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A Letter from Vicki - by Vicki - One morning after the kids left for school, wearing only a t-shirt and panties, I called our dog into the house and brought him into my room. (F/dog)

A Walk in the Park - by Caroline - Kathy stands 5'9" inches tall and weighs 120 pounds. Her hair is long, silky and naturally light blond. She wears it parted down the middle. It's a simple look, but with her perfect angel face any styling is unnecessary. Her eyes are sparkling deep blue and her skin is baby smooth without a blemish to be found. She sports a beautiful tan and keeps herself in shape with aerobics, jogging in the park. Or at least she used to... Gang rape in the park. (M+/F, rape)

All Aboard - by L. Davis - Watching others on a train - "I moved my head around to check out the young couple. In the dim light I could see they hadn't worn themselves into slumber, they were clearly making out now that everyone else was asleep. (MMF, voy)

Allison's Diary: Adventures in Photography - by NixPixer Author - Threesome lesbian story: A teenager gets a job at a print shop wowned by with a husband and wife who like to mess around. (MF/f-teen)

Allison's Diary: Allison & Robert - by NixPixer Author - A threesome with little Allison - "Wow, do I have a tale to fill your ears, dearest Diary! And I'm going to give you every juicy detail so I can re-read this whenever I want to relive last night! Robert asked me out to dinner last night, you see. I know, I's not a good idea to date the boss, but this is different..." (Mf, ped)

Ana's Orgasm - by Lori Helm - Lesbian sex between sisters - Anna knelt in her 'secret place'. It was dark. The only light came in through a crack in the wall. When her family had moved into this house a year ago she had found this small cubby-hole behind a secret panel in her closet. She had covered the entrance with some clothes and hadn't told anyone about it. Whenever she wanted to be alone, she could come here and nobody could find her. (fm-teens, ff, inc, voy)

Anne Turns Twelve - by Anne - Two girls become aware of their sexuality together one night while sleeping over. (ff, 1st)

Anniversary - by Pussy Barber - I knew my wife was bisexual before I married her. She and her best friend had been to bed several times in high school, and even shared a boyfriend a few times. I hadn't had the pleasure of both of them before we were married, although I did come home one night, and after kissing Darlene, could tell that they'd been to bed earlier. (MF, FF)

5; Ape Rape - by Anon NIX PIX Author - Raped by an Ape - Sarki was a huge mountain gorilla, and usually not very amicable. But he had seemed to take to Kate immediately, usually hanging over her shoulder or something whenever she was in his cage. (F/ape, nc?) See the original version on this story here .

Aunt - by Anon - Lesbian sex with young girl and her Aunt - Over the past ten years I've come a long way from a sweet, innocent, extremely naive 18-year old from the Bible Belt to, with the possible exception of my Aunt Sally, the best cock sucker and blowjob artist to be found. I left home when I was 18 to attend college in southern California. (mF, inc)

Backseat - by NixPixer Author - An affair - The aerobic instructor is pushing the group hard tonight. And Carole is hot and sweaty, her hair is sticking to her forehead and neck. She looks out the door... thinking she sees someone watching the exertions of the class, but there's no one there... (MF, cheating-wife)

Backyard - by Courtney - Here's an incident that happened one summer before I went off to college. I've told it to several people on-line but I don't think you've heard it. She's showing off to neighbor man in her back yard. (fM, exh)

Badboys - by Anon - Mark opened the door and walked find me topless, on the floor in front of the sofa with my friend Tony's head buried between my breasts. I smiled up at Mark and he froze. For a minute I didn't know what to do, he just stared, as if he couldn't believe his eyes. Tony glanced up, smiled, and went back to licking my nipples, nuzzling them and sucking on them. He was incredibly handsome, but not as handsome as my Mark. (MMF, bi)

Bangkok Snuff Movie - by SAT - I live in Bangkok, and make about half a million a year in the Asian movie business here. I do what is called procurement. That job intails procuring ‘Stars’ for all types of movies. This story is about Jennifer, a little girl from the USA, who lived in a small town in the mid-west somewhere. (M+/f, rape, ped, asian, snuff)

Barbara - by Hella - Wife's day goes to the dogs (F/dogs, wife-cheat?)

Bath Time - by Lori - Boyfriend brings home a pretty young black woman from work. He surprises his girlfriend while she's bathing and with very little persuasion he get a threesome going in the bathroom.(MF, FF, fetish, intr)

Beach Fun - by Ken Huston - I can't believe that I'm writing about this, but it happened, and once it did, I've kept at it. I almost don't have sex anymore unless it's with couples. I've found out,that I like guys bodies just as much as gals. Well here's the story in 'story' form, about my first experience of this kind...(MF, FF, MM)

5; Best Friends - by (Author Name Lost) - Susan and Heather had been best friends since the first day of high school. Four years later they crammed for finals as they had always done, late night study sessions that found one or the other sharing the same bed as it became too late to head home. (ff-teens, 1st)

Best Weekend of My Life - by William Bloom - It was Saturday morning, and I was just getting home from spending the night at a friends. My parents were out of town for the three day holiday, and I was supposed to stay at Tim's the whole weekend, but I decided against it Tim's girlfriend showed up and decided she wanted to go out, alone. (fm-teens, inc)

