Many of my favorite links may be found on my "Extras" page HERE .
Warning: Caveat Lector
This page links to
If you are under 18 years of age you really
*should* use the "BACK" button to leave NOW.
If you live somewhere where the perusal
of adult-oriented material is illegal it
might be time to consider a revolution.
For now, though, hit the "BACK" button.
Material linked here likely to be offensive to
*somebody*. If you're uncomfortable with sex
and sexual issues, you also should "BACK" out
of this page too. It's your choice to proceed.
You have been warned.
And now for a word from our sponsor... is kind enough to consider hosting my written works to be
effectively in lieu of payment; if I had currency I could funnel
into the accounts needed to pay for space/power/AC and
bandwidth, I would do so (but My Finer Half keeps track of cash flows
too closely).
Please Note:
My preferred themes are fairly narrow given the quantity of
things that squick me.
I also like the idea of romance despite my poor showing in Real Life,
which kind of conflicts with the old "in-out, in-out" some may prefer to
An astute reader will realize that my protagonist is not, well,
completely "with it" and has problems to overcome.
A case of art reflecting life.
Many of the stories you find on this website will fall into the
following rating:
The author has voluntarily coded this story D. It contains adult themes
of such sticky sweetness that Insulin may be required to prevent
Diabetic Coma. Please comply with age and content restrictions for your
Almost Reality
Beauty and the Bleak
(rom, MF, angst)
Lost and Found
Version 1.10
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:15:53
6160 words
(rom MF oral)
Yes, folks, chocolate can help a relationship...
Version 1.5
Changed:2003/02/20 at 21:15:04
871 words
Horizontal Integration
(FM rom)
Assistance comes in many guises
Version 1.11
Changed:2003/04/07 at 00:51:34
8069 words
(rom, FM, 1st, oral)
Togetherness is good to have
Version 1.11
Changed:2003/06/27 at 12:14:49
8686 words
Late Arrival [1/4]
(angst rom MF(implied))
Even the oddest of coincidences can happen
Version 1.10
Changed:2004/04/10 at 14:24:35
5101 words
Late Arrival [2/4]
(MF rom)
It _is_ a small world; no plan survives contact with reality
Version 1.11
Changed:2004/04/11 at 15:35:26
10583 words
Late Arrival [3/4]
(rom angst FF MF(implied))
Unexpected revelations
Version 1.7
Changed:2004/04/10 at 14:25:11
4303 words
Late Arrival [4/4]
(MF rom angst exhib)
Endings don't preclude beginnings
Version 1.8
Changed:2004/05/25 at 11:42:16
3285 words
The Beard Necessities: [1/2] Assets and Elbows
(ROM FF FM oral bond? 1st)
An idiotically considerate man marries a lesbian to provide an illusion, hoped for more, then got it in an unexpected way
Version 1.9
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:30
7749 words
Bondage of Matrimony [1/7]
(MF FF bond exhib voy rom?) Version 1.14
Changed:2004/07/20 at 02:56:11
22235 words
(I ain't telling) Version 1.2
Changed:2003/11/28 at 14:53:07
155 words
Version 1.3
Changed:2003/11/28 at 15:00:37
171 words
Challenge / Response [1/]
(mffff scifi reluc Fdom)
let the mating competition begin
Version 1.12
Changed:2003/08/02 at 14:58:36
5420 words
Contributed - Tigger
The Gift That Keeps You Flipping
Where the Youth Bug may have come from
Version 1.2
Changed:2006/07/20 at 21:55:17
1642 words
An Heir for an Heir [1/3]
(mf rom first oral anal) Version 1.7
Changed:2005/01/02 at 21:04:35
9881 words
An Heir for an Heir [2/3]
(mf mF mFf FF MF rom oral) Version 1.6
Changed:2005/10/20 at 03:01:19
10666 words
Half and Half [1/2]
(MF rom)
Sometimes it seems predestination can't be deceived
Version 1.3
Changed:2005/10/21 at 11:21:24
6574 words
Half and Half [2/2]
(MF rom preg)
Sometimes it seems predestination can't be deceived
Version 1.7
Changed:2005/12/07 at 00:24:34
8288 words
Show and Toil
(MF cheat) Version 1.2
Changed:2006/01/10 at 22:15:18
13007 words
Slipped Away...
