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Perfect Thighs
by Buttercup (address withheld)


Suellen Lynn was an attractive middle aged woman who 
found love in different ways and her one enjoyment was 
showing the next door neighbor her perfect thighs. 
(F/m-teen, mf-teens, ped, exh, 1st, rom)


Suellen Lynn Mott had been a widow for nearly three 
years. Now at 48 years of age, Suellen Lynn continued 
to suffer from the loss of her husband who died of a 
massive heart attack while sitting behind his desk at 
the law firm in which he was the senior partner.

The strikingly attractive mother of two children did 
not appear to be nearly 50 years of age. Suellen Lynn's 
son Bryan was in grad school awaiting the acceptance of 
his theses and being awarded his Ph.D. in molecular 
biology from Rochester University.


Eden Lynn, was the lovely daughter that had never given 
Suellen Lynn any concerns during her preteen and 
throughout her teen years. Having been married for 
three years and a one year old daughter of her own, 
Eden Lynn was a woman who had reached motherhood and 
appeared to men with her graceful and attractiveness 
when she was eight months pregnant.

So much so was her height of loveliness, that Eden Lynn 
was like most women and never appeared more stunning. 
Eden Lynn allowed her body to be exposed to sexual 
gratification on several occasions, but never more than 
once with the same man.

Had Suellen Lynn known those facts about her daughter, 
she would have found them impossible to believe. Not 
once had Eden Lynn allowed her personal life to get 
back to her mother. From the time she was a preteen 
girl of 11, Eden Lynn had started down the path of 
carnal delights.

One morning during the summer when she was 11 and no 
one else was in the house except her, Eden Lyn walked 
nude to the kitchen to get herself a glass of milk 
before taking her morning bath. Her mother had taken 
her brother to the dentist and believing her father was 
already at the office, she had no knowledge that her 
daddy had taken the day off to enjoy a need day of 

Lewis was a handsome man with a small sprinkling of 
grey hair on the sides of his handsome and squared off 
face. Knowing that he appealed to woman had not allowed 
him to use the knowledge to bed those women who gave 
him subtle hints they were open to advances. In fact 
some women weren't subtle in their coming on to Lewis 
and that included his wife's sister Dottie.

Now Lewis was entering the kitchen from the attached 
four car garage and before his eyes was his endearing 
preteen daughter. His eyes took in the nakedness of the 
sweet child that came from his own loins. For the first 
time in his life Lewis was viewing a nude child and 
immediately he could fathom why such a female could 
bring out lust in a male.

"Eden Lynn, I didn't know you enjoyed being a nudist," 
Lewis said as he looked from her head to her tiny feet. 
His eyes returned to her face and them just as suddenly 
moved to study the slight slit that grew from between 
her legs up to the fatty mons pubis, or as known in the 
medical field as the isocheim.

"Oh daddy - what are you doing here," the startled girl 
cried in alarm in being discovered nude. Immediately 
Eden Lynn moved her hand to cover her tiny pubic area, 
but didn't understand way. For some reason, Eden Lynn 
kind of enjoyed knowing a male was looking at her nude 
body. In fact from that day forward, Eden Lynn 
discovered she loved being nude in front of any male.

"Let me see, first I live here and second, I came into 
the house simply knowing that I would find a cute nude 
woman in my kitchen. Does that answer your question?"

Running to her father, Eden Lynn hugged her father in 
her small arms and snuggled against the large man. 
Carry me to my room daddy, will you?"

Lewis picked his daughter up in his arms and as he did 
so, his large right hand was cupping the small round 
and hard buttock of her left hip. His arm was under the 
small body and for reasons he never really understood, 
he moved his hand so his fingers could touch the small 
gap between her legs.

Neither said anything and when they got into Eden 
Lynn's room, she asked her father, "Put me down on my 
bed and lie down with me for a while, please daddy?"

Father and daughter lay on the 11 year old girl's bed 
and she had suddenly gotten knowledge that belied her 
age. "Daddy, I liked your fingers between my legs. I 
know you're not supposed to touch me because you're my 
father. Also young girls aren't supposed to be founded. 
I like your touching me, would you do it some more? I 
won't tell mom, honest I won't."

For the next couple of hours the bubbly young 
prepubescent found out what happens when her little 
hole is touched. Eden Lynn was scarred for only a 
moment when her father touched the secret spot between 
her legs. How the girl knew it was special and would be 
pleasant to be touched on her "spot" she didn't have an 
inkling as why she would feel good when daddy used his 
finger to give her strange excitement.

What she did know was her father seemed to be a man to 
make her feel good and the man touching her was without 
doubt, especially by a man who possessed the knowledge 
to stimulate her until she reached orgasms for the 
first time in her young life.

For the next year, Eden Lynn found not only her father 
enjoyed touching her, but other men were more than 
happy to do so for her. Eden Lynn discovered if she 
walked to the city park or attended movies alone, some 
man would look at her and she was soon being caressed. 
Many days the young girl would be riding in a vehicle 
with a man and they would find a nice place to park.

Eden Lynn was riding her bike on the bike path that 
traversed the river and it had several spots where one 
could pull off the blacktop path and relax by the river 
in some tall and bushy shrub like plants.

The week before school was to start the cute girl was 
pedaling her bike toward nowhere and decided to stop 
and enjoy the diet soft drink and health bar she had 
with her. Pushing her bike down to the spot she enjoyed 
stopping and looking at people along the river fishing. 
This date a man was fishing only a few feet from where 
she would sit and lean against a tree.

"Hello, did you come to scare a fish onto my hook so I 
can have a fresh one for dinner this evening?" the man 
smiled and asked Eden Lynn.

"No, this is a spot where I like to rest after riding 
my bike from over on Fresnor Street. So are you 
catching any fish in my spot?"

"Not a single nibble. I believe my fish worn drowned," 
the man said and chuckled at his joke.

"Your silly, worms can't drown. I'll bet they die when 
you stick the hook in them - your teasing me, aren't 
you? My name is Eden Lynn - what is your name?"

Knowing it would not be a good idea to tell the girl 
his real name, as Mick Carter was not beyond touching 
young girls if the opportunity arose. "I'm Andy Edwards 
- do you mind if I join you and take a break from 

Within ten minutes after they moved into the brush, and 
much to Mick's surprise, he had the pretty girl's 
shorts and panties off her body. Feeling the girl's 
legs and slowly sliding his finger up and down her slit 
was making Mick really hard. Unzipping his own shorts, 
Mick pulled his cock out and asked the girl, "You very 
cute and I would love for you to take my prick in your 
hand - would you do that for me?"

"Yeah, I like doing it for guys and making them get 
they stuff off. Would you like me to jack you, Andy?"

After a short time, Mick was attempting to push his 
finger in and out of the girl's tiny cunt. When he did 
so, he was unaware that no male had done more than 
stroke her pussy in the past. When his finger pushed up 
into her tiny slit, Eden Lynn cried out, "That hurts! 
Oh take your finger out of me, I don't like that. Stop, 
it hurts - oh Andy not more like that, it hurts too 

Eden Lynn didn't understand what caused her the pain, 
but Mother nature had lodged a hymen that had no 
opening in the membrane that other cherries had of some 
sort. It wasn't until nearly a year later she 
discovered what had been given her in the way of a 
cherry. Cute Eden Lynn had a hymen that was one of 
those rare instances when the hymen completely covers 
the vaginal opening.

A week after turning 12, Eden Lynn found she was unable 
to control the situation as she normally would when 
alone with a man. In the past when she told any man to 
stop touching her and take her home the man she was 
with would do as she requested. Then the day came when 
the man took her to his home and she had no idea where 
it was as he had told her she needed to hide on the 
floor in the even her mom or dad would see her in his 

Knowing she would be in trouble if her parents found 
her in some strange man's car, she got on the floor 
board of the man's car.

Once they were inside his house, Eden Lynn was soon 
nude. They were playing on the leather sofa in the 
man's master bedroom and she was giving her first blow-
job, as the man called what she was doing for him. 
Never in the past had anyone asked her to do such a 
thing. When her mouth was suddenly full of some weird 
tasting liquid, she knew what the thick mucous was - 
the man had cummed in her mouth.

In a few minutes the man was returning the favor for 
the vivacious preteen and her tiny butt commenced 
moving up and down on the leather sofa. Eden Lynn had 
climaxed from being touched in the past and this time 
when she got the good feelings they were so much 
stronger. Her breasts were yet to form on her 
preadolescent body and her pink nipple were excited 
that day by the man's lips and tongue.

The graceful preteen form was not yet in the stage of 
puberty that she had maiden hair growing on the area 
between her slender thighs. Eden Lynn's body was 
certainly more erotic and favorable to the view than 
other girls her age due to the way her body filled out.

The slight roundness of her stomach highlighted the 
fatty mons that topped off her female gash. Eden Lynn's 
clitoral hood covered the complete shaft of her 
clitoris and the fairly large prepuce on a girl yet to 
complete puberty showed between her labia.

When the man saw her breasts were only small light 
colored pink circles on her chest and they were no 
larger than a dime he was surprised. The nipples in the 
center of her breasts were the same pink color and were 
so tiny they could have been missed if one didn't look 
for them. Surprising to the man was the fact her 
nipples didn't protrude out from the areoles. When he 
kissed the nips on the cute little one, the girl 
giggled and told him, "No one had ever kissed or tried 
to suck my little spots before."

For a few moments Eden Lynn didn't realize what was 
about to happen as the man moved up over her and 
nestled firmly between her slender legs. Suddenly the 
knowledge the man was going to have sex with her 
brought her to an acute fearsome awareness she must get 
out from under the man. Never before when she allowed 
her body to be touched and never completed nude before, 
except with her father, Eden Lynn controlled what was 
to take place.

The young girl knew that the man intended to make love 
to her and she had to stop him from taking of her 
virginity. "No - let me up, I can't have sex! Please 
don't hurt me - take it away from me," and for the 
first time Eden Lynn was crying while enjoying sex. 
Before she could escape from under the body of the 
large man, she felt his thick penis being rubbed up and 
down the narrow slit between her 12 year old labia 
majora. "Nooooo, please I don't want to do that," Eden 
Lynn cried out in alarm!

The man was using his hand to guide his prick up and 
down the girl's sexual vestibule. Before he eased the 
blunt end of his penis in her vagina, he used his 
fingers to touch her anus and the smooth skin between 
her butt and her vagina which he told the girl was her 
perineum. "Sweet thing, your skin between your cunt and 
ass hole is the smoothest I have ever felt on a woman."