Biker Girls - Melissa Keating - Biker Girls - This is a story about my girl friend and lover, and myself one afternoon, with Frank, a guy among few, and how we fucked his brains out. Hope you'll like my story as much as I liked doing it. (MF, FF)

Bobby's Mom - Larry Sanders - "Incest is Best!" That's the chant that I heard as a taunt as boys when we teased about sex. Most of them had only had sex with their hands and pillows and what ever else boys jack off with. We would sit in a group in some distant place, whispering our fears more than our knowledge. Finally someone would mention Bobby's sister. She had big tits and wore tight skirts and was fifteen. That's when we would taunt him with 'Incest is Best'. (Fm, inc, ped)

Boss - by Dr. Phil - Maryanne Whitaker strode confidently into the main office. She looked around at the staff assembled there and smiled inwardly. She could sense that they all feared her, and with good reason. She was the boss... The Boss learns her lesson - (MF, nc)

Boss' Daughter - by NixPixer Author - My boss used to hold a party every summer, to which I would always go. About 8 or 10 years ago, upon arriving there, and walking through the kitchen door, I was greeted very nicely by the first person I saw, his beautiful young daughter. In the past, I had seen her maybe a total of 10 times over the years and had merely exchanged hellos with her during that time, so it was quite the surprise when she greeted me not only by name, but gave me a very close, personal hug, along with a wicked smile. She had no doubt consumed a few of Daddy's beers, but I wasn't complaining. (MF)

Brenda - by Com Erotic - As a guy I have always dreamed of watching two women together, and when it finally happened, it was better than anything I could have imagined; a threesome at the Laundromat. (MFF, exh)

Card Party - Bill R. - One of my neighbors is a couple in their mid-thirties (Pam and Mike) and I've found out from a mutual friend that they have been experimenting with "swinging" with other couples. From what I was told, they're usually hetero-swaps...but I believe when the lights are low...every one has most likely tasted EACH other at one time or another. Transvestite story line. (MF, MM)

Cherdane - by NixPixer Author - Cher dog-sits for her friend's Greatdane. (F/Dog)

Computer Lab Consultant - by Debbie Lust - Like many computer lab technicians, Maud was rather homely and shy. Although she was as bright as all her peers in the lab, she found it difficult to relate to them on a personal basis. Besides, they were all disgusting because of there continuing habit of looking at pornographic gifs and grasp animation. "What could they see in those ega screen graphics?", she queried to herself. The question nagged her and still was not resolved by the time the lab started to close. (F/dog)

Connie Gets Tutored - by NixPixer Author - Connie wants to get a good grade and is willing to do anything necessary to make the grade. Lesbian sex between a teacher and her student. (FF)

Cousin - Michael & Carolyn Suelmann - Family lesbian experience. I was sharing a room with Lisa. It was our family reunion and everyone was sharing bedrooms and beds and someone apparently decided Lisa and I would make fine roommates. Lisa is probably ten years younger than me; I'm twenty seven. (Ff)

Cowboy - by Anon - An empty bottle of homemade blackberry wine lay on its side... purple drops of sweetness leaving a trail on the carpet. The firelight flickered, drying out the moist scent of sex in the living room. Two bodies lay exhausted on the floor, sofa cushions and pillows strewn around the masculine room. (MF, rom, outdoors)

Daddy Dearest - by Coleen - Underage forced sex of daughter - "Now where was I... oh yes ... she had just got done sucking daddy off and fingering herself... this type of nightly ritual went on for sometime... and since she was going through puberty and was enjoying all the new feelings. She vowed this was her and daddy's secrets..." (MMf, rp, inc, ped, v)

Dan Catches a Burglar - by Dracthyus - Rape of a young female burglar - "Dan heard a noise from the bedroom, someone poking around! Dan rose in fear, and hid behind the door into the living room. He and his friends had noticed some of their tapes and CDs missing over the past few weeks, but they'd assumed that the stuff had just gotten lost in all the mess of the apartment." (Mf, teen, rp)

Daughter Needs Practice - by Tammy Lansing - Family fun story quite a bit over the top - "I was sitting on the toilet, in the bathroom, when my 12 year old daughter came in to take a shower." (Mf, Ff, inc, ped)

Deal, The - by Benson - The art of negotiating: Al is a freelance consultant in the area of computer software Development who works for large corporations on a contract basis for a few months per stint. He recently moved to New York from the San Francisco area, and since he was starting in a new city where he had no business contacts, I was forced make use of contract placement companies, also known as "headhunter agencies". But what he got was a VERY interesting time with a high-class prostitute. This 8 part series is very well written and will appeal to mature readers. (MF, prost) Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8

Desert Island - by Cynthia Soto - I'm lying naked on a beach on some deserted island. The sun is beating down on me, warming my breasts and stomach. My ass is cradled in the warm sand. Sweat runs down my thighs and into my crotch teasing me, making me think of sex, sex in the abstract. It seems like forever since I have had a man, I've been on this island by myself for almost a year now. (fun with fish)

Desert Lust - by Dennis - The sexcapades of Stephi - "It was a very hot day as Stephi drove down the highway toward Las Vegas to join Denny, Kathy and Larry for a long holiday weekend. Stephi had to work late of Friday so her friends went on ahead the day before. As she drove along, she couldn't help thinking what they'd all be doing when they were finally together, she had been flirting with Dennis for months." (MF, FF, intr, rp)