Version 1.2
Changed:2008/02/25 at 03:52:17
6120 words
There's Always Tomorrow...
(FM FF MFF angst cheat oral preg?)
Life and Life
Version 1.6
Changed:2005/11/12 at 17:15:04
5220 words
Exit Interview
(nosex, angst, reflection)
only *mostly* dead, not completely dead
Version 1.16
Changed:2004/04/01 at 02:58:47
2513 words
Fiend or Faux
Everything has a price... though not always in a recognizable currency
Version 1.4
Changed:2007/06/29 at 02:58:55
475 words
Getting It Wrong
(mf angst afterlife)
I really shouldn't write when I'm this depressed.
Version 1.8
Changed:2004/04/01 at 02:58:27
2526 words
That Burning Sensation
You're all going to burn... uh... aren't you?
Version 1.5
Changed:2004/10/29 at 01:55:37
731 words
This is a Recording...
(angst, nosex)
Not all stories...
Version 1.5
Changed:2004/04/01 at 03:04:47
1341 words
Ecstatic Cling
Ecstatic Cling: [00/12] Orientation
(nosex slow intro bond(light))
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.7
Changed:2003/05/19 at 01:26:55
2515 words
Ecstatic Cling: [01/12] Alice
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc reluc bond(light) public)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.10
Changed:2003/05/19 at 01:27:19
7661 words
Ecstatic Cling: [02/12] Dawn
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc preg bond(light) public)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.8
Changed:2003/05/06 at 01:11:21
4132 words
Ecstatic Cling: [03/12] Beth
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc preg bond(light) public)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.6
Changed:2003/05/06 at 01:29:17
4664 words
Ecstatic Cling: [04/12] Evelyn
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc reluc bond(light) public)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.3
Changed:2003/02/24 at 01:35:55
3879 words
Ecstatic Cling: [05/12] Joanie
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc preg bond(light) public)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.6
Changed:2005/01/04 at 03:21:30
4340 words
Ecstatic Cling: [06/12] June
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc preg bond(light) public toys)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.5
Changed:2005/01/04 at 03:22:18
4545 words
Ecstatic Cling: [07/12] Pam
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc reluc bond(light) interr public)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.5
Changed:2003/06/14 at 12:37:14
4255 words
Ecstatic Cling: [08/12] Peggy
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc preg anal)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.6
Changed:2005/01/04 at 03:23:28
4476 words
Ecstatic Cling: [09/12] Belle
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc reluc spank)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.11
Changed:2005/01/27 at 03:02:15
4974 words
Ecstatic Cling: [10/12] Kim
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc reluc)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.7
Changed:2003/06/16 at 12:04:33
5006 words
Ecstatic Cling: [11/12] Sandi
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc reluc)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.8
Changed:2003/06/16 at 12:49:13
5567 words
Ecstatic Cling: [12/12] Helen
(rom MF oral slow hyp mc reluc)
Marital Issues get resolved the "hard" way
Version 1.14
Changed:2003/06/15 at 13:55:53
11568 words
Family Values
Alien Deduction
(humor ScFi)
Why are we REALLY here?
Version 1.3
Changed:2007/08/11 at 13:48:40
1109 words
(FF MF FM FMF oral)
How close should we be?
Version 1.3
Changed:2007/02/08 at 16:05:27
5151 words
Gull meets Buoy
(MF rom 1st voy exhib impreg MFM FMF swap)
Sometimes things happen because they should
Version 1.3
Changed:2006/08/06 at 14:18:14
14481 words
Lip Service
(MF oral rom)
If I have to explain sex, you wouldn't understand.
Version 1.4
Changed:2006/11/14 at 04:05:02
3541 words
Non-Aggression Pact
(FM oral impr)
How to make REAL gentlemen
Version 1.7
Changed:2006/06/29 at 03:29:55
4023 words
Online Seduction
Version 1.4
Changed:2007/02/02 at 18:42:15
1811 words
(MF MFM MFF oral anal 3s ltbond impreg) Version 1.6
Changed:2007/02/08 at 15:31:44
6449 words
(MF swap impreg)
A comforting confession to hear
Version 1.7
Changed:2006/06/05 at 22:03:39
1952 words
Feynman Survey Mission 1-10
Seeds of Extinction
(scifi, mfff implied)
why are so many alien species so dead?