No longer in control of what was happening to her, Eden 
Lynn felt the start of her being sexually taken for the 
first time when the man tried to shove his thing up her 
and it hurt terribly. Suddenly his penis was stopped 
from gaining further entrance as the man who Eden Lynn 
just thought of at the time, I don't even know his 
first name.

That moment in time when every woman first feels a cock 
strike against her virginity was now occurring to Eden 
Lynn and the hard cock struck against her virginity. 
This was not good for the 12 year old girl as her 
unique hymen had been formed, as had her mother's, as 
an imperforated hymen.

Under normal conditions some females find it necessary 
to have their imperforate hymen surgically cut to ease 
the stretching and pain from it being burst open for 
her first sex. For several minutes Eden Lynn was 
subjected to the brutal rupturing necessary to gain 
entrance into her sec.

"Oh goshhhhh, that hurts so much! Please won't you 
stop… it hurts so much I can't take it any more. Stop, 
no more, aughhhh , I don't want you like this. Help me, 
ohhhhh it hurts!" That was the final words Eden Lynn 
said as her virginity was taken from her body. From 
that day forward, her body was given up to any male who 
wanted her and she found her mother's two brothers had 
no problem in having sex with her.


If one did not see the lissome adult woman in shorts or 
a bathing suit the appearance of her body wouldn't be 
noticed any more than other charming women in a given 
group. Suellen ensured her dress was conservatively in 
dresses and skirts, or slacks, although she had several 
skirts above the knee in length. 

Suellen's clothing came from expensive boutiques and 
she had her clothes altered to such a fault, they 
appeared to be tailored to fit her elegant and poised 
figure. After the sudden death of her husband Lewis, of 
24 years the attractive widow was hounded by men, 
married and single who had thoughts of nestling between 
her sleek thighs.

While swimming at the country club, Suellen Lynn was 
aware of men studying her shape, and especially her 
legs. The woman had thighs that were just meaty enough 
to make a whisking sound as they rubbed together when 
she walked. The thought of how they looked made the 
widow understand her legs were perfectly formed and 
especially her thighs. Today was no different as 
Suellen Lynn had decided to stay home and relax and 
work on her tan around her own pool.

Wanting to get an over all tan for the upcoming "Wine-
Land-and-Sea-Gala" at the county club, she decided to 
remain at home to catch the sun's rays. Suellen Lynn 
knew the off white formal dress with the spaghetti 
straps that allowed her shoulders, upper chest and the 
tops of her rounded breasts would be visible and she 
had selected to wear definitely required she not have 
any tan lines.

The floor length gown flowed across her rounded hips 
and with the slit traveling up her legs to nearly her 
waist. That her superb thighs were able to be glimpsed 
with each step she made caused her no concern. Having 
been selected by the woman of the country club as co-
chair of the gala Suellen Lynn knew she must look her 


Sir Richard Barstow would be the male co-chair of the 
event gave additional emphasis on how she must appear, 
as this was one of the most attuned such events in the 
state. Suellen Lynn chuckled as she recalled how last 
week at the meeting of the group working the event and 
had been behind the curtain on the dance floor at the 
country club seeing how the area could be raised for 
the event, especially the auction.

During past galas, members and guest would always 
complain they were unable to view the activity as the 
items couldn't be seen from half-way back in the 
audience. This year, Suellen Lynn checked on getting a 
temporary stage that was two feet high so the 
activities could be viewed by all attending. Plus, this 
would allow those at the head table to be seated higher 
than the other guest and would serve as a dais.

While standing on a chair to see how the stage area 
would look once the temporary platform was in place she 
did not observe that Sir Richard watching her. Suellen 
Lynn had worn a suit to the meeting and the skirt was 
form fitting to her lower body. Moving so she was 
standing on her tiptoes, Suellen Lynn moved until she 
was standing on her left foot, with her right leg 
sticking out behind her. This caused her skirt to slide 
up her leg and she knew to past mid-thigh.

Standing on the soft cushion of the chair, Suellen Lynn 
was loosing her balance and was about to fall when she 
felt someone grabbed the calf of her leg near the knee 
and told her, "Gotcha, we can't let our lovely leader 
of the upcoming event fall and hurt herself."
Recognizing who had grabbed her from his voice, Suellen 
Lynn at first replied, "Thanks for saving my life," and 
realized Sir Richard was slowly moving the hand not 
holding her leg, was feeling her other leg nearly half 
way up her thigh. Uncertain what she should say, 
Suellen Lynn decided she 'd say something cute, "Let me 
know when you find what you're looking for, Your 

"I will assuredly do so," and as his hand moved up to 
the center of her pantyhose, she heard the man 
additionally say, "I've almost found it - these 
confounded hose stops my progress."

Suellen Lynn had heard rumors that more than one 
husband and were member of the elite golf club had been 
cuckold by the British import. Some members jokingly 
referred to Sir Richard as the "British Import" and 
knew it was more than a rumor if his touching her so 
boldly was any indication.

Her own infatuation with the man was something she had 
often thought could cause her to be with a man once 
more. Even if being with another man was for a duration 
of only a clandestine one night stand. Now Suellen Lynn 
knew panic and worried someone might see them in such a 
personal position.

"Sir Richard, you're supposed to be saving me not 
seducing and fondling me like a high school quarterback 
- although I agree with you about pantyhose. Now, my 
Lord and sex fiend would you take your hand out from my 
crotch and stop those delightful playful ways and help 
Me Lady down?"

After she was again standing on the floor Suellen Lynn 
knew her face was slightly red and recalled how the man 
had caressed her thighs before assisting her down off 
the chair. Hearing the man tell her, "At last, I have 
finally discovered and felt the most beautiful thighs 
ever given to a woman by the Man on High."

"Should I beat the crap out of you for your touching me 
as you did or kiss you for saving me from falling," 
Suellen Lynn laughingly asked the man?

"Both. I won't object as it would be a small price to 
pay." Sir Richard then took Suellen Lynn in his arms 
and pulling her to him commenced kissing her lips. His 
hands were slowly moving across her back and down onto 
her hips.

Still in shock and enjoying the foreplay, Suellen Lynn 
opened her lips to his tongue as they kissed. The 
surprised woman made no objections when Sir Richard's 
hands played over her breasts.

Finally she pressed her hands against his broad chest 
to stop his advances. Whispering softly, Suellen Lynn 
told him, "Sir Richard, we must stop and I apologize 
for what seems like a come on, but isn't. You're the 
first man to kiss me and touch me since my husband died 
and that is more than three years ago."
For the rest of the evening Sir Richard, who was 
divorced, treated her with deep respect. When he asked 
Suellen Lynn to have dinner with him she told him, "I 
won't make it a date, but will meet you Saturday 
evening for dinner here at the club. It will be to 
discuss the upcoming event and that is a start, but 
nothing else - do we have a deal?"

"I like any man who meets you will agree to your terms. 
A few crumbs are better than no meal at all some wit 
once spoke. As such my dear woman, I will see you 
Saturday evening at eight."

Smiling at the man as he spoke kind words to her, 
"You're truly more beautiful than I thought and hell if 
I died right now, I would know I had felt those 
delightful looking and sleek thighs. Plus the utmost 
personal spot on a woman."

They had eaten dinner together and Suellen Lynn had 
some papers with her to make it appear it was a 
business meeting about the event. During the meal Sir 
Richard moved from the chair across from her to the one 
next to her. Perhaps five minutes passed before she 
felt his hand touching her leg. Ignoring the act by the 
man, Suellen Lynn knew if she didn't reach down and 
stop his hand from moving up her legs his hand would 
soon be at the top of the thigh-high stockings she was 

Slowly the hand moved so it didn't appear to indicate 
what he was doing or allowing the others in the dinning 
room of the club be aware he was feeling her legs. 
Leaning toward Suellen Lynn, Sir Richard eased his hand 
to the center of her panties and instead of closing her 
legs as she should have done from the start, opened 
them to permit him the access he sought.

For the first time in over three years a man's fingers 
were easing into her sex and had it been possible, 
Suellen Lynn would have allowed the man to make love to 
her in front of those eating dinner.

A look of desire was on Sullen's face as she finally 
asked, "Sir Richard, you really should stop. Should I 
decide to allow a man to know me sexually once more, it 
will be you - but would you be so kind and stop? I 
admit I wore the thigh-highs stockings for you and now 
you found what you were seeking when I was on the chair 
- do we have a deal?"

"Yes, and yesterday would have been too long to have 
waited for you to say yes," and pulled his fingers out 
of her sex.

Suellen Lynn watched as the man moved his fingers to 
his lips and his tongue eased out and he lightly licked 
his fingers that had been playing in her sex. Romantic 
or sexual, which of the two applied as she saw what he 
was doing, Suellen Lynn couldn't decide. Then Suellen 
Lynn knew it was both and speaking to the man, said, 
"Thanks for the illustrative compliment and you're like 
a school boy with his first love."

Aware her legs were perfect Suellen Lynn had known from 
the time she was a cheerleader for three years and drum 
major during her junior and senior years in high 
school. During college, Suellen Lynn's legs were 
featured in a nationally published article by some 
unknown sports writer who had photographed her and 
caught a once in a lifetime photo that showed off her 
perfectly shaped legs. He had written an article about 
her thighs titled, "The legs of a true athletic." 

Believing no one could view her nude as she lay at her 
own pool, Suellen Lynn stripped off her one piece 
bathing suit and caught the sun's rays.


From the attic window view and overlooking the 
neighbor's back yard, a teenage boy was once more 
studying the attractive woman without her knowledge. 
With a view of his lovely neighbor as she lay nude 
along her pool, 15 year old Allen Jefferson watched the 
pretty woman through his video camera.

Using the close up features, Allen was zooming in until 
only her thighs were visible, and then capturing the 
thick growth of hair adorning the top of her sex, and 
down along the sides where here labia guarded the 
entrance to her exquisite sex. "Boy oh boy, her pussy 
is part way open. Yeah pretty lady, oh make you pussy 
open really wide, I want to see inside it, Mrs. Mott 
make your pussy open up for me," Allen said out loud.

Every since he had knowledge of the female form and 
especially the fantasy of his attractive neighbor, 
Allen had hoped for the opportunity to view his 
neighbor in the nude. Today was his day and his lens 
was allowing him to record her sex completely.

Nothing had ever looked so wonderful, not even the 
girls in the raunchy men's magazines he had purchased 
from a couple of his class mates. Seeing the mole on 
her body, just where she shaved her sex at the left 
side of her mons, gave Allen an instant erection. "Wow, 
I sure would like to kiss that birthmark and lick her 
pussy. Oh Mrs. Mott, would you let me fuck you," the 
young teen asked himself?"

