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                 K R I S T E N' S    C O L L E C T I O N
		This text file contains sexually explicit
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Archive name: photos.txt (MF, exh, preg)
Authors name: Jeff Justice (newhomefl@aol.com
Story title : Photo Shoot: Portfolio Update 

Copyright June (c) 1998 - All Rights Reserved. The author 
copyrights this work.  Any use of this work is permitted 
as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and 
this paragraph remains with the story. The author would 
prefer that any comments, critiques, or criticisms be 
sent to Newhomefl@aol.com.

Photo Shoot: Portfolio Update
By Jeff Justice (newhomefl@aol.com)

My head spun and my mind raced a thousand miles an hour 
to catch up the events  that had brought me to this 
narrow street. A street in the arts district, a row of 
quaint frozen in time buildings in this small coastal 
town I had come to call home. 

I glanced at the crumpled paper in my left hand one more 
time to confirm it was the correct address. Sure enough, 
the numbers I had scratched onto the paper matched those 
on the face of the restored old building. Once a 
beautiful home of a wealthy part time snowbird, it was 
now renovated and converted into a beautiful apartment 
house. I hesitated for just a moment as I pondered how 
quickly I could be subjected to ridicule and 
embarrassment, how only seconds from now I could be 
standing in her doorway being humiliated by the mere fact 
of my presents. 

You see I had come here today as a result of a series of 
E-mails exchanged over the past two weeks.

I had opened my E-mail one night to find a message from 
Nichole, a former employee. She had been my personal 
assistant at my last place of employment. We had been 
close there and kept in touch since I had moved on, 
mostly through E-mail.  I had looked upon her as a 
daughter, at least I had tried to, since Nichole was a 
gorgeous young woman about 21 or 23, I never did keep 
track of that very well.

At any rate she was almost thirty years my junior. I had 
trouble keeping my eyes off of her when she worked for 
me, and I think she knew it, although nothing was ever 
said. She was a thin girl, about 5'6" or 7," maybe 105 
Lbs., with olive skin and tight body she kept in tone 
with morning jogging or walks before coming to work. She 
had short straight brown hair with a few blonde streaks 
in it, and the most hypnotizing brown eyes I had ever 
seen. Her figure was fantastic! She was small breasted, 
but for her petite frame they were perfect. Her waist was 
so slim she looked fragile and her hips, well they flared 
out a bit lower than average with a little spread to 
them. In the old west, it would have been said, "she was 
built for having babies." The way they spread out low 
from her waist gave her the most erotic look I had ever 
seen when she bent down to do filing, or other office 

She had come from money so her wardrobe was top dollar 
category. She worked a second job in a very upscale 
ladies store and used her discount to stay on the "best 
dressed" list for this town. It would have been 
impossible for any man I know not to fanaticize about a 
few minutes alone with Nichole, and I was no exception. I 
had worked very hard to be protective of her because she 
was so young, instead of for wanting her myself. It had 
worked and our relationship had blossomed because of it I 
thing. We had stayed friendly and she would often ask me 
for advice, in the area of work every time she thought of 
a job change or opportunity. 

So when the first E-mail message arrived I was kind of 
stunned.  The message said she wanted to know if I would 
use the digital camera to help her expand her portfolio. 
Now, I figured a beauty like Nichole would do at least 
some modeling, but I never expected her to ask me help 
with a portfolio, so she could keep it on the computer, 
or E-mail it. I knew she had a long distance boyfriend of 
some kind, and maybe she wanted to keep him updated, so I 
sent back a message that I would gladly scan the photos 
if she wanted, but advised that I was not qualified to do 
portfolio quality digital work.

