Click on the story-title, to access each story (All files are .ZIP files).
5K One Fine Morning Spoof-story. 1 kid PG, another 2 fucking. 21K Remembering first times You don't MARRY your sister, but ... 20K First Cousin Supposedly a true story about his first time. 44K One Fine Morning Part-II What a NICE place to work. 4K 7 "Seven" is the answer to everything. 14K A Day in the Life of Suzy Jenkins Another spoof-story. 18K A Little Knowledge A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. 51K Sexually abused? Is it sexual abuse if you ASK for it? 22K Taking my wife's advice My wife thinks I'm a pervert when I jack-off. 160K A Teenaged Boy's Fantasy Yeah, a jerk-off fantasy ;-} 53K Allie - My little Sister Addition to a story by The Englishman 57K Alternate methods Of preventing pregnancy? 41K Appearances Things aren't always what they seem. 27K Asking for it You won't get what you don't ask for. 32K Not asking for it Some people ask, while others don't. 32K Assumptions How I got pregnant. (tongue in cheek) 52K At the doctor's office She's in for her first SEXUAL checkup. 27K Before the wedding The Reverend has a good thing going. 11K Backrubs Backrubs can lead to ... 21K Bad Memories Mistreatment of a child. 24K The Bargain Fantasy (Like "The Incomplete Enchanter") 14K A Bedroom Scene Dad teaches both daughters where babies come from. 50K The best laid plans ... sometimes work out OK Momma starts the kids going. 77K Big Sister's Lessons Big sis teaches the younger ones. 15K The Birthday Present Daughter gets a big belly for her birthday. 14K Taking the Blame A sad story. Who's to blame? 72K There are none so blind .... Some people just won't let themselves see the truth. 65K Bound for Fun I My first bondage-story. PG or not PG? 61K Bound for Fun II A lesson about rape. NOT nice, but love. 61K Bound for Fun Comment Comments on how & why of the first 2. 74K Barefoot, Pregnant, and In the Kitchen Little sis goes over to visit her brother & his wife 49K Grabbing the Brass Ring The "power" of empathy can be a handicap. 40K The Breeder's Cup A race to see which twin can . . . well, you know. 4K A brother's duty to his sister Making sure my son takes care of BOTH sisters. 16K A brother's Duty Making sure her son "takes good care" of his sisters. 114K Helping big brother Helping her brother seduce the kid next door. . . and more. 18K Practicing Birth-Control How to keep the family small. . . Oh yeah? 4K But Daddy! My daughter is surprised at what she can do ... and what she wants! 12K But Mom! Daughter gets a black baby. . . willingly? 6K Can I? Two. Do it to one, and you have to KEEP doing it to all. 6K Can I cum in her? Poor Daddy ... It's real hard for him to pull out. 6K Being Careful He's only giving his daughter what she asks for. 9K It could be worse Look what the OTHER team had to wear. 46K The 'Certified' Pedophile Just what I need; someone to fuck my daughters. 74K Taking Chances Sometimes it's worth it. 65K Collage - a tour-de-farce A collage of every bad joke about young sex ... 35K Getting comfortable with my sister It's uncomfortable, if your parents disapprove. 5K Consent If you just don't object, is it giving consent? 26K The Convent A convent can be a good place to remember things. 12K Conversations I Voyeur Mom catches Dad knocking up the kids. 9K Conversations II Mom has an Idea, about how to get even. 45K Conversations III Now it's time to get the two younger daughters involved. 16K Conversations IV This time daughter peeks on her parents. 6K Conversations V What do you think of having a little brother or sister? 43K Cool! It's strange what kids mean by that word. 30K Cumming of Age Practicing making a baby with the other neighbor kids. 30K Cousin Kim Baby-sits I wish *I* had a baby-sitter like her. 10K Daddy's Girl Momma finds her little girl "helping" Daddy. 106K Daddy's Lessons The kids find a porno-mag at the dump. 15K Daddy taught me all I know Watching Daddy knock-up my little sis was fun, but... 55K Daddy, Please? I never could resist my little girl. 7K Daddy slid in bed with me A poem! 14K Taking Daddy's Sperm Right up inside her, where it does the most good. 23K Daddy's Daughters Mom tells the kids, her 1st time with Daddy. 