Allen reached down and pulled his cock from his shorts 
and commenced to stroke his erection as he filmed the 
pretty woman.


Unknown to Allen or anyone else who knew the charming 
widow, Suellen Lynn was running through her mind the 
only time she ever cheated on her husband. There was no 
doubt in Ellen's mind that she was desirable and men 
wanted her ran through her mind as she reminisced about 
her one time to commit adultery.

No, it wasn't only one time she recalled as over three 
days Suellen Lynn had been passionate with her lover of 
choice. It was a total of 16 times she surrendered her 
body too and he was a stranger she met in a motel bar. 
The sex had been both hard and loving and she had often 
thought how she begged to be taken over and over. 
Laughing to herself, Suellen Lynn recalled how Martin 
told her, "Hell woman, your fucking me to death - 
haven't you ever fucked before?"

Recounting how many times she had joined her body with 
the only man who had known her sexually, except her 
husband, caused Suellen Lynn's the fingers on her right 
hand to move and touch her sex. It wasn't masturbation, 
but simply using her fingers to tug her maiden hair to 
each count of the number of times she and Martin had 
intercourse. My gawd, each time I count the number of 
times, I always reach 16 times Martin fucked me. That 
is more times in those three days than I and Lewis had 
sex in a month.

Once more, as she had been doing more frequently, 
Suellen Lynn was reliving the times she had sex with 
someone other than Lewis. The idea that she was 
allowing her illicit affair to give her sexual release 
without a climax entered her mind, but kept the 
alluring woman sane, and excitement alive in here body 
and mind.

The affair had occurred when she was 30 and actually on 
her birthday and allowed her body to be taken by a man 
who wasn't her husband. Suellen Lynn had been on a trip 
to visit her sister in Des Moines and stopped on the 
way home to spend the night in a motel.

That evening after eating in the motel restaurant, 
Suellen Lynn decided to stop in the lounge and enjoy a 
cocktail. The bar was occupied by a few locals, but 
mostly men or women staying at the motel. Ellen took a 
table near where the lounge lizard was playing the 
piano. With an electronic keyboard to give the sound of 
drums the music was okay and the man did have a nice 

When an attractive black man asked if he could join her 
as the tables were full and the stools were all taken 
at the bar. Suellen Lynn looked at the man and told 
him, "Yes that would be fine, as I'm lonesome."

There was no idea in her mind that she would be having 
sex with the man, and had never considered cheating on 
her husband. There had been several flirtatious moments 
over the course of she and Lewis' marriage, but neither 
had crossed the line of an affair.

By nine o'clock, Suellen Lynn was trying to decide if 
she wanted to become involved with the man. I'm two 
states away from home, so no one would ever know. Yet 
she knew it was improper to commit adultery. During her 
years with Lewis she had found a couple of the young 
black attorneys handsome where she worked and loved 
teasing them when they flirted with her.

That night Suellen Lynn allowed Martin to bed her. When 
she saw the large erection sticking out from Martin's 
groin, Suellen Lynn understood from her own perspective 
that blacks were larger in the male organ department. 
At least she thought as much, as this is the only cock 
I've ever seen except my husbands. This tells me black 
cocks are larger than while cocks.

They lay on the bed and her lips were kissed by the 
large man. She found it pleasant to run her hands over 
his face and to tangle her fingers in his hair. Feeling 
the man move atop her as he was telling her how 
wonderful her thighs were didn't give Suellen Lynn much 
notice for what was to come.

Suellen Lynn cried out from Martin sudden inserting his 
large deep purple colored cock into her body. She 
sobbed as she was taken hard and deep. Never had she 
felt Lewis make love to her as Martin was doing and 
begged Martin to be gentle. When Suellen Lynn felt her 
legs lifted up on the massive shoulders of the black 
man she thought her body would be split down the 

The stunning housewife was enraptured with the first 
man she had ever known besides her husband, Suellen 
Lynn stayed two more nights with Martin. Suellen Lynn 
stay at the motel was because as a woman couldn't get 
enough of the thick and long dark manhood that drove 
her to testacy. Never had Lewis taken her body so deep 
and for the first time during intercourse felt her sex 
pounded and ridden harder than she could imagine.

When Martin took her doggie style, and it was her first 
time for sex in that fashion, the housewife could only 
cry out, "Martin, my god your killing me, oh hell fuck 
me - your so deep in me, aughhhh, Martin fuck me."

Suellen Lynn hadn't paid attention to her cycle as 
Lewis had a vasectomy after her son was born and to her 
dismay, the housewife found her body carrying a child. 
There was no doubt who the father of the baby was. 
Suellen Lynn became frightened and arranged for a trip 
to Chicago to have an abortion. Under the guise of a 
short vacation, Suellen Lynn knew no one would be aware 
of her having the medical protocol done to terminate 
the fetus she was carrying.

Since that time, the shapely woman never crossed the 
boundaries of her marriage vows. Even after the death 
of her beloved Lewis, she hadn't ventured into the 
world of sex.


Allen was so involved in filming the woman and stroking 
his young erection he shot his load of cum within a few 
strokes. Continuing to watch the LCD screen as he 
filmed the woman and moved the camera up and down her 
body, Allen didn't stopping jacking-off his young cock. 
Thinking today must have been his day as he had brought 
the tripod with him to the attic to film the woman next 
door if she showed up at her pool. Yes, this is my day, 
for this time she is naked, just for me," the teenage 
boy fantasized in his mind.

Turning onto her stomach, Suellen Lynn was giving the 
young boy even more erotic fantasies as he filmed her 
round buttocks and moved the camera up and down her 
legs. "Man, I wonder what it would be like to butt-fuck 
Mrs. Mott's ass," Allen wondered? The young cock in his 
fist jerked as he observed the woman reach behind her 
back and unsnap the upper part of her two piece bathing 
suit. "Guess she wants her back tanned without strip 
marks," Allen thought he was going to get lucky as he 
observed the woman move the straps from her shoulders. 
To his delight, the full cups on her breasts were 
visible as the suit fell onto the towel she was laying 
on when she let the straps loose.

For several minutes the camera was capturing the scene 
of the woman as she lay on her stomach. Once more the 
front of her body was before his eyes and he watched as 
she held the top of her bathing suit against her 
breasts as she rolled onto her back. 

Gripping his youthful cock extremely tight in his hand 
while he was stroking his cock fast to the sight of 
Mrs. Mott pulling her top away from her big tits! This 
time the camera caught the woman as her hands pulled 
her naked breasts up from her chest. Unknown to Allen, 
it was done so the under side of her breasts would 
tanned and not leave a while line at the base of her 

"Oh hell, she is taking the bottoms off," the teenage 
boy said aloud as he watched the lovely older woman sit 
up and then remove the bottom part of her bathing suit. 
"Never could I have believed that the woman would 
undress for me and now I'm looking at my very first 
naked woman," Allen nearly shouted as he spoke of what 
he was viewing.

Then the woman lay back down and her legs were pointed 
in this direction. Stroking his cock faster and faster 
he shot his load as the image of the woman provided him 
with sexual delights he had only fantasized about 
previously. Allen watch as Mrs. Mott pulled her legs 
wide so the sun hit between them completely. This 
permitted Allen to view her sex even more explicitly 
than before and Allen was stroking his cock and 
shooting his young juices in every direction as he 
shook his cock so hard in beating off.


Glancing at the house next door, Suellen Lynn thought 
she caught some movement from the only window that 
looked into her back yard. The attic window looked out 
onto her backyard, but as she stared at the window, 
Suellen Lynn decided she was worried about being caught 
nude and no one would be in the attic of the home.

What if the young boy next door is watching me and he 
is only a teenager? Thinking to herself, Suellen Lynn 
determined Allen must be 16 or nearly so. Joyce and 
Keith are good neighbors and if they hadn't assisted me 
after Lewis died, I don't know what I would have done. 
The trauma in loosing my husband was the worst day of 
my life.

Then she thought of a painful day of long ago, back to 
when she was 11 years old. That was one day she never 
told anyone about. Not her parents, her best friend 
Becky, and in those days you never heard of telling 
your teacher if something very personal occurred that 
bothered you - you lived with your problem.

Suellen Lynn had been walking through the city park and 
stopped at the ice cream cart vendor and asked for a 
chocolate cone. When she counted out her money she was 
a quarter short and telling the man she didn't have 
enough money for the cone. A young man offered her a 
quarter so she could have the cone.

Knowing she shouldn't accept money from the young man 
and certainly shouldn't be walking with him after she 
got her cone, Suellen Lynn started telling him about 
herself. They walked to the end of the park near the 
parking lot. The man asked if she would like a ride 
home as he knew she lived nearly a mile from the park 
after hearing where she lived. During their walk he 
told her he lived on her street. Suellen Lynn did not 
catch on that the man had prompted her to disclose 
where she lived.

Thinking how nice the man had been Suellen Lynn got in 
the van with the man and would like him to drive her 
home. They were soon on the freeway and she became 
fearsome and stated they weren't headed home. The man 
told Suellen Lynn to get in the back of the van and 
shut up. Afraid to do otherwise Suellen Lynn got in the 
back of the van and when the man stopped his vehicle 
assumed she was home.

Instead the man had driven to a wooded area in the 
country. Unknown to Suellen Lynn this wasn't the first 
time a girl had been brought to the wooded property the 
man owned. When the man got in the back of the van with 
Suellen Lynn she knew what was going to happen and 
prayed she wouldn't be murdered.

The man looked at Suellen Lynn and listened as she told 
him she was 11. Smiling at the pretty dark-haired girl, 
he told her, "Let me see what a pretty 11 year old girl 
looks like nude."

"No, I can't undress and you better take me home. 
Please let me go, I won't tell anyone," Suellen Lynn 
begged the man over and over.

"Tell you what I will do and if you do exactly like I 
tell you, I will take you home - so do we have a deal?"

"Yeah, if you don't hurt me - what do I need to do," 
Suellen Lynn asked the man in a chocking voice?

"Take off all your clothes and then you can go home."

"No way will I undress for you and your sick to ask me 
such a thing and I'm just a little girl."

"If you don't take off your clothes, I will rip them 
off and make you walk home naked and everyone will see 
you. So it is your choice," the man said with a threat 
to his voice. "Besides, if I have to rip them off, I 
will rape you!"

