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                 K R I S T E N' S    C O L L E C T I O N
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Archive name: gabriel3.txt (MF, rom, mc)
Authors name: Jesse Draven (JesseDraven@aol.com)
Story title : Gabriel - 3

This work is copyrighted to the author © 2001.  Please
don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story.  You may post freely to non-commercial
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Thank you for your consideration.

Gabriel - 3 (MF, rom, mc)
By Jesse Draven (JesseDraven@aol.com)

*** Chapter Three

Matchmaker? Telekinesis? Mind-Control? Gabriel was 
spinning around those three concepts, as he lay fully 
clothed, save for being barefoot in his bed. He didn't 
know whether to be pissed off, annoyed or flat out 
ecstatic. In truth, he felt all three. 

Gabriel had left Rachel and Holly down in the kitchen, 
telling them that he had to be alone so he could think 
for a while. He had also tried to get more information 
about SOMA out of her, but she was dead set and 
determined not to tell him any more about them until she 
got the OK from her mother or SOMA itself.

The fifteen-year-old was also trying to come to terms 
with everything that had happened to him over the last to 
days. Two say that the last two days didn't fit into what 
he considered his 'normal' life, would be putting it very 
mildly. The last to days had sent Gabriel's mind into a 
proverbial hurricane. He just wasn't used to it when he 
found out most of the things that should have been 
fiction, turned out in reality to be face. I mean, 
Telekinesis? Mind-Control? He thought, bemused.

And then there were the other things that had sent his 
quintessentially impassive front into an uproar. One of 
those things was his new acquisition of a new girlfriend 
and lover. Gabriel wasn't new to love, but he was new to 
the girlfriend-boyfriend kind of love. And he knew for a 
fact that was what his feelings for Rachel were. He had 
no clue WHY, but he knew he was in love.

The only other person that he had become even mildly 
comfortable with (save John) lived about two hours away. 
Her name was Erica Williams. Their friendship was still a 
little strange to him. Strange, because he had almost 
took an instant liking to her. And Gabriel rarely did 
that. The other strange thing was, difference wise, they 
were like night and day. Add to that, she was two years 
younger than he was.

When they met, he had just turned fourteen and she was 
twelve. They had met at school, and wouldn't have met at 
all if it wasn't for Erica's big mouth in the lunchroom. 
The reason being, that Gabriel tried his hardest to blend 
in and go unnoticed when he was in school. The first 
words he remembered ever coming out of Erica's mouth when 
he noticed her were: "I can't help it if you're I.Q. is 
still your shoe size! Pick up a book, it might help. 
Though, without osmosis, I think you'll be shit outta 

Gabriel didn't know why the little fiery redhead took it 
upon herself to tell the school bully this. A school 
bully that out weighed her by about a hundred plus 
pounds. He found out later though, and he couldn't blame 

Who he could blame was the bully. After she said that, 
Gabriel guessed that the bully decided it was really ok 
to beat on girls just as well as boys. One right hook 
later Erica was laying on her back, busted lip and all. 
Crying up a storm.

Gabriel got expelled forever from that school on that 

It was one of those days that Gabriel acted without 
thinking. He didn't remember the books he was carrying 
just fall helplessly to the floor. He didn't even 
remember crossing the lunchroom. What he did remember was 
tearing into that bully with every fiber of his being. He 
heard later that the bully stayed in intensive care for 
well over six months. It took three students and two 
teachers to pull him off the boy. Gabriel had every 
intention of beating him to death.

The next day, Erica showed up with a fat lip on his 
foster-parents doorstep. "Hiya." was all she said, before 
she walked in like she owned the place. She also did most 
of the talking, since Gabriel didn't talk much. But she 
didn't seem to mind. 

Ever since that day, they had been best friends. Gabriel 
gave a smile at the memory. I wish she were here now; I 
could use a little advice. He thought. Then looked at the 
clock. He had been in his new room now for almost three 
hours, doing nothing but thinking. All that thinking and 
he was still as confused as he was before he came in.

And he was a little worried about what Dawna was going to 
do to him for destroying a three thousand dollar window, 
accident or no. "I guess there's one way to find out." 
Gabriel said to the ceiling in a subdued voice. Since he 
wasn't mad anymore he was getting more and more worried 
about how he had acted earlier.

