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Adult Book Store - by Royal Sword - - Kathy goes to an adult book store and tries out the aminities. (M+/F)

A Real Blowjob - by Kevin - A mans discovery about advanced sexual techniques. - "Most sexually active men have had this fantasy. And I'm talking about straight men, because that's what I am. I've been in the same relationship with one woman for over twenty years now. But every time I hear about this it seems to turn me on. The subject is sucking oneself off. (M-solo)

A Real Incestuous Love Affair - by Paulie - Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that story the presented here is real and current. This is being told in public for the first time because I am new to the internet and I never realized the interest by men and women in this particular subject matter. When this story first occurred, I was 22 and my mother's sister was 45. We have been together sexually for three years now.(FF, inc)

Aimee - by Elf Sternberg - A fantasy world about a girl in another time and place. Erotic! - The sound of the door opening told Darynn that his student for the evening had arrived. He put down the quill he worked with, moving slowly, and then covered the inkwell with a small stone cap. He turned slowly, anticipating the look of awe in the student's face (they always looked the same). But when he turned, he found himself surprised, because he had never before had a female student. "Well," he said. (MF, FF, fantasy) Part 02 - Part 03 - Part 04 - Part 05 - Part 06 - Part 07
Part 08 - Part 09 - Part 10 - Part 11

Anna's Story - by Anna - Remisences about family sexual practaces. "My son has been after me for a long time to write to Shylock and tell him of my interesting life. At least, Sonny thinks it's interesting. He will be writing while I tell the past. Some will think my stories are lies, embellishment, wishful illusions or a combination thereof. I will admit to some embellishing to make the stories more interesting and cohesive." (inc, ped, mf, ff) - Part 2

Anne Does Her Homework - by David D - Anne invites her study partner over to her dorm room for some last minute cramming. But she finds out that there is more than one way to "cram" when they fall into a sexual relationship for the first time. (MF, college, first)

5; April's Date Rape - by A.B. - Date rape story - A teenager teases a boy and gets more than she figured on. (Mf, date-rape)

Arobic Mom - by Jim Manley - Mother, son incest story. "In the early 1980's, Mom decided to get into the fitness craze. She started aerobics and jazzercise while I was at college. I came to visit her one summer - my junior year. I had just turned 21, and I'm ashamed to admit that my formerly flat belly was slowly becoming a fledgling beer-belly. But, as Mom always said, "All men are pregnant with an elephant, but only the trunk shows...." (mF, inc)

Auntie, Mom's Friend and Me - by Pamula - The first awakenings of my sex drive happened when I was about 12. My first memories of experimentation's with sex were over my Aunt Mary. (Ff, ped, first) - Part 2

Bachelorette Party - by Storysman - The wedding day is fast approaching. The blushing bride tries to preserve her purity, but falls into the stripper's game. (MF, bride-cheat, exh)

Backyard Adventure - by Frederick T - Young innocent boy and older woman story. "It was a typical July day for the beach cities that line the coast of Southern California - sunny and warm with light winds. I was up with the sun and dying to get out and explore my neighborhood." (mF, ped, first)

5; Banger: First Blood - by Reginald Bar III - Young friends learn all about sex from each other. (fm, ff, inc, pre-teen, teen) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6

5; Bangkok Baby - by Eros - About a man who travels to Bangkok, and takes advantage of the services that the city has to offer. "I flew into Bangkok on the 5pm flight out of Singapore, hoping that my stay would be a short one. The company I worked for had just invested a couple of hundred million in a new cement plant near Paknam and I was to ensure that the agreements reached in our long yet tenuous negotiations with the Thai government were being upheld. At least that was the plan. However, after a week "on the road" without even a sniff of oriental pussy, I was more interested in getting laid!" (Mf, ped, prostitute) - Part 2 - Part 3

Bert Ellis Adventures - by Anon - A comming of age for a young boy. Bert Ellis was daydreaming again. His gaze was softly focused on the figure of Carole Van Hoff as she jumped and gyrated at cheerleader practice. Bert couldn’t hear the cheers extolling the virtues of fighting for good old Walter Williams Memorial High School, but he had a great view of the incredibly sexy girl. (mf, ff, teen, inc) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8

