This work is copyrighted to the author © 2004. Please
don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story. Thank you for your consideration. Phoebe
Story in plain text here
It was Solstice Eve, and Queen Genevieve had a
headache. It had been a long day and she wasn't really
looking forward to the long tedious evening of
celebrations that the Winter Solstice always turned out
to be.
The festivals and late night feasting were always
tiresome, all the peasants and noise that the
celebrations brought into the castle grounds, her head
pounded with a sharp pain at the thought.
The King had opened the castle to an even wider range
of people this year. Her husband's younger brother
prince Charles was going away to fight in the holy
lands and all of his men-in-arms and many of the lesser
knights from surrounding shires were within the castles
walls this night.
Genevieve had always liked the King's younger brother.
He was almost fifteen years younger than the King, and
always seemed so full of life. Ever since Genevieve had
married into the royal family, prince Charles, even at
the tinder age of ten had had a crush on her. She knew
it, and subconsciously encouraged it.
Now that Charles was 18 and on his way to fight in the
crusades, Queen Genevieve would miss the extra
attention she had become used to.
The King had decided that the celebrations and feast
should be the biggest and best ever. He had two reasons
for this, one was that his brother was going away to
unknown peril, and the other was that his queen was
suffering from a bout of depression.
They had been trying for almost two years to have a
child but with no success. Genevieve was 24 and more
than ready to be pregnant. As a matter of fact, that
was just about all she thought about nowadays. Ever
since the royal physician told them that due to a
childhood illness, it was unlikely that the King would
be able to make her big with child. Queen Genevieve had
become obsessed over the fact that she was childless.
The King trusted his physician but cast around
throughout his kingdom for other opinions and received
many. He took special potions and wore amulets to ward
off evil spirits. But so far all to no avail.
The King was upset by this turn of events, but when his
trusted physician suggested more frequency in their
copulation, he soon felt well compensated. He always
enjoyed his young wife's lush body, her thick dark
hair, and sparkling green Irish eyes. Now with her new
need she was pulling him into her bedchamber for sex at
all hours, and he enjoyed it greatly.
"Your Majesty, would you please see the noble knights
now? They await your grace," the court magistrate
addressed his lord. The magistrate couldn't know that
his King had just been invited to his Queen's
bedchamber for a little baby making session. To all
unknowing eyes the couple were king and queen astride
their thrones in a crowded hall presiding over
organized kayos.
The King sighed and turned to his queen, "Gene, I'll be
back in a bit, I guess I should take care of this,
after all they leave in a week for the perils of the
holy war. I suppose I shouldn't keep them waiting." It
was 10 o'clock, only two hours until the Winter
Solstice Day feast began.
Genevieve watched her husband get up from his throne
and throw his clock over a shoulder as he followed
after his Magistrate. An idle thought crossed her mind
as she watched them walk away. She wondered, 'What
would the old white haired Magistrate think if he knew
that his King had a raging hard-on as he weaved his way
through the crush of guests?'
She smiled to herself, because she had been the cause
of it. And giving him a hand job through the pocket of
his trousers as he'd sat next to her in the throng of
people. It had been as much fun for her as for him.
"Your Majesty, a penny for your thoughts?" Prince
Charles plopped down beside his sister-in-law. "Looks
like His Majesty was having fun over here!"
Genevieve's face turned bright red, and she felt a lump
forming in her throat. "What do you mean?" she asked,
hoping that Charles had meant something else.
"I just hope when I get married, I find someone half as
pleasing as you. My brother better appreciate you as
much as you deserve." Charles said as he nudged her
shoulder and gave a knowing wink.
Genevieve cleared her throat nervously and tried to
change the subject. "Are you ready for your voyage
Charles? You will take care of yourself won't you?" She
said with real concern in her voice.
Taking pity on his pretty sister in-law, prince Charles
decided to let her guide the conversation. "Yes, never
fear. I have a brave enough fighting force to survive
just about anything. I'm actually looking forward to
it. The sun will be a nice change, and maybe I'll come
home all darkly tanned like a Saracen warrior. I'd look
nice with a tan don't you think?"