Just as Gabriel got out of the bed, put on his shoes, and 
stood up straight, there was a gentle knock on his door. 
"Yeah," He called out, but not too loudly. 

The door opened slowly and Dawna walked in slowly. Her 
face was drawn with worry. "You're not going to ask John 
if he'll move you, are you." Her tone was blunt, but 
anyone with eyes could see that the woman was worried. 
Dawna watched as Gabriel shook his head in a negative 
manner and let out an explosive breath that even she 
didn't know she was holding.

"I guess you have a lot of questions, huh?" Dawna 
continued as she walked over to where Gabriel was 

"Are you mad at me?" Gabriel asked as Dawna stopped 
beside him.

Dawna gave him a bemused look. Out of all the questions 
she was expecting, that was not one of them. She let out 
a bark of laughter after she figured out what he was 
talking about. "Good lord, child. No, it was only a 
window. I'm just glad no one got hurt." She noticed that 
Gabriel's usual impassive face had a guilty look to it.

"I really didn't mean to do it."

Dawna put one of her slender arms around Gabriel's 
shoulders. "I know you didn't, Gabriel. Even Rachel knows 
you didn't. So lets just forget about it," She stated in 
soft and soothing tones. Then she gave him a knowing 
look. "I'll bet that you have a lot more questions than 
'Are you mad at me'." Her eyes looked like they took on a 
little twinkle.

"That'd be a pretty safe bet." He replied with a hint of 
amusement in his voice. He couldn't help but feel a 
little comforted with Dawna's arm around his shoulders.

"Well, I tell you what, Kiddo, you come down stairs and 
have dinner with us lonely girls and I'll give you as 
many answers as I can. But you have to wait until after 
dinner." She stated as she took her arm away from his 

Gabriel rolled that idea around his head for only a 
second before figuring that it was more than a fair deal. 
"Lead the way." This was stated with a small grin.


"Do you still think he's mad at me?" Rachel asked as she 
took a seat at the dinner table. Dawna had just left to 
go talk to Gabriel about ten seconds earlier. 

Holly gave her friend a sweet, if not understanding look. 
It was still a little unnerving to see her friend so 
nervous. Usually the blonde girl had such control of her 
emotions that she might as well have had them locked 
behind a steal door.

But when she told Gabriel that Dawna was playing 
"Matchmaker" and he gave her a completely blank look... 
well, it was a completely blank look to anyone that 
wasn't paying complete attention to the boy. But the 
tell-tell signs like the mild tick under his eye and the 
intense clenching of his jaws informed both girls that he 
was pissed, but holding it in, because he promised. Holly 
noticed that it almost made Rachel cry when Gabriel told 
her that he had some thinking to do and turned his back 
on both of them, going to his room.

"He's probably over being mad by now, Rach- but I would 
imagine that he's probably still annoyed. But you have to 
admit, he does have the right." Holly told her friend in 
her usual blunt, yet gentle way.

Rachel placed her elbows on the table and rested her 
forehead in her palms, letting out an explosive sigh. "I 
knew nothing good would come from keeping this shit from 
him," Then she sat back in her chair, and muttered 
something that sounded suspiciously like "Fuckin' 

"You better be glad your Mom ain't in here, girly." Holly 
replied, a low chuckle following.

That made Rachel smile a little, just a little. Then she 
took on a more somber expression. "What I'm I gonna do if 
Mom decides not to lay it all on the line for him? Cause 
you know he'll be looking to me for the answers. And I 
can't tell him because it the stupid, fucked-up, goddamn-

"Rachel!" Holly exclaimed. She had never heard her friend 
use so many curse words in one sentence in all the years 
she had known her. Not that she disapproved, but it was 
shocking, none-the-less. She must be more stressed than 
even I thought... guess that's what love gets ya. She 
thought wry. "Calm down. I think everything will work out 
fine. Besides. I think your Mom will give him enough 
answers to pacify his curiosity and when the time comes, 
he'll know the rest. Plus, I think most of his attention 
will be focused on you and his training," Holly then gave 
her friend a wicked leer. "Probably mostly on YOU 

That comment made Rachel blush a beautiful shade of red. 
So, she reacted like she always did when her friend made 
her embarrassed or uncomfortable. She reached out and 
slugged Holly hard in the shoulder. Hard enough for Holly 
to fall out of her chair with a resounding THUMP! But it 
was apparently not hard enough to make Holly not bellow 
out with laughter instead of pain. Holly laughed long and 

She became quiet when she heard Dawna's stern, if not a 
little amused voice. "Children, I will not have these 
kind of antics at my dinner table. And, oh my, aren't you 
a lovely shade of red, Rachel."