5; Bonnie Goes Camping - by Friar Dave - Young girl gets fucked by relitives while on a camping trip. "Every year, my family goes on a camping trip to the lake. Usually it includes my mom, dad, his brother and my brother. We go to a cool place way back in the woods where it's so quiet and peaceful. But this year was different. (MMf, 1st, inc, ped)

Book Store - by Leslie Roberts - A salesmans' X-rated homosexual experience. - "I had gone to an adult book store in the past, not far from my house, but usually to browse the books and watch a movie or two. There was always something exciting about it, the allure, the ever present smell of sex. Just being "dirty" I guess. (MM, d/s, oral)

5; Breakfast with Kim - by Storysman - A man returns to his old home town to renew an old friendship. But his friend is busy at work, leaving him alone at breakfast with the well-endowed Asian wife. A wife currently breast-feeding their new baby. (MF, wife-cheat, asian)

5; Bride Rape - by Mark E. Dassad - Bride Rape - An unusual story, have to read it to see why I call it unusual. (MF, wife)

Bus Stop - by Anon - A young woman's fantasy about a fellow bus passanger. "I hadn't been sitting at the bus stop long when a rather rough and muscular man with a beard and plaid work shirt and jeans sat down next to me. It was just beginning to get dark..." (MF, fantasy)

Cheers - by - A story written by one of the girls about their first lesbian experience. (ff-teens, first)

Coose - by Marva G. Maine - Anna experiences her first orgasm, when her girlfriend desides to help her out. "I've never experienced an orgasm," my roommate Anna confessed. I looked at her, surprised. She was a pretty, firm-breasted blonde with long, straight hair that she kept in a pair of heavy braids. Her serious blue eyes were highlighted by her white-gold eyebrows and flawless complexion. I shifted uneasily in my chair as I involuntarily flashed on the image of my tongue flicking across the pink button of her throbbing clitoris. (ff, lesbian, first)

Country and Western Style - by Carl Manning - About a country and western singer and her stud boyfriend. "Isabelle was on her way to the city for a recording session at the new studio. Tanned hands on the wheel, a chiffon scarf rippling at the window and gold rimmed shades: she was satisfied with her appearance in the way a pretty woman vain enough to spend time in front of the mirror is bound to be..." (MF)

Cybersex: Me and My Brother - by BustyRachel - "Something kind of "different" happened with me and my younger brother last summer, and I have been told that other people around here might have some interest in hearing about it. So I have decided to share it with you." (mf, teens)

Desire's - by Appolonia Kotero - A woman named Desire. A story about the south, and a sexy woman. Desire (pronounced dez-er-ray) O'Neil was her name. She was the sexiest woman that Michael had ever seen. Michael clearly sensed her loveliness from across the room. Her cascading brown hair, her beautiful face, her wonderful red dress, that clung to her entire voluptuous body, and her chocolate colored - skin all came together to make up an resistible creature. (MF, bayou)

Diane's Vacation - by NixPixer Author - Male dominance over wife story, a mistery vacation. "Mike surprises me with a vacation! He has planned everything and keeps our destination a mystery. I am so excited I can hardly believe it! We will be away for two weeks, that is all he will say..." (MF, d/s)

Dominic - by Affable Al - Repairman / housewife fantasy. Sexy Elisabeth has a thing for her black repairman. "Elizabeth jumped when the doorbell rang. The magazine she was reading almost fell out of her hands. He was here early. The room suddenly felt too hot. Elizabeth's breath was caught in her throat, her chest tight. Killing time had been bad enough, but now that the moment was here, well, she realized she wasn't truly ready. Her heart trip-hammered against her sternum..." (MF, intr, wife-cheat)

