Warning: This site is located on the alt.sex.stories website.
It is for adults only and contains explicit pornographic and violent story content.
Do not enter this site if you do not wish to view sexual content, are not of legal age to view pornographic content in the country or locale you are in currently, or if it is absolutely illegal for you to view pornographic content in the country or locale you are accessing this website from.
By entering this site via the link below, you acknowledge and agree with all of the following terms:
You are of legal age to view explicit sexual and pornographic content in the country or locale from which you are accessing this website.
You are accessing this site because you wish to view explicit sexual and pornographic content.
You understand that the material inside are just fiction with no intent on harming anyone in real life, and will not be used to do so.
You understand that the fan-fiction inside are all works of parody.
You will not share the explicit sexual and pornographic content with anyone who are minors, who maybe offended by such explicit content, or anyone who are not legally allowed to view such pornographic content.