Rachel was sitting quite still at the dinner table. It 
wasn't because she was embarrassed any longer. To put it 
simply, all Chosen can sense another Chosen when they are 
close enough. And since Gabriel tapped into his power, 
and broken his proverbial cherry, his presence was very 
strong indeed. So, she didn't hold her head in 
embarrassment, but in shame for keeping secrets from the 
boy she loved. Loved. She was quite certain that was the 
right word, though she couldn't understand how she could 
feel so very strongly for a person that she had virtually 
just met.

Holly cleared her throat a bit (trying to keep in another 
giggle) and took her seat back at the table. "Sorry, Ms. 
Wilson." She said as she looked up to see Dawna with her 
arms crossed over her chest and Gabriel standing slightly 
to the side of her and a little behind her. He was 
wearing ...Yes, he was wearing a rather amused smile.

Then Rachel watched as his intense Spanish-brown eyes set 
on Rachel. Holly watched with a sense of satisfaction 
when the amusement turned to concern in the blink of an 
eye. I'm glad he loves her as much as she loves him. She 
thought with a slight nod. Of course, she could see the 
cause of his concern. Rachel was sitting at the table, 
head bowed, looking for all the world like a whipped 

Gabriel moved without thinking, his steps as graceful as 
always, and sat down right beside Rachel. But Rachel 
still wouldn't look at him. C'mon, Gabe, think of 
something. He berated himself. Then he thought of 
something, but hoped Dawna wouldn't disapprove.

I'm pathetic. Rachel thought. She thought this because 
she wasn't even able to look the boy she loved in the 
eye. But then she felt his soft, but strong hand slip 
into hers. She watched her hand as it was lifted softly 
to Gabriel's lips, her knuckles being kissed in the most 
gentle manner. Rachel then chanced a look at his face. He 
had a half-cocked smile on and one of his twinkling eyes 
gave her a playful wink.

That was all it took. Rachel pulled her hand free, 
reached out with her arms, and enveloped Gabriel in an 
almost bone crushing hug. "I'm sorry." She whispered into 
his ear.

"Forget about it, Rach." He said back.

"Ya know, if I had a mush-o-meter I think this moment 
would be off the scale." Holly deadpanned. But then broke 
into a huge grin. That was sooooo cute! She thought 

Holly looked at her daughter and Gabriel fondly. <'Well 
done, Gabriel.'> She sent telepathically. 

Gabriel just gave her a nod, but couldn't keep the (what 
he was pretty sure was goofy) grin off his face. While 
looking at the now happy version of Rachel, he thought: I 
might have actually done something right.

"Well," Dawna started, slapping her hands together. "Now 
that that's over with, I think I'll prepare dinner."


A half hour after dinner, Gabriel sat alone on the huge 
sectional sofa. His eyes were riveted on the orangish-red 
flames of the propane fireplace. Deep thought was 
something that Gabriel was used to. As were many people 
that do not talk that much, preferring to hide in the 
background and watch as the world plays out like a movie. 
Sometimes it would be a horror movie, or it could be a 
low budget B Movie.

At the moment, Gabriel felt like he was trapped in a Sci-
Fi Movie. He was still holding his overall opinion of it 
until he got his answers. "Hurry up and wait." He 
muttered to himself as he watched the flames flicker.

'The Girls', as Dawna put it, told him to wait in the den 
because they had some things to discuss. Gabriel got the 
distinct impression that they were in their arguing over 
how much they should tell him. Gabriel had prepared 
himself for as much. He pretty much knew that Rachel 
wanted to tell him more than her mother did. 

What the 'The Girls' didn't know was that Gabriel had 
came to a decision of his own. He decided that he would 
go with the flow with whatever they told him and would be 
patient about learning the rest. Gabriel found out long 
ago that the old saying of 'Good things come to those 
that wait' was mostly true. But he also found out that, 
sometimes, just sometimes, if you don't cease the moment, 
it may be gone forever. 

