erotica by Kenny N Gamera

Gamera Dark

When a reader sees a story by a writer they often expect something specific. In short, the writer becomes branded. During a discusion in ASSD on nyms, nym changes and extra nommes de plomme, someone asserted that changes were good for when a writer broke from a certain mold into a new one. This, however, requires that the writer invent a new name and nym. That is a lot of work. Not all my ideas are funny but some of those aren't meant to funny either. o how to let people know that what they are about to read isn't what they would expect..? that the story will not be happy...? that people will get hurt? {GameraDark} is my answer. t's still by me, so, I won't need to waste braincells coming up with a new nym, plus you are warned.

Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera


One Dead Cheerleader - I started this for Halloween of 2000. Katie McN kinda started a Halloween snuff fest where a lot of people were shooting for high body counts. I finished typing it in last October for Halloween 2001 and started making changes. I finally finished the changes in 2002. I was shooting for something between a modern slasher flick and the sort of drive-in movies they made fun of on MST3K, but still following Harlan Ellison's advice on writing horror. Jeff Zephyr called it, "Properly gruesome, the way the best horror films always are." I guess I did it right

Prince of Wails - When the idea popped into my head originally, I saw this as a Katie McN type farce for Halloween. But as I started finishing it (for the year after the one I wanted to post it in), it seemed less of a funny idea. In the end, I decided to write it the way it should be, very strong.
Lost Boy proposed a conspiracy theory theme for that year's stories. I think it may have been too late for most, but I had mine in the can by that point and suzee was making chopped liver of it. It fit the theme already. This story is also archived at Lost Boy's site.

Good Boys and Girls - No, this hasn't happened. Not to me nor anyone I know. Things like it do happen, however. Remember that when you are shopping in the malls and see the smiling children or crying children or whatever kind of children. Not every one of them will have a merry Christmas or a happy new year. They may survive, which is not good enough, ever.