Doctor and Gina - by NixPixer Author - Doctor and Nurse story - "The on-call schedule had been exhausting. The staff and physicians stress level had been climbing for a while. Christmas was just around the corner. The director and head nurse put together this moral booster/Christmas party at an area party house. People were psyched, there's one thing about people in the medical profession, they love to party..." (MF)

5; Dog Day Afternoon - by Anon - Sandy was the supreme bitch. She ran her household with an iron fist, and her husband's sex life with an iron snatch. Little did she know that she would soon be treated like the bitch she was.(F/dog, wife, nc)

Don't - by Anon - Is it rape, or something else? - She came out the front door of the office building and stood for a moment squinting against the noon-day sun. After a brief pause, she strode purposefully down the sidewalk, unaware of the eyes intently following her form." (MF, nc?)

Doorway - by James Bond - SM bondage story - I suppose the best way to describe Mike is to say he's fair but firm. Most of the time our sex life is pretty tame. We experiment a lot with lovemaking in various places and various ways, and we both love it. But sometimes I'm just feeling bitchy or frisky and I try to make demands. When I get into these moods, my lover has to take control and put me in my place. Of course, I know where these demands lead me; right into tight ropes and pain! (Mdom/F)

Drive Home - by GSGM - When I was 17, I worked part-time at a retail store. There was a girl I worked with named Kim. Kim was sweet 16 then. Cute and innocent. We had been good friends at work, talked a lot on break. Kim even giggled at the dirty jokes I told her. The way she giggled at the punch line was a cross between, "Oh my God, that's disgusting" and "I'll have to try that sometime." One night in early October, she ask if I could give her a ride home. (mf, teens, 1st)

Family Anyway - by Anon - Family sex - "Sherry was feeling butterflies in her stomach. She was about to get fucked for the first time, and by her father at that. She felt her pussy getting wet already. This should be very fun. (fm, ff, inc, ped)

5; Family Camping - by Ed Dippus - Kevin goes camping with his family - "It started out simply enough: a family camping trip to a hilly region in a neighboring state. But Dad neglected to check out the weather report (as dads will) before we set off. During the four-hour trip over back-country roads far from civilization, the skies grew steadily darker. Within minutes of arriving at a remote campsite, the skies opened. Luckily, Dad and I had the presence of mind to cover our belongings with the tents before ducking for cover. Unfortunately, however, we were all soaked to the bone by the time we reached the truck..." (Mf, Ff, inc, ped)

5; Fast Date - by Kathy - "I went out with a guy named Andy, one time, about 6 months ago, he had taken me out to a party and I was flying pretty high by the time we came out to his car, in fact, I think we both were. He drove an E type Jaguar, tiny but so fast. After the party he was driving me home, and you have to realize that up until then, we had never done anything intimate, no sex..." (MF, oral-date)

Father-In-Law - by Kate Jackson - Daughter in-law story - "I'm 32 and have been married to Greg for 11 years now. As far as I know, Greg has always been a faithful husband and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. I've been fucked by many other men since I've been married and Greg never knew anything. That is until he caught me last month..." (MF, cheat)

Female Dominance - by Mistress Donna - Today I am your Mistress and you are my slave. Do you understand fully what this means? "yes" you reply only to be reprimanded... " When you are spoken to you will answer 'Yes Mistress' and if you are not spoken to you will not speak at all... is that very clear?" A very quiet "yes Mistress" can be heard and I am not sure that you are intrigued by my plan, but I decide to proceed. (Fdom/M)

Fence - by Dennis Allen - Two Lesbian's get Raped by a gang - They were both young, Rusty was about twenty and Kristen about nineteen. They lived in a trailer park across from school near a twenty-four hour food and beverage store that was the gathering place for cars, music, young men and action. (FF, M+/F, rp)

Fertility Clinic - by Anon - Artificial insemination? - "As I peered over my magazine to look at the clock, the receptionist opened the door and announced "The doctor will see you now. The nurse instructed me to remove my clothing and put on the gown she had lain on the examining table..." (MF, cheating)

Fine Day - by Pussy Barber - Partner swapping - It had been a beautiful day from the outset and I swung by the apartment of some friends, wanting to say hello since I was in the area. When I got there, Kay answered the door, dressed in a small bikini and a big grin. She greeted me by throwing her arms around me and giving me a hearty kiss. (MF, FF)

First Threesome - by Anon Author - We were in her Van, parked at the top of the cliffs at Black's Beach the first time I brought the subject up. I had always wanted to watch my wife fuck another guy while I watched, but she didn't want any part of it. (MMF, wife-sharing)

Freeway Sex - by - A threesome story - My husband and I purchased a CB radio at the tail end of the big CB craze several years ago. When we first bought it we used to do the usual things like talk to truckers on the freeways. We soon found out that it was more fun to flash the truckers while driving by them. I'd show them my breasts and then maybe lift my skirt for them if I liked their looks." (MMF, exh)

Gina's New Skill - by Johnny Robbins - Gina's husband watches while she does her boss - "It all started when a new boss was transferred from the head offices in San Diego to the branch office where my wife Gina works. About a week after he arrived Gina began coming home and telling me about her new boss, a rather stately gentleman in his early sixties, and about his noticeable interest in her body." (MF, voy, wife-share)

