This is my own little website, where I post my creative works. My writing
is of a graphic nature, containing sex, violence, and rock &
roll!! My writing reflects my rather *DARK* personality,
and contains sexual situations (m/m, f/f, or m/f) Dominance and submission,
(Fd, Md, Nc, Bd) , fetishes (usually tickling, foot worship, hair, or breast)
and all-around disturbing behavior. Some of the stuff in my stories could
get you sick, hurt, killed, arrested, or probably deported! In other words,
folks, don't try this at home! *grins* Oh, and by the way, this is an ADULT
site, so anyone underage for your state (18 or 21, depending) head back
out the door right now! Anyone who is easily offended by tales of mind-controlled
sex slaves, women or men being raped and abused, tickling as a sexual vice,
same-gender sex, or anything else NOT listed above, please depart now. Remember,
you've been warned!!
Okay, for those
of you still here, I humbly present my accumulated story archive. I've divided the
stories here into five separate categories:
As with any endeavor, this could
not have been done without the help and advice or others. I have some very good friends among the
writers at the EMCSA, most of which are FAR more talented than I. Check out my LINKS page for a
list of some of the best creative minds in online erotic literature.
that's all for now... I intend to update this page with more stories on
a regular basis, so keep checking every so often for something new. If
you enjoy my stories, give me a HOWL and let me know! And if you hate them, think they SUCK, or have
anything else untoward to say, well let me know that also! A writer loves
feedback from his audience, its how we judge the acceptance of our work.
So even if your response is less than positive it helps to know at least
that you have taken the time to read it and have an opinion. *smirks* Of
course, we may not always LISTEN to the criticisms, but they are still
nice to get. Whatever page you read, if you like the work, let the author know!!
All stories on this page are the creative works
of Jonothan Darksong,, and are not to be copied, transmitted, bought or
sold, or in anyway redistributed without written consent from the author.
These stories can be printed and enjoyed by others as long as the documentation
remains unaltered. Stories that are the collaborated works of other authors
are likewise copyrighted, and permission to redistribute must be obtained
from myself AND the collaborating author. Special thanks to
The Enchanted Land of the Phoenix for the pictures and artwork. Backgrounds from Celine's Original Gifs.Last
updated, March 24th, 2002. All rights reserved.
Music is from Final Fantasy 7 by Squaresoft: (ff7anxio.mid))