erotica by Kenny N Gamera

On the Way

Okay, this is just a little something to show that I am writing more stories for you. Honest, really, fershure, and all. Keep an eye out for them.

Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera


Chess Club Sex Slaves
(f+/m+ FemDom teens)

Status: Started part eight of ?six

"Can you believe them?" Kim said.

"Yeah, like really. Guys?" Collen stuck her tongue out. "Ick."

"Now that is something that I can like get totally into."


Kim smiled at her friend and lover. "Your tongue. Stick it out again."


"Only for you and your pussy."

Collen laughed. "And the rest of the squad."

"Yeah." Kim sighed. "Can you believe Miss Smith ditching Ms Curtis for one of them?"

"No," Collen said with a heavy voice. She looked into her friend's dark brown eyes. "You'll never do that to me will you."

"Never, girlfriend. How can you think such things? They're the enemy. They stink." Kim shivered. "Just gross."

"Sorry, Kim. I guess that I'm just feeling a little lame right now."

"I'll fix that."

She moved to Collen, and their lips touched.


Teen-aged, Baby-sitting, School Girl Whore
(Mf cons)

Status: Finished and in edit/proof stage

"Uh, Amber. Mrs. Grant has spoken to some of her friends in the neighborhood. They seem to think a lot about you." He paused as if collecting his thoughts. "She heard some interesting things."

"I can imagine." Amber contained her desire to giggle. "Hopefully, they didn't embarrass me too much."

"Oh, no. Not at all. They are all quite fond of you. As are their husbands." He stammered, then grew a little more assured. "Though neither Mary nor I are sure how much to beleive. Some of it seems quite remarkable."


The Square {GameraDark}
(MMf anal reluc; MF oral rom; MMg snuff; Mm rape)

Status: Finished and in edit/proof stage

But then who gave a care to the likes and dislikes of the British soldier. Each, from Private up to Lord Wellington hisself, was just there to die. His Lordship's own mother said her son was good for only fodder before the guns. In a way, the troops of the French Empire did the British Empire a favour with each Scotsman and Irishman and Welshman killed. And with each worthless son of an English baron killed as well.

Still, it made for bad reading in the morning Gazette to read of a defeat of His Majesty's arms by the Frogs and their little Emperor. Men died in war, but wars were to be won. Cavalry charges won wars and were, thus, to be defended against. So the trash of British culture arrayed themselves in skillful practice into their squares. The front line went down on bended knee, Black Bess and steel planted firmly in the ground and facing the French horses. The rear line loaded their girlfriends with still more skill and pointed out at the rushing charge.

The major watched the enemy and shouted to his men "Steady" with a rhythm to each third heart beat. The veterans did not need this reminder, but it was part of the ritual of the battle. The men just watched down their sights to mark their targets and let the Major sit on his dancing mount and stare at the wave moving toward them.

Below the Major, horse's hooves moved carefully around the body of the Colonel. He lay face up with open eyes staring at the horse's belly. His chest lay open and mangled from the ball that had ripped through him earlier. As he called out his steadies the Major thought of the night before and the Portuguese slut and the Colonel with a distracted part of his brain...


Maggie's Rescue
(MF MaleDom BDSM rom)

Status: Working on part two of this multiparter. Don't know if I'll continue with it.

"Neal. I'm at work. I was with Mr. Lauerence. They said I need a lawyer. I don't know anyone but you. I..." Margrette fought tears.

"I'll be right there. Don't do anything. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"All right. Thank you, Neal. I--," Tears began to flow.

"I'll be there. Just stay calm."

Margrette returned to her chair and sank into it. Her face dropped into her palms, and she allowed herself a few moments of weeping. It had turned out for nothing. For more than a year, she had suffered abuse at the hands of her supervisor to cover up her theft, and they had discovered her crime anyway. Regardless of Neal's help, she was sure to lose her job if not go to jail.