That is when Nichole blew my mind. She replied to my E-
mail with a message that said that would be great, but 
she still wanted me to use the digital camera because she 
wanted some nudes, and was too shy to go a photographer 
she did not know. She went on to explain that not only 
did she know that I had the equipment, but that I was the 
only one she could think of that she trusted for the job. 
She said that she was afraid that any other man might get 
touchy/feely, or even worse if she was nude in front of 
them the way she wanted for these photos. I was both 
flattered and deflated by this comment, but replied that 
if this is what she really wanted, that I would be glad 
to help her.

Over the next few days, Nichole had asked, VIA E-mail, 
about where she could find the type of photos on the 
Internet that she could use as a sample or guide for her 
portfolio. I sent her a few newsgroup addresses and WWW 
addresses I knew of that featured nude women. She advised 
that she had looked with some luck, but would want us to 
schedule the entire day of the photo shoot so I could use 
her computer to go out there and find the samples she 
could as a guide that day. I agreed, and she set the date 
for this day.

I had not spoken to her on the phone or in person and was 
worried that maybe somebody had set me up, and I was 
about to be made out as a fool. I had rented some light 
stands, and other professional photographer stuff and had 
it all loaded up in back of the Jeep. I had relied upon 
her E-mail and the address headers to be truly her, and 
now was sweating as I began to unload the stuff. I had 
told her I would bring my 35mm camera, and a camcorder as 
well to make sure she had everything she wanted.

She agreed only after I assured her I would develop to 
film myself and nobody would see it but her, and she 
would get the negatives, and that I would leave the Video 
there with her when I left. That all of this was for her 
eyes only, except of course what mine would see as I did 
the original photo shoot. This was my fantasy come true, 
at least mostly. To see Nichole naked, even though I 
could not touch was truly a dream come to life. 

If someone had set me up I was about to find out, as I 
pushed my fear aside and hauled the Digital Camera, 35mm, 
the camcorder, and my scanner up the apartment steps, 
into the hallway and stood knocking on Nichole's door at 
exactly the appointed hour of 9:00 am. 

My heart skipped a beat as the door opened and there 
stood Nichole, then it raced into high gear as she smiled 
and said, "right on time, come in."  Boy, was I relieved, 
and frightened all at the same time. I had not been made 
a fool of, and yes, this was really happening! I set the 
cameras down and made two more trips to the Jeep to haul 
in the tripods and the light we needed for a really good 
photo session. Nichole had turned on the computer and 
arranged the couch for the session. The apartment was 
small, a living room, a kitchen and the bedroom was all 
it had. We set up so I could use the entire living room, 
focusing on the couch in the center. 

Nichole had turned on the computer and looking at some 
pictures she had downloaded over the last couple weeks. 
She had found one of the places I had given her and was 
checking out the photos there. It was kind of mild nude 
shots, as I had sent her alt.binaries.celebrities, but I 
had figured that is what she wanted to have, Nichole was 
conservative, and I had assumed she wanted her photos 
that way as well. She told me she was only able to get 
about fifteen shots and that she thought there was better 
stuff out there on the net. 

I told her there was everything you could imagine on the 
net, and asked her what it was she exactly wanted. She 
was not sure but wanted me to show her some things. After 
a while it became obvious to me that Nichole really 
wanted to see a wide range to decide what she wanted to 
do. I clicked a few times and stopped at 
alt.binaris.pictures, there I knew would be a wide range, 
and with any luck at all she would not be exposed to any, 
or at least not too much hard core porn. I hit the 
jackpot quickly.

I found a string of posts that were from a URL I 
recognized as having high quality, high resolution 
pictures and the series was all women's names, with only 
a few breaks in the string of posts. I clicked on the 
first and the screen scrolled down a shot of a beautiful 
woman naked and smiling at us, then a second and third 
when Nichole said this was more like what she had in 
mind. We decided to download about fifty or so and began 
the process. 