Girlscout Cookies - by Madeline - A Girlscout's Mother stops by to deliver cookies and ends up doing much more with a neighbor husband. (MF, cheat)

Going to the Dogs - by Sandy Thompson - Raped by a dog on the lawn. (F/dog)

Good Time Sandi - by Anon - Female submissive being taken advantage of - "I really can't believe I'm writing this down, but I can't really believe I'm living the two lives I'm living right now, either." (Mdom/F, cheat, d/s, exh)

Hippie - by Robert C. Bascome - Make love not war - "Like many freshmen I found the transfer from home life to college a bit disorientating but I think I may have had a better reason than most for this disorientation. Upon my first arrival at the place that was to become my home I was amazed at the amount of types of women I would meet. One group in particular struck my fancy, the hippie chicks." (fm, first)

5; Helping the Homeless - by Anon Author - Wife has sex with a homeless man in an alley - My beautiful, sexy, 38D-25-36, twenty-one-year-old wife and I are devout exhibitionists. We love to fuck anywhere, but especially in public, and preferably in broad daylight. We've screwed inside all-night super-markets, drive-in theaters, shopping center parking lots, in hallways and on balconies of hotels, in parks, and even on a school's playground. (MMF, intr, preg)

Horny Hairy Housewife - by Karen Carnes - Sex with the repairman - "I am writing this story as a confession in the hopes that my husband will read it some day. I don't have the nerve to tell him myself what I'm about to tell you. My husband and I have wonderful sex together and I tell him that I can't get enough of his big stiff cock. That's the problem. I can't get enough of any stiff cock, period!" (MF, wife-cheat)

Hot Girl - by Anon - Sister Voyeur story - "At the age of seventeen I moved into my older sisters house, taking over a bedroom and a washroom in the basement. It worked out pretty well; Peggy, my sister and her husband Rick, left me alone mostly and their kids, Jason, 14, and Julie, 13, were all right kids. I had my own entrance and shared the phone so I was nicely set for a girl of 17. The only problem was that the storage room and my two rooms were only separated by wood paneling and it was noisy sometimes." (mf,teens, inc)

Hot Momma - by Jimmy D - I always thought my mom was a pretty good looking woman just comparing her to her friends and other women that I knew but I never thought about her in a sexual way, even a little bit until an incidence that happened last year. (mF, inc)

Hypnotist - by Benny the Jet - Hypnotized sex - I am an English teacher at Castle Hill High School in Sydney, Australia, and last week at a party, Steve, a friend of mine told me he knew all about hypnotism. I challenged him to prove it and he had my wife dancing around the room in front of the party-goers like a fucking chook! Everyone loved it, except my wife who didn't like the ribbing she got after Steve brought her out of it. (Mf, ff, teen, mc, nc)

Incestuous Slumber - by D-Man - A pretty unlikely incest story about a divorced father taking advantage of his drunk teenage daughter after she gets wasted from over doing it at a party. (Mf, inc, ped?)

Interview - by CasualTy - The Interview - I had just about given up hope, but this day would change my life for ever. (MF)

Jacuzzi - by D-Man - Sex in the backyard - "I had an apartment for a while last year in which I shared with a roommate. It was a small place, but very nice for the price. We had a swimming pool and Jacuzzi in the center of the complex, and this is where my stories takes place..." (MF, public)

5; Jasmine and the Purple Panties - by Huntsman - Jasmine looked the contents of the table over. It was unbelievable the junk people put in a garage-sale. A brown box caught her eye. What's this? Naw! Even THESE folks wouldn't go for a joke like this! The box read: "Papa Petrofile's Pregnancy Promoting Purple Panties... Patent Pending." (mf, preg, fant)

Jeff's Enema - by - An enema story - "Jeff came slowly awake, vaguely aware of the sound of his mother's voice in the next room. As the fog of sleep cleared from his mind, he realized that she was on the telephone. This is the second day I've kept him home from school. I'm wondering whether I should call the doctor." (MF, enema)

Jennette - by Jens LaFlure - Transgender story from France - It was some three months after I'd gone to live with my aunt that things began to change. We'd never really got on and since my parent's death our living in such close proximity started to cause problems. At commencement of the Easter holidays I was informed that we were going to have a talk about our deteriorating relationship. (Fm, mm, cd, ff, ped, mc, tg)

5; Jenny Takes a Detour - by Warthog - Sex in a car - "My name is Jenny. My story is about a major change in my life. I'm 35 years old, married and have two children. My husband is a Minister in a small town in Texas. We've been married for 17 years. My life has been very prim and proper but satisfying until recently..." (MF, wife-cheat)

Jill's Problem - by Darla - Jill's husband gets tired of her being such a bitch all the time so he invites three of his friends over from work to teach her her place in life. (M+/F, wife, exh, ws, spank, nc?)

