JR Parz Presents
Mind Control EROTICA
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This site has been visited by three million unique visitors!
You Must Be at least Eighteen years old!

As an avid reader/fan/writer of Erotic Mind Control, I offer you my own take on what I consider arousing erotica.
All my stories consist of seducing beautiful young women... via love spells, lust potions, Sci-Fi Technology, Vampires,
or an array of other Mind Control/Hypnotic tools.

My aim is to elicit arousal...

Take note, ASSTR has the largest collection of FREE erotic stories on the NET
and operates solely on donations ...  These donations enable me to operate this site.

JR Parz Stories
Go directly to my stories...  Gina's Interview... Master PC... Trophy Wife Incorporated!

The Master PC Universe
A slew of stories from various authors writing in the Master PC Universe!

The highly respected Boris Ludmenkov provides a fantasy world of erotica!

Mmmmm!'s Page of HOT Eroticism
One of the hottest, most graphic writers on the NET!

Visit the Mind Control FORUM
The HOTTEST discussion board in this genre!

What's NEW!
Here are my latest postings!

Reader Reviews
Some of the e-mails I received from yesteryear...

JR Parz Hall of Fame Stories
My personal all time Hall of Fame reads - tales from other writers!

JR Parz Favorite Mind Control Stories!
My personal Favorites that border induction into my Hall of Fame!

JR Parz Favorite Links
Visit Some Really HOT Websites!

JR Parz Favorite Novels
The Most Erotic MC Novels ever Published!

JR Parz Favorite Movies
My favorites MC Movies!  Also read updates by Hollywood Writer/Director Rolfe Kanefsky!

JR Parz Writing Tips
Read my formula for writing MC eroticism!

More Stories that caught my attention
Yes...even more stories that I house from other writers.