After about fifteen downloads we hit one that was more 
than just a nude. I tried to act shocked but Nichole just 
smiled as the screen scrolled down the image of a 
beautiful woman, with her lip inches away from an erect 
penis. She looked like she was about to kiss the huge 
thing. The next was again a nude lady then two more then 
we hit one with a woman's face contorted in pleasure and 
as the screen scrolled down it showed her astride her 
partner, legs held up, her eyes out of focus and his 
organ buried half way into her. I click it closed 
quickly, but knew Nichole had seen it before I closed. 
Five more nudes and Nichole suggested we use these as a 
guide to start, we could download other stuff as a 
further guide, later in the day. I agreed and began.

I was nervous and I think Nichole was too as I turned on 
the lights and set her up sitting on the couch fully 
dressed in the business type suit she had on when I 
arrived. I had her begin unbuttoning the jacket, then the 
blouse. I was in Heaven, as this day became more 
interesting with each passing minute. By the time Nichole 
had gotten down to her bra with her skirt still on, I had 
taken half a roll of 35mm and needed to download the 
digital camera. We had decided on high resolution and I 
had explained to her that we would have to stop and 
download ever 16 shots. This seemed fine to Nichole. 

As we began again it was obvious that she would soon be 
topless. I was nervous, but was busy with the two cameras 
and camcorder, Nichole was nervous and I tried to 
reassure her. She smiled directly at me and reached 
around to unsnap her bra. I had my face in the camera but 
still was awestruck at the first sight of Nichole naked 
breasts. There was hardly a sign of a tan line, and the 
digital camera would have difficulty detecting it for 
sure. Her nipples were smallish, much better than I could 
have ever imagined in my dreams, with tight circles 
outlining the dark buds that topped her perfectly shaped 
small tits. 

Nichole smiled at the camera and at me as she watched me 
have to make a few adjustments to both the lens and my 
pants. Soon, this nervous stage passed and we were into 
some serious photo work. At the point we needed to 
download the camera again, Nichole was wearing only 
garter belt, hose and panties. She leaned over me now 
seemingly comfortable with her topless state as were 
watched the new set of images download into the computer. 
We compared them with the images we had gotten from 
alt.binary.pictures and felt we doing a great job. 

Nichole hesitated only for a split second when it was 
time to remove her panties, again smiling at my need to 
make adjustments in my trousers, as her nakedness became 
all but total. There was a noticeable tan line on her 
olive skin this time, but it was erotic, not much more 
than noticeable. Her soft brown pubic hair was trimmed 
short and she had shaved it to a small triangle so she 
could wear a slim bikini if she chose to go to one of our 
great beaches. Several rear and then frontal shots and we 
needed to download again. This time we took time to 
really study the images and make comments to each other 
about how to do it better. This was really becoming a fun 
project, for more reasons than being alone with Nichole 
while she was naked. 

She wanted to know how those models in the images managed 
to keep such erect nipples with that fresh look to them. 
I told her I had read an article years ago about a 
Playboy, or Penthouse photographer and then asked is she 
had a spray bottle around. She did, in fact, for her 
plants. I emptied it out and filled it with chilled water 
from the refrigerator. She looked suspicious for the 
first time, so I told her to sit on the couch and just as 
I was about to click a photo, I sprayed a fine mist of 
the cool water on her nipples. They stood out at 
attention far more than I had expected, bring a huge 
smile to Nichole's beautiful face. She held her chest out 
and I took several very close up shots for her, then 
moved back to savor the fantastic look. I told her looked 
like a lady in heat and about ready to explode with 
passion. "That is the look I am after," she replied.

At the next download, she wanted to get more images from 
the Internet, so we took a break for an early lunch and 
sat at the computer downloading as we ate. We continued 
from the last time in alt.binaries.pictures and found 
more of the same high quality images.

This time Nichole was clicking the mouse and I could not 
quickly enough close any images that came up if they were 
not the same types as the high-resolution nudes. Soon she 
hit a series I had earlier, and pretty quickly the screen 
filled with images of men and women in several positions 
of intercourse. Where I had click on the cancel or closed 
the images while they downloaded, Nichole let them open 
just like the plain nude shots. I was a little surprised, 
but said nothing as she moved through about a dozen 
before getting back into a string of high-resolution 
nudes again.  These were a little raunchy as the women 
were shown more open and several were masturbating for 
the lens.