17K My First Time with Daddy What it says. 20K Daddy's Present The "present" was a baby in her belly. 18K Fun with Dick and Jane A new spin on the old grade-school primer. 12K I Need a Divorce Because he's fucking the kids next door. 19K Don't tease It's not fair to show your big brother what he can't have. 47K The Donut Shop The clothes even LITTLE kids wear these days. 42K The Donut Shop (Munkaffdren) (In Swedish!) Translated by Toby Fields 26K Just a Dream? Momma has the kids "practice". 184K Dreams do come true Rescuing a little girl. 8K Getting my Daughters Dressed for School Trapping the teacher. 9K Daughter Needs Practice In making a baby. She's still not PG. 46K Daughter's Lessons I teach my daughter about sex & having babies. 11K Dumb How do I talk myself into these things? 11k It happens every time I shouldn't let my brother even kiss me. 4K The Facts of Life Every little girl has to learn the truth eventually 10K Family Ways Breeding the little milker. 688K Her Father's Daughter Our first full-sized novel. EVERYBODY gets into the act. (TEXT) 1.2M Her Father's Daughter In Postscript! (Sorry, no pictures.) 7K A father's need Don't neglect your father. 20K Feeling Dad inside me I got a lesson from watching my siblings. 9K Feeling Daddy's Cum If I want to learn what it feels like, I've got to take my chances. 8K It feels good My cousin was right ... It DOES feel good. 27K Their first time I'm not supposed to let them do this. 50K Grandpa's little Fuck-Toy From the crib, right into Grandpa's bed. 12K Getting off Grandpa Or more correctly, Grandpa "getting off" in her. 52K Girl Scout Nookies They're not just selling cookies, like you might expect. 77K Playing adult games with Little Sister Like "knock-me-up". 252K The Guarantee Our second novel. His sister "guarantees"he'll have a "good time." 12K Gee Daddy! Why can't we make a baby? 22K Getting it on the Bed Don't want the nasty stuff to get on the bed. 12K Girlfriends My son needed a girlfriend, so .... 23K Making it 'good' for Daddy Just what it sounds like. 57K A Cood Catholic Girl She's helping God here on Earth. 11K The Good Deed Listening in on the kids. 95K The 'Good Girl' Everyone in family EXCEPT his fiancee is PG. 22K My granddaughter Learns How Granddaughter seduces Grandpa. 26K What grandparents are for Teaching you about sex, the right way, of course. 11K Grandpop's Cum Girl, Grandpop, and their baby daughter. 18K A 'grand' relationship I'm my own grandpa! 14K My Grandfather's Cock To the tune of "My Grandfather's Clock" 34K Grand-Daughters They're too young to make babies, so they practice. 18K Grand-daughters (3 of them) This time, the youngest gets the older kids involved. 2K Girl Scout Baby-Sitting Services These girls even supply the baby! 103K Girl Scout Camp Nookies The outdoor games kids play at Camp Lotta Sticky Nookie these days! 12K Girl Scout Brookies These Scouts are selling something different. Humor! 45K Gumshoe A "Sam Ped" Detective story 13K Getting ready to have 'twins' She's mad at her husband, for neglecting her daughter. 9K Helping the kids Momma feeds the baby, while the kids . . . 28K Helping Papa She helps Momma, by getting Papa off. 20K Her brothers Her brothers do a good job; but what about Daddy? 14K All Her Fault It's her fault what happened with the kids, not mine. 55K Horny Out of my Mind She gets horny when she get pregnant. 25K Just Horseshit Some stories are unbelievable. 104K Horny Nieces Girls seduce uncle & cousin while daddy watches. 7K In Your Sister Do it right, if you're going to do it. 16K In-breeding You don't want to have ALL your babies by the same man. 67K The Inspector Postal Inspectors (like police) are above the law. (Unfinished) 135K Interruptions Her big brothers won't play with her, so she keeps interrupting Mom. 4K Jacking off in your little sister What it sounds like. 35K Jasmine and the Purple Panties The panties are Magic. 43K Jenny An old man's memories of what he should have done. 26K Heck of a Job Fringe benefits of a department-store clerk. 61K JOCELYNN'S SWEET DREAMS Waking up, with our daughter in bed between us. 43K Lawyers! Bill Clinton is to blame! 