He hoped that this case would be the former and not the 

Gabriel's head looked up towards the den's entrance as he 
finally heard footsteps headed his way. And in walked the 
three ladies of his life. Judging by the scowl on his 
Love's face, he made the educated guess that Dawna had 
won the discussion. He began a silent mantra in his head 
as he watched the three ladies take a seat. I will be 
patient, I will be patient, I will be patient...

It was Dawna who spoke up first, trying her best to sound 
cheerful. But if she had known Gabriel for more than two 
days, she would have known that wasn't a very good 
tactic. "Well, Gabriel, it seemed that everything that I 
was prepared to tell you tonight, by daughter already 
did." It was odd to Gabriel how the woman could sound 
cheerful and look annoyed at the same time, but Dawna 
seemed to pull it off with flying colors.

Gabriel turned to Rachel as she began to speak. He was 
very glad she wasn't trying to blatantly add fake 
cheerfulness like her mother did. "Look, Gabe, I'll lay 
it on the line for you. If we tell you too much before it 
is time ...Well, let's just say that SOMA will be less 
than happy. And it definitely is NOT good when SOMA is 
not happy."

Gabriel gave his lover a cross between a frown and a 
scowl before he spoke. And when he did, it was almost a 
growl. Rachel actually flinched at it. "They'd try to 
hurt you???" Nobody but nobody was going to hurt HIS 
Rachel. It might have been little chauvinistic to think 
that way, but that was what his true feelings basically 
boiled down to.

Dawna gave a small wince, before she started again. "No, 
'hurt' is not exactly the word that I would use, Gabriel. 
But they could certainly make life difficult for us." 
Dawna heard Holly give a soft snort and say something 
that suspiciously sounded like: That's the understatement 
of the year. She decided to ignore it. She didn't want to 
get into just how powerful SOMA was on this particular 

"But enough of this. Let us move on to more important 
matters," Dawna started again, giving Gabriel a very 
direct look. "Your skills as a Chosen must be at an 
appropriate level before you are to meet with SOMA. And 
since Rachel is your chosen Mate, your training lies in 
her hands." When she finished, she gave a look of silent 
look, as if handing the part of this conversation 
completely over to her.

In truth, when it came to Gabriel's training, Dawna had 
no say so what so ever as to how Rachel handled it. It 
was the law of SOMA that the senior Chosen handle the 
training of his or her Mate, if his or her mate is 
ignorant of their Gifts. They made the law because it was 
believed that it would draw the two Chosen closer 
together. And a happy Chosen was more effective for... 
she REALLY didn't have any interest in thinking of THAT 

Gabriel had a spinning with so many questions that he was 
almost dizzy. But he was determined that he would remain 
quite until they asked. Thankfully, Rachel seemed to 
sense this and asked: "Do you have any question, Honey?" 
The endearment made Gabriel feel warm in the pit of his 

But that didn't stop him from asking. "Why do you need a 
Mate so bad?" He asked this fairly bluntly. But he 
figured a little bluntness was a called for, so he didn't 
feel a lick of guilt. "Don't get me wrong though, I'm not 
complaining." The whole time he spoke, his face was 
completely impassive.

Shit. He just HAD to ask THAT question. Rachel thought, 
sighing inwardly. She looked to her Mom with a helpless 
look, but all she got in return was a shrug that said: 
It's your call. I'm just watching. Then she rolled her 
eyes at Dawna and received a disapproving scowl in 
return. "Before I tell you, will you promise to keep an 
open mind?" She asked, turning her attention back on her 

Gabriel gave her a brief affirmative nod in return. This 
was one of the big questions in his mind. That and what 
the hell SOMA was all about. All he really knew about it 
was that it meant School Of Mental Acuity. But he really 
didn't think that he could get any more on that score, 
tonight anyway.

"Ok," Rachel went on. "You have to understand something 
first. There are only, and I'm talking at the most here, 
a dozen Chosen in the world. So, basically, what I am 
trying to say is, I'm trying to say- to put it bluntly, 
our kind is dying out. For some reason, unknown to 
anyone, Chosen's are only allowed to have one child in 
their life... and as you can imag-"

"Would you please get to the point, Rach?" Guess that 
mantra didn't work as well as you thought, huh Gabe?" He 
thought to himself with wry humor.