Nichole had set up a series of the shots and said she 
wanted to do hers' just the same, she told me as I came 
back from setting a new tape in the camcorder and fresh 
film in the 35mm. I nodded my head in acknowledgement and 
she returned to the couch. I was a little shocked as I 
looked over at the monitor with the slide show she had 
set up, and as I looked back to Nichole, I knew she was 
serious. This set was of her, splayed wide open, in 
several very revealing positions, including her on her 
knees in the doggie position, looking back like she was 
about to take a mate. She was very good at her facial 
expressions and made a great model. 

When this series was finished, and we downloaded the 
camera, Nichole clicked on few more shots and then showed 
me what she wanted to do next. Nichole was deadly serious 
and I was in shock as the screen scrolled down and the 
image of a woman with her lips wrapped around the shaft 
of a man's erect penis. I said no, and she looked at me 
with a smile and told me I could focus the camera for a 
close up and that nobody would be able to see that it was 
me.  I still said no. It took several minutes for Nichole 
to convince me that it was Ok and she really wanted to 
see what she looked like in this pose.

I agreed and set her up on her knees in front of the 
couch, the camera a foot from her beautiful face. Then I 
set the timer and moved in front of her. Nervously I 
undid my belt, and just like the pose she had showed me, 
I leaned forward jutting my throbbing erection out to 

With little time to spare before the flash was to go off, 
Nichole leaned forward, took my shaft in one hand, lifted 
my testicles with the other and wrapped her lips around 
my penis.  I thought I was going to ejaculate instantly, 
but the flash went off distracting me from the pleasure 
of Nichole's warm mouth on my swollen manhood. I pulled 
back and Nichole asked for one more shot like that. We 
did one repeat before I pulled my trouser up and Nichole 
began another series of open, masturbation shots, then it 
was time to download the camera again.

As I finished downloading the camera, Nichole pointed to 
three images she had on the monitor and said this was the 
next series.  I immediately said No, as I looked at the 
screen showing a close up of woman with a man penetrating 
her. I did not want to go that far, I told her. But 
Nichole was very sure of herself, and wanted this shot. I 
told her I did not have any condoms with me and besides 
that, I might loose control. She insisted and we debated 
for about fifteen minutes. Finally, as I knew it would 
be, she won the debate. 

She wanted one from behind, balls deep inside of her, one 
from the side, and one taken from above looking down at 
the parted legs with the shaft half way buried inside of 
her, and she did not want the shot ruined by the sigh of 
a condom anyway. I set the side shot up first. Nichole 
got into position and masturbated to get wet enough of 
penetration, as I got all of my clothes off and moved 
close. The process was very mechanical as I slid the 
throbbing head past her moist vulva and parted her pussy 
lips for the shot, as the timer set off the camera and 
the flash. 

We set up the shot from above next. I would have to 
operate the camera as she held us in position with me 
inside of her. Nichole parted her legs and I moved 
between her thighs as she took my now throbbing cock and 
positioned me for the entry. I thrust slowly sending 
about half of myself inside of her; we both let out a low 
moan as our bodies connected. As I positioned the camera, 
I asked Nichole if she was on the pill, just in case I 
slipped, explaining that it had been a long, long time 
since I was inside of a woman. She told me "No, she was 
not and to be careful," with a smile. I asked her about 
what time of her month it was and she looked puzzled for 
a second, and said the middle, in fact she said it was 
day 13 or 14. I click off two quick shots and pulled out 
of her, leaving her a little startled.

The next shot needed the tripod again. As I set it up I 
told Nichole that I hoped my precum did not have any very 
active sperms in it as this next shot she wanted was the 
one that would place the dangerous head of my penis close 
to her womb. "I trust you," she said.
I told her was more a matter of physics that trust, as I 
finished the set up. 