Knowing she had only one choice if she didn't want hurt 
and most of all she didn't want raped. Suellen Lynn 
pulled her top off and slipped her shorts down. With 
nothing but her panties on Suellen Lynn moved her hands 
up over her starting to bud breasts. They had yet to 
really form and were nothing more than pointed buds 
sticking out on her chest.

"Take your hands down and let me see those pretty tits 
and take those panties off," the man told her. When 
Suellen Lynn hesitated the man took out a knife and 
told her, "Get those panties off or I will cut your 
pretty hair off," the man said as he took a lock of her 
hair in his hand.

Slowly Suellen Lynn took her panties down and the man 
reached out and pulled her down on the mattress he had 
on the floor of the van. "Please don't hurt me ,I want 
to go home."

When she felt the man kissing her lips Suellen Lynn 
knew what was going to happen and couldn't fight the 
man as he held the knife in his hand. She watched him 
undress and when she saw his thing she started crying. 
That she was about to be raped she was aware of and 
when the man kissed her tiny breasts she sobbed softly. 
Slowly she watched the man moved his face down and kiss 
her tiny thing.

The man loved the hairless puffy mound that sheltered 
the small slot between her pretty legs. Man this girl 
has got better legs than any movie actress I have ever 
seen. When the man moved on top of her and pushed her 
legs open, Suellen Lynn tried to escape. 

Resistance left her mind immediately as the man pushed 
the end of his knife to her throat. She cried and 
pleaded for him hot to hurt her and to let her go home. 
Suddenly she felt something hard touching her sex. When 
the object wouldn't go in her body the man played with 
her sex with his fingers and once more he was over her 
and this time he shoved it into her.

"Oh nooooo, it hurts - stop, no more, oh please, stop, 
aughhh," the frightened girl sobbed out as the 
thickness of her virginity caused her to cry out when 
the man had to make several shoves to open her sex. 
Suellen Lynn cried out as her young virginity was 
slowly ripped from her body. Once more that afternoon 
Suellen Lynn was forced to undergo rape and even worse 
she was forced to suck the man's thing until she felt 
her mouth filled with his wet stuff.

One thing Suellen Lynn learned that afternoon was that 
her legs were pretty and her rapist had told her such 
over and over. When she was first nude the man told 
her, "Your legs look like those of an adult except 
yours are smaller and your thighs are terrific! Hell 
every women would like thighs like yours."

The man's hands had caressed and fondled her thighs and 
the rest of her legs before, during and after her rape. 
When she was forced to have sex, Suellen Lynn felt the 
man's fingers grip her thighs as he moaned out, "Your 
fucking thighs are perfect and damn, I got your cherry. 
Little girl, am I the first man to feel you up."
Not only had the man felt her up, his hand gripped her 
legs so hard he left bruises where his fingers had dug 
deep into the meat of her thighs. Ensuring her mother 
didn't see the bruise marks the man's gripping fingers 
had left on her beautiful thighs, Suellen Lynn wore 
Levis or slacks for a week and a half.


The loss of her virginity at the age of 11 was more 
profound for the young girl when she got her first 
boyfriend. Suellen Lynn desired closeness from the boy, 
but was afraid of what he would think if she was 
willing to do things.

Teddy Patton was a freckled faced, red-haired boy who 
at 15, and Suellen Lynn was 13, caused her to become 
extremely thrilled and delighted as he was kissing her. 
This was her first real kiss and occurred as she was 
relaxing on the ground in Teddy's back yard.

For a few moments while enjoying the she and Teddy's 
first kiss, the memory of her rapist pushing his tongue 
in her mouth upset Suellen Lynn. It wasn't until Teddy 
felt her breasts that she became concerned about his 
touching her. Now what, should I assist my new 
boyfriend in some way - maybe I should take my clothes 
off like I did two years ago with the man.

Will he like me if I enjoy his doing that, "It isn't 
nice," she had told him. Yet Suellen Lynn hadn't pulled 
his hands away and with her breasts now being 32-B cup 
in size, they had became sensitive to her own touch 
even when she took a bath. Suddenly she felt Teddy 
reach down and run his left hand up her legs.

"No, I can't do that, -I like you Teddy, but I'm afraid 
to have you touch me - you should stop - - - shouldn't 
you?" Even as she spoke, Suellen Lynn allowed her legs 
to be felt up and Teddy continued doing so, and the 
teen thought how it wasn't right.

Thinking how the man had hurt her made her wish Teddy 
was the first man to touch her legs. Suellen Lynn was 
wearing shorts and were the style with the large legs 
holes. When she felt Teddy sliding his fingers inside 
the legs holes of her shorts Suellen Lynn cried out, 
"Don't hurt me."

Unknown reason made the young girl feel like she was 
being forced to allow her body to be touched. Suellen 
Lynn didn't stop her new found boyfriend exploring her 
sex and wondered why he kept his fingers on the outside 
of her panties.

Thinking back Suellen Lynn recalled it had been two 
weeks later that she and Teddy were in his bedroom, 
while his parents were both at work. Teddy begged 
Suellen Lynn to undress so he could see how pretty she 

"You've go the best looking legs of any girl I know," 
Teddy told her. Within a few minutes Suellen Lynn made 
no attempt to stop the boy of 15 from his goal. 
Undressing for Teddy she had seen and watched his face 
as the final garment she had worn, her panties slipped 
over her feet and her lightly haired sex was his for 

"Suellen Lynn is it okay for me to touch your thing - 
may I feel it? Oh man, it feels so warm and wet," Teddy 
sobbed out in fondling his first pussy. When his finger 
pushed inside the wet opening Teddy was amazed at how 
slick the wetness was in her hole. She remembered Teddy 
telling her, that, "You my girlfriend and my young 
lover - and the stuff in your pussy is so slick - and 
it is hot inside."

Either Teddy was unfamiliar with completing the act of 
sex or didn't have the nerve to continue taking Suellen 
Lynn sexually. While they lie side by side Suellen Lynn 
moved her hand down and was surprised to find Teddy's 
thing was larger than the man's who had raped her two 
times. Then she felt Teddy start to hump his body 
against her while she was playing with his hard thing.

Sullen knew she wanted to be taken in the act of love 
and hoped it would erase the bitterness of being forced 
to have sex against her will when she was only 11. 
Suellen Lynn moved onto her back and pulled Teddy on 
top of her and moved his stiff thing to her sexual 
opening. "Push it in me, make me your girlfriend - I 
want to feel what it is like," Suellen Lynn whispered 
to the boy on top of her.

Teddy slid in the small aperture between Suellyn Lynn's 
legs and thought, "I'm now a man and fucking my first 
girl. Teddy was quick in reaching his orgasm and after 
eight strokes of his young manhood inside his 
girlfriend's sex, felt his first ejaculation leaving 
his body. Suellen Lynn felt Teddy shudder and knew he 
was shooting his stuff up in her stomach. "Teddy, your 
doing me - is this what you wanted with me when you 
asked me to undress?"

"Gee yeah, oh Suellen Lynn you made me come." Without 
thinking about what he was admitting too, Teddy added, 
"It is the first time I have shot off with a girl, and 
it's so different than when I make myself get off." 

Looking up at the face above her own Suellen Lynn 
understood Teddy had just told her he jacked-off. She 
also masturbated, but didn't think boys told girls they 
did it to themselves. Pushing Teddy off her, she curled 
up against him as they lay facing each other. "I do it 
to myself also Teddy. Would you show me how you do it 
while I show you what I do?"

That day, two young children explored each other's 
bodies and by the time it was necessary to dress before 
Teddy's parents got home, they had intercourse four 
times. Each had played with the other and pretending to 
not know how to do oral sex, Suellen Lynn gave Teddy 
his first blow-job; he later informed Suellen Lynn that 
was what she had done.

That night Suellen Lynn lay in bed and thought of how 
different it was when she was with Teddy and the time 
she wasn't raped.

Now as she lay in the hot sun and thought of her being 
assaulted she hadn't ever been traumatized by the rape, 
Suellen Lynn accepted it as something she allowed by 
getting in the man's van.


The next day and each day for a week, Suellen Lynn 
walked to the park in search of the man who had raped 
her. Friday morning she was setting on the swings and 
saw a man walking toward the slide where a girl of 
about ten was sliding. The girl was wearing a skirt and 
Suellen Lynn could see her panties as she slid down the 
metal slide.

Getting off the swing, Suellen Lynn walked over to 
where the man stood watching as the girl sat down and 
started down the slide. Suddenly the girl knew the man 
could see up under her skirt as it had pushed up over 
her legs. Landing at the man's feet the girl started to 
get up and push her skirt down at the same time. The 
girl tripped over her own feet and fell with her legs 
in the air and her skirt up over her hips.

The young girl knew the man was looking at her panties 
and was embarrassed that another girl was watching her 
so displayed. "Stop looking at me - it isn't nice," the 
girl said weakly.

Reaching down the man told the girl, "Let me help you 
up," and as he spoke, caught her left hand in his own 
and reached down and felt between her small legs.

"You shouldn't touch me there - I need to go home," the 
girl said

"I'm sorry, my hand slipped, so how are you today Wendy 
and are we going for a ride this time - you promised 
you would go for a ride with me today," the man stated. 
Then he noticed Suellen Lynn for the first time and it 
was certain she recognized him.

"Hello, how are you," Suellen Lynn asked the man, who 
looked as if he'd take off running at any moment. "I've 
been waiting to see you; can we go for a ride in your 
van?" The look that came across the man's face was 
unbelievable and he was unable to speak and nodded his 
head to indicate yes.

"Do you remember me - you gave me a quarter so I could 
purchase an ice cream cone - I was only 11," Suellen 
Lynn asked the man who had raped her?

"Yeah I remember, but why did you find me - aren't you 
afraid," the man asked?

"No, I want to have you do me again, will you?"

"Sure why not, but I could have had that little virgin 
so guess you will need to give me your other virgin 
hole to make up for it, deal," the man asked?

"What other virgin hole, a girl only has one," suddenly 
Suellen Lynn understood what the man meant and she 
stated, "You mean in my butt - is that what your 

"Yep and you will love it - have you ever had it up 
your butt?"

"No, can it be done like that - do you know how to do 
it like that?"

That morning Suellen Lynn was taken twice by the man 
and just before they were ready to leave, Suellen Lynn 
was on her hands and knees being sodomized. That was a 
strange experience and when she got home called Teddy. 
Then walked to his house and she felt his large 
erection pushing up her butt. With Teddy it was painful 
and she cried out from the experience. Teddy never knew 
he wasn't the one who suggested anal sex that day.