"Guess I was skating around it, huh?" Gabriel gave her a 
nod. "Well, I need an heir. And only two Chosen can make 
another Chosen." She then stated, schooling her features 
in complete blankness, for fear of Gabriel's reaction.

I couldn't have heard that right. "You want me to knock 
you up?" He winced at his bluntness.


Oh God. Baby??? She wants to have my baby? His mind then 
began to systematically shut down out of shock. Or at 
least it felt that way. All he could think of was the 
word 'Baby'.

<'You think he had a stroke?'> Holly sent to Rachel 
jokingly, looking at how out of it Gabriel seemed to be. 
She vaguely noticed that Rachel just sent her a dirty 

I can handle this... besides, the way they're looking at 
me; I think they expect me to blow up at the notion. And 
if the kid is as cute as it's momma, it'll do the world 
some good. He thought with an inward chuckle. Then he 
smirked at 'The Girls'. "No prob'" He stated.

"'No Prob'?" Mother and daughter asked in perfect unison 
and with the same amount of shock. Both thought that it 
would take some convincing. But Gabriel just gave him 
another shrug.

"Yeah, 'No Prob' and I don't want to talk about it 
anymore. What I do want to talk about is my training and 
what role a Protector plays in it." Giving Dawna a 
reassuring look, he added: "And I promise I won't 
pressure you for more answers until you are ready." Dawna 
could only nod mutely. God, do I LOVE surprising them!

Holly cleared her throat since and began to speak since 
it looked like her best friend was still stunned by 
Gabriel's response. Although, I *really* wished Rach 
would have gone over this with him. "Well, me, being your 
Protector, will have to protect you."

"That much is obvious," Gabriel said, narrowing his eyes. 
"What's the catch?"

Holly winced a little and worried even more. She really 
didn't want to be rejected, again. "I'll have to hang 
around with you all the time. Like when you go to the 
store, or to the movies. But also have to watch you when 
you," Holly mumbled the rest out.

"What was that?" 

"I'll have to be in the same room with you when you sleep 
so I can watch you better." She said it all real fast 
like she was afraid of his reaction.

Gabriel took on a look of contemplation. "If what Rachel 
said is true, then why would I need a Protector?"

Dawna spoke up before Rachel or Holly could. "That's one 
of the things we can't tell you."

Of course, silly me, wondering why I needed someone to 
watch me when I sleep. He thought sarcastically. Is it up 
to me whether I or not I have a Protector?" He asked 


Gabriel then turned to Holly with the full intention of 
telling the girl she could take her Protector job and... 
and dammit. The girl's eyes were misted over. He was 
pretty sure that she could have known by the blunt way 
that he asked Dawna if it was his choice or not what he 
was going to say. Now she looked like someone sucker 
punched her in the gut. 

Gabriel gave a defeated sigh. "Then I choose to have 
one." He said, feeling like he should get on the next bus 
and have SUCKER tattooed on his forehead. But then he was 
jerked out of his contemplation of body art when Holly 
let out a shriek and gave him a hug so tight that it cut 
off his air supply.

Holly released him and took a step back. "You won't 
regret it, Gabriel. I promise." Blushing a little because 
she had just squealed like one of those perky people she 
hated so much.

Rachel, Gabriel guessed, decided that she needed human 
contact at that moment. Because she got up from her spot 
on the sectional and sat, very promptly in his lap. 
"You're really ok with this, aren't you?" She asked with 
a touch of wonder, looking him directly in the eyes.

Gabriel didn't have really much of a chance to deny her 
anything while she was in such close proximity. Those 
soft sea-green eyes could melt steel, let alone any 
doubts he had. But then again, he already trusted the 
blonde on his lap explicitly. He didn't know why and, at 
the moment, he didn't really care. "Yeah, Darlin', I 
think I am."

Rachel proceeded to look extremely pleased at the 
endearment. Then she looked over at her Mom, and her 
features were set and stern as she spoke to Gabriel but 
kept her eyes on her Mother. "Well, since you have to be 
the cutest student I've *ever* seen, I think we will 
start with the fun stuff first. Mind control." Again her 
face dared her mother to contradict her.

Dawna just gave a defeated sigh and stood up. "I think I 
will leave you children to do what you will. I have some 
work I need to catch up on in my office." She said and 
started out of the room.