5; Jim and the Gymnasts - by Carlos - A guy has sex with his girlfriend's little sister. (Mf, ped) - Part 2

John Masturbates for Me - by The Dealer - John's homosexual experience - "I still was struggling between wanting to run away and hide and taking out my cock and furiously stroking it for him, but I did nothing." (gay, masturbation)

Joshua the Cross Dresser - by Josh - I was 14 when I had my first sexual contact. I was just a young boy with a hard on. It was a very hot summer night, I could hardly sleep. I decided to take off my clothes and sleep naked. As I lay on my smooth sheets I noticed if I rubbed my penis on the sheets I became erect! I continued to rub myself on the sheets, it felt so good. (mf-teens, cd)

Julie Our Babysitter - by Murphy - Husband watches - "At 33 years old I had never been unfaithful to my wife but now I was kissing a beautiful high school girl and my wife seemed a million miles away." (Mf-teen, cheat)

Just Posing - by Amy MD - "It's just for posing." Daddy looked hurt, that I had refused. The trouble was, that's what Daddy always said, "It's just for posing." Look what happened to me. It all started when I was about 11 or 12." (Mf, inc, ped) - Part 2

5; K9 First Time - by Photomaker - Some guys will do anything to get sex - A paramedic is called to rescue a girl who was "stuck" to her dog. He helps her in her embarrassing situation. Then he can't get the vision out of his mind. Finally he calls her for a date. (MF/dog)

Karen - by Jenntill - Since my early years I questioned my sexuality. My family and friends were comprised of various appetites (as near as I could tell) and growing up in the 70's and 80's was very confusing for me. Some people were into various self help groups while others were simply confused about their sexual identity, women's Lib, etc.... As a result, I too, became confused. I certainly was attracted to guys but could also appreciate the beauty of another female. (FF)

5; Kathy and My Frat Brothers - by Warthog - "About a month ago I received a letter from a college fraternity brother of mine. I hadn't seen Stan since graduation three years before. I looked forward to the visit. I wanted to see my buddies, but I also wanted my buddies to see my new bride Kathy. Kathy is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. To top it off, she has the sweetest personality of any woman I have ever known. I'm not just saying that because she is my wife." (M+/F, exh, wife-share, voy, preg?)

Kathy Loses Her Virginity - by Kathy - Judy and I had been friends since we were little girls. We hung around together, double dated, and shared our experiences with each other. We had apartments in the same building. One Saturday I walked down the hall to Judy's place to spend time with her. (FF)

Kristen's Seduction - by Denny - Ty and I were at a hot club drinking and dancing, when we noticed a beautiful sexy looking lady out on the dance floor, she had on a short skirt, shear white blouse and high heels and she was dancing real sexy. Ty said to me, " Man look at that doll baby, look at those leg's. And I said back to him, "Yeah and that ass! Wouldn't you love to get your tongue in that?" I was really attracted to this woman, and said, "I have to dance with her if I can get by her husband." (MMF, intr, voy)

Kristy - by Kristy - "I was 15 and really liked my boyfriend a lot. He needed to have sex, but I didn't want to take the pill or get pregnant. So I learned how to give great head." (fm, teens, oral,exh)

5; Kylie - by Anon - Raped by her brother and his friends - Kylie was in the 10th grade at Castle Hill High School in Sydney, Australia. She was quite good looking, with well developed breasts and a rather hard body from lots of exercise. Kylie was a swimmer, and a very good one, with the talent to make the Olympics, if she would just try hard enough. It was mid winter and the days were getting really hot, so Kylie was in the pool going through her paces as usual. (mmmf, teens, rp, inc)

Lauren Gisal - by Frances Dashwood - A beautifully written coming of age story and lesbian sex. (ff, teens, rp, sn)

Leslie - by Laura Holt - The summer between my junior and senior years in high school I went to the beach for two weeks. It was early in the season and didn't cost too much for the beach front condo. One girlfriend and I were to stay the whole time and several others were coming up on the weekends. At the beach lesbian first time. (fff, teens)

Limo - by J Stevens - A guy gets a surprise when he gets home to see an invitation and a Limo waiting for him. (gay)

Lisa and Bruce - by Robert Craft - We had been friends with the upstairs neighbors for quite a few years. They had a son and two daughters. The oldest daughter, Lisa, was an early bloomer. In her early days of feeling her body blossom, she would stand out on their back porch in a mini-skirt without panties. She would lean over the rail exposing her ass, then part her legs to show a lightly covered pussy. I was somewhat excited, but never took it seriously. Sex upstairs and in the garage. (MF, BB)

Lisa: Daddy's little Girl - by Unsigned - Family fun - Uncaring wife makes husband horny then leaves him frustrated. Husband finds that his daughter appreciates him more than his wife, and he imbibes to the max with her. (Mf, inc, ped) - Part 2 - Part 3

5; Lori's Risky Wager - by Warthog - This is a story about a friendly poker game that got friendlier. Lori attends the weekly poker game with her boyfriend and becomes one of the wagers in the game when he finds that he's behind. (MF, exh, reluc)

5; Mathilda - by Benny The Jetsetter - Occult - The story I'm about to relate is hard to believe, but I have had to come to terms with it. It's hard to accept, but all I can say is that the responsible people involved no longer have responsibilities, or their freedom for that matter. Mathilda's story is related pretty much using her own words... (M+/f, mc, exh, ped)

Memory - by NixPixer Author - Remembering sex - "SSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! That's what I want to say when I touch myself knowing how HOT I feel. What I need is a long hose, filled with something wet to put this fire out. But where in the world was I going to find it? Not in this town!!" (MF)