27K Learning She's old enough to learn how, from her father. 61K Little girls need it too Sex, what else? 39K My Little Sister My cousin helps me teach my little sister how. 9K Winning the Lottery Her dad wanted something for his money. 10K I love my kids He does, too. 28K Lucky Family? Was it luck for her to have such a loving family ... or a tragedy? 36K Love for the World Spoof. . . The incest-evangelist. 45K Melanie's Busy Day Slutting around for fun. 19K On Meyer's Campus And you thought Harrad College went overboard. 15K Midas Being a wizard isn't all it's cracked up to be. 43K Missing Big Brother All he wanted was a little "panty-shot" . . . at first. 14K Molesting my little sister Now don't forget to molest your little sister! 18K On being 'molested' WE know the difference between being molested, and making love. 49K Mom was a Pervert Look what she did to me! 20K Momma is a Pervert Look what Mom had my brother do. 21K Momma's way No "unplanned" pregnancies here. 4K Mother's Day A nice present for Mother. 34K Making Momma Proud Taking care of the family, while Mom's away. 30K Momma taught me how To get pregnant by Daddy, of course. AND my sisters. 19K Playing "Mommy and Daddy" His sister wants to play "house". 27K Mommy Juice Makes little girls into mommies. 12K Mornings Mother makes sure daughters get what's needed. 9K My Boys Her dad started what she carried on with her family 21K My Hot Little Sister You an't fucked NOBODY 'till you've fucked her. 7K My Brother Big brother gets me horny. . . And something else too. 20K My Family She does it with the whole family. 51K My Little Sisters Momma doesn't want me to "waste" it. 53K My Sister and I Sometimes things don't work out so nice. 17K Nap Time My daughter has needs too. 16K You can never tell You've got to look out for Perverts. 33K Nice Niece Nooky Competition between the nieces. 2K Not Really Dad helps son get daughter PG. 34K It's Not Fair That boys aren't as horny as girls. 1K It's Not Right For a man to make love to his own daughter, but ... [BSFSF Festival Story] 28K Now kids ... Teaching the kids, and convincing my wife. 3K Nuttin' Humor. (With apologies to Abbot and Costello) 18K Objections Some men (unlike her father) have objections to raising girls right. 28K Ouroboros Sometimes reality is BETTER than the dream. 57K Getting out of hand Too much, too many. Can you help? 22K Grandpa's Rape Grandpa has fun with her daughters. 11K Patience The kids just CAN'T wait. 49K My Pedophile Father My father teaches the neighborhood kids about sex. 82K The Pedophile He like little girls, after daughters got him. 12K Peeping in on my Daughter Finding out about the family. 45K Perverted? My hands are tied. What else can I do? 43K The Photo Club I was in control of everybody but myself. 9K Piss-Hard How daughter gets him ready for Momma. 16K Please Daddy? I just want to feel it for a second. . . Oh yeah? 34K Police Stop Sometimes police can be helpful in a family crisis. 40K Poor Planning Oops! Everybody in the family at once. 40K Just Posing Daddy takes pictures, to have sex with daughter. 9K "Practicing" with my little sisterYou know what HE is practicing. 9K Getting little sister pregnant She's got a surprise in the belly for her cousin. 6K Pregnant! #1 She's pregnant, and horny. (No incest.) 7K Pregnant! #2 Sex while pregnant. (No incest.) 21K Privacy A boy has no privacy from his sisters' peeking. 22K "Problems" with my little sister What happens when our parents find out? 24K Pure-Bred Our family is REALLY in-bred. 51K Raping Little Suzy NOT a nice story, but still based on love. 80K Rats What's Momma up to with her son and his sisters? 37k The Reformed Child-Abuser Spoof. Reverse child-abuse. 22K A Relative Interest Wife's sister nurses her baby. 64K Restrictions Daddy watches out for his daughter. 23K The Reward Sometimes the reward you get, is not QUITE what it seems. 59K The Big Brother Caper A "Sam Ped" detective story 28K "Safe-Sex" Older girl uses sister for birth-control. 129K Salt Water Taffy My barely teenaged little sister is *so* sweet! 38K Sandwich She's the "filling" in the sandwich. 