Hello there, and welcome to my story page. I'm afraid that this won't be a very spiffy page, as I believe that content matters more than visual pizzaz. You won't see a description or biography of me here, because I am but a disembodied identity. I write and post stories, primarily to the alt.sex.stories family of newsgroups. However, I have also reposted one of my stories to alt.fiction.original, and I may write other stories for that newsgroup.
I have a couple items in ASSTR's Graveyard: Iolanthe and some Random Skewerage. The Graveyard consists of stories (or occasionally other items) started but never completed. Readers can see the raw stuff writers produce. Also, with encouragement, an author could be inspired to resurrect a dead story.
These were started some time in August, suggested and inspired by Lord Malinov. Two writers agree to duel. The typical rules (which may be varied by agreement) is that they pick a referee. Each person picks three words, and each writer has three hours to write a story incorporating all nine words. The resulting stories were posted by the ref to ASSM, and are also here.
I was more or less ignoring the duels, feeling that I simply could not do such a thing. Until one Monday morning, when I was still very sleepy, I agreed to not one, but two duels that week -- with Conjugate and Baird Allen. It turns out I was indeed able to write a story in the three-hour time period. A little while later, I agreed to another duel with Pami, who was also sure she could not do such a thing. Nevertheless, she did it.
The beloved nymserver nym.alias.net has become unreliable over the past year. Consequently, my email address there has been disabled. As far as I know, it is still swamped with spam. I don't think that I'll ever reenable that email address.
Time passes by, and all good things must come to an end.