Miss Judith - by Jan - "I opened the door and walked into a tremendous, mirror-covered bathroom. It suddenly dawned on me that I wasn't alone. Miss Judith, the dancer, was staring at me..." (F/m-teen, prost, first)

Monorail - by Courtney - I have worked hard on getting a great body since I was 14. My friends and guys notice my body all the time. I like the attention but my parents taught me to be a "good girl" and I'm somewhat shy, so I dress conservatively most of the time (nothing wild) and stay out of trouble. But deep down inside there is a side of me that wants to show off my body and enjoy the danger of it...: (MF, exh)

5; More than Enough - by Anon - A husband and wife try to live out a thrilling fantasy and timidly approach a black man in a bar. They talk him into coming back to their motel room for an exciting threesome only to find that his buddies show up soon after him. The situation soon becomes an extreme gangbang whether or not the couple wants it. (M+/F, wife-gangbang, reluc, intr)

Morning - by Jeffery Hansen - "He turned in the bed, feeling her stir against him. He raised up on his elbow and watched her in her sleep. She was laying on her stomach, her hands underneath her, her hips moving gently back and forth. He wondered what she might be dreaming of..." (MF)

Movies - by Anon Author - Casting couch drama - A beautiful young actress turns up at an audition and finds out that the movie is going to be X rated. She auditions anyway. (MF, fs)

Moving Day - by Kate Jackson - "I'm 32 and have been married to Greg for 11 years now. As far as I know, Greg has always been a faithful husband and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. I've been fucked by many other men since I've been married and Greg never knew anything. That is until he caught me last month..." (M+/F, wife-cheat, intr)

Museum - by Annie - Exhibitionist girl masturbates at the museum for all to see. (F, exh)

My Daughter In-law Donna - by NixPixer Author - Daughter inlaw seduces father inlaw. "My step son tied the knot last year to a sharp looking girl. Donna has a great personality to go with her great looks. Even my wife likes her. About three months ago, while Bob, the step son, was out of town on business, Donna called about 9:00 one night..." (MF, inc, cheating)

My Diary - by Marie Z - Underage lesbian experience written out in diary form (Ff, ped)

My First and Only Foursome - by Barbara S. - My roommate and I have been having sex together for over two years now. Whenever we both are not in a relationship, we use the other to help get through those long and lonely nights. It's a mutually satisfying relationship, mainly because we both understand what is expected, namely friendship and sex. No jealousy, no claims. Lesbian foursome. (FFFF, orgy)

Night Out - by Warthog - My husband Jim asked me to tell the story of my night on the town in Las Vegas. He has already told the story of my encounter with the four black gentlemen at our hotel. What happened after that adventure, is the subject of this writing. So, buckle your seat belts and here goes. (M+/F, intr, wife-gangbang) - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Nipples - by nipple_lover - I wanted to feel his hand on my nipples, gently pulling and rolling them between his fingers. I wanted him to pull them until they hurt and then pull them a little bit more until I cried for him to stop. He always knows just how to touch them. Whether with his fingers or his lips or his teeth, he knows where the buttons are in them to make them respond. (MF)

Oops - by L.D. Vixen - Oop's a BIG mistake - (MF, mistake)

Ordeal - by M.M. Dowling - The experience I had on my last summer vacation still makes me shake when I think of it. My wife (23) and I (25) were making a cross-country trip in our brand new custom van. We had started from our home in Virginia and were just taking our time seeing the sights of this great land as we headed west for California. It's still hard to believe what happened to us when we ran into a motorcycle gang one day. (M+/F, gang-rape, nc)

Panda Girl- by George - There were two major facets of Jane's life, the first was her fascination with collecting teddy bears; the second was the fact that she was incredibly sexually frustrated. (Sex with a Panda)

Papergirl - by Anon - The newspaper girl, Marie, came up the walkway with a bundle of papers in her hand. "Hi, Mrs. Maxwell!," the girl said cheerily. Lisa leaned out of the door, and stared dreamily at the young woman. Marie wore tight slacks, and a T-shirt. Lisa watched as the girl bent over to pick up a coin she'd dropped. Lesbian pedophile story. (Ff, ped)

Party - John B - "I wanted to make love to you right there in the hall, but I settled for caressing the cool inside of your naked thigh and kissing your neck. Did you notice the teenage boy (you know which one I mean) across the hall open his door to watch us? I saw the door close but not click shut, so I think we were scrutinized for a while longer. He must have gotten a good look at what was under your dress, cause I lifted it up more than once. (MF, exh)

Pictures - by Jan Lundstrum - It seemed like a fun sexy idea when my wife first stripped on a deserted beach so I could snap some photos of her. But before I knew what was happening we had unwelcome company that totally put the skids on our day. (M+/F, rp)

Pleasing Myself - by Sandra Z - Although I masturbate normally whenever the desire moves me, I most enjoy the early morning hours just as night is being overtaken by the brilliance of day. Even on a cold winter morning, I will raise the window and awaken to the feeling of the cool air as it caresses me ... of shadows moving across my body as the moonlight shines down upon me. (F solo)

Pool Fantasy - by Mike - Day at the pool with lots of young girls - (Mf, ff, ped, fant)