Two shots quick, I said, I don't want to loose control." 

"Ok," Nichole said as she lay down positioning herself so 
I could make the final lens adjustment. It was then that 
Nichole told me she had never had a man inside of her 
without a condom before. I set the timer and quickly 
pressed the pulsing head of my throbbing cock into 
Nichole's tight vaginal tunnel.

The flash went off immediately and I pulled out reset the 
timer and re-entered Nichole bring a low moan form her 
just at the flash flooded the room. I pulled out, and 
moved away quickly not wanting Nichole's first condomless 
penetration to bring on a month of worry, or even worse. 
Nichole had no idea what she was doing to me, yet I was 
so deep into realizing my fantasy that I made no mention.

I took the camera over to the computer to download the 
images, even though there was more room left in storage. 
We reviewed the images and Nichole told me she was very 
pleased with how they came out. She asked if these were 
on the other camera too, and I told her no, only digital 
and the video if she wanted it. In fact I sent her to put 
a new tape in the camcorder. I needed her to move away 
from me at that moment anyway.

Once that was done, I had no idea what Nichole wanted 
next, so I asked her if we were finished. No, she advised 
me she came over to the computer and clicked on a few 
images and asked me if men really liked that, as she 
pointed to a hairless pussy on the screen.

"Yes, I guess it is a bit erotic," was my answer.	

"Then shave me and take pictures of me bald," was her 

Within seconds Nichole had gone into the bathroom and 
fetched a new razor, shaving cream, and a towel. She 
spread the towel on the couch as she lay down and opened 
her legs for me to begin removing the last of her pubic 
hair. Although I had never shaved a lady like this 
before, I knew pretty much what needed to be done how 
careful to be.

After a few minutes, Nichole was bare as a newborn, and 
just as tender. I looked at her lying there spread open 
and shaved. I told her to stay there and made my way to 
the bathroom, where I found a small bottle of baby lotion 
in the medicine cabinet. Upon my return I sat down 
between her open legs and poured a small amount on my 
hand, and began to rub the lotion into her now exposed 

Nichole seemed to softly moan and relax as I began to 
apply the lotion, she may have forgotten all about the 
photo shoot as she pressed her mound against my gentle 
massage of her tender flesh. I myself lost all sense of 
the photo shoot and leaned over and kissed her moist slit 
just below her hooded clit. This brought a low moan from 
Nichole and she seemed the part her legs farther.

I accepted this as a sign and lowered myself slightly so 
I could slip the tip of my tongue just inside the moist 
vulva and moved slowly upward through her now convulsing 
cunt until the tip of my tongue slipped across her now 
exposed clit. Nichole shook as though she had been struck 
by lightening.  Her back arched and her legs quivered as 
she gasp for air. 

"Ooohhh! She cried out, nobody has ever done that to me," 
As she seemed to be exploding into orgasm at this very 
little attention to her swollen clit. "I'm Cummming she 
moaned as the electric bolts of her orgasm reached her 
brain and then rocket out to her extremities. I continued 
to massage her clit with the tip of my tongue as she 
convulsed uncontrollably on the couch.

I reached up, around her legs and for the first time, I 
massaged her soft breast meat, then rolled her swollen 
nipples between my forefinger and thumbs. Nichole seemed 
to come down once from her orgasmic state, only to 
immediately arch her back, contract every muscle in her 
body and explode into a second mind blowing orgasm.

I kissed all around her pulsing cunt as she returned to 
reality, then gently sucked her over stimulated clit 
between my lips and flicked my tongue over the tender 
bud, sending her off on another series of explosive 
orgasms. When Nichole returned to some level of reality 
she seemed totally exhausted. Her pussy was soaked both 
from my saliva and the massive flow of her own orgasmic 

I had been naked since the penetration shots, and was so 
hard I was in pain from this exposure to the woman of 
dreams over the last year or so. I lifted myself so I 
could move up Nichole's body, leaving a trail of tiny 
kisses from her dripping cunt over her tight, flat 
stomach to her perfect breasts, with the most beautiful 
erect nipples I had ever seen.   

