client list and had run the company
for almost 20 years before bringing me in and then
promptly getting himself killed in a car accident within
the first year. I was able to keep things going, and had
to admit that it was great to have the freedom to work
from home.
It also gave me the freedom to spy on my wife if needs
Our usual days routine was me in the office from 9 to 5
and Laura doing the house work, getting the kids off to
school and then she'd go out shopping and do the family
errands until it was time for the kids to come home from
school. Although over the past few months she was
getting home later and later in the afternoon.
That night my stomach was in knots. I was hurt and
jealous, and angry too. When, after Laura had turned the
light out and rolled over to sleep with her back to me,
I tried to approach her for a little sex. It was an
unsuccessful attempt. She pushed me away saying that she
was too tired. As usual I complained that it had been
weeks and whined that "man cannot live on bread alone"
which was my usual refrain when this happened.
Rejected I rolled over to face the wall and until I
finally drifted off into a troubled sleep I lay there
imagining my pretty wife in bed, getting screwed by some
strange man. What really hurt was the thought that she
must be enjoying this cheating son of a bitch to let him
give her that hickey. She hadn't let me do that to her
in years. She always said that it was embarrassing to be
seen like some teenage kid with a hickey. I fumed in
rejected anger.
* * *
The next day as usual around 2 p.m. Laura came by the
office door to let me know she was leaving. And as usual
I told her to "drive safely" and waved to her breezily
as she headed out the front door. I waited for a few
moments and then followed her.
It was strange following my wife without her knowledge.
And for some reason that I couldn't quite fathom it was
also arousing. I realized that I had a hard on right
from the beginning.
I spent over an hour trailing her from store to
store. She went into a book store, and then a health
food store, then it happened. She was driving in the
general direction of home and I thought that my little
hunt for the truth was going to be a bust. But suddenly
she pulled into an apartment complex parking lot.
It was one of those seedy looking places. It had studios,
1 and 2 bedroom apartments that looked like they'd been
built in a hurry with cheap materials. I slowed down and
then carefully pulled in after her. I just saw her
disappearing into the building as I pulled into a
spot several spaces down from her car.
Jumping out and hurriedly following Laura I was just
barely able catch a glimpse of her climbing the stairs
to the second floor. I stood still and peered around the
corner as she knocked on the door of unit 201. I watched
as she stood there waiting, my heart was pounding and I
couldn't really believe that she was going to see an
illicit lover. I kept hoping that it would turn out
to be some girlfriend that we both knew or a PTA buddy,
something, anything other than what appeared in the
A burly man around my age came into view. He looked
rough and a little grubby as far as I was concerned. His
appearance reminded me of a construction worker being
that he had sunburnt arms and face while the upper arms
not covered by his undershirt where almost white. He
even had a bit of a beer gut I noticed.
What the fuck was Laura cheating on me with some beer
guzzling ditch digger for? Why would she do that? I just
couldn't understand it. I mean, I was okay in bed. I
didn't have any of those sexual problems that you read
about. No premature ejaculation. No limp dick syndrome,
I liked women, and frankly after getting my rocks off
once, I could pretty much last as long as needed the
second time around.
So why the ditch digger?
As I thought about what must be going on in that
apartment; images began to pass before my eyes. That
creep's dirty rough hands pulling Laura's blouse off
over hear pretty head. His nasty fingers touching her
body pinching her swollen nipples, his beard-stubbled
cheek brushing against her smooth skin as he lay atop
her grunting his lust out in gushes of dirty cum,
defiling my honey, emasculating me with each grotesque
I couldn't take it any longer. I had to stop this now!
I don't know what I was thinking, maybe I was beyond
rational thought. Having ones wife being boinked by some
strange man could have that effect on just about any
husband I guess. I was not a fighter, and the truth be
told I probably knew on some level that I was getting
into something quite over me head.
But I was furious, I didn't care what happened to me,
and I guess I thought that my righteous indignation
would carry the day. Well, it didn't.
I pounded up the stairs and tried the door handle to the
apartment. It is a measure on my inner turmoil that it
didn't even surprise me that when I turned the door
handle the door swung inward, letting me inter the
apartment unannounced.
Instantly I knew I was too late. I could her Laura
yelling, "YES, YES, OH FUCK YES!" in a groaning excited
passionate voice that I hadn't heard in years. I knew
instantly that this stranger was royally fucking her.