Two days later Suellen Lynn was watching the news and 
the police were looking for a man with a van who had 
taken a girl from the city park and raped her. Seeing 
the hand drawn image of the man Suellen Lynn knew it 
was the man who had taken her and bet the girl that had 
been raped was the one called Wendy.

For another month the two teens engaged in sex and 
until the day Teddy's mother came home early from work 
as she was sick. Mrs. Patton found her son having anal 
sex with the cute girl who lived across the street and 
she shouted out in shock.

Watching the girl and her son dress, Liddy knew she 
needed to do something and told her son to go take a 
shower and stay in your room until I come to speak with 

Looking at Suellen Lynn, Mrs. Patton took the girl's 
hand in her own and led her downstairs to the kitchen 
and told her to sit down. Fixing a soft drink for 
Suellen Lynn and one for herself, asked Suellen Lynn, 
"How long has this been going on - I don't know if I 
will speak to your mother, but honey how long have you 
two been messing around?"

With tears in her eyes, and uncertain what to tell her 
boyfriend's mother, Suellen Lynn sobbed out, "Mrs. 
Patton, please don't tell my mother, she will kill me - 
we've been playing around for a month or so, please 
don't tell my mom." Speaking in a halting voice, 
Suellen Lynn said, "Mrs. Patton, Teddy is my 

"I know, or so he has told his father and me, but 
you're so young for sex, and what if you were to become 
pregnant," Mrs. Patton asked?

"I can't get pregnant can I," Suellen Lynn asked?

"Suellen Lynn, have you commenced your periods - be 
honest, and you're having regular sex as well, aren't 
you," the older woman asked?

"Yeah, sometimes we do ~ I haven't had a period yet, 
and my mom took me to the doctor and told her not to 
worry, I would be okay."


Suellen Lynn had been questioned by her doctor as the 
evidence of her having had sex was visible to his naked 
eye when he saw her torn hymen as it was at the bottom 
of her vagina and asked her if she was having 

"Yeah, please don't tell my mom, Dr. Shultz."

When he looked once more at the girl on the examination 
table with her legs in the stirrups, the shape of her 
girl's legs caught his eye. Studying the girl's face as 
he looked and stroked them softly, Dennis Shultz knew 
he was violating his oath as a physician, and a man who 
faced prison for acts with a girl of 13 in touching her 
as he was doing in his examination..

Knowing the girl was under his control in her 
requesting he not disclose she was having in sex, Denis 
proceeded with his charade of additional examination.

"Perhaps I won't find it necessary to inform your 
mother, but I need to make certain you're alright and 
have no problems from sexual activity." During the time 
he was speaking he was stroking the meat on the girl's 
thighs and said she had perfect legs. Then as he stood 
between her open legs he pushed the covering back from 
her body so he could see her stomach.

Moving his hands gently up Sullen's legs, he stroked 
the fine hair growing on her mons and made a few probes 
with his fingers on her stomach and mons pubis. Working 
his fingers lower Denis Shultz took off his rubber 
glove and then moved his finger to her vulva once more. 
This time he inserted first one finger, then two, and 
finally all four of his fingers inside her vagina.

Working his thumb on the small clitoris that was hidden 
in the oversized prepuce, he was soon finger-fucking 
the girl. Dennis had always loved watching young girls 
when he examined them, as they weren't certain what 
would happen, but knew the man would see and touch 
there sex. This time he went beyond his watching the 
girl and knew Suellen Lynn was becoming sexually 

Dennis watched Suellen Lynn catch her breath and told 
her, "Come, I can feel your ready to come, you like 
getting off don't you? Once you come we will be done 
with your examination and your mother will not you're 
no longer a virgin."

While Suellen Lynn was building to a climax, the 
strongest she had ever felt, she didn't notice Dr. 
Shultz had taken his erection from his pants and 
suddenly felt him stroking it back and forth in her 
sex. While he was fucking the young patient his hands 
were stroking and feeling her thighs and occasionally 
her firm breasts.

Just as he shot his semen into Suellen Lynn and she 
enjoyed knew the doctor was inside her sex, and she 
uttered out her own release, "Dr. Shultz, it feels 
different with you, and so good - what, oh my, yes!" 
Still on the examination table, Suellen Lynn was 
panting and enjoying the strong after glow of her 
strong orgasm, looked at her doctor and asked, "Do it 
some more -you do it the best I've ever had, augh, push 
in me like that, oh doctor!"

The feeling of Dr. Shultz's cock was entirely strange 
after having been with the man who raped her, and 
Teddy, as their things weren't as large as the one now 
stroking in and out of her sex.

After he had come the second time Dennis placed his 
cock back in his pants, but first had taken a surgical 
cloth and wiped off the outer sex of the young girl. 
Telling her as he pulled the covering back over her 
stomach, "I best check your breasts and make certain 
they aren't any cyst or other bumps in them."

For a couple more minutes, Suellen Lynn felt her 
breasts being touched in a way she never knew was 
possible. Feeling her nipples being touched and 
squeezed and Dr. Shultz was pinching her clitoris or 
something like that it seemed. Suellen Lynn felt her 
body building to what seemed like another climax as her 
doctor knew exactly how to make a young girl feel good.

As a doctor dealing with preteen and teen patients, Dr. 
Shultz had come to know how to give his patients 
excitement and many virgins left his examination table 
wanting to see the doctor before six months passed or 
some a year was needed before she was again able to 
enjoy being examined.

One thing he found enjoyable was to make the girl 
climax while her mother was seated right along side of 
her as he manipulated her clitoris. He enjoyed getting 
the young girls who were around 10 or 11 and letting 
them know he was going to touch them between their legs 
and they watched him closely, but never understood what 
had made her butt jump up from the examination table..

Smiling at Suellen Lynn, Dennis Shultz said softly, 
"Your going off again and let it come and feel good for 
you," and as he spoke reached between her legs and 
fingered her clitoris and inside her sex and he loved 
it when she squeezed her thighs tightly around his 

"Augh its doing it harder this time, oh Dr. Shultz I 
love you," the teen girl uttered from the horrendous 
climax that passed through her body.

Looking down at his patient, he told her he would 
suggest to her mother she go on birth control and 
control her periods. Because of that you will need to 
come see me again in three months - you understand that 
don't you?"

"Yes, I don't mind your checking me out - can you - 
again doctor?"


Once more Suellen Lynn glanced up at the neighbor's 
house and the window looking down onto her property. 
Something told her someone was watching her from the 
window and that it had to be Allen. Closing her legs 
and setting up, Suellen Lynn studied the window through 
her sunglasses, but wasn't certain someone was starring 
at her.

Knowing one way to find out was to openly display her 
body, she lie back on the beach towel and pulled her 
legs back and open. While making the move Suellen Lynn 
saw what had to be a figure move behind the window 

The act of being spied on wasn't to Sullen's pleasure, 
but she thought he is an innocent boy and like Teddy 
was at the same age curious about girls. Had she known 
that her actions were being video recorded on the 
latest camera equipped with a DVD recording device 
Suellen Lynn would have been ready to kill.

Rising up to where she could reach her bag of items she 
took out her cell phone and called Joyce's number. 
There was no doubt that someone had been watching her 
as the image was visible behind the window. When the 
phone was finally answered she listened as Allen said, 
"Hello" Suellen Lynn could hear and knew it was obvious 
Allen was out of breath from running to answer the 

"Hello, Allen, this is Mrs. Mott, is your mother or 
father there, I have something to ask them?" While 
speaking on the phone with the young boy, she picked up 
her things and bent over to do so and walked into the 
house. The urge to have waved goodbye at the window was 
strong and decided she enjoyed teasing the boy. So she 
waved at the window where she knew Allen had stood 
looking at her. To her lack of knowledge, the video 
camera recorded her ever move.

Moving upstairs after getting off the phone with Mrs. 
Mott, Allen ran back up the stairs to where he'd left 
the camera recording. Looking out the window Allen saw 
the woman hadn't returned to lay by the pool. Removing 
the camera from the tripod, Allen took the camera to 
his room and leaving the tripod in the attic.

Allen downloaded the disc to his computer and added it 
the other videos he had previously recorded while 
observing his attractive neighbor sunbathing. Allen 
discovered a the end of the video he made only an hour 
before that Mrs. Mott was waving at something. "Yes," 
Allen told himself and knowing it was at the end of the 
video of his doing her in the nude, and when he'd gone 
to answer the phone when Mrs. Mott had called. Being a 
teenager did not stop Allen from realizing that Mrs. 
Mott was looking at the attic window and waving at him 
when he was standing and looking at her as he was at 
the window?"

For an hour Allen repeatedly played the images of Mrs. 
Mott's pussy that he had taken close up video 
recordings of. Viewing the hair surrounding the 
slightly parted lips on his older neighbor's pussy on 
his 20 inch flat screen computer monitor.

The powerful lens he had purchased was worth more than 
he imagined when he made the purchase. There was a 
shinny wetness showing in Mrs. Mott's pussy hole and 
all Allen could do was wack off to the video image. "I 
wonder if she would allow me to lick her pussy like the 
guys did to the girls in the magazines."

"Yeah, I'd enjoy eating my first pussy and Mrs. Mott's 
cunt is so hairy and wet - oh I want to fuck her and 
get my first piece - please say yes Mrs. Mott!" When 
his words were spoken loudly to his own needs, Allen 
shot off and his cum landed at least three or four feet 
in front of him on the hardwood floor.


The night of the "Wine-Land-and-Sea-Gala" at the 
country club had arrived and as co-chair of the 
activities, Suellen Lynn, along with the co-chair, 
Richard Barstow were greeting the arriving guest 
attending the thousand dollar a couple lavish seven 
course dinner.

"You have done an excellent job in putting the event 
together and will be something to remember for a long 
time to come. You have made this the gala that will be 
hard to surpass. Suellen Lynn, your decorating of the 
room is simply marvelous. I must say to you that 
sharing the credit for the success of the gala is 
fantastic, but only you, Suellen Lynn have done the 
work," Sir Richard toward the beaming woman.

Then Sir Richard added, "Perhaps later tonight we can 
dance the night away till early morn, what do you say 
my stunning co-chair Your dress is perfect for you and 
every man you've greeted agrees with my observation as 
I can tell by the lustful look in their eyes."

"Perhaps I should be concerned as I believe the fine 
gentlemen of the evening whose my helper, so to speak, 
has even more lust in his eyes and assuredly in his 
mind,. So should I be fearful or joyful my Lordship," 
Suellen Lynn laughed and teased with her question.