Genevieve momentarily envisioned the young man naked --
on her bed. For a moment she could see his well-muscled
body all tan and hard. For a fleeting instant in her
minds eye she could see his young manhood rising into a
smooth mahogany pole, expanding... glistening...
"...Hey, a pence for your thoughts!" Charles said once
again as his pretty sister in-law sat motionless beside
him with a far away look on her face.
The Queen's face turned even a brighter shade of red as
she realized that Charles was looking into her eyes
with a strange inviting smile on his handsome face.
She realized what he must have been thinking. Here she
was; she'd just given her husband the King a hand job
almost in public, and when asked what she thought about
his future tan, 'well... she'd just been aroused by her
husband, nothing to feel guilty about,' she thought.
Never the less, Genevieve said quickly, "Charles please
don't tease me. I'm going to rest for a little while.
Will you tell the King to come up and wake me before
the midnight festivities? I think I've had a little too
much to drink and need a lie down."
"Yes, I'll send him up to you as soon as I see him,"
Charles smiled knowingly.
The chambers were warm and snug with fires burning
cheerily in the warming hearths and no one was about,
so everything was quiet. Just what Genevieve needed.
The Queen sat for a moment at her dressing table and
stared at her reflection in the mirror. She couldn't
see any difference in her appearance. She looked the
same as she always had, no older than when she was
still living at home in Nottingforthe with her parents.
Even at 24 she felt that she could pass for 18 and get
away with it. She had one of those petite bodies with
enough flesh on it to keep her girlish figure, which
she had until recently taken very good care of.
With a sigh, she finally stood and stepped over to a
table with a dark wooden box on it. She opened the box
and removed a flask.
The court Physician had made her a potion for her ever-
increasing headaches, it always made her feel calmer
and her pain would invariably go away a short time
after taking the medicine.
She took her customary two swallows and put the flask
back into the box. Standing in the semi-darkness of her
bedchamber, Genevieve longed for her husband. The
alcohol that she'd drunk earlier, and now the fast
acting drug she'd just swallowed were making her feel
sexy all over.
Frustrated and even more depressed Genevieve lay down
on her bed and as she drifted off, the vague worry
about waking in time for the midnight celebration
flitted though her mind...
Genevieve's eyes opened lazily as a hand sailed down
between her legs. She realized that the hand must have
been there for a while because she could feel the
familiar slickness of her own lubricants on the
massaging fingers.
Contentedly Genevieve turned over to face...
"Charles!!! What in heaven's name do you think you're
doing!" Genevieve was wide-awake and angry.
"Genevieve..." Charles stammered. "God I'm sorry, I-I
know you can destroy me for what I've done, but when I
came in here to wake you, you just looked so... so very
beautiful, I just couldn't help myself, I just had
to... I-I guess I thought in the back of my mind...
that we might make a deal between ourselves."
Charles looked at her flashing eyes, then continued. "I
know how much you and the King have been trying to make
an heir, and I saw how depressed you've been. I thought
that maybe I could help."
"Get out of here Charles, and I'll try to forget that
you were molesting your brother's wife. I don't know if
I can, but I don't want to ruin your relationship with
each other so I'll try."
Charles didn't get up to leave, in stead he said,
"Gene, I'm a virgin, and you're without a baby. You
want a child, and I don't want to still be a virgin
when I become a crusader in the holy lands. The way I
see it, we might be able to do something important for
each other."
Genevieve sputtered for a moment, then finally gaining
control of her voice she said, "I don't believe you
said that to me Charles, you know I love my husband and
I would never consider cheating on him. Why are you
doing this?"
"Because I love you Genevieve, and I love my brother
too. He wants a baby just as much as you do, maybe
more. What do you thing your chances are of having a
child by him? Pretty much nil I'll bet. You know you
couldn't get any closer to his bloodline than me, now
could you?" Charles looked intently into Genevieve's
wide green eyes as he reached out to touch her arm.
Genevieve didn't move as he touched her. She knew that
she should slap him -- even get up and run to her
husband and tell him everything, but she didn't move.