Unable to calculate the outcome of my actions I stormed
into the bedroom and opened my mouth to scream "Jezebel"
"Whore" "Cheating bitch" but instead I was rooted to the
floor. The pain of betrayal stabbed at my chest as I
watched this grubby ditch digger type plowing my ardent
wife. His white ass rising and falling as he thrust into
her. Her lovely legs raised high, heels digging into his
ass forcing him in even deeper on the down thrusts.
The smell of sex, the sight of a strange man doing to my
wife what I wanted to do. He was doing to her what she
would no longer let me do. Just the night before she'd
rejected me, and now the cheating bitch was wildly
fucking this beer bellied bastard.
I lost it when that fucking bastard grunted one last
time and shoved hard into Laura and held his tense body
tightly against her's. I knew that the shit head was
emptying himself in her. He was dumping his dirty load
into my wife, I went insane.
I jumped to action. With a yell of agony I ran into the
room and grabbed the bastard by an arm and pulled him
off Laura causing him to fall off the bed and onto the
floor. Laura had her eyes closed savoring his orgasm,
but when I entered the room and pulled her lover off her
she opened her eyes and shrieked in surprise.
Then I was on my knees with a ringing in my ears. It
took a moment before I realized what had happened, but
when the pain rushed over me I knew that "beer belly"
had struck me a blow on the back of my head. I almost
blacked out, I wanted to vomit, but I fought to remain
Through a fog I heard my wife explaining who I was and
then the man sort of laughed and I heard him say, "Fuck
he looks like your brother Laura, man you two look like
brother and sister."
I was vaguely surprised that he was laughing, then I
heard him say, "He's a nice lookin' bastard, your
husband." I realized that he had an Australian accent,
at least I thought it might be Australian.
Then rough hands picked me up by the collar of my shirt
and I felt like I was hanging from his fist as he looked
me over. "Yeah, he's a nice looking mick, looks a lot
like you love." He commented almost conversationally.
Then as I stood there still dazed from the blow to the
head I began to wonder what I should do next. Then the
man began to unbutton my shirt. I didn't fight him,
actually I was afraid of him, that blow was the worst
pain I'd suffered in my life. No one had ever hit me
that hard before and all I wanted to do at that moment
was get away from him.
Laura said, "Phil, what'cha gonna do to him? I think you
should just send him on his way. He didn't hurt you."
Laura pleaded with the man. "Eric why did you have to
follow me, now you're in for it." My wife said to me
when she realized that "Phil" wasn't going to let me go.
Phil said, "I don't much like being pulled off my bird
right at the important moment. I reckon this bloke of
yours owes me."
I was flabbergasted as I stood there in this man's
powerful grip. First my shirt was pulled off then he
pulled my belt loose and popped the snap at my waist and
said, "Drop the britches mate!"
When I didn't move he smacked my along the side of my
head and yelled, "Strip NOW asshole or I'll beat you
Sweating bullets I did as I was told, taking all of my
clothes off and standing there with my hands over my
crotch trembling in fear. The only gratifying thing
about the whole thing was my wife's pleas to the brute
not to hurt me. At least she still had some feelings for
Then the bastard threw me for a loop. In response to my
wife's plea, he pulled me to him and kissed me on the
mouth. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there as
he deep kissed me like I was a girl. I felt humiliated
as I felt his tongue force its way between my lips and
begin to play with my tongue just like I might have with
Laura a few years back.
Finally I couldn't take any more, I had to do something
so I pulled away from his mouth and tried to escape from
his grip. But it was futile. I felt fingers grab at my
exposed balls and begin to squeeze and that stopped my
brief attempt at freedom. I knew what could happen if
this bastard decided to really hurt me.
Then he pulled me by my nuts over to the bed. "I think
I'd like sommit new love, you don't mind do you sweets?"
He said to my wife.
Laura just stood there. I glanced over at her as this
son of a bitch pushed me down onto the bed, still
holding my balls in a death grip. I could see my wife
watching us, she had a strange look on her face,
something between fear and excitement. But as this
monster pushed me down on my back and climbed on top of
me I lost my view of Laura's face.
"Now little man, I think I'll be enjoying Laura's hubby
fer a bit, you don't mind do yeah mate?" he said as he
lay atop me and spread my legs apart with his knees.
