"Frank McCoy's Home-Page (incest & etc.)" Note to self: Things to do today ... Don't forget sex!

This is the private page of Frank McCoy, containing his stories and helpful information.

This page was last updated on 10/31/07

Who IS this Frank McCoy guy anyway?

Frank McCoy is a man who started writing sex stories for his own enjoyment, and later started publishing them on the internet (in alt.sex.stories) when he found out that other people were interested in reading them.

His stories mostly involve incest, (family members having sex) pedophilia, (young children having sex) pregnancy (yes, having babies) and quite often several other quirks as well.
These stories (with a few notable exceptions) are usually completely consensual (That means that all parties involved want to do whatever they are doing.) and are basically love-stories. Even though most people might consider this "abuse," nobody (with the above noted exceptions) gets abused in his stories. If a little girl has sex, (gets fucked) it's because she wants to get fucked, and asks for it.
This may be unrealistic; but these are stories, FANTASIES. They are not intended as examples of the real world, or suggestions of things to do.

Frank started out by publishing a complete novel, ("Her Father's Daughter") ostensibly written by a friend ("Tammy") who didn't want to be identified further. He has also published several stories that he claims are his own, besides those of the mysterious Tammy.
Once he started publishing, several other people have asked him to publish some of their stories, in the same manner.

All of stories published under the "An Erotic Story" sub-title, share the following characteristics:

  1. They are all not copyrighted.
  2. There is no author's name. Frank might have written them, and he might not.
  3. They have all been edited by Frank, to meet his literary standards (such as they are).

Besides these stories, Frank has been known to publish some stories, (NOT under the "An Erotic Story" by-line,) for people who do not want to be otherwise identified. These are NOT subject to the above limitations.

For more information on the stories, follow this link for explanations of why the big gap between postings, and why pregnancy and little girls are such a big part of many of the stories.

Where are these stories?

Are there other places to get stories like these?

This place has two mirrors:
  1. hosted by asstr-mirror.org
  2. Plus: hosted by Mr. Double
The ASSTR site is always the most up-to-date; because Frank maintains it himself.
Frank's original page was opened so people could get his stories when The Louvre closed, because the person running it left the college where it was hosted. (We all grow up ... Well, some of us do.)

Now there's:

For those who ask nicely Frank will send up to three stories, if specifically asked for by name or otherwise specifically identified, by searching his archive. Frank is not a public archive like the backdrop club, and is only doing this when he is the archive of last-resort.

Finally, we want to express our gratitude to those people hosting this site. Frank's original server wanted more money than most people spend in a year on the internet, per-month! just to continue carrying the site, because it was getting too much traffic. For just a service to Frank's readers, it was too much.

Frank can be reached at: mccoyf@millcomm.com (Frank McCoy)