Drive-in Adventures - by John Reily - Part 1 - Drive-ins became sex centers in the Fifties and Sixties out of necessity. Young people did not "live together" in those decades, and you could only go so far in an indoor theater's balcony. Instead of apartments and college dorms, people lost their virginity in the backs of automobiles. It was cramped and stuffy and uncomfortable, but nobody cared. (mf, teens, first)

Drive-in Adventures - by John Reily - Part 2 - If you think there are a lot of sex manuals now, you should have seen the ones published in the Sixties. The difference was that we really needed them then. Most of it we could learn by "doing what comes naturally," but it helped to have books to tell us that it was normal to want to jerk off. It was in a sex manual that I read about cunnilingus, which up until then had been a subject to kid about with fellows, not something that you were supposed to actually do. (mf, teens)

Drive-in Adventures - by John Reily - Part 3 - The drive-in was the scene for a lot of summertime romances. That summer my romance with a young lady named Jill had reached the point of no return. We were both too hot for one another to settle for substitutes. Blow-jobs were means to an end, not ends in themselves anymore. I was anxious to become a man, and Jill was just as eager to be turned into a woman. We could think of no one we preferred "growing up" with more than each other. (mf, teens, oral, first)

5; Encounter in Kellen County - by Fred Clarke - A beautifully written story of coming of age. A boy moves to Kellen County and meets a girl, and they fall in "physical" love, giving him memories to last a lifetime. (mf, teens, summer-love)

Extra Credit - by Avatar - Extra Credit - a story about a professor and his pretty young student, and what she's willing to do for a little extra credit. (MF)

Fliers - by NixPixer Author - Gang-bang story, which includes the US Navy. "Ever since I was a teenager, I've wondered what it would be like to be soundly screwed by several horny guys at once. I often dreamed of being made love to by several lovers. As I grew older, I let the dream fade but, luckily, not completely." (MMF, wife-gangbang)

Fourteen Year-old Model - by Daddy Warbucks - "My daughter just turned 14 and I gave her permission to try out for a modeling job at a local outdoor club. (Mf, ped, exh)

Fun Story about Masturbation - by Richard Jacobs - A few years ago I was at my girlfriend Krissy's apartment, and we were just hanging out and watching TV. She was watching some program about the Chippendale dancers. (I have no idea why she would want to watch that, yah right!) I kept telling her that it looked like fun and she kept telling me much work the guys had to do and all the effort that went into giving a good show. Well, we were both joking back and forth, when I said that I would have no problem dancing half naked in front of a room full of screaming women waving money at me. This conversation went on for a little bit, then out of the blue my girlfriend said she was going to call her friend and I could put on a show for the two of them. I thought she was joking so I said.. "Go ahead give her a call." (MFF, male-exh)

Geek Sex - by Basehead - A computer geek gets lucky with the most popular girl at school. "I slept through my first three classes and headed for the computer lab during lunch. I walked in and my heart stopped. Seated in front one of the battered old PCs was Kathy, her cute little mouth, the mouth that I'd so often imagined wrapped around my dick, wrinkled into a frown. We were alone in the lab. Here was a chance to talk to the sex toy of my dreams. (mf, 1st, high school, teens)

Girl From Across the Street - by Anon - "This story is about a little girl that used to live across the street from me. She was about 12 at the time and she had locked herself out of her apartment when she came home from school..." (Mf-pre-teen, ped)

Giving Good Head - by Linda - "I am of the firm belief that the single most important aspect of giving head is an individual's attitude towards it. This doesn't mean that technique isn't important or shouldn't be studied. It means that good technique can only get you so far. It means that a great attitude about sucking cock is going to help you quickly develop and refine the skills required to make your lover go nuts. It means that a great attitude about giving head will make you want to practice a lot!" (MF, oral)

5; Goblin King - by Anon - A fantasy about a Elvin Princess - and her rape and torchur by beastal goblins. "The raucous shouts of hundreds of orcs echoed through the rough-hewn cavern as the guards hauled Celebrain across the floor towards the throne. At the foot of the dais she tripped on shreds of green cloth that were the remnants of her dress. Cursing, one of the uruks grabbed a handful of her silver tresses, dragged her up the steps, and dropped her painfully to the ground." (F/beast, fant, rp)