Version 1.15
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:33
2436 words
Share and Enjoy
(scifi mf implied fembots)
When the people are gone ... robots remain
Version 1.8
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:34
1916 words
The Fearsome Foursome
The Four Girl Scouts of the Apocalypse come a-caroling. Be afraid. be very afraid.
Version 1.3
Changed:2007/12/22 at 05:08:52
975 words
Blood, Lust and Love
(mf inc MF rom mc)
Love has it's own "Bite"
Version 1.6
Changed:2005/10/30 at 02:39:42
2040 words
The Grim Peeper
(MF voy? exhib? rom)
An Unexpected Treat with no Tricking
Version 1.8
Changed:2005/10/25 at 15:37:24
2646 words
Hybrid Vigor 01
First Impressions [1/]
(fm oral rom)
In which Percy and Sally meet each other for the first time
Version 1.2
Changed:2008/02/17 at 22:24:58
3757 words
Balancing the Books [2/]
(rom fsolo)
Sally and Percy don't realize that they've been matched
Version 1.9
Changed:2008/02/19 at 00:34:58
3911 words
Physical Education [3/]
(fm, femdom, rom, slow, viol)
In which Sally helps protect Percy from unkind students and from himself
Version 1.4
Changed:2008/02/20 at 05:35:10
3576 words
Next Wish
(angst MF)
Suffering from luctus interruptus, perhaps?
Version 1.9
Changed:2008/01/23 at 03:09:44
1653 words
Law and Order
Witch [1/]
(ROM, MF, 1st)
Acknowledging a love whilst canoeing on the Delaware...
Version 1.6
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:27
3840 words
Witch [2/]
(ROM, MF, FF, TG, preg)
Loving a Witch is not a bed of roses.
Version 1.4
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:28
3307 words
Witch [3/]
(ROM, MF, TG, FF, preg)
Back to School, but do I have class?
Version 1.6
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:28
5051 words
Witch [5/]
(ROM, MF oral)
Masculinity is weird...
Version 1.7
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:28
2933 words
Naked In School
It was good of Karen Wagner to grant us permission to
play with her concept, here. Thank you, Karen.
I wish to also thank Frank Downey for his kind permission
to use characters from "Westport High" along with his
"Buddy System" (which I found a logical refinement to the
basic concept). Thank you, Frank.
Gary Jordan started the "Naked In School Universe"
collection page; tenyari has taken over maintenance of
the page which can be found at:
Naked In School: WerePaul
The Program is about making changes, but some are more unexpected than others
Version 1.3
Changed:2007/02/19 at 20:45:41
4388 words
Kind of like a "DeathNote"...
Version 1.3
Changed:2008/01/31 at 13:14:35
415 words
Fare's Exchange
(FM rom)
There are always exceptions, aren't there?
Version 1.4
Changed:2006/06/19 at 02:46:21
1979 words
On a Lighter Note
(MF oral)
OSHA in the home
Version 1.4
Changed:2005/08/09 at 21:15:52
279 words
Some toys are subtle
Version 1.1
Changed:2006/04/30 at 04:19:55
621 words
The Mona Lisa Code
(F toys) Version 1.2
Changed:2006/08/31 at 13:06:40
237 words
psi phi
JumpStart: [1/] Awakening
(F+M ROM reluc MC psi)
Telepaths spend a lot of time as latents, but it's better to be latent than never.
Version 1.14
Changed:2003/07/13 at 19:45:08
7481 words
JumpStart: [2/] Entanglements
(MF psi MC oral)
Telepathic Entanglements
Version 1.7
Changed:2007/02/23 at 21:50:17
5749 words
Jumpstart: Do You Mind?