Gabriel watched he Dawna walked out of the room with his 
brows scrunched. He didn't miss the battle of wills that 
went on between mother and daughter, but that was not 
what he was thinking of. "Mind control, huh?"

"Yep." She replied.

"Even if, and I do mean 'IF', it is real- who do I 
supposed to practice on?" Gabriel asked, thinking they 
would have to go to town to practice. But he still 
doubted that he could control anyone's mind. But if he 
did have that skill, it sure as hell would have saved him 
a lot of pain in the past.

As Gabriel looked into his beloved's eyes, he was a 
little taken aback by the wicked gleam that appeared 
there. "Well, Gabe, I don't think Mom'll let us practice 
on her, so..." And that wicked/playful gaze was turned on 

Holly shot up off the sectional like she had been goosed. 
"No way, Rach!"

"Awww, c'mon Holly. You didn't used to mind when *I* 
practiced on you." She stated and Gabriel was a little 
stunned to see an almost leer on her face.

screamed, while her traitorous face blushed deep scarlet. 
"T-T-That's different and you know it! You know I don't 
like people playing with my head." She stated, quite 

"He won't play with you're thoughts, I promise." Rachel 
replied solemnly, like it mattered, which it did to 
Holly. "He's only gonna brush your emotions. And 
considering the particular emotion he is going to 
'brush', I don't think you'll mind." 

Gabriel had no idea what his girlfriend was talking 
about, but he was starting to get one. And he was more 
than a little surprised to see Holly thinking about it. 
He for one wouldn't want anyone fucking with his head in 
ANY way.

"You guys won't rewire me?" Holly asked, chewing on her 
lower lip as she contemplated the situation. Gabriel 
thought she looked as cute as hell when she did that. It 
took away from the badass persona she seemed to radiate 
when she was around people.

"I promise," Rachel replied. "So, what'll it be? C'mon 
Holly, I don't wanna go back to town and you would be 
*perfect* for Gabriel's first, since he knows you... A 
little anyway."

Gabriel was starting to get a little annoyed that he 
didn't have any say in the matter, but he kept his mouth 
shut. He really didn't know what all Rachel would have 
him doing, and he was willing to bow to her expertise 
because he really did trust her. He just hoped that if it 
was really real, that she wouldn't have him do anything 
where he could accidentally hurt someone.

"All right. I'm game. When do we start?"

Rachel thought a moment. "I don't think Mom would 
appreciate us doing it down here." This said with very 
rueful insight. She knew she was right. She knew this for 
the simple fact that she had brought home a Normal and 
decided to "play" with him in the den. Dawna was pissed. 
Not because of the fact that she used her powers that way 
(Most Chosen's did), no, it was because she did not find 
a private place to do it. "Let's go to Gabriel's room. 
Since my room is a bit... Drafty."

Gabriel looked utterly sheepish at her comment. But he 
also looked a bit nervous. Nervous because of the amount 
of power that Rachel said he possessed. He wasn't really 
sure that he was secure enough with himself, considering 
what happened last time...

"Gabriel, if you don't think that you're ready, or up to 
this, we can do it another time."

Gabriel, being Gabriel, took that statement to be a 
challenge, even though it wasn't. "I can hack anything 
you can put out, blondie." He stated boldly, only to 
receive a devilish smile from Rachel. Why can't I be 
quiet around her like I am normally with other people? He 
thought dimly. 


Gabriel sat calmly at his computer desk while he watched 
Rachel and Holly sit on the edge of his bed silently 
staring at each other, no doubt having a telepathic 
conversation. He took the time to silently look them over 
while neither was watching. Because, in his opinion, they 
were two of the most beautiful creatures that he had ever 
ran across. 

Holly's midnight black hair had a silky look about it 
that, Gabriel imagined, made many boys (and some girls) 
want to run their fingers through it. The soft looking 
hair fell past her almost bare shoulders, to about the 
middle of her back. They were bare because she had put up 
the leather jacket when they arrived back at the mansion. 
And the tight jeans and black boots just made her look 
all the sexier to Gabriel.

