dd_logo.jpg (13396 bytes)
ls.jpg (14695 bytes) The Complete Collection is a single file containing all the text from the stories listed at the right. Available in the same three formats that each individual story is available, The Complete Collection is way to obtain the entire Dirty Dawg series of stories.

For the ASCII version, any text reader will work, including readers for DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 9x & NT, and Macintosh and all the *nix variants.

The Microsoft Word format requires Microsoft Word For Windows 97 or better, or Word for Macintosh 8 or better, or some program capable of reading and converting this file.

The Adobe PDF version requires either the Adobe Acrobat Reader, or a web browser plug-in, both free from Adobe at www.adobe.com

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About Dirty Dawg Stories

As has been remarked by more than one reader, the quintesential Dirty Dawg story featured a insightful, mature-beyond- his-years generally younger male protagonist who is either in the process of getting over the fact that the woman he loves doesn't feel the same way, or has dealt with that fact and is visted again by the object of his affection, effectively giving him a second chance at love and happiness.

DD stories were written to "combat" some of the nastier porn that I was reading at the time in the BBS community. (Remember, when DD started writing, the Internet wasn't quite the juggernaut that it is now. When the Internet did explode, DD moved from the BBS community to the alt.sex.stories newsgroup without a look back.) DD stories are about love and romance; some of the stories have "extreme" elements like bondage/discipline, and one or two of them touch on the subject matter of incest.

By in large, however, DD stories are written for those that want to see adult romance with a bit (ok, more than a bit,) of melodrama.

Some of the other stories in this collection that don't deal with romance directly have at their core either a police procedural story (Jamie, Nicole,) or an action/adventure (Marjorie) or espionage/intrigue (Jill) framework. This is because those are the type of stories that I like to read, and it seemed an easy way to drape a sex story around something fun to read.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Some of your stories are unfinished. (Jill, Tracy, etc.) Do you have any plans to finish these stories?

A: No. I won't be finishing those stories, mostly because they were written so long ago that I've lost the "handle" I once had on those stories.

Q: Where can I contact Dirty Dawg?

A: Send email to DirtyDawg_@hotmail.com

Q: Are you writing any new stories?

A: No.

If you have any more questions you'd like answered here, please send them to DirttyDawg_@hotmail.com


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You will need PKZIP 2.04g or better (or Winzip 7.0 or better) for Windows, or Stuffit Expander for the Macintosh. (Unix UNZIP should work as well.)

Zip File - ASCII Version
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Zip File - PDF Version

The Stories


Award Winner

A story about a man who has put his past behind him, and is visited once again by the woman who once spurned his love. In trouble, she appears on his doorstep and asks for help. Will he give it?


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Nothing special here; a standard older woman/younger man story, it appears on this page only because it is part of the Dirty Dawg collection.


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The female protagonist in thie story is actually based on a woman in my past, although the events that unfold in this younger man/older woman story are not what happened between me and the "real" Courtney.

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Another story about lost love, this story was also written about a woman in my past, but again -- the events in real life did not unfold as they do in the story.

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This is one of the stories that has a slight B&D overtone; a small-town cop plays "slap and tickle" games with his younger brother's best female friend.

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Award Winner!

Another younger man/older woman story, this one is considered a classic by readers of such stories. David and Ellen work together, and act on an attraction despite the differences in their ages. Full of romance and good sex, this story is one of my favorites.

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One of the police series of stories, this is about Ben and Holly, two undercover narcotic detectives who pose as a biker and his stripper girlfriend.

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Yet another Older Woman / Younger Man story. This is about a 17yo boy who is sincerely in love with his best friend's mother. When her husband leaves her for a younger woman, our hero finds a way to show his true feelings.

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Jamie is a cop, as is Eddie, her new partner. They spend a lot of time in a survailance van, watching bad guys. Eddie thinks he has nothing to offer a woman -- Jamie shows him the error of his ways.

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The espionage story. Jill Tanaka is a trained assassian for the National Security Agency, although the intelligence community has never seen an operative like this!

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Award Winner!

A story about a small-town cop and the girl he loved when he was young. She broke his heart, moved away, and is back again, eager to see if the power of love can heal old wounds.

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How do you tell your best friend you're in love with her? A man who has had feelings for his best friend is told she's engaged to be married; he sets out on a mission to set the record straight, and just maybe fulfill his lifetime longing for the most perfect woman he's ever known.

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Award Winner!

This story won alt.sex.stories' #1 award for the 1995 posting year; it's about a love triangle between three people, and how time plays funny tricks on your memory, and how when all is said and done, true love usually wins out over everything else.

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A police procedural about a man who loves a woman who doesn't love him, and what happens when she turns to him for help with an abusive boyfriend.

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Another cop story, this one finds a homicide detective interrogating a witness to a mob killing, a prostitute who reveals a long-held secret about the cop's youth.

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Award Winner!

A story about college romance; a computer science major and the fraternity girl he lusts after; she has another boyfriend who treats her poorly, and it's up to the hero of the story to show Shannon what love is really all about.

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A departure. If you were dating your high school girlfriend, and your divorced father married her widowed mother -- does that make wanting your new stepsister incest?

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An old flame shows up on our hero's doorstep after having just left her husband. She doesn't want love or romance; she just wants to get laid.

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