6K Seeing my daughter properly Watching my daughter with her father. 375K Being Sensible It's only sensible for a father to knob his own kids. 62K Serpentina Unbelievable story about a girl and her snake. 6K She needs it now ... while her body is maturing. 45K Shifting the Blame Momma blames everybody but herself for what happens. 16K The Shopping Channel Funny incest advertisements. 18K The Shopping Channel (Shoppingkanalen) (In Swedish!) Translated by Toby Fields 4K A short interlude with nieces I Fucking my nieces. 4K A short interlude with nieces II Watching my brother fuck my daughters. 4K A short interlude with nieces III Feeling my uncle fuck me. 3K Showing my Younger Daughter How Using older daughter to show young one. 17K Showing My Daughter Her mother's right, she's old enough to learn. 58K Sibling Rivalry Between my granddaughters. 18K My Sister's Baby I caught her, then we got caught, then she caught. 17K Sisters in heat When IS a girl likely to get pregnant, anyway? 19K Taught by My Big Sister Big sister, teaches her younger brother and sister. 84K My Sister's a Pervert She has her pedophile big brother do her daughters. 20K My Sister's Daughter What my nephew and nieces do .... 65K My Sister Drinks It She drinks pee, because she HAS to. 15K Helping Out Sis They both help each other out. 32K Sleeping Little Sister Little Sis slips into bed naked with big brother. 66K Sleeping Sex It wasn't MY idea for her to sleep in our bed. 20K Spoiled Daddy lets me stay up late ... sometimes. 10K Spoiling It Mother spoils her fun with Daddy. 37K "Statutory" Rape She was DEFINITELY young enough to qualify. 42K Tall Tales Night The stories Mom tells ... almost seem true! 27K Taking care of Uncle Frank I finally get to fuck an adult ... for a change. 74K Taking care of Grandpa That was her "chore" every morning. 57K A Matter of Taste Some people have different "tastes" when it comes to sex. 15K Teaching the Boys ... to fuck their sister, what else? 15K Teaching Judy Teaching my daughter about sex, and where babies come from. 39K Teaching Little Lisa Toddlers get horny too. 7K Teaching our Daughter How to "make a baby; what else? 53K Teaching the kids You don't want them growing-up homosexual, do you? 18K Using my father's technique So her daughter doesn't have to worry about getting pregnant. 2K "Telephone" FLASH ... Ever play "Telephone"? 10K The Tempest (Chapter-3) Originally written by Emerson Laken Palmer, Frank rewrites ch3 30K Testing ... 1 ... 2 ... 3. Checking out Mom and Dad's reactions. 24K The Selkie A sea fantasy ... not pedo or incest. 38K The "Server" Gramps "serves" as a "baby-sitter". 5K Tonto Always wondered about that Indian Companion .... 4K Tricking Daddy Trying to get Daddy to be my lover. 53K Getting into trouble Kids can get into lots of trouble if you don't monitor them. 57K Two Bets Be careful if you bet with my sister ... you might win. 85K Two Much Twins, and a little fantasy/sci-fi. 2K You be careful Be careful when you cum in your sister. 13K You MIGHT be a sex-maniac if. . . A whole list. 43K Fun with my Sister's kids Sex with the "nieces?" 21K Raising Unicorns The stories you hear about unicorns are only partially true. 91K On Vacation Novelette. . The kids get pregnant. 1K Vignette VERY short piece of a story. 13K Watching Bobby It's a lot of fun to watch the kids ... and what they don't know. 2K Watching our daughter Watching my daughters get in trouble. 8K Watching the kids Peeking into my daughter's bedroom one night. 47K Weird You wouldn't believe what my mother had Grandpa do. 5K Decode of the encrypted message in "Weird" 10K What's Fair? I'm not going to be unfair to MY kids, like my parents were. 7K Who can you trust? ... to fuck your little girls right? 28K Why is it? That people start out with relatives? 41K The Wolf and the seven little She-Goats German fairy-tale 40K Little Red Ridinghood By the same author as "wolf1.txt" 10K The Wrong Sister His son is fucking the wrong sister, so Daddy makes a mistake. 10K "Yes Papa" A house full of obedient children. 21K The Zucchini Daddy replaces the vegetable in his daughter's cunny.
Email Frank at: (Frank McCoy)