(MF, nc, bd, v)
Written by Michael
This work is copyrighted to the author © 2004. Please
don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story. Thank you for your consideration. Michael
Story in plain text here
There I was sitting in the emergency room, still in
shock and wondering what would happen to me. Only
hours before my worst problem was that I'd been
feeling old and a little neglected.
But then all at once everything changed.
Ever since my wife hit menopause at 52 I hadn't been
getting any sex. And over the past year I'd
begun to gain weight and generally feel lousy. But
tonight sitting in the busy emergency room I couldn't
even remember what my prior complaints had been. Now
all I wanted to do was live!
It all started just after 7 pm that very night. It
seems like a lifetime ago, but it had only been 4 hours
or so. My wife Carole and I were watching TV when the
front door to our house was kicked in. I couldn't
understand what was happening at first, but when
Carole jumped up and screamed in fright I realized
that we were having our home invaded by a gang of
mean looking criminal types.
I'd never thought anything like that could happen to
us. Things like that just didn't happen in our
neighborhood, we had block watch and even a
neighborhood committee. Young families occupied many
of the homes in our neighborhood and the area seemed
nice enough, so how could this be happening to us?
Then they were on top of me forcing me to the floor.
I didn't have a chance to fight back and in reality
even if I had they were younger and much more fit
than I was.
I realized that they were of Mexican decent and that
there were three men and one woman in their gang. I
struggled until finally one of the men hit me a
glancing blow to the side of my head, which stunned
me into inactivity. After that all I could hear were
my wife's sobs and some of the intruders rummaging
through the house.
Then I heard the woman say in very accented English,
"Hey Manuel, don't forget about me man." Then she
stepped over to me and said, "Get up mister!" It was
a command, and when I didn't move one of the tough
young men came over and grabbed me by the hair.
"Hey, fucker! When Consuela says get up, you better
get the fuck up!" I was dragged up into a sitting
position then hauled to my feet. As they shoved me
out of the room I heard my wife pleading with me,
"Please John don't go, I'm afraid, please."
It wasn't like I could do anything about it. I knew
that she was in danger but I didn't think they'd try
anything sexual with her. After all she was 52 years
old and none of the guys in the gang could have been
more than 25.
But I could still hear her sobs as the door to our
bedroom closed behind me and the girl pushed me
forward into the room. I said, "Look don't hurt us we
didn't do anything to you. All of the money in the
house is in my wallet or in the third draw from the
right in my home office at the back of the house."
"Juan, you go get the money while I entertain this
asshole." She pulled out a mean looking little gun
and pointed it at my head, "Lie down on the bed
mister and I won't shoot you right now!"
I did as I was told feeling a fear like nothing I'd
ever felt before. What did she mean, 'right now' and
why had they separated me from my wife?
Then my fear rose like vomit as she began to pull
rope out of her coat and grabbed my arm.
"What the?" I mumbled in fright.
She pulled my arm and swore at me in Spanish, all the
while waving that nasty looking little gun around.
Then finally she reverted to English saying, "Mister
you better stop fighting me or I'll fucking kill
I hadn't been around guns for thirty years, ever
since I'b been discahrged from the Army in the early
seventies. She was scaring the hell out of me the way
she was handling that weapon. So I lay back and let
her tie both of my arms. I figured the sooner they had
me secure the sooner they'd be done and out of our
Once both of my arms were securely tied to the
headboard of the bed she went to the dresser and
pulled out a pair of silk panties from my wife's
side. I watched as the little Mexican girl sniffed
them then she looked over at me and smiled. I didn't
know what she had in mind until she was jamming them
in my mouth and tying a piece of cloth to secure it.
I thought they would leave me there and finish with
their burglary, but I was wrong. The next thing that
happened was that this small female climbed up on the
bed with me and started to undo my pants. All I could
do was gawk at her in surprise.
Then she was pulling on my pant-legs tugging them
off. I watched in shock and embarrassment as she came
back up beside me and did the same with my underwear.
There I was, this middle age slightly potbellied
white guy lying on my bed naked
with my arms tight above my head. I was totally
humiliated as she stood back to inspect my nakedness.
But there was nothing I could do about it.
Then she was tying my feet with a rope to the
footboard of the bed. What was she going to do? I
hoped that I wasn't going to make the newspapers in
the morning. I could imagine the headline, "Middle
aged man found mutilated in own bed." Sharon Tate
came to mind briefly.
Then she blindfolded me. Fuck! I knew I was about
to die!
Then my heart almost stopped when I felt a hot moist
softness surround my flaccid dick. I struggled to see
what was happening, and sure enough the little
Mexican girl was licked and sucking away at me,
trying to get me up.
I hadn't had proper sex with my wife for almost two
years, and she hadn't given me head in at least that
long. I lay there feeling this young woman's body
over mine and her lips surrounding my hardening dick
and wondered why an attractive girl like her would
want to do something like this to an old fart like
me. I couldn't figure it out, and after a short time
I didn't care any more.