But he had to admit that Rachel looked just as sexy in 
her t-shirt and blue jeans. If he was forced to say who 
was the prettiest, he had to choose Rachel. But then 
again, I'm about as bias as hell. Being head over heals 
for someone does that... I guess. He thought. Gabriel was 
already accustomed to admitting his feelings for the 
beautiful Rachel, and was fine about it. If someone were 
to asked him if a person could feel like this for someone 
a few days ago, he would have asked them if they were 
crazy. But now...

Gabriel's thought patterns began to switch at that 
moment, to a subject that made him *much* more nervous. 
What is Rach going to make me do to Holly? That is if I 
can even do anything. His thoughts added. He really liked 
Holly for some cause, and he hadn't known her that long, 
so it confused the hell out of him. He REALLY didn't want 
to hurt the girl.

Gabriel could lie to other people, but only sometimes and 
never over anything important. But there was one 
immutable fact about his mind that Gabriel was rather 
proud of: He could never lie to himself. And he admitted 
to himself freely, he was more than a little scared about 
what he could do. It wasn't a hunch. It wasn't a guess. 
It was a stone cold fact.

But there was another part of him, a primal part that was 
rubbing its hands together in what could only be 
anticipation. The ability to control minds, if that was 
true? The ability to be stronger than any normal full-
grown man? Oh yes, that primal part wanted that. The 
primal part was the same part of his mind that made him 
work hours a day on Martial Arts.

It was that primal part that made him watch his back, and 
took care of him in rough situations. And that primal 
part *wanted* the power that came with these gifts. It 
wanted the new edge it would give him for the self-
preservation it was certain he needed.

The world was lucky that Gabriel kept that primal part in 
the back of his mind, releasing it only when needed. 
Lucky indeed. Since Gabriel had arrived at the mansion, 
that part of him quieted down more, and Gabriel began to 
trust more. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a 
bad thing. But as he looked at the two girls on the bed 
(especially Rachel) he knew for a fact that it felt good. 
Hell, it feels great. Gabriel thought with a ghost of a 

Just as Gabriel focused on the girls again, Rachel seemed 
to have finished her conversation with Holly and turned 
her attention to him. "Sorry, Sweety, but me and Holly 
had to have a little 'girl talk' before we began." All 
the while she was speaking she was moving closer to 
Gabriel, until finally she was on his lap, like she was 
in the den. Only this time she planted a lushes and 
lingering kiss on his lips. "Forgive me?"

"If you keep that up, I'll forgive you for every sin 
you've committed in the past, present and future." He 
said gently, giving her a warm embrace.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Lover-boy," She 
replied, giving him another kiss, but only this one was 
light and quick. To Gabriel's disappointment, she pulled 
back and stood up. "But now it is time to get down to 

"Rachel's right. We better do this now, before I lose my 
nerve." Holly added, still sitting on the side of the 
bed. But she seemed a lot less nervous than she did 
before, that fact was revealed by the soft smile that was 
on her face. That made Gabriel feel a little better.

Gabriel stood up as well. He looked at Rachel and 
thought: I kind of like the take charge Rachel. "Where do 
we start?" He asked, while still taking in Rachel's 

But Rachel just looked over to Holly first, "Ok, Holly, 
you know the drill. I want you to lie down on the bed and 
get comfortable," She paused, turning to look at Gabriel. 
"I want you to sit on the bed by Holly."

Gabriel walked slowly to the bed and sat not six inches 
from the lovely brunette. Gabriel looked at Holly, her 
hands were folded over her bare belly and legs were 
crossed. She looked utterly relaxed. Then he turned his 
attention to his girlfriend and would-be teacher. "With 
ya so far. What now?"

"All right. I guess I should tell you a little about what 
you are going to be doing." That was when Rachel went 
into full teacher mode, quoting things from the SOMA 

"What you will be doing is called Emphatic Manipulation," 
She paused seeing the blank look on Gabriel's face. "You 
will be controlling Holly's emotions."

Gabriel gave her a slow, bemused nod.

Rachel let out a slow breath. "Ok, I'm going to walk you 
through this. I want you to lay a hand on Holly," She 
watched as Gabriel laid his hand on Holly's leg, just 
above the knee before continuing. "Now, I want you to 
close your eyes and focus. Focus real hard. You should be 
able to feel a link between you two."