Her First Porno Movie - by Jim Manley - Sherry views her first porno-movie with her boyfriend in tow. She likes it so much she talks him into renting some to watch at home. Then Sherry suggests that they invite some friends over. (MF, FF, voy, orgy)

5; His Girlfriend's Mother - by Ann Douglas - Michael Cassidy stops by his girlfriend Becky Riley's house for a visit. But he has forgotten that she would be away. So he strikes up a conversation with Mrs. Riley, Becky's mother makes some tea. During their conversation Michael has to confess that Becky has given him hand-jobs. While Mrs. Riley is reading young Michael the riot act, she slips her had into his shorts. Things progress from there. (Mf, MF, cheat)

5; Honeymoon Visitor - by Storysman - A woman begins her honeymoon with her husband. A strange man stares at her. Then smiles. Then kisses. Then touches. Then visits... (MF, wife-cheat, mc, nc?)

Hongkong Jail - by Tammy Brewer - A young Chinese girl is taken advantage of in British jail. "The young Chinese girl was already strapped down when Bill Duck entered with Stan Bedleyman, the British Commonwealth's Chief Prosecutor in Singapore. The matron grinned at them and gave the girl a further vindictive tug at the crotch of her drawers." (MF, rp, d/s, asian, v)

Hook Up - by Phil Masters - This series is about an off-shore college and the sexual practices of the students there. "A few years back, I attended a small college on the gulf of Mexico in order to finish up my BA. When I chose the school, I had no idea of the surprises that awaited me; I had been seeing someone and we transferred there together, but broke up 6 months later, leaving both of us to explore the more social aspects of the school. As it turned out, I had much to be grateful for..." (MF+, college, orgy) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7

5; Horny Peeping Sister - by Cameren Diaz - "Horny Peeping Sister" First big brotherTom Moon becomes fascinated with voyeurism, then his little sister catches Tom but instead of telling on him she joins him. In time she even gets dad involved in watching family and neighbors. (mf-teens, Mmf, ff, voy, inc) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9

Icecream - by Dulcinea - A cute story about an attractive young woman teasing college students with her assets. It was an impulse. One of those whims that strike suddenly, leaving them helpless. They had to stop. They had to have ice cream! (F, exh, public)

Instant Message - by Jessi - I cyber conversation between Jessi and Kelsi who make up a sex story as they go. (mff, cyber)

Japanese Exchange Student - by Michael Jan-Vincent - A young American boy's sexual experiences in Japan. "I spent the summer in Japan when I was 17. My host family had a daughter who was 13. I fell in love with her and had my first sexual experience with her." (mf, teens, first, intr)

Jennifer's Surprise - by Ann Douglas - Jennifer meets Jade on a vacation trip, and they become very close friends. "Deep inside her Jennifer felt the first burst of hot cum erupt from the cock deep within her. That was the final touch as her body exploded and her mind filled with bright lights. Her mouth opened to scream but no sound emerged, there was no energy left as she collapsed onto the bed in a sweat covered heap. Followed a second later by Jade. (ff, lesbian, intr)

Jodi's First Time - by Jodi Campbell - Young girl looses her verninity to older cosin in the barn out back. "My names Jodi, and I'm almost 13, will be in two months. Being a girl on a farm, in the country can be trying. there never seems to be anything great to do in the summer, only chores. This story is a true one about how I lost my virginity. I hope I wrote it well, I haven't written anything else like this, but really wanted to share this experience with the group." (mf, inc, ped, first)

Johnny - by T.P. Celentano - Funny events and sayings about the life of Johnny, a kid from hell. (mf, humor)

Kathy Fucks Her Baby - by Sarah - In real life Kathy would be the mother from "hell" but in this fantasy she's just an extremely fucked up mother who turns to her young son to meet her ever increasingly perverted sexual needs. (F/b, inc, ws, ped) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