"I wish it was story book time and I was the big bad 
wolf and you Little Red Riding Hood. Suellen Lynn I 
could - what was it that wolf wanted to do with that 
little twit:, Red Ridding Hood?" Sir Richard laughingly 
asked, "Or is it twat not twit - but didn't he want to 
eat her?"

"You're so bad, but in a good way my Lord Richard. You 
best watch out Mr. Wolf or I just might agree to be 
dessert this evening," Suellen Lynn chuckled at her own 

With a side glance at the woman who had just informed 
him she wanted him to eat her out tonight, Sir Richard 
looked down at the image of her full breasts escaping 
from the top of her gown. "You are assuredly the most 
engaging dessert I will every partake of, and I mean 
that in a nice way - you're truly beautiful this 

"Thank you, but remember I've not been with a man since 
my husband and if I ask you to stop, please honor my 
wishes - you excite me - say no more or I might change 
my mind."

Enjoying the dinner, and then the auction, Suellen Lynn 
found the items were going for twice the amounts they 
seemed to have in the past. She knew it had to be for a 
simple reason, people in the crowd could see the items 
being auctioned. Half way into the auction, Suellen 
Lynn bid on a bronze statue of couple embracing, and 
her final bid of six thousand dollars was the winning 
bid for the piece of art.

Having checked before the auction she found other 
sculptures by the artist were selling for ten thousand 
or more. Suellen Lynn considered herself lucky in her 
purchase and would make it the center piece of her 
entrance foyer.

A short time later, Sir Richard won a two week Hawaiian 
cruise and land vacation. Hearing his bid was the 
successful one he smiled at Suellen Lynn, and told her, 
"We will enjoy visiting my homelands old islands, the 
Cook Islands, together."

Saying nothing in reply, Suellen Lynn smiled at the man 
and wondered what he would say if she told him they 
would have a terrific time on the vacation.

After the auction and as co-chairs, Suellen Lynn and 
Sir Richard were announced to the audience and were the 
first couple to dance at the event. This was a 
tradition and they moved around the dance floor and 
paused at the tables of the honored guest, including 
the past year's co-chairs. The previous year's chairs 
presented them with their gifts.

Each year the female co-chair was given a necklace with 
the crest of the county club on a medallion. The emblem 
had a one caret diamond located on the emblem that 
represented the 18 hole of the golf club. Sir Richard 
was presented with a money clip with the same medallion 
affixed to the clip.

They danced before the audience and Suellen Lynn loved 
feeling the man holding her and feeling her thighs 
brushing against the strong and muscular legs of her 
dance partner. When she felt his erection pressing 
against her body, Suellen Lynn smiled knowing she could 
make the man excited. The attractive woman felt her 
thighs being pressed open by her dance partners leg and 
felt him pulling her tighter against the manhood trying 
to enter her body.

Now wishing to embarrass her gracious partner, Suellen 
Lynn stopped dancing and smiling at Sir Richard, said, 
"I want to do something different tonight."

With a chuckle, he asked, "Would that be me?"

"No, - pay attention and you never know what Santa will 
bring for Christmas." Suellen Lynn had thought after 
hearing the man tell her they could enjoy the vacation 
trip to Hawaii together how nice that would be for 

Stepping with her dance partner to where the band was 
located Suellen Lynn took the microphone and made an 
announcement "Ladies and gentlemen, your co-chairs for 
the night ask the other members of the committee to 
join us in dancing the first dance. After they are on 
the floor, Sir Richard and I request all of you join us 
in celebrating the success of tonight's gala. By the 
way, the event raised nearly a half a million dollars 
tonight. Thanks to all of you our local charities will 
be richer."

Listening as Sir Richard asked her to allow him to see 
her home, and in doing so, felt free to pull her 
against his body and kiss her. Sir Richard had turned 
the dead bolt on the office door as they had gone into 
the club office to put the money and checks from the 
gala in the deposit slot of the wall mounted safe, 
similar to that at banks for night deposits. Employees 
used the safe to turn in the days receipts, so the 
money that had been turned in after the auction, was 
now under lock.

While kissing her, Sir Richard eased his tongue into 
her mouth and the woman Suellen Lynn returned his kiss 
and did so with mixed emotions and passions. Suellen 
Lynn didn't inhibit him when he reached behind her and 
loosened her gown by easing the zipper down. 

When her evening gown fell away from her braless 
breasts, Suellen Lynn knew her breasts pointed forward 
and proudly out from her chest. They were displayed in 
the nude for the Sir Richard's large hands to cover. 
Suellen Lynn moaned deep under her breath as her 
nipples were stimulated for the first time in years by 
a man. The tenderness of Sir Richard's giant sized 
hands surprised the widow, as she suddenly thought of 
herself in that venue.

Now Suellen Lynn wondered how she had waited so long to 
allow a man to feel and explore her body. Being a 
passionate woman of 48 she could deny not only the man, 
but her own needs and desired sexual contact.

"It has been so long since anyone has touched me as you 
are - oh Richard, you shouldn't kiss my breasts like 
that; what if someone sees us?" The physical aspects of 
having her nipples nursed and kissed was more than 
Suellen Lynn could continue accepting.

Kneeling down, Suellen Lynn could not comprehend her 
actions but for the next five minutes satisfied a 
craving that hadn't been fulfilled for many years. 
Unfastening the zipper of Sir Richard's tuxedo slacks, 
Suellen Lynn fished out his erection and moved her 
mouth to take him deep into her throat. Using both her 
right hand and her mouth, she soon ws drinking down the 
male juices from the thick erection in her mouth. 
Standing up, she found Richard with a look of total 
satisfaction on his face and then once more he was 
sucking her nipples.
"She we go to my place and finish this in a proper 
setting - like my bedroom and perhaps in my Jacuzzi as 
a start?"

Suellen Lynn moved from the man and told him, "Not 
tonight, but you're a sweetheart for asking, and I 
appreciate your mischievous and thrilling offer. 
Richard, if only I could say yes and wish you had taken 
me on the floor and made love to me - especially after 
you nearly undressed me. Be a darling and fasten my 
dress - and until the next time, kiss my breasts once 
more. Don't feel ill toward me for saying no tonight 
and then asking you to take my nipples with your lips 
once more."

Looking in a demure manner, Suellen Lynn added, "I've 
heard Christmas time in Hawaii is delightful. I can 
picture how exotic and beautiful the islands must be - 
and so scenic. Richard, if you know someone with 
tickets, I'm certain the holiday would be exquisite 
between the right couple."

"Your right - need I wait till Christmas," and Richard 
added, "my dear co-chair you have breasts to match your 
exquisite thighs, hell your truly an enchanting and 
mesmerizing my dear woman. 


Driving home after being partially intimate with 
Suellen Lynn in the office at the golf club, Richard 
thought of not only seeing but caressing and kissing 
the large breasts on the petite woman. When he asked 
the size of her breasts, he listened as she told him in 
no boasting way, "My puppies are 38-C, and I'm so proud 
they don't sag - the nipples sometimes embarrass me as 
they get so big around and stick out so far."

When he had her gown off, and so her body in the nude, 
except for the thigh-high stockings and heels she was 
wearing, Richard was amazed at how perfectly formed her 
body was and she had no cellulite or dimpling on her 
legs. Her stomach was tight and then he remembered her 
mom's pubis.

"No woman should have such a lovely bush as Suellen 
Lynn has on her sex. It is thick and long and the hint 
of silver blended in the auburn thatch was perfect. I 
loved how it was so thick and now I know why her 
bathing suit always seemed so protruding over her sex." 
Richard found he was speaking out loud as he drove home 
and wished he had taken the woman on the office floor 
as she had stated.


Summer was nearly over and Suellen Lynn knew school 
would start in two weeks. The idea of sunbathing in the 
nude appealed to the lovely woman and after three dates 
at the club only, Suellen Lynn wanted to look nice for 
her date this Saturday night with Richard. She had 
finally consented to have him come to her house and 
pick her up and take her to the club.
Wishing to appear perfect and not denying the fact she 
would likely end up partly unclothed if Richard's 
actions held true as they had at the gold club after 
the gala. Suellen Lynn wanted an overall tan to go with 
the deep green cocktail dress she had purchased for the 
first date she'd had before marrying Lewis. Suellen 
Lynn eliminated her three nights in the Des Monies 
motel as a date and considered it simply as wild sex.

Moving from the pool Suellen Lynn spread out the large 
towel on a floating device at the edge of the pool. 
Easing onto the float she eased her body so she did not 
upset into the water, and wash off the sunscreen she 
had applied in front of the mirror in the pool bath.

Knowing she hadn't lain in the nude since the day she 
discovered or believed she had found her 15 year old 
neighbor had observed her nude as she tanned for the 
gala night at the club. Suellen Lynn wondered if Allen 
would watch her today.

For a few minutes she forgot about Allen and then saw 
movement behind the attic window of her neighbor's 
home. "Allen if you're going to watch, I'm going to 
make it worth your while." Spreading her legs wide and 
pulling her right leg back so her foot was resting on 
the towel. Then did the same with her left leg, which 
caused her legs to spread her in an expansive "V" 

Suellen Lynn understood how extended her legs were and 
they were assuredly exposing her sex in an erotic 
display that would make any stripper envious. Chucking 
to herself, Suellen Lynn thought, "No, not exposing, 
but ensuring my pussy was gaping open enough that Allen 
must see my tonsils from the back side.

"I must appear as if I'm expecting a lover to move 
between my legs and take me," Suellen Lynn said aloud. 
Smiling to herself, Suellen Lynn thought, "Hell, is 
this how the girls in brothels lay when a man is paying 
her to a wanton woman, could I give my self to one man 
after the other in a whorehouse," Suellen Lynn asked 
herself out loud? That I would like to do if I was 
younger, or at least for a couple months just to see 
what having one partner after the other would be like 
both mentally and physically."

Recalling her time with her black lover, Suellen Lynn 
thought, "Gawd, this is how Martin had me spread my 
legs when he took me in the motel room," Suellen Lynn 
With the video camera recording the every move of the 
woman's body and using the powerful zoom on the camera 
to capture the image of her sex filled the lens. Allen 
watched as the woman's fingers touched her sex and 
seemed to be brushing something off her body. 

For several minutes the young boy who was a week away 
from being 16 watched the most beautiful woman he had 
ever seen. Then he made a decision that would bring him 
complete joy or his parents would assuredly ground him 
for the rest of his life.

Yet for Allen, there was only one choice and ran to his 
room and put on his bathing suit. Going back to his 
camera, Allen took out the disc he had been recoding on 
and inserted a new one. Then he looked at the camera 
LCD screen once more and saw he had the image of the 
woman as he wanted. Could he score today?