Gabriel did as he was told and was faintly surprised when 
he found out that Rachel was right. He did feel a link. 
He could feel Holly's emotions. They were almost tugging 
at a part of his mind. But he kept his eyes shut, as he 
listened to Holly.

"Now I want you to slowly open your eyes. When you do, 
you should be able to see a plethora of colors around 
Holly. These are her emotions. C'mon, Gabe, I know you 
can do this." Rachel thought to herself.

Gabriel did as he was told and was shock at what he saw. 
It was like Holly had an aura made of every color known 
to man. They were shifting and changing from light colors 
to dark colors constantly. Except for a few that always 
stayed the same.

"Do you see the colors?" Rachel asked and watched as 
Gabriel nodded and affirmative. She gave a sigh of relief 
before continuing. "Ok, I want you to focus on the pink 
color and try to make the other colors fade out." This is 
the fun part. She thought to herself.

Before Gabriel did as he was told, he chanced a look at 
Holly's face. It was flushed and a light she of sweat was 
on her forehead, her bottom lip was also trembling in the 
slightest way. Even though the girl was wearing jeans, 
Gabriel could smell the girl's arousal. The fact that he 
could see two hard points helped this conclusion as well. 
After processing all this in his head, Gabriel found he 
was so turned on he didn't know what to do.

How he maintained concentration and did what he was told, 
he didn't have the faintest idea. She knew pink was the 
emotion of lust, the minx. Gabriel thought, thinking of 
Rachel. But he also focused as hard as he could on the 
color and the others started fading away quite easily. As 
they faded, he noted that Holly's breathing was becoming 
more erratic and she was starting to writhe beneath his 
hand. It was almost enough to make him come in his pants. 
Which confused him, because he usually had better 

"Now, Gabriel slowly started to make the pink color turn 
red." Rachel stated. She was breathing a little hard 
herself. The whole thing was terribly erotic.

Holly was beside herself with passion. Rachel had done 
this to her before, but it was nothing like this. Before 
she knew what she was doing she was moaning and squeezing 
her breasts through the black tank top. "Ohhhhhhhhh," She 
moaned out as a hand slept down to rub her jean-clad 
pussy with great pressure.

Rachel was quick to notice the bulge in Gabriel's pants. 
<'Why Gabriel,'> she started telepathically. <'Is this 
turning you on?'> She asked innocently.

Gabriel on the other hand was beside himself with passion 
and had lost his patience. 

Rachel was a little surprised when Gabriel almo9st 
growled at her. She knew this would happen. Whenever a 
chosen messes with emotions, they themselves feel the 
emotions that they are messing with. So she knew this 
would happen.

Rachel slowly unfastened her jeans and unzipping them. 
Then as she sat down art Gabriel's computer desk, she let 
out a soft moan as she felt her fingers find her clit. 
"Go ahead and take her, Gabriel. I know ya wanna." She 
husked out, the passion very clear in her voice.

Gabriel didn't have to be told twice, he was way past the 
point of no return. He briefly wondered if he had broken 
a world record in getting Holly and himself undressed. 
When he pulled Holly's arm away (the arm that was giving 
her such pleasure.) Holly moaned in protest, but after 
she figured out what he was doing, she quickly lifted her 
cute ass off the bed so he could pull her pants off.

"Hurry Gabriel." Was all that was able to come out of her 

In under a minute they were both undressed and Gabriel 
was hovering above Holly's body, his hard cock almost 
touching her pussy. He looked her in the eyes and all he 
saw there was need. So, without further waiting, Gabriel 
slid in smooth and hard.

He only made it about for strokes before Holly went into 
orgasmic convulsions.

Her fingernails dug into his back and her legs had his 
waist in an unbreakable vice like grip.

The spasming of the wet, hot and very tight pussy was all 
Gabriel could handle. He opened his mouth and gave a 
silent scream as his body tensed in orgasm. When it was 
all over he made himself fall to the side so he wouldn't 
squash Holly.

All that could be heard in the room was heavy breathing 
for nearly thirty seconds. He looked to his right and 
noticed that Rachel was fingering herself with intense 
abandonment. He took on a wicked smile. "Now what do I 
do, Teach?" He asked.

The 'Teacher's" answer was quite simple. "Me." 


Send all comments to JesseDraven@aol.com

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out of
the hands of children. They should be outside playing
in the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kristen's collection - Directory 17