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                 K R I S T E N' S    C O L L E C T I O N
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This work is copyrighted to the author © 2008.  Please
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Connie's Story
by Connie Meeeeeelton (connie43x@yahoo.com)


A story about my life from timid wife to BBC owned 
wife. (MF, wife, cheat, intr)


This is going to seem like a dream or fantasy not 
reality but I assure you every word is rue.

I was raised in a strict Baptist family where sex was 
something you didn’t talk about. I was raised to 
believe it was sinful to submit to your sexual needs. 
As expected I married my high school sweetheart another 
good Christian boy. While I was not a virgin I was very 
close. He knew even less than I did. It was crawl on 
poke me with that LITTLE white pee pee thing, roll off 
and go to sleep. I tolerated this for 3 years had one 
child a daughter. 

Finally I could take it no more I realized my body 
needed more. I knew there was such a thing as woman-to-
woman sex but nothing about it. One day I was 
complaining about sex to a girlfriend she brought up 
the lesbian thing. I was curious and she took her time 
and showed me what an orgasm was all about. For the 
next ten years I considered myself a lesbian. 

One day my daughter saw a girlfriend and me and asks 
what we were doing. She was 11 but curious so I knew I 
had to have that talk because I didn’t want her to end 
up like I did. It became a show and tell. After that it 
seemed it was just she and I but I always fantasized 
about Black men.

One day I was on the computer and ran across a group 
White female for first BBC. I spoke to several women in 
the group and they encouraged me to try Black. One day 
I got an IM message from a very handsome black man. We 
Imed each other for at least a month then one day I 
consented to meet him with a promise nothing sexual 
would happen. Since I live at Myrtle Beach I arranged 
to meet him at The Cherry Grove fishing pier. Seems 
funny a white woman virgin to Black men at Cherry 
Grove. We walked on the beach for over an hour and a 
half just talking. I found out he wanted a serious 
relationship not a fuck wanted a woman as his own and a 
woman to have his children. 

This blew my mind a black man that was very educated, 
Vice President of a Fortune 200 company that wanted 
more than a fuck. As we got back near the car with the 
sun going down and the waves lapping at our feet He 
pulled me close and kissed me. I melted in his arms. A 
few minutes later he took my hand and put it under his 
shorts and I felt a cock that was three times the size 
of my ex-husband. I trembled when I felt it. He then 
told me he was not going to fuck me but if I really 
wanted a black man I should think about it over night 
then meet him at 9 AM at a restaurant called Hot 
Stacks. He really didn’t know how appropriate that was 
as I have never been hotter in my life.

I arrived at the restaurant 20 minutes early and waited 
and waited. A voice was telling me NO but another Yes. 
When he arrived we had a good breakfast then he looked 
at me and said YOUR PLACE OR MINE. Faintly I stammered 
he and mine said I will follow you. When we arrived at 
my place we parked and walked into the condo. He said 
nothing just looked at me grabbed me by the hair and 
pulled me into the bedroom.

I was dizzy with desire pure animal lust. He tore off 
my top took my breast in his hands looked at them then 
pulled on the nipples finally bending down and sucking 
one then the other. He stopped looked at me with a look 
I will never forget pulled me into his arms and kissed 
me. As he was kissing he tore off my shorts and panties 
and fingered my pussy. I had an orgasm right then. 

He laid me on the bed started kissing me then running 
his tongue in my ear, nibbled on the neck and worked 
his way down my body kissing and nibbling all the way 
ran his tongue in my belly button the down to my pussy 
but he didn’t kiss it or play with it instead he went 
to work on my thigh with my juices leaking all over his 
face he nibbled all the way down behind the knee the 
calf the instep all the way to my toes then started 
back up again when he got to my pussy he didn’t touch 
it but transferred to the other leg then did it like he 
and the other leg. 

When he arrived back at my pussy he so gently parted it 
with his tongue.  God I must have already cummed ten 
times. Finally he spread my legs even farther then took 
his the head of his cock and pushed it in. He threw my 
legs over his shoulders and gave me something every 
woman should have. We fucked all day and all night then 
again the next morning. He left to go to work telling 
me he would be back at 5. Since that day he has been 
with me everyday when he is home however he does have 
to travel some for business. He told me I was his woman 
and his bitch and to accept it. He told me I would do 
what he said, when and how he said but he would never 
hurt me. I was now his woman.