Rainy Day - by Stephanie Parks - Wife has sex with the delivery boy - "It was a cold, rainy, October day as I sat by the picture window waiting for the grocery boy to delivery my order. My thoughts were on my husband, who was serving in the navy, aboard an aircraft carrier. He had been gone for 5 months and I was thinking of how much I missed his company, his conversation, his cock. (Fm, wife-cheat, ped)

5; Rape! - House-Sitting - by JenTill - Rape at home - Julie had accepted the job to house sit for good friends who were going to be gone for about a week on vacation to Mexico. At the time, it seemed the perfect escape. (MF, rp)

Raping Kathy - by Kathy - Rape after a party - "I lost my virginity when I was 17, on my birthday, to a guy eight years older than me. I found out later he was married. We had a big party at a friends house up in the mountains, and I guess we all had too much to drink. This guy was more sophisticated than everybody else there, but when I think now that he was only 24, he couldn't have been that great. (MMf-teen, rp)

5; Real Man's Cock - by Anon - Husband submissive, watches his wife with another man. (MF, wife-share, preg?)

Revenge - by Bob Carne - Unfaithful wife story - "Because of the line of work I'm in, I'm out on the road for a good part of each day. About 6 months ago I was out showing a client some property he was interested in. I had left my wife at home to work on the books and take calls. Little did I know that she was taking more than calls while I was out." (MF, wife-cheat)

Ride - by Courtney - Emma is my best friend. We met when we were 11 years old (we're attending college together at the moment). I knew right away we were going to be friends. We both were smart, attractive, a little shy, and liked most the same things. But she had an edge that attracted me to her. One of the things she liked doing was being an exhibitionist. This was done secretly and normally in places where the people didn't know her. She of course had to talk me into doing this with her. (mf, ff, teens, exh)

Seconds - by Kathy Brown Husband get seconds and likes it - "Before I tell you my TRUE story and how it came about let me tell you that my husband loves to eat other men's cum out of my pussy! And I love having it put there by other guys and love to have my husband suck me afterward. So that's what this is about. But the way it started was very interesting. (MMF, wife-share)

5; Sheila's Wish - by Pussy Barber - Part 1 - In Queensland Australia there's a city called Brisbane. And just a few miles inland from this major city is another, smaller town named Toowooba. In this much smaller town is a night club named Tellbury's. At Tellbury's, anything goes. (MF, FF, exh, voy, orgys)

Sheila's Wish - by Pussy Barber - Part 2 - Back in that swingers night club called Tellbury's, where all the young men and women love each other very much. The town is Toowoombe just inland from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. This story takes place later the same night. (MF, FF, exh, voy, orgys)

Sheila's Wish - by Pussy Barber - Part 3 - Back in that swingers night club called Tellbury's, where all the young men and women love each other very much. The town is Toowoombe just inland from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. This story takes place later the same night. (MF, FF, exh, voy, orgys)

Shepherd Fuck - by Greg Wolff - A story about Greg and his German Shepherd and mutual sex. "It was a warm spring afternoon and everyone in the house had gone out for one reason or another. I was home all alone and was feeling kinda horny. I laid on the couch and watched some porno flicks and played with my dick which was rock hard and had a lot of clear pre-cum dripping from the end. Right about that time our German Shepherd walked into the room and came over and started to lick the pre-cum off the end of my hard dick..." (M/dog)

Sherry Proves Herself Worthy - Warthog - Sherry proves her worth by pulling a train with a group of Black guys at a hotel. (M+/F, wife, voy, exh, inter)

Shower - by Coleen - Sex in the motel shower - "When we first arrived at the hotel..... I manipulated my way into having the shower first..." (MF, mast)

5; Sister's Helping Hand - by A.D. P - Sister gives brother a helping hand - My sister Kathy is only a year younger than I and is a year behind me in school. Because we are so near the same age, we have always been very close to each other, confiding our secrets and presenting a united front in our relations with other people. I've always been the protective big brother, and she has been the supportive, adoring little sister. We respect each other's ideas and thoughts and depend on each other for advice and support. (mf, inc)

Sister's Secret - by Tinker - While I silently looked down at my dress, I felt that I had started to pee, and with my toes curled, I pressed firmly, against all my instincts. There! A firm gush of hot wee poured out into my panties and drenched them right away. I gasped and looked at my sister. "I've wet my panties, I think. You're right. It does not feel very strange at all. Just warm and comfy." Sis nodded approvingly and encouraged me to go on. "Now just start weeing and enjoy it. Don't worry about your dress, it's perfectly safe." (ff, teens, ws)

5; Sitting for Kelli - by Hank Freeman - Neighbor man reluctantly takes on the job of baby-sitting the two kids next door. He's reluctant until Kelli shows her need for his attentions. Even though this has a pedophile theme, it is well written and there is a lot of well placed anguish worked into the character. (Mf, first, ped)

Sneaking About - by MBaez - I come into the house wondering where you were. You had called and said you were coming home I'm looked about. I found a red rose by a tall glass of wine. I smiled, smelled the rose and sipped the wine. The fragrance of the rose filled my body. The wine slowly drifted its way down my throat as I walked further into the house looking for you. A husband wife story. (MF)

Socks - by David Meyers - The summer after my sophomore year in college I spent most of my time hanging around the house. When our neighbors, the Martins, asked if I would mind babysitting for their 9 year old son Andy. Andy's older brother Chris was going to be out for most of the evening so they needed someone to watch after him. A homosexual baby-sitting experience. (Mm-teens, mast)