(fm rom)
An awakening
Version 1.3
Changed:2004/11/07 at 17:15:24
2097 words
JumpStart: Home
(FM fM rom reluc mc psi ir 1st)
A loner finds out he ain't
Version 1.3
Changed:2003/09/09 at 12:07:18
8010 words
Jumpstart: Jung Girls
(mf fm ffm impreg)
Some things are not immediately obvious to the eye... or whatever
Version 1.7
Changed:2007/02/23 at 17:02:41
6709 words
Jumpstart: PairaNormal
Mind control is NOT a matter of coercion
Version 1.1
Changed:2007/06/12 at 18:12:14
3690 words
JumpStart: Schoolday Blues
(f+m rom reluc psi voy exhib)
Teeps do too have growing pains
Version 1.6
Changed:2004/09/28 at 11:55:07
8358 words
Jumpstart: Sifter
(MF (preg))
Hinky, not Kinky
Version 1.4
Changed:2007/02/21 at 14:08:27
1604 words
Jumpstart: Too Jung to Lie
(bg oral)
Sometimes it's the lies we tell ourselves to avoid pain...
Version 1.4
Changed:2007/02/21 at 22:55:14
1947 words
Reality (or as near as makes no odds)
Life in the Littoral Zone
Version 1.1
Changed:2003/04/24 at 18:59:52
210 words
Command Prerogatives
You get what you pay for ... or you'll pay for what you get.
Version 1.1
Changed:2003/11/22 at 10:42:58
386 words
Dregs of a Coffee Carpe
(poem(lousy) angst) Version 1.1
Changed:2004/04/16 at 03:53:24
263 words
Echoes of Life
Version 1.1
Changed:2003/04/24 at 18:59:38
132 words
Final Curtain
Mourning - ECW
Version 1.7
Changed:2003/03/08 at 04:28:39
229 words
Finally, Freedom...
Reflections on another loss
Version 1.3
Changed:2003/07/30 at 02:55:48
144 words
Folded Flag
(grief, poem)
A "simple" passing
Version 1.3
Changed:2003/04/13 at 02:28:55
117 words
Footprints in my mind, echoes...
Version 1.4
Changed:2003/07/13 at 22:56:18
225 words
Friendly Fire
A first real date, done blindly
Version 1.5
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:33
192 words
Home No More...
When your parents are sickly you can't go "home" again
Version 1.5
Changed:2003/03/08 at 04:33:10
250 words
Not Yet ...
Not Yet ... (Widowed by Alzheimers)
Version 1.6
Changed:2003/10/23 at 16:43:59
159 words
Passive Aggression
(poem) Version 1.3
Changed:2003/07/13 at 22:53:33
210 words
Power to the People... or not.
Version 1.1
Changed:2003/08/15 at 01:42:35
113 words
Silences Speak
(poem angst)
Silences carry their own messages
Version 1.2
Changed:2003/10/23 at 16:39:18
289 words
Thinking of You
Coping with a loss...
Version 1.3
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:27
132 words
Three Patches
(poem, Columbia)
Version 1.4
Changed:2003/07/13 at 19:41:55
210 words
Trial by Fear
Version 1.5
Changed:2003/03/15 at 16:33:33
523 words
Write On!
why we write
Version 1.1
Changed:2004/03/09 at 20:13:48
269 words
The "Thinking Horndog" talked to me about the
Sa'arm Cycle
which captured my imagination. We discussed the
subject and he was not displeased with
allowing me to write within his framework.
A Little Horse
Version 1.3
Changed:2007/12/22 at 08:50:35
1845 words
Lift Ticket [1]
(scfi MF)
Massless Transit is more involved
Version 1.5
Changed:2007/10/06 at 21:47:41
5747 words
First Served
(MF rom) Version 1.2
Changed:2006/08/09 at 02:50:01
621 words
A Shadow Knows
(mF MFF)
How do you measure success?
Version 1.5
Changed:2006/02/12 at 01:23:28
5493 words
Recursive Descent
Souls still carry baggage
Version 1.2
Changed:2006/09/30 at 19:59:58
2764 words
Sentence Of Love
You ain't gettin' out of it *that* easy!
Version 1.5
Changed:2006/06/06 at 16:46:23
1601 words
Shadows Uncast
(TG weird)
There are those who move amongst us
Version 1.10
Changed:2006/01/25 at 01:26:46
8085 words
Shift Work
Shape Up or Shift Out [1]
(MF oral FF furry)
Getting into shape may have alternate meanings
Version 1.7
Changed:2006/09/03 at 15:31:40
2963 words
Shape Up or Shift Out [2]
(MF FF MFF MFM tg inc impr furry)
I'm in shape. Round's a shape, ain't it?
