Text Repository

Dorsai on the Web

Home |  Jan  |  Kelly's Adventures  |  Next Door Neighbor  |  Amy & Friends  |  The Force  |  Force-ful  |  Ikke Laengere Jomfru  |  My Cousin Jane  |  A Family Affair  |  Dog Day Afternoon

    I've received several requests to make my stories available online as web pages, so here they are.

I suppose I could have just pasted the text into an HTML document, but I'm planning on going ahead and doing a little minor editing (converting plain-text bold and italics to their real counterparts, for example) as time and enthusiasm permit. In the mean time, I have trimmed out the disclaimers and other detritus.

Starting my my story "Force-ful", new stories will be posted here as proper HTML pages.

Here's a quick synopsis of the different stories:

bullet Jan - Older man gets involved with daughter of his best friend, and several of HER friends
bullet Kelly's Adventures - Sequel to Jan, adds a couple of new characters
bullet Next Door Neighbor - Man gets involved with divorced female neighbor and her daughter
bullet The Force - Young man discovers how to use "the Force" as from Star Wars movies; deflowers sister and sister's best friend
bullet Force-ful - Sequel to The Force, adds new character, expands plot
bullet My Cousin Jane - Short story of Navy sailor home on leave, and his cousin
bullet A Family Affair - parentless kids (MFff) and the family dog
bullet Dog Day Afternoon - Widow and her daughters open a 'special' kennel
bullet NEW! Ikke Laengere Jomfru (No More Virgin) - Danish exchange student shows her host family's son what sex is all about

IN WORK (as in: I'm not done yet, so don't jiggle my elbow asking if it's ready. When it's done, I'll post it, and you'll see it listed above and as a link to a web page. Thank You!)


Six Mothers - another sequel to the Jan series, all about Dan's experiences while Kelly is pregnant with his child.


The Tutor - young man is tutored in how to please by older woman

Please remember that these are my stories, and respect my copyright. I ask that you don't post these HTML versions. Feel free to bookmark to your heart's content, but don't copy or mirror to another web site without my permission. You can reach me via email HERE.

As my friends Bartles and Jaymes say: "Thank you for your support!" :-)


   While I sincerely appreciate the number of people that have downloaded and read my stories, I'm sad to say that a number of those people have also attempted to send me a copy of whatever virus happens to be on their computer.

Please, folks, virus scan your computers!


Home |  Jan  |  Kelly's Adventures  |  Next Door Neighbor  |  Amy & Friends  |  The Force  |  Force-ful  |  Ikke Laengere Jomfru  |  My Cousin Jane  |  A Family Affair  |  Dog Day Afternoon

This site was last updated 03/14/03