When she had me fully hard she knelt on the bed
beside me and tugged her t-shirt off over her head
and then rolled over and kicked off her pants. She
wasn't wearing any underwear at all. Kids these days,
it makes you wonder.
I anticipating what I thought was
about to happen. I felt her climb
on top of me. All I could think about was that tight
young brown body straddling me, and how it would feel
to fuck again.
Then I almost jumped up (and would have if I hadn't
been tied down with a 100lb girl on top of me) as the
bedroom door burst open. Fuck what now I wondered, my
arousal turning to fear again.
Then the guy she'd called Manuel said, "At it again
huh Consuela?"
"Fuck you Manuel, get out!!" She grabbed my dick and
massgaed it. All I could do was groan as my dick began to grow
back to full hardness. I didn't care if the guy
watched us, all I wanted then was a warm moist place
to hide my sausage and I didn't even care that they'd
robbed me of all my valuables.
Then I heard, "Hey! Gringo, you know ol' Consuela
their as HIV. And the only way she can get any is to
force her victims. She's a fucking slut who's screwed
half the dirty bums downtown for pocket change. Have
fun fucker!"
Consuela turned on top of me and began to scream at
him in Spanish. I couldn't tell what she was yelling,
but I knew that every other word must be an
I felt her smooth brown thighs as they straddling my
pudgy white belly and I felt her strong muscled
stomach ripple as she yelled at Manuel. She flet as
good as she had only moments before, but now I could
feel myself going limp. I didn't want to catch a
I started squirming, now all I wanted was to get
away. My squirming caught the girl's attention turned
her attention back to me. She could tell instantly that
I no longer wanted to screw her. She
pleaded with me, "That fucker is lying I don't have no
disease, honest mister. C'mon man you want it I know you do."
But I didn't.
Apparently I had no choice in the matter though.
After pleading with me for a while the girl finally
said, "Okay, mister, we'll see what
you really want huh?" and she scooted her naked body
down to rest on my legs and began to lick at my cock
again, using long cat-like strokes.
I could feel her tongue on the sensitive underside of
my shaft and there was nothing I could do about it. I
tried to think about when we'd had our first baby and
the after birth material that was splattered all over
the birthing table after my wife had spent 6 hours
pushing, or dogs shitting big piles of crap with
flies flitting around their hind ends.
But it was no good. Consuela's mouth was rhythmically
working my stiffing cock up into hardness and there
was nothing I could do to stop myself. When I heard
her laugh in triumph I knew I'd lost.
Still jacking my stiff bone for all she was worth the
little Mexican climbed up and straddled me. Then I
heard her groan as she lowered herself over my cock
taking me in all the way.
I was horrified! This was terrible, but vaguely I
realized that it felt so good; she was giving me
feelings that I only dimly remembered after more than
two years without. As the little brown Mexican girl
began to ride me for her pleasure I could feel that
wonderful friction that only fucking a female cunt
can give a man.
It didn't take long before I was there. My body
jerked at its restraints as I came intensely, my cum
exploding from me like a volcano. I felt like I was
shooting my whole insides into the girl, a searing
painful pleasure shot right out through my dick as
gobs of my cum filled her.
Then she was grunting and thrusting on top of me and
I knew from her body language and the tortured gasps
being forced from her that she was cumming on my
shaft. She'd reached wherever she was trying to get.
I even felt a crazy sort of pride; just for a moment,
that I'd been able to get her off just from her
riding my cock.
Then she was gasping and slumped over onto my chest
breathing hard. I could feel her sweaty young brown
body heaving on top of my old white one and it made
my cock jerk inside her from the pleasure the thought
gave me.
Consuela pulled the blindfold from my face and
smiled. "Not so bad after all, huh mister?"
What could I say? (Nothing since I was trust up and
gagged and had just been raped by a female possibly
with HIV.)
They left the house after ransacking it. I remember
that one of the men came in and finally pulled
Consuela off me, but not until she'd come again and
made me come for a second time too.
I think it was her desperate need that kept me hard
and ready even though I was so out of practice.
After they left my wife came into the room, still
crying and saw me tied up and naked. I knew that she
could tell by the slimy mess all over my crotch and
the sheets that I'd just been fucking. But I hoped
she could tell by the gag and ropes binding me that
it hadn't been my fault.
Apparently she had because she was still sitting next
to me in the emergency room when the doctor took
samples of the girl's fluids to test for HIV. He told
me that I would have to wait at least three months
before an AIDs test would tell me anything, maybe six
months. No one was absolutely sure how long it took
for the infection to show up.
He also said that there was a small possibility that
I wouldn't get it. But that my wife and I should
abstain from having unprotected sex for the next six
months until we were sure I wasn't infected.
Well, at least that was no problem since we didn't
have sex anymore anyway.
But I have had a few fantasies about meeting Consuela
again. She was one hot fuck, even if she did have a
disease or two.