Version 1.3
Changed:2006/09/03 at 17:16:55
4978 words
Were and Tear
(FM rom)
Teen angst CAN be exacerbated
Version 1.2
Changed:2007/09/15 at 18:23:12
6342 words
What Were You?
(FM MF MHF furry tg oral impreg nc viol)
Not only can one FEEL like a freak, you can BE one, too
Version 1.5
Changed:2007/02/15 at 15:19:24
4420 words
Ship Too Sure [0]
(scfi, nosex, slow)
Man as Machine
Version 1.5
Changed:2005/11/20 at 15:22:49
5838 words
Affirmative Action
(ScFi, MF+, mild ROM, geezer angst, TG)
A new lease on life is not always appreciated and includes some unexpected price-tags
Version 1.20
Changed:2003/07/14 at 11:45:03
21699 words
Bate and Switch
(mf gang rom tg) Version 1.5
Changed:2004/11/03 at 00:17:33
1666 words
Corrective Measures
Sexual Harassment and glass ceilings...
Version 1.5
Changed:2003/07/14 at 12:49:18
1451 words
Exit Strategy
(MF MF+ tg preg ir gb nc)
Truth and Consequences
Version 1.5
Changed:2005/08/25 at 23:36:20
7156 words
Loose Change
(scfi tg viol mf)
Dreams and Realities
Version 1.3
Changed:2006/07/01 at 02:50:54
4212 words
Ivan Stephanie [1]
(scifi) Version 1.4
Changed:2007/08/03 at 03:27:08
2474 words
Preconceived Emotions [1]
(scfi, rom)
Some forms of love are very immediate regardless of distance
Version 1.14
Changed:2007/07/16 at 03:47:11
3041 words
Preconceived Emotions [2]
(scfi, rom)
Love lies burning
Version 1.6
Changed:2007/07/16 at 03:47:27
2208 words
Wakeup Call
Wakeup Call - 00 [(00/??)]
(bond slow interr)
Unhappy spouses can nominate the happy ones for a "Wakeup Call"
Version 1.6
Changed:2004/03/15 at 02:33:55
416 words
Wakeup Call - Day 1 [(01/07]
(bond slow interr oral FF MF)
Unhappy spouses can nominate the happy ones for a "Wakeup Call"
Version 1.7
Changed:2004/06/27 at 03:27:46
7472 words
Wakeup Call - Day 2 [(02/07)]
(bond slow interr FF MF oral)
Unhappy spouses can nominate the happy ones for a "Wakeup Call"
Version 1.7
Changed:2005/09/19 at 18:51:45
7660 words
Wakeup Call - Day 3 [(03/07)]
(bond slow interr FF MF oral)
Unhappy spouses can nominate the happy ones for a "Wakeup Call"
Version 1.5
Changed:2005/09/19 at 19:50:03
6216 words
Wakeup Call - Day 4 [(04/07)]
(bond slow interr FF MF oral)
Unhappy spouses can nominate the happy ones for a "Wakeup Call"
Version 1.3
Changed:2005/04/28 at 22:00:53
2981 words
Wakeup Call - Day 5 [(05/07)]
(bond slow interr FF MF FMF oral)
Unhappy spouses can nominate the happy ones for a "Wakeup Call"
Version 1.5
Changed:2006/06/18 at 19:05:42
8809 words
Weird Stuff
Roses are Red, Bolos are Blue...
(F+M+ toys scfi)
A marital aid can be rather larger than usually expected
Version 1.8
Changed:2006/07/03 at 02:21:56
2348 words
(flash speculative)
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. Boom!
Version 1.3
Changed:2004/04/26 at 14:36:39
415 words
(TG (magic?)) Version 1.1
Changed:2007/01/28 at 17:22:03
410 words
(TG (magic?)) Version 1.1
Changed:2007/01/28 at 17:15:07
317 words
Claiming Time
Accounting for one's time can get complicated
Version 1.4
Changed:2006/10/26 at 12:26:16
469 words
I live near Saint Petersburg in Florida (USA) and work in Tampa.
Just to be annoying to those in different climes
(especially in Winter) here's a little something to let you know
how the weather is here.
Yeah, I know... y'all will be laughing at ME when it's Summer.