5; Kidcest - by JD - The Kidcest series. A long and involved coming of age story where the neighborhood kids teach each other all about sexual intercourse without any help from their parents. Is that right? (boys/girls, inc, c.o.a.)
Part 02 - Part 03 - Part 04 - Part 05 - Part 06 - Part 07 - Part 08 - Part 09 - Part 10
Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19
Part 20 - Part 21

Kidcest The Original - by Steve Jensen - This was the first version written by "Steve Jensen" back in the BBS days. (mf, inc, teen)

Kim - James Sid - I had been living in an apartment with my girlfriend Kathy, for about two years. Her family had recently moved to town from another state and since she had missed them, was happy to have them living nearby. She had two younger sisters, Patty and Kim. (Mf, ped) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Kristin - by New Roman - Story about a gas station attendant and his infatuation with a young girl named Kristen. Yes just a coincidence. (Mf, ped) - Part 2

Lapdog - by Raiko - Female domination over male story. "I have been under Mistress Rhonda's tutelage for about three months now. During our time together mistress has taught me well on how to behave, and I take pride in that I seem to succeed in giving my mistress pleasure, both mentally and physically." (Fdom/M)

5; Li'Kim - by Christine Faltz and Marc Emery - A lesbian beach, sex in public story. - Shannon lay on the thick blanket, her legs spread to the hot kiss of the sun. She breathed the scent of the ocean -- the clean, sharp, salt smell that reminded her of her own scent, and that of her roommate, Li Kim. Shannon glanced at her watch, annoyed. Where the hell was Li Kim? (FF, MF, D/s, exh, asian)

5; Lin - by Storysman - A man is obsessed by his sexy Chinese secretary. But she's married and very traditional. He comes up with a plan... (Mdom/F, nc, asian)

Little Sister - by Day Dreamer - Chrissy gets lessons from her older bother. "At eighteen, my little sister Chrissy is a knock-out, a real true-life beauty." (inc-mf-teen) - Part 2

Lonely Old Granddad - by Shylock's Stories - Granddad is persuaded into moving in with his divorced daughter and her two girls. Soon he finds happiness in the arms of his grand daughters, and then even their mother. (MFff, inc, ped)
Part 2

Major League - by RD Webster - Magor League ball player homosexual story. (MM)

Marcy - by Eros - Marcy likes to fuck, and husband likes to watch. Marcy likes to watch too.. (F/mf, voy)

Margaret - by M.F. - Another loosing ones virginity story. (mf)

Marla in the Girl's Locker Room - by NixPixer Author - A PE teacher gets a little carried away with her students in the locker room. (Ffff, reluc)

Masturbating In Public - by Sidney - The following is a true story, about masturbation in public. I wouldn't recommend it to just anybody, but if you actually get away with it, I'll say that it is a huge turn on. Different than any other kind of sexual stimulation. To be watched is meteor. (Mf-pre-teen, exh, mast)

Me and Her Mom - by Mark Dossey - A story about a young man and his girlfriend's Mom. (mF, ped)

Me and Mrs. Miller - by Mark - About a boys sexual encounter with an older woman who lived down the street: This is an account of my earliest, and most vivid, sexual experience. Although intercourse never occurred, it was, for a just-13 year old boy, very sexually exciting. I can remember it as if it happened yesterday, because of how it affected me. (mF, ped, first)

Mei-Ling - by Demeter - Conversation between two friends. (not rated)

Men-Women - by Calcite - The difference between men and woman. (not rated)

Model - by John - My wife loves posing for my camera and we have taken some very daring shots, but she never envisaged doing so for anyone else, until one day... (MF, voy, exh, wife)

Molly - by NixPixer Author - Molly works for Nick, and Nick really likes Molly, and so does Nick's wife. (MF, exh)

Momsex - Jack Paterno - My cousin, Tim, and I room together at our Prep school, and thanks to hanging around with him I've had some wild experiences with a lot of girls, and even some women. But this last summer vacation, I had experiences that I never thought would have been possible. (mF, ped) - Part 2