Picking up a towel, Allen walked out the back door of 
his house and over to the high wooden gate that blocked 
the pool area of his neighbor's house. Several times 
both Mr. and Mrs. Mott invite him to swim in their pool 
whenever he wished. Now he was going to pretend he 
didn't know the woman was nude and as before, he would 
tell her hello as always when he joined either she or 
her husband swimming.

Walking toward the pool after opening the gate and 
closing it quietly. Allen pretended not to notice Mrs. 
Mott in the nude and heard her cry out, "Allen, oh no, 
I'm nude, turn your back for a moment." Thinking I'll 
act as if I haven't heard the pretty woman, he walked 
toward her until he was no more than a few inches from 
her, said in alarm, "Oops, sorry I didn't know you were 

Suellen Lynn acted shocked and surprised and smiling to 
herself, told the youthful intruder, "Allen - oh please 
never tell anyone you saw my old body in the nude."

Instead of turning away Allen dropped his towel and 
decided to go for broke, asked, "May I get nude, also?"

"Allen, my gawd, if your parents saw us or knew we were 
like this, they would hate me - you shouldn't take your 
suit off - ALLEN!"

Before she could finish speaking and crying out the 
boy's name, she watched in complete fascination as he 
pushed his bathing trunks down and displayed his 
eruption. Suellen Lynn couldn't speak as the young boy 
moved into the water by slipping down from the edge of 
the pool.

Watching as Allen moved to the end of the float, and 
her legs were still spread wide open, she could feel 
her sex opening and closing as if she was feeling a 
hard erection moving in and out of her. Looking down at 
her feet, she could see Allen looking in the hair 
covered slit between her legs and then she asked, "Can 
you keep this a secret? Allen, you must never tell - 

"I will never tell - honest Mrs. Mott. You're the first 
woman I've ever seen and you're so pretty," the boy 
told her.

"Do you like seeing me and now you have viewed me in 
the nude, and do you like me being naked, Allen?"

"Oh yeah Mrs. Mott, you make me want to do - - -, you 
know," the teen boy told her in reply.

Knowing it was wrong, Suellen Lynn decided to have sex 
for the first since her husband had passed away. I hope 
this allow me to have Allen's virginity, and she asked 
him. "Have you ever had sex Allen?"

"No - are we going to - I don't know how many times 
I've watched you and wanted to do it with you. Mrs. 
Mott I was afraid to be near you," Allen replied.

"What say we get out of the pool and go inside? We 
don't want anyone seeing us like this, would we," 
Suellen Lynn asked? Rolling from the float and into the 
water? Suellen Lynn moved to where Allen was standing. 
There was one point that made her happy and that was 
looking at the erection sticking out from his young 
body. Watching the young boy as the ripples of the 
water passed just over his firm penis made it appear to 
be moving and have strange shapes.

Once they were out of the pool Suellen Lynn told the 
boy, "We need to rinse and we can do that in the pool 
bathroom." Taking the boy by his hand and she led him 
into the pool bathroom to rinse off. Keeping the water 
on cold Suellen Lynn knew would reduce the excitement 
Allen was experiencing for the moment. Thinking, "I 
don't want him to shoot off before he shoves that good 
size manhood in me.".

Knowing her actions were improper, Suellen Lynn was 
beyond the concerns of the legal complications of sex 
between she and the young boy standing before her. With 
his good size cock bobbing up and down as he stood 
perfectly still. and she wanted to feel the young boy 
shoving his large erection in and out of her vagina. 

Suellen Lynn recalled the times she was with Teddy when 
he was 15. Except that Allen as a teenage boy had a 
erection that was nearly the size Martin had buried up 
in her body over 18 years ago. She had never forgotten 
the image of the dark skin covered penis when she first 
observed the black erection in the motel room.

After they rinsed off, Suellen Lynn tossed Allen a 
towel and told him to dry off while she did the same. 
Smiling at the boy, she asked him, "What do you want to 
do with me - you must tell me everything you wish for 
us to do we walk to the family room."

Suellen Lynn listened as Allen attempted to explain 
what he wished to do with her as they walked to where 
she would rid him of his virginity. The ideas of what 
he desired in having sex with her would have been 
comical had it not been how the lad expected to show 
his ability to. "Do a girl and really put it to her," 
Allen had explained. 

It was obvious Allen's knowledge on making love was 
from men's magazines or simply school boy gutter 
discussions. There was no doubt, Allen's description of 
the sex he wanted, was an attempt to better the other 
boys he associated with. Smiling at the young boy who 
was hard-on showed her a certain pleasure after more 
than three years of being without sex. Suellen Lynn 
reached out and gave Allen's cock a quick squeeze. What 
would he do to any girl after she showed him the 
pleasures of sex today?

Thinking she'd allow Allen to prove his manhood Suellen 
Lynn sat on the daybed in the family room. Half-
reclining on the wide sofa like piece of furniture 
Suellen Lynn crossed her legs and held an arm across 
her breasts.

Allen was nervous Suellen Lynn could see and when he 
got on the daybed with her, he tentatively reached and 
took her hand in his own. Thinking to herself that his 
ideas of sexual conquest were no longer in his mind 
Suellen Lynn lay back as if surrendering to the boy's 
own plans.

With a hesitant move of his hand, Allen reached out and 
took her arm away from her breasts. Then he landed down 
and kissed the nipple on her left breast and then being 
to nurse it and repeated the act on her right breast. 
His young body was half lying across the woman of his 
young desires and commenced humping his erection 
against her upper leg.

Hearing the boy moan as he sucked at her breasts and 
his humping motion with his young manhood, Suellen Lynn 
realized the boy was about to ejaculate. "No, your not 
going to waste that load of male juice," and she 
reached and firmly gripped his erection. The gripping 
action was hard enough to make Allen cry out, "Oh Mrs. 
Mott, it hurts."

Using her hand on the hard young cock Suellen Lynn 
pulled the boy onto her body and parted her legs. Once 
Allen was resting between her thighs, she guided his 
erection in the center of her labia. Now Suellen Lynn 
wanted sex with a strong degree of passion as she 
placed the thick head of the 15 year old cock between 
her labia and told him, "Shove that big thing up my 

"Man, it is so hot inside and Mrs. Mott I'm going to 
squirt off!" Before he could finish his sentence and 
his hard-on bottomed out in his first female pussy, 
Allen lost his load of virgin cum deep in the woman's 
body. Pressing as tightly to the woman as he could get 
his erection deep inside the woman, he sobbed out, "Oh 
Mrs. Mott it felt so good!"

Suellen Lynn loved knowing she had gotten Allen's 
virginity and even if he did shot off as he shoved his 
firmness up her sex. There was a deep satisfaction in 
knowing she had gotten his first load of cum from 
fucking, and she was his first. She loved hearing him 
call her Mrs. Mott as they fucked and she wrapped her 
legs around his waist. Her arms moved around Allen's 
neck and shoulders and she hugged him deep into her 
embrace and wanted the teen leaking cock deeper in her 

"Move it back and forth, but don't pull out of me. Make 
me yours once again - let me feel you come in me again. 
Oh Allen fuck me like you want," Suellen Lynn whispered 
to the boy. Feeling an erection deep in her sex for the 
first time in more than three years was exhilarating 
and as the young cock was moving slightly back and 
forth in her sex, Suellen Lynn felt the climax roaring 
through her body.

"Allen, my god your making me cum, oh hell fuck me my 
young stud of a man! My god your cock is so magnificent 
and superb! Damn you're big - fuck me harder Allen - 
yessss, give me your cream again!" Suellen Lynn was 
crying out her needs and loving the young cock and did 
so without shame in being with a boy younger than her 

By the time Allen left for home he found his young cock 
could not become full erect after his older lover had 
taken his young juices five times up her welcoming 
cunt. Plus she made the youthful lad shot his last load 
of cum in her mouth as she sucked him off.

Now he was in his room watching the videos of his lover 
lying nude by the pool.

The next morning at nine o'clock Allen was knocking on 
Sullen's door for breakfast as she had invited him when 
he left for home yesterday afternoon after their sexual 
tryst. Once Allen was inside and the two of them were 
eating breakfast at the kitchen table, Suellen Lynn 
asked, "So what did you think of yesterday and all we 
shared and experienced together?"

"It was awesome and I feel so great knowing I made you 
feel good. Are we going to do it today," Allen asked 
during his discussion of having had sex for the first 

Then he made a comment that sealed his fate and ended 
the relationship between him and his older lover. "Boy, 
Mrs., Mott, I can't believe that I was able to video 
you nude and have sex with you…"

shouted at the boy so loud she startled him and he 
jumped up from the table and knocked over the chair he 
was seated on with his hostess.

"Allen, where are the videos - you little son-of-a-
bitch - come on and we're going to your house and your 
going to give me the videos!" While speaking to the 
boy, Suellen Lynn had gotten off her chair and took 
Allen's hand in his and led him from her home to his. 
"Show me the videos and do it now, Allen!"

Leading the woman to his bedroom he handed her ten 
video discs and told her, "This is all of them - do you 
want to watch them?" Uncertain what else the woman 
wanted; Allen asked her, "Do you want to have sex in my 
room with me today?"

"Allen, you and I never had sex and if you so much as 
breath to anyone that we did or that you made any 
videos of me I will tell the police. No, I will inform 
your mother that you raped me - do you understand?"

Looking at the startled boy, Suellen Lynn wanted to 
slap him. Instead she turned and walked from his room 
and to her home. Inside her house she destroyed the DVD 
collection immediately and once they were in small 
pieces from going though the shredder sat down and 
cried. Knowing the disc were dangerous she called Allen 
and when he answered the phone, asked him, "Where are 
the other disc you made of me and don't lie to me or 
I'm calling your mother right away?"
"There aren't any more, oh yeah, there is one in the 
camera, I'll get it and bring it to you, please don't 
be mad at me," Allen said as if he was crying.

In a couple of minutes Suellen Lynn opened her door and 
took the disc from the boy. Then she asked him in a way 
that was certain to get him to admit if he had more 
disc of her, "If you want sex with me again you better 
bring me the rest of the DVD."

"This is all, and I had forgotten it," he replied. Then 
he tried to enter the house.

Suellen Lynn told him, "Leave and never come here 
unless your with your parents."


Saturday night Suellen Lynn knew a certain fear as she 
was having dinner with Sir Richard. The basis of her 
fear was watching Joyce walk toward her.