Three weeks later he told me we were going to Atlanta 
for the weekend. Saturday morning we went out to 
breakfast then he told me we were going shopping and 
get me something appropriate to wear> We went to a Lady 
Izod store where he picked out a very short tennis type 
skirt the one with the panties built in. Then we went 
shopping he bought me a pair of very red heels, a 
blouse that buttoned down the front, fire engine red 
lipstick and nail polish. 

Back at the motel he told me that I was to start 
getting ready for a night I would remember and that we 
would be leaving at 7 to go out to dinner. As we were 
walking out the door I feel like a whore walking the 
street. As I open the door he pulled me back in took 
out his knife and cut the panties out of the skirt. 

We arrived at about 7.30 at The Outback Steak house. I 
felt so sinful walking in with no panties or bra and a 
skirt so short if I bent over the least bit my ass 
showed. After dinner we went to all black bar and 
ordered a drink. After a couple drinks he told me we 
were going in the back room and shoot some pool. 

Gawd shoot pool in that skirt. There must have been 
four or five black men in that area. I am sure it was 
quite a show. More men drifted into the pool area. A 
few minutes later he asked a brother if he like his 
white bitch. Needless to say the brother heaped praise 
on his woman. He ask the brother if he wanted a Blow 
Job told him how good I was. Yes he said he wanted one. 

James grabbed me by the hair told me I was his bitch 
and he was proud of me and I would do as told. It 
didn’t take long for me to make him cum and all the 
time James was telling me to swallow every drop. I did. 
After I was finished with him James spread me across 
the pool table and told the brothers to try it. God I 
was so hot. I looked around and saw about 10 BBC all 
hard or near hard. The next thing I knew I had a BBC in 
both hands and one fucking me> all night one after 
another the cum was dripping down my leg. Actually 
running is a better description. I have no idea how 
many had me that night I do know I was the happiest 
woman on earth.

James had asked me several times about my daughter. He 
knew she and I were lovers and I explained to him that 
she was a virgin to men and that I didn’t want his to 
take her I wanted it to be her decision and he honored 
that. The entire summer he had men over. One weekend we 
went back to Atlanta. He knew some interracial couple 
there and he wanted us to meet them. It turned out to 
be 7 couples and all the women are BI. On Friday night 
we had a girl's night and the men went out. Saturday 
night it was couples but they invited about 10 men for 
extra. Needless to say all of us went home well fucked.

Fast forward to Thanksgiving. 

James told me he wanted to marry me and wanted me to 
have his child. He also told me to be sure Kate (my 
daughter) was cool with it. Not only was she cool with 
it she also told me she was ready for a man. James also 
told me he wanted our wedding to be March 8th his 
birthday. I immediately went off Birth Control and 
started getting Kate ready for her big day. Over the 
next few weeks James taught he r to suck cock and I 
also prepared her rear with butt plugs. 

James decided that Christmas Day would be a good day to 
take her virginity. It would be a special Christmas 
present for her. He took it that morning and I was 
there to support her and guide it in. I will never 
forget the look on her face when she took it all. He 
was very gentle. Must have taken him an hour to get it 
in. As huge as he is I am thankful he was patient. 
Later he informed me he didn’t want to fuck her again 
because he didn’t want that to interfere with us. He 
set her up with his 17-year-old younger brother and now 
she is his woman.

Christmas day we started trying to get me pregnant. 
Twice a day until pregnant was the goal. He had to 
travel for two weeks in Jan and I traveled with him to 
make sure I got his seed twice a day. It worked I am 
now confirmed pregnant and tomorrow is my wedding day. 

His family is happy with the pregnancy. Thrilled is 
more like it. In his family it is tradition that all 
babies are born in his grandmother's bed. His mother 
was born in it, He was born in it and now our child 
will be born in it. An all natural childbirth (hope I 
can stand it) but I am assured his grandmother is a 
good midwife. 

So the purpose of this story is to let other women know 
the joys of BBC however like all relationships finding 
the right one is hard. I was lucky. This is no sign 
that just a black man for pleasure is bad actually it 
is good but I wanted more and found it. If I can be of 
any help to another woman that wants a black child or 
her first black man I will be happy to talk to you.

In a few days I will write about the wedding. I have 
been assured it will be very special.

I will close with saying that black men are superior to 
white and any woman thinking about it should try it. 


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with
others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't
okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than
a trusted partner. 4-million people around the world 
contract HIV every year. You only have one body per 
lifetime, so take good care of it!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kristen's collection - Directory 55