Motel - by Joe MacDonnel - Mom and Dad's Sex Fantasy: In the early 70's when I was 15 years old, my dad was sent to South Carolina as the construction superintendent of a new paper mill. The plan was to pack our clothes and essentials and to rent a furnished apartment for the nine month project. We drove out to the small town of Rock Hill and arrived late around midnight. The car had a flat tire in front of a small motel a mile from where dad had made reservations. One thing led to another and my folks ended up running the place after we'd stayed there for around six weeks. (MF, FF, mF, inc, exh, voy) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

Mum - by Arlo Winship - My tale starts way back when I was just 14, (my mum was 33) and I was beginning to take an interest in this curious thing called the female body.... (mF, inc, ped)

My First Time with My Sister - by JAX - First sexual experience for young girl, with her brother. "The first time I had sex was with my sister at age 13. She was 18 at the time." (inc-mf-first)

My Vacation - by Colorado Karen - A Jamaican vacation with all the trimmings. (MF, intr, cons)

5; Necklace - by E. Arnold - A wifes experience with a special kind of necklace. (MF)

New Girl - by Justeen - Young girl gets forced into a lesbian life style at a private school. (ff, teens)

Night Time Lover - by Angel C - "Enjoy My Fantasies...." The following is my first attempt at erotica written for the enjoyment of others. If you like or want more of it, please email me at I have so many fantasies about having sex with dogs, someday I'll try it for sure :) (F/dog)

Nights - by Bobby Carver - A story about a janitors extra carricular activities after hours. (MF)

Nurse - by Lucinda - A bedside manner story, older nurse teaches younger nurse how to handle percents. (MF, mast, oral)

Ouija Board - bt Storysman - Clive, a spirit from beyond, possesses a seventeen-year-old girl to satisfy his, her's, and her father's sexual passion in a house ruled by a repressive mother. (MF)

Our First Tie - by John - First time a young couple use ropes with their sex. (MF, rom)

Pantyhose - by Harry Micheals - - A crossdressing story with a pretty young cheerleader and boy who likes to wear girls clothes. (mf, teens, foot, cd)

Park & Ride - by NixPixer Author - A guy pulls into a car park during a trip and gets more than an eye full. (MF, voy)

Peeping Tom - by Sidney Payne - I am a peeping tom.. and this is a true story of what happened tome, on June 25, 1990. I have neighbors that are renting the house next door, and the curtains don't cover their bedroom window very well, and... (mf, voy, mast)

Phone Sex - by Tina Turner - REACH OUT AND TOUCH SOMEONE - "John is one of my favorite lovers. He's exciting and sexy and has a great sense of humor. We've been lovers and friends for well over a year, but I've never met him. (MF)

Play, The - by Storysman - About a guys girlfriend make love to another while he hides and watches them. (MF, cheat)

Quicky - by Larry - Strangers have a quicky at a rock consert. "We were at an outdoor concert in late spring. The concert was being held out in the hill country, really back in the sticks, outside of New Braunfels. It was a rock concert and we were standing up close to the stage, her with her date and me with mine. (MF, exh)

Rape In The Woods - by Johnny D - She's walking through the woods alone on a nature hike. Miles from nowhere. Why a parent would let such a young girl out of their sight is beyond me. (Mf, ped, rp, v)

Ride Home - by Megan - It was a warm and comfortable evening this time of year. We were driving home from rehearsal. As usual my car was broken, and I was lucky to get this ride. So I felt a little obligated to flirt with him (you know, give him his money's worth) (MF)

Roommate - by ChevyV6 - A homosexual roomate story. "I remember the first time I had sex with a straight man back in 1984. I was a student in Kansas City and was staying in student housing..." (MM)

Sister Rape - by Thunder - Shannon Harris sat on the living room couch and watched her older brother Mark out of the corner of her eye. Mark was sitting in their dad's recliner, sipping a beer and keeping one hand stuffed down his pants while he watched the tape playing on the TV. (mf, inc, rp, v)

Skiing - by C Thompson - A story about a chance encounter between a young woman and a couple on the slopes. (MFF)