I was going to say yes I did mind but I didn't get the
chance. He was on me again with his kissing and his naked
body pressed mine into the damp mattress. I could barely
see my wife as she stood watching this ass hole
humiliate me. It occurred to me that we must look really
I felt his beer guy pressing against my stomach, and in
consternation I realized that his big fat slimy cock was
rubbing against mine, occasionally poking at my balls
making me jump in fearful anticipation of the pain he
could cause me if he hit my nuts just right with that
battering ram of his.
It seemed to go on for hours. This aussy bastard humping
away at me like I was his paid for whore. I was so
humiliated that I began to cry, I would never be able to
look my wife in the eye again, what must she think of
me. I wanted to die.
Then things got worse. The bastard rolled off me and lay
to one side. In a conversational voice he said, "Hey
mate, why don't you wank it for us. Wifey's been telling
me that you two haven't been doing it for a while, so
why not getem off for us right now."
I wanted to kill the bastard. But when he grabbed an ear
and began to twist I hurriedly reached down for my dick
to do what I was told. I was surprised to find myself
fully hard, I hadn't realized until that moment the
sexual tension that surged through my body. 'What must
Laura think of me,' I thought in agony. 'Getting a boner
while being kissed by another man.' God how humiliating.
I began to reluctantly jack off in front of them. I was
amazed that I could even stay hard, I was so afraid of
him. I guessed since I hadn't made love to my wife in
over two weeks and hadn't felt like masturbating during
that time, that I was able to stay hard even under this
extreme stress.
As a matter of fact to my surprise I was even beginning
to feel that age old tingle deep down. I didn't want to
cum in front of Phil and Laura, it was the last thing I
wanted to do. But when I tried to slow the pace or even
stop, Phil would threaten me again. He said that he
liked my body and wanted to see me cum.
After a while I shut my eyes trying to blot both of them
out of my consciousness. I knew I was going to cum soon
and it made me feel even worse, but there was nothing
that I could do about it. My body was going to betray me
and that was all there was to it.
Then my eyes flew open as I felt Phil's hand gliding
over my stomach, and down one thigh. I momentarily
stopped beating off only to be cuffed along the side my
head again. I started up again and kept doing myself
even when Phil rolled over onto me kissing me on the
lips once more.
Laura watched at us but said nothing. Phil's hands began
roaming over my body again. He leaned close to my ear
and whispered, "C'mon mate, cum for us, let the little
woman see her big stud-muffin loose his load, c'mon lets
see what you're made of."
Then to my utter shock he started to suck on my neck. OH
MY GOD! He was going to give me a hickey, just like my
I don't know exactly why, but Phil's action somehow
excited me. I don't think that I would ever admit this
to anyone outside of this little circle but I secretly
enjoyed being dominated by Phil. I'm sure that I would
have enjoyed it more if Laura had been the one to force
me, but that's not what was happening.
When Phil reached down and squeezed my nuts hard, I came
like a fireman putting out a fire. The first blast
spurted almost 3 feet into the air. I could feel it
hitting my hair and forehead, and even splatting onto
the pillow above my head. Then the second jet of hot cum
slapped across my face, I could feel and taste it on my
tightly closed lips. The 3rd and 4th hot strings of cum
streaked my chest and stomach, then I felt the rest
oozing down into the pubic hair nestled below my bobbing
pulsing cock.
In short that had been the most intense cum of my life.
Even my first time with Laura hadn't been this intense,
nothing had ever been this good before.
When I could breathe again I heard Phil tell my wife,
"Okay hon, feed em for me, just like a baby."
I had no idea what he meant by that but when Laura sat
next to me on the bed and began to scoop my copious cum
from my hair and the pillow above me with her fingers I
realized what Phil had in mind.
"Fuck no," I shouted as I dodged my wife's cum coated
fingers. She was trying to feed me my own cum! "God
But I was helpless when Phil gripped my hair and pulled
a knot of it tight into his fist and said in a low
dangerous tone, "Do as you're told matey, unless you
want a slam in the balls."
I stopped struggling. What could I do? Phil was stronger
than me and he knew how to fight and I didn't. I let
Laura rub her fingers across my lips, then in-between my
lips, and finally I opened my mouth and she began to
scrape cum from her fingers into my mouth.
Phil said, "Okay mick now swallow it down, me boy."