I circle one with the tip of my tongue before sucking the 
hard bud into my mouth. As I did this my throbbing 
erection brushed against Nichole's pulsing pussy lips. 
Before I really knew what I should do next, Nichole 
reached down and guided my throbbing cock to the center 
of waiting slit. 

Subconsciously, I pushed forward, splitting Nichole's 
outer lips and drawing a nice low moan from deep in her 
throat.  In one fluid motion I sent the entire length of 
my throbbing manhood deep into Nichole as she lifted her 
legs and accepted the intrusion willingly. When I felt 
the base of my cock surrounded in a warm wet vice grip, 
and my testicles bounce on her tight ass, I stopped and 
held perfectly still.

I did not know if I was going to loose control and cum 
right then and there or if I could hold out longer and 
savor the fantastic feeling of Nichole wrapped around my 
throbbing organ. I was prepared to pull back quickly if I 
lost control, and hoping against all hope I could wait, 
just a little while. 

I looked up into Nichole's eyes as she looked back into 
mine and remained still as I settled down to decide just 
how to proceed with this situation I found myself in, and 
unprepared for. Time seemed to stand still with me, until 
Nichole decided to speak. Smiling up at me she whispered, 
"We are now exploring virgin territory together." 

Puzzled, I looked down at her and she continued, "I have 
never had sperm inside of me before.... and you've never 
fathered a child before" 

Stuttering my response through the pleasure intensified 
senses of my body; I told her I would be careful. 

"No, she whispered, I want to feel you cum inside of me" 

"But Nichole, I began to protest this is your most 
fertile time of the month, I will surely impregnate you 
if I cum."

"I know, was her reply. I have always wondered what kind 
of life would create together, and now with you cock so 
warm, and alive inside of me, I know this is what I 

"That is just lust talking," I grunted back.

"No, I want it, I want it more than anything I have ever 
wanted. This is your one chance, she smiled up at me. 
Seed me, my love, send you sperm inside of me, flooding 
me and impregnating me with your baby, I really want 

I was lost and I knew it. I pulled my cock almost all the 
way out of her and saw her tighten, perhaps thinking I 
was going to withdraw. Then as the head of my throbbing 
cock felt the cool air of the room, I plunged my pulsing 
poll deep inside of Nichole' tight cunt, sending a 
rippling wave of pleasure through both of us. Nichole 
groaned out at the sudden assault. I had expected to 
loose my control and explode already, but her words just 
brought more manhood out of me than I thought I had. 
Repeatedly I plunged my full length into her, pounding 
the pulsing head off her cervix with each powerful 

It had been much more than a year since I had been with a 
woman and I knew I had stored a large load of my virile 
sperm up for this one time opportunity to see fantasy 
come to life. Nichole smiled up at me as she took each 
thrust like it was all she lived for. I brought my right 
hand over her mound and with my thumb, I began to massage 
her exposed clit. I had heard that a woman was more 
likely to conceive if she was in orgasm when the flood 
came, so I worked to get Nichole as close as I was.

"Oh God yes, was her immediate cry. I'M CUUUMMMING, she 
called out as I thrust hard into her, bring a low grunt 
from her ravaged body. With one more mighty lung I 
planted the head of my throbbing cock tight against 
Nichole's cervix and began a loud groan to announce to 
her that, I too, was cumming! The entire muscle structure 
of my body stiffened at the same instant Nichole arched 
her back, driving her cunt harder onto my exploding shaft 
in her attempt to make this a perfect mating.