Sleepwalking - by Storysman - Part 1 - Sleepwalking can be a problem. - Keeping with schedule, Kendra and Mark made love as soon as he returned home from work. The newly engaged couple eagerly leapt into each others arms, despite a brewing dinner that needed tending. Mark couldn't help it, he had been plagued with a severe erection the entire drive home. He had to be with is love. Ever since she agreed to be his wife a month prior, he couldn't go more than a few hours without making love to her. (MF, cheating wife) - Part 2 - Part 3

5; Snow Cave - by NixPixer Author A woman is abandoned by her husband who is more worried about saving himself than helping his wife get to safety. She ends up having to put out for strangers to keep alive - in the middle of a snow storm. (MMF, wife, reluc) - Part 2

Soccer Players Are Best - by Mike - Becky the college coed, and the 10th grade jock. "I looked across to see who would step out of the car. IT WAS BECKY! She was a sophomore at Gonzaga University here in Washington State. She was gorgeous. This was not the same tom-boy that baby-sat me when I was 8." (MF, teen)

5; Stranger - by Anon - A nasty story about an uncaring man, and his woman. (MF, wife-sharing)

Susan - by Carl Sandburg - Susan gets spanked for bouncing checks. A spanking fetish story. (MF)

Sweetest - by Dulcinea - "Happy Sweetest Day!" - The box arrived second day air, addressed to her. Puzzled, she turned it over, looking for some clue as to who had sent it. A-ha! A lingerie company. Must have been meant for a surprise. (MF)

T R U E L O V E: The Hangman - by Kurt Hoffman - A gay prison story, about a mans last few hours before his exicution. "The day I was to be hanged arrived. A guard called my name, and I shook off a dream of innocent days: impregnating schoolgirls and getting beat for it by my old man. I loved that leather skinned old alcoholic. I was surprised that I'd gotten any sleep at all, but the previous week of wakeful anticipation must have exhausted my body..." (MM, death)

Taboo - by B Traven - Another rauncy mother/son story. His mother's body never failed to excite him, and he felt himself growing hard. Since he was a child he seized every opportunity to secretly observe his Mom's body which she always exposed with such casualness. (inc-mF)

Ten Dollar Fine - by Consuila Montgomery - Dateline: 1978, somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon Ten dollars. The fine was only ten dollars but she wasn't going to pay it. Not to that hick bastard sheriff or judge or whatever else he was is this ugly little southern town, that's for sure. This story has the following topics "False arrest, rape and murder." Don't read this one if you're squimish. (MF, rape, snuff)

Time Rape - by Storysman - The ability to go ten minutes into the past... The potential is obvious. (MF, rp)

To Save The Ship - by Storysman - "To Save The Ship!" - The depths of space can be hell on a man. Let me begin by saying that much. The isolation, the loneliness the cold, lifeless machinery humming discontentedly around you. So was the depths of space. (MF, wife-cheat, sci-fi)

5; Tomboy - by Jordan Shelbourne - A young girl changes into a woman over summer vacation, and what happens when she gets home. (mf, 1st, teens)

Van Sex - by Cynthia Keller - Jill gets drunk and has sex forced on her. (MF, nc)

5; Wasted - by Storysman - What would happen if there was a substance that would make a human being loose control. A substance that would drive a normal person into a sexual frenzy. What if you had such a substance, what would you do with it? (MF, nc, mc)

Wendy - by Gekko the Great - Wendy the horney cheerleader - "My senior year of high school was a year of sexual highlights, the best of which happened with Wendy." (MF)

Wife & Dr. - by Storysman - Young wife is seduces with drugs by a neighbor. (MF, wife-cheat)

Young Ladies - Achilles - A little orgy never hurt anyone, right? (mf, orgy)

Young Mother - by Storysman - Young mother gets drugged then raped, with her children watching. (MF, wife-mc, rp)

Youngsex - by Betsy N - A family sex story, young girl learns from her parents. "I guess my story started when I was 7 years old. I was an only child and my parents spoiled me in every way possible. As far back as I can remember I slept next to them in their bed. (Mf, inc, ped)

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