I licked my lips and swallowed, why the fuck not. After
all there was nothing I could do to stop this so I might
as well get it over with, and after all it was MY cum,
so why not?
Then Phil asked, "So mate, did you like it? Did you like
the taste of you're cum?"
I looked at him with hatred in my eyes, but after a
moment I nodded yes in defeated anger. That was a
"Well then, if you liked that thin watery load, you'll
love my thick cream." And without warning Phil grabbed a
bunch on my hair in his fist again and pulled me to a
kneeling position on the bed.
I almost vomited in fear and shock. I knew what he was
going to do, and at the same time I knew there was
nothing I could do to stop this. I glanced over at my
wife with a silent plea, but she just stood there in
her naked splendor watching us excitedly. I realized
at that moment that she wanted to see me doing what
would come next. She wanted to see me suck another
man's cock. The bitch!
Phil was growing impatient. He slapped my face hard to
the protest of both my wife and myself. I cried out in
pain and Laura cried out in anger saying that he'd
promised earlier not to hurt me. Phil replied what he'd
said before, "I told the bloke to do what I say, or I'd
hit. Just keeping my word."
Laura didn't say anything further. I was facing a grubby
cunt-juice covered cock only inches away. It smelled
plenty ripe too. But when Phil gripped my hair again and
shoved my face toward his rising dick I did what I had
to do.
I opened my mouth and tried to remember how I liked
Laura to blow me in the old days. Watch the teeth, use
tongue when pulling back. I knew what I liked and I knew
that if I didn't do it right, Phil would hit me again.
So I knuckled down and began to suck his big old fat
It was disgusting at first. I never would eat Laura once
she was hot and bothered. I liked her clean and douched,
the smell and feel of a clean pussy is great, but a used
one never did much for me. This fucker's dick was about
as rank as you could get. But after I sucked on it for a
while I cleaned most of the crusted cum and pussy juice
off and then it wasn't too bad.
Phil took me by surprise when he began to thrust into
my mouth. I choked and gagged but he just held me by the
hair and fucked my mouth faster and faster. My arms were
flailing around and I was gagging like a man about ready
to die. I couldn't believe that he was doing this to me,
I could actually feel his cock forcing itself down into
my throat.
In a very short time I learned to breathe when he pulled
out and to swallow when he thrust in. It became a rhythm
that I had to match. Other than a sore throat it became
easier and easier as he continued to thrust himself down
my throat.
I knew I was in trouble when his body tensed and he
jammed himself hard down my throat and held my face
tightly against his crotch. It was awful. The first
spurt of cum filled my throat and there was nothing
I could do but swallow. But when the second load
ejaculated into my throat I was trying to breathe.
Needless to say I gagged and choked on his cum and
began to breathe it.
Phil didn't care what was happening to me, he was
getting his rocks off in my mouth and enjoying it
immensely. He just continued to hold my face tightly
against his pubic hair and shot load after load into my
throat and windpipe.
By the time Phil was done with my face I was about to
pass out. I had his cum bubbling out of my nostrils and
was coughing up a storm.
All I remember after that was that once Phil was done
with me and had thrown me aside choking and coughing,
Laura crawled onto the bed next to me and soothed my
sweaty brow. After a while she began to kiss me softly
and in short order she was seeking out any of Phil's cum
that hadn't gone straight down my throat.
I do remember one other thing after that. Laura fucked
my brains numb while Phil watched us. I vaguely remember
wondering where that passion had come from. I remember
Laura riding my like a cowgirl at a rodeo and screaming
at the top of her lungs as she had a monstrous cum in
the middle of her ride.
I didn't cum, but I didn't really care as I held my
panting wife close to me as she slowly came down from
her intense orgasm.
I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but Phil ended up
moving into our house a week later. Laura and I had
talked about it prior to Phil moving in so it was
totally consensual between us. There's only one rule,
Phil can do anything he wants as long as when the kids
come home we all act like normal adults. But when the
kids are at school Phil controls both Laura and me.
I can't tell you how many times I've had to answer the
home office phone wearing an apron with cum dripping out
of my asshole. But I don't mind anymore, Laura is happy
and in a strange way so am I. I couldn't imagine not
having Phil around the house now.
And besides, there's an interesting new neighbor who
just moved in next door. She's single and has a knock-
out bod. If we play our cards right I have a feeling
she'll fit into our little group perfectly.