"Suellen Lynn - Sir Richard, the event was so terrific 
this year and I must thank you Suellen Lynn for 
allowing Allen to use your pool again today. He thinks 
you're the greatest woman, except after me," Joyce told 
Suellen Lynn.

That evening, as they returned to her home, Suellen 
Lynn knew she couldn't invite Richard into her home as 
she didn't want sex with him this soon after the fiasco 
with Allen.

When they were standing at her door Suellen Lynn said 
softly, "The evening was so wonderful and I can't 
invite you in Richard and I guess it's a ghost keeping 
me from doing so." Suellen Lynn thought to herself as 
she closed the door behind her and spoke aloud to 
herself, "And the ghost is a shit of a 15 year old boy, 
damn you Allen."

Sunday morning as she was reading the paper and having 
a cup of tea at the kitchen table the phone rang and it 
was Mary Halston. "Hi Mary, what causes you to call so 
early this morning," and Suellen Lynn was looking at 
the wall clock and saw it was only half past seven?

"You haven't heard, it is on the news, Sir Richard was 
killed last evening around ten. That means he must have 
just taken you home, as I recall you two left the club 
around 9:45 last evening."

"Hold on Mary while I turn on the television - - - 
which channel?"

"My gawd, Mary it can't be… I should have invited him 
in, but I was afraid of what might happen. Mary, come 
over and keep me company."

Mary came over to be with Suellen Lynn and it was 
obvious she hadn't taken time to dress as she was in 
her house coat and when she sat down Suellen Lynn saw 
she was in a frilly nightgown. The two of them 
discussed last night at the club and how wonderful it 
was to have served with Richard on the event as co-

Looking at her best friend, Suellen Lynn told her, 
"Mary, I nearly allowed Richard make love to me last 
night after our date. I was scarred to allow the 
intimate act between us. Mary, if I had let Richard in 
my bed, he would be alive today - I feel like it is 
partly my fault he is dead"

Mary reached out and took her friend's hand in her own 
and told her, "No - that wasn't the problem, it was his 
time darling and you mustn't blame yourself."

Suellen Lynn commenced to cry, and told her friend, "We 
were going to use the tickets he purchased at the gala 
and travel together to Hawaii over Christmas."

After an hour of talking about all that seemed wrong in 
the death of the man, the phone rang and it was Joyce. 
"Oh Suellen Lynn, I just heard about Sir Richard and I 
can't believe it happened. You two seemed so happy 
together and we saw you two as he told you good night, 
would you like me to come over?"

"Yes, and Mary is here so between the two of you, 
perhaps I can let my mind be at rest." 

Millie Prater called and was telling her what she knew 
as her older brother was the chief of police. The 
accident occurred as a pickup truck that was raised or 
jacked up and driven by a 22 year old man, had struck 
Sir Richard's car. The driver of the pickup was highly 
intoxicated and he had two other young men and a 
teenage girl of 17 with him. One of the other men was 
also killed and the teenage girl is likely to have both 
her legs removed.

Millie informed Suellen Lynn that the man driving the 
pickup had ran a stop light and hit the driver's side 
of Sir Richard's car. The bumper on the pickup was so 
high it went through the passenger window of the 
automobile and hit Sir Richard's head and evidently 
killing him instantly.

Telling her two friends what Millie had told her soon 
had Mary and Joyce crying along with Suellen Lynn once 
more. Around 11 o'clock the three women decided to get 
dressed and eat Sunday brunch at the College Club. 
While Mary and Joyce went home to get ready, Suellen 
Lynn went to her bedroom and after undressing, showered 
and fixed her hair and makeup.

Thinking she was alone as she walked nude to turn the 
television off, Suellen Lynn saw Allen standing in her 
living room and evidently had just came through front 
door. "Allen, what are you doing here," Suellen Lynn 
asked as she tried to cover her exposed body?

"Mom asked me to run over and see what you're were 
going to wear as she was in the shower and couldn't 
call you - I'm sorry about your friend. Mrs. Mott I'm 
so sorry I made the videos of you, forgive me, I really 
am sorry," Allen explained in what seemed in breath as 
he spoke.

Without thinking, Suellen Lynn walked over and hugged 
the young boy in her arms and held him tightly to her. 
"Thank you Allen, you're a wonderful young man. I hope 
we can be friends." While holding the boy in her arms, 
she felt his young hands on her back and she and he 
both knew they would again be lovers.

Allen looked in Suellen Lynn's eyes and asked, "Can I 
swim in your pool again, by myself?"

"Yes, anytime you wish and you should come visit me 
soon, you do understand, don't you, Allen." Suellen 
Lynn asked as she moved her leg between his and felt 
his erection pressing against her thigh. 

"Do you mean we can do,,,?"

"Hush Allen, there are times when words aren't 
necessary - you're an intelligent young man and 
understand what I mean - stop over Monday morning and 
lets try breakfast again - deal honey?"

Reaching with her hand, Suellen Lynn captured the 
erection she knew her body had caused and softly said, 
"Allen, no jacking-off as I want all your cream inside 
me so if you jerk your meat I won't let you up inside 
my body. Kiss my breasts for a moment - oh gawd that is 
nice, oh Allen."

"I'll save it for you, honest, I will Mrs. Mott," Allen 
said as if he was having trouble breathing.

Kneeling down, Suellen Lynn unzipped Allen's pants and 
pulled his large erection out and in less than a minute 
she was drinking his cream.


Over brunch the four woman were enjoying their own 
world and they had each worn a white blouse and tan 
skirts and they were watched by the men having their 
meals with their wives or lovers. There were single men 
enjoying the Sunday meal, but they knew the woman were 
engrossed in deep conversation and didn't wish to be 

Joyce nearly caused her dinning companions to fall off 
their chairs when she stated innocently, "I swear my 
son is just like Sir Richard and if he wasn't my son 
I'd nail him to my bed. Kent is so gentle and 
considerate that when I told him about the accident and 
Sir Richard had been out with you Suellen Lynn, he 
wanted to know if he should purchase you some flowers."

The comment striking Suellen Lynn, Millie and Mary 
shockingly was her descriptive phrase "My son has a 
cock bigger than Sir Richard, and much larger than his 
father… oh shit me and my big mouth."

Joyce understood immediately she'd stated things in a 
way she didn't mean to and her friends looked at her 
and each other and Mary replied, "You were with Sir 
Richard and you've seen your son nude and erect - how 
quaint and exciting - all woman should be so damn 

"No way, Joyce you had sex - with Richard and have seen 
Allen - be honest was he nude and erect? Is that how 
you know how large his thing is," Suellen Lynn asked in 
a hushed voice? "Gawd Joyce, tell me if it is true, and 
I'm certain none of us will ever reveal it, but we all 
want and need to know!"

"Yes, tell us the truth everything," Mary added so 
softly her voice could just be heard by her two 

"I've said too much already - oh my gawd, please, I beg 
of you, never tell anyone what I've revealed to you," 
Joyce pleaded with her friends and she had tears in the 
corner of her eyes.

"Your secret is safe with me, and I know Mary would 
never tell," Suellen Lynn whispered. Then she added, 
"You'll never tell will you Millie?"

Then Suellen Lynn decided to be honest and related all 
that occurred between her and Richard. Including how 
she allowed him to undress her and suck her breasts the 
night of the gala in the golf club office. Finally 
Suellen Lynn admitted to something she hadn't allowed 
herself to believe or even think about. "While we were 
in the office and he unfastened my dress and nursed at 
my breasts I was so in need for some relief I kneeled 
down and took Richard's erection in my mouth and sucked 
him off."

Looking at her two friends, Suellen Lynn asked, "Am I a 
slut for my actions or what?"

"No, you're a woman who needs love and I also need a 
man as my dear husband hasn't touched me for nearly two 
years. Don't hate me, but I must tell someone what I've 
done Joyce whispered. I allowed my son to have me 
yesterday morning. Allen told me he'd had sex before 
but wouldn't say with who. I was so in need, it just 
seemed to happen, what more can I say," Joyce asked her 
two friends?

Mary looked at her friends and glancing around to 
ensure others couldn't hear her, said, "Ralph hasn't 
touched me for five years, every since I admitted to 
him I had an affair with Richard."

"Hell, so has nearly every woman at the country club if 
she isn't fat and eighty. I'm not so certain about the 
eighty year old gals," Suellen Lynn laughing stated.

"Yes, about two years ago, I started having sex with my 
brother, and he drives me crazy - perhaps I should 
invite you two over the next time Ralph leaves town and 
Dave comes over," Mary finished telling about her own 
sex life.

"Well Suellen Lynn besides Sir Richard who has felt 
your body heaving under him and no matter whom, you can 
tell us," Joyce said with a smile on her face.

"Okay, if you really want to know I got your son's 
virginity and your correct that Allen's cock is large," 
so I hope you don't hate me. Then as her two friends 
sat in awe as she told the whole story about she and 
Allen. Suellen Lynn had admitted her involvement with 
her friend and neighbor's son.

"Suellen Lynn I found some tapes of you, but I didn't 
know about you and my son. My gawd, you destroyed the 
tapes and I wish you hadn't as they were actually well 
done. I tried to find one to watch and thought Allen 
had hidden them, so that is why I couldn't find them."

"Your not mad for my being with your son," Suellen Lynn 
asked her friend?

"No - especially after I admitted to having been with 
him," Joyce said.


"Suellen Lynn, you looked so good on the video it made 
me want to be with you. Perhaps you, Mary, Millie and I 
can explore our identities."

Millie smiled and said in a quivering voice, "I have 
never been with a woman, lately I have commenced to 
wonder what it would be like."

Mary smiled and said, "I have the same feelings and 
have also started to think of trying it with a woman, 
but has any of us every been with a woman>"

When it was determined that none of the four had 
experienced bi-sex or been with a gay woman, they 
decided to accept Suellen Lynn's invitation to meet at 
her home and they could swim nude and let things 
progress as they might.

"Can I go last - I want to feel a woman's lips on my 
sex, but it is scary to thing of licking a woman's 
sex," Mary said in a voice so low she could just be 
heard. Then she told her three friends, "I have never 
performed oral sex on Jed - and I refused to let him do 
me. Perhaps I should have as he did my sister - damn 

Thinking to herself, I must be certain that I have the 
pool party when Allen will be home and he can video the 
action from his attic lair. What will he think while 
observing his mother taking me with her mouth and other 
women eating her out in a bi-sexual act?


The author does not condone child abuse, this story is
meant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone acting
out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to
many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a 
fellow convict in their local prison.
Kristen's collection - Directory 47