The thick semen blasted through my throbbing cock and I 
looked into Nichole's eyes as she looked expectantly into 
mine and I pumped the first long stream of my sperm laden 
liquid offering into her. She grunted and gasp, then 
drove her hips upward just in time to receive the second 
pulsing blast of my cum flooding her virgin cervix. A 
third followed before I could begin to thrust again as 
instinct now drove us both into the frenzy that is 
reserved for this one moment in time. 

My thrusting deep into her lasted until I was sure 
Nichole had completed her orgasm, and that my job of 
sending every drop of hot liquid seed into the deepest 
part of her cunt was over. Then I collapsed on top of her 
exhausted and spent. 

I few minutes later between slow passionate kisses, 
Nichole declared that to be the best fuck she had ever 
had. I agreed as hugged her tight to my moist and 
exhausted body. 

She wanted a photographic record, of her shaven, well-
filled pussy, and I finished the last of the 16 images 
before downloading the camera. Nichole retrieved the 
videocassette from the camcorder, announcing that we were 
probably one of very few couples that had the conception 
of their first child on tape. I agreed as I began to 
breakdown the lights and tripods. We had each had a drink 
of Pepsi and relaxed without another word of the events 
of the day as I made the first two trips to the Jeep with 
all but the digital, and 35mm cameras. It had been almost 
two hours now since we had done the "Thing" and she was 
standing by the door in her terrycloth robe watching me 
prepare to leave. I stopped and gave her a big hug, to 
say good-bye.

"Thank you," Nichole whispered as I held her. 

"No, thank you," I replied.

"This was your day" she smiled, as she said it.

"Then I have to thank you for my one time chance with 
you," I whispered back to her.

"The day, was for you she said, to have all you could 
get. I planned this for a long time."

With that, I interpreted that I had the day, not just the 
once. I slowly slipped the robe off Nichole's shoulders 
and kissed her neck and then her breasts, once on each 
nipple. She seemed to respond, so I stepped back one pace 
and began to unbuckle my belt.

Nichole smiled and slowly moved back until she sat down 
in the one large armchair she had in her apartment. When 
I was completely naked again, I began to move to her, and 
Nichole lifted her legs over the arms of the chair, 
completely opening herself to me, and offering the still 
moist slit of her womanhood to me. I lifted each of her 
legs over my shoulders and watched as Nichole took my 
throbbing cock in her tiny hand and guided me back into 

We both gasp at the sensation of my throbbing cock 
splitting her opening once more, and I drove hard into 
her as she thrust her hips up to meet my thrust whit an 
eagerness that told me she wanted this one more time, 

Knowing I was not going to last very long and wanting her 
in orgasm as I sent one more load into her waiting womb, 
I placed my thumb over her exposed clit, and began the 
gentle massage that had work so well the first time.  It 
was the right move, with a long low groan, the smiling 
Nichole looked up into my eyes as her body went rigid, 
her back arched and she called for me to "plant my seed 
one more time." It was all I could take.

I felt her cunt clasp my aching cock as her convulsing 
body drove the warm, wet cunt down until I could feel the 
end of her tunnel dead end at her cervix.  I grunted with 
her delightful moaning and ejaculated another full load 
of my sperm as deep as I could get into this beautiful 
woman that so willing gave herself to me. 

My body tensed three times as stream after stream of my 
semen rocketed from my aching testicles, through my 
throbbing shaft into her tight clasping cunt and out to 
flood her vagina with the life inducing liquid. I 
collapsed in a sweaty heap as Nichole finished her 
orgasmic convulsing, and without another work, I stood 
up, dressed and kissed her softly on the lips and left, 
knowing I had received the best gift a man could ever 
hope for. 

It has been about a month since that unforgettable day 
and this morning I received my weekly E-mail message from 
Nichole.  Here is a clip from it:


Life is good!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with
others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't
okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than
a trusted partner. You only have one body per lifetime,
so take good care of it!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kristen's collection - Directory 11