Sitting there with her eyes locked to his, Genevieve
considered what the young man had just said. She did
want a child and heir, and it didn't look like her
husband was going to give her one.
Genevieve flinched as she felt Charles' cool fingers
slide down her arm. She looked down at the invading
hand as it rubbed gently up and down her forearm. As if
in a daze she accepted his touch and made no protest as
he moved closer.
Charles sensed that Genevieve might bolt if he moved
too fast, but this was a moment he had dreamed about
ever since he'd understood what sex was. His beautiful
sister in-law had figured prominently in his
masturbation fantasies all his life. And here he was,
through a fluke of good fortune, at the threshold of
his brother's wife.
Charles moved up next to her and placed a tentative
hand on her breast, then ran his hand down her stomach
to her thigh, then back up again.
Genevieve reached out and held his hand still.
"Charles, I will lay with you, because I want a child,
but I don't want to cheat on my husband. I would tell
him, but I know he would never agree."
She also knew at that moment that there was more than
just the need for a child and heir, she was and always
had been attracted to her husband's younger brother.
As Genevieve lay back upon the bed and watched her soon
to be lover striping out of his clothing she knew
without a doubt that this would be an encounter that
she would always vividly remember.
When the young prince had stripped completely naked he
stood proudly beside her and she watched as his manhood
came quickly to life.
Genevieve couldn't tear her eyes away from Charles'
arousal, it was magnificent. He was magnificent. After
years of being bedded by a man much older than herself,
and having been a virgin when first she'd come to the
King's bed she had never had anyone to compare her
husband to before.
Young Charles stood before her as if her were a Greek
God, hard and ready, so ready in fact that Genevieve
quite naturally held open the covers so the young man
could slip in beside her.
That simple invitation was all that was needed to get
Charles going. He snuggled up next to Genevieve and let
his hands roam over her body. The material of her
nightgown did nothing to mask what was beneath.
And soon even that flimsy barrier was gone and the
young man and his queen were lovers a most biblical
As the two rutted in magnificent passion, totally lost
to the world around them, a dark figure moved within
the shadows and watched.
It was the King himself. He'd finally finished his
duties in the great hall and had come up to be with his
loving wife until the midnight celebrations. He'd been
looking forward to another bout in bed with her.
As he stood in the shadows his mind churned in turmoil.
His first emotion was shock, which quickly turned to
anger. He was going to rush into the room and kill his
brother, bash his head in. How dare he do this to the
But something deep down inside of him stayed his hand.
He realized that what he was seeing aroused his lust.
Watching his beautiful wife being taken by another man
was somehow... exciting to him.
He stood fascinated as his young brother humped away at
his wife. She in turn was moaning and thrusting back up
at him, just like she did when his swollen meat was
thrusting in and out of her.
He could see his brother's body tense and he knew what
would come next. A loud groan escaped Charles' lips as
he filled Genevieve with his seed. He shivered again
and again as the delicious spasms racked his body with
each spurt of his passion.
The King watched as his unfaithful wife hugged her
young lover to her bosom and desperately thrust herself
against him in a quickening motion. His eyes widened
when he heard his Queen groan in a hoarse voice he
barley recognized, "Oh god, oh god YES!"
And he continued to watch as his wife of eight years,
his beautiful queen, her body shiny with a fine coat of
perspiration bucked under her lover with her own
orgasm. All the while Charles atop her was still
thrusting in and out, in and out...
The King stood still. The deed was truly done he
thought, what would he do now? Why hadn't he stopped
them when he could have? But he already knew the answer
to that.
He loved his wife, and he did want a child and heir. He
was surprised how fast he'd figured it all out in his
head. His brother was going to the holy lands to fight
the heathen hordes. Many things could happen to him
If his wife became pregnant from his brother's seed,
Charles would most certainly meet with some tragedy.
The Kingdom would have an heir, and his wife would have
a child.
Everything considered, he fervently hoped that his
little brother had just made his lovely wife fat with
'Yes,' he thought to himself, 'that would be the best
thing all around.'
He slipped away unnoticed by the lovers on the bed, who
where heading for a second round of pleasure-making
before the Winter Solstice festivities called them away
to their various duties.