Spa Like This One - by Rose - "Glancing over the fence tonight, I noticed you, in your 'a little too snug across the crotch' white trunks, pulling the cover off your spa. When I clear my throat, you glance over quickly, pretending to be unaware that I'm watching you..." (MF)

Stall - by Arnold Bennidict - Yesterday I was in L.A. just fucking around in the valley. A friend of mine has a horse ranch in Chatsworth so I stay there when I'm down south. He was cleaning up the stable with the help of his Mexican ranch hand, Jesse. Homosexual experience with man and horse. (MM, M/horse)

Sweet Little Suzy - by Eros - A son's father has some fun with his girlfriend on a lazy Saturday afternoon. (Mf, adult/teen, ped)

Talking on AOL - by Angel - Internet chat room doggy sex. (FF, F/dog)

Teacher - by Anon - It was an early spring day in Maine. Ms. Malone, my English teacher, had just completed her lecture on contemporary American literature. Throughout her talk, all I could see were her boobs bouncing up and down inside her blouse. I tried, but failed, to decide whether they were enclosed in a bra or not. (Fm, teacher/student)

5; Tessa - by Kathy - Chris and I were in a real bad way. We hardly talked to each other, and it was pretty obvious that our relationship was going out the window sweet good-bye story. (MF, rom)

Tickled - by Rodchester - It all started one Saturday afternoon when I came inside after mowing the lawn. Mom jumped me from behind the door and started tickling me without mercy. "Gottcha!!" she squealed and proceeded to corner me against a wall. I started to giggle and tried fighting off mom's fingers from their torture. (Fm, inc, ped)

Tiffany's "Filling" Experience - by Warthog - Pregnant sex - "Sam asked, "Has anyone told you that you look like Pamela Anderson?" I felt the blood rush into my cheeks as I admitted, "Yes. A few people have told me that." I added, "But, could you imagine me on the beach in a swimsuit looking like this?" I gestured to my swollen belly. Sam's look became mischievous as he said, "I for one think that a women becomes more sexy when she's pregnant. My face must have been beet red at his forward comment." (MMMF, preg, intr)

Touches and Kisses - by Lori Helm - I fell back onto the bed exhausted with the pleasure that your mouth had just given me. You were still between my legs stroking my thighs and licking at my cock as it jerked and subsided with pleasure. (MF)

Tough Girl - by Charlotte - Up until last year I had never been in a fight in my life but all that changed the day I had to discipline a girl named Yvette, a 17-year-old, black student in one of my classes. She was disturbing the class and I finally had to have a security guard escort her to the principal's office and she was suspended from school. (Fdom/F, intr)

Two Women - by Jodi - Two months ago, Barbara invited Michele to a restaurant for dinner after work. The two women had a few drinks, and began to lose the edge of their employer-employee relationship, began to become friends. First lesbian experience for two young girls. (FF) - Part 2

Under the Desk - by Kathy K - A mistake at the office -"I examined my nails, painted the same bright red as my lips, and began examining the possible ways to deviously make use of this extra time. "Let's see..." I thought to myself. I could have him find me naked in his chair or masturbating and soaking wet and ready to fuck or..." (MF, oral)

Use My Wife First, Please! - by Larry L - My kinkiest thrill is to make love to my wife Julie, knowing she has just had sex with another man. (MMF, wife-sharing)

Vanessa Love Horses - by Mike Thrasher - Our story starts with Vanessa's obsession with sex and animals. Ever since she had sex with her dog Red, and me, she has been obsessed with animal sex. To satisfy my little fire ball, I finally managed to locate a man who ran a small farm (alone) and convince him to rent me his barnyard for some "research" while he was out tending his fields. (F/horse, wife, voy)

Vanessa With Dogs - by Mike Thrasher - Vannessa's first doggy experience. (F/dog, voy)

Velma - Amy B - Yes I am a bondage freak, but at least I'm a cute one. Amy (Fdom/F, M/F, voy, bond)

Voyeur Son - by Ed Dippus - Even as an adolescent I was a pervert. I spent half my life trying to peek into neighborhood windows and the other half jacking off. The summer I turned 15, I snuck out my window almost every night. I was drawn to other lighted windows like a moth to a flame. (MF, mother/son, inc, voy)

Wet Dearm - by CambdenWrites - Underage sex, two girls and a boy - "YES BABY long slow strokes. Keep nibbling on my huge rock hard cock. Oh baby don't slow down I am about ready to cum all in your young virginal mouth..." (Ffm, teen, oral)

Woman's Guide to Canine Sex - by L. Haas - My name is Lauren and I am writing the how-to guide for all the women out the there that have considered engaging in canine-human sex but were unsure of just how to go about it and those women who would like to enjoy it more. (F/dog)

Young Innocence Lost - by Quicksilver-Iota - First time lesbian experience. Beth and Erin became best fiends the day they met in 7th grade. It was Beth's first day at a new school and Erin's best friend had moved away the year before. Both girls had been inseparable for the first part of the school year, but this was the first night that Beth got to stay overnight at Erin's house. It was morning and Erin's parents had left for work. With her brother away at college, the girls were all alone at home. And since it was a school holiday, they had the house to themselves. (ff)

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