And all good things must come to an end. Perhaps end is too harsh a
word. How about: All good things must come to a hiatus. You see,
gentle reader, life has crept upon me, and Seren, my Muse for those
of you that do not know her, is getting rather insistent.
And so, I find that I must attend to real life, and try to discover
some time to write some fiction.
The Crimson Reviews will be placed upon the back burner for a while,
but rest assured I will pick up the reviewing pen again when things
slow down. Until then, thank you for reading the Reviews; I hope
they've been useful for authors and readers alike. I am looking
forward to continuing them when I find time to do so.
And this week:
Back Street Bookstores, Nymphs and Ogres, Red High-heels, Getting
Caught, Rebirth, Affairs of Convenience, Interracial Gangbangs,
Mistresses of the Dark, The Age of Aquarius, and Love Guides.
These are with what we are concerned this week.
- Crimson
"Where you going
What you looking for
You know those boys
Don't want to play no more
With you
It's true ..."
-- Nightranger
The missives below are merely opinions, publicly stated, but only
opinions. Dragons may be immortal, but they are not infallible. Read the
stories for yourself, and form your own opinions. Then, let the author
know what you thought. Celeste's blowjob principle isn't smoke in the
- Crimson Dragon (
Review Archives:
Thanks to Denny for checking over the reviews for obvious
bungles, though ultimately any errors herein are mine and mine
Story Summary:
The Yellow-Lighted Bookstore -- Chiaroscuro
(F-solo, m-solo, MMF, reluc, bondage; long)
[10, 10, 10, 10]
Thriban's Condom -- t'Sade
(MF/F reluc magic size)
[7, 10, 10, 10]
Red Shoe Diary -- Jim Dogget
(MF Rom True)
[9, 9, 8, 8]
Afterward -- H. Jekyll
(cheat, MF, oral)
[10, 10, 10, 10]
Impersonation -- Carlos Malenkov
[10, 8, 10, 8]
And don't you know it -- TeresafromLeon
(Mf nosex)
[10, 10, 10, 10]
Party at Lisa's -- Kenny Gamera
(gangbang, inter, size, dp)
[10, 10, 9, 10]
Elvira -- Joe
(MF, femdom, mostly dialogue)
[9, 9, 10, 9]
Cottage Life -- Bradley Stoke
[10, 10, 10, 10]
Instructress -- Uther Pendragon
(MF wl)
[10, 10, 10, 8]
The Yellow-Lighted Bookstore -- Chiaroscuro
(F-solo, m-solo, MMF, reluc, bondage; long)
Rohanna is a sheltered American girl. Ever since she's been old
enough to understand, she has dreamed about the yellow-lighted
bookstore. This bookstore stands for everything outside of her
sheltered existence. Especially at the back, where the "naughty"
books lie.
Now, Rohanna is happily married but her thoughts continue to return
to her fantasies. There is a hunger within to play out these
fantasies, to become another person, to explore.
There is a difference between fantasy and reality, for all of us, as
there is for Rohanna. Chiaroscuro takes a different and probably
more realistic look at that line that divides what we think about
and what we actually do. Sometimes, the world can be a very scary
I can't recommend this story enough.
Technical : 10
Eros : 10
Character/Plot : 10
Crimson : 10
Story: store.htm
Author's site:
Posted To ASSM: Sun, 6 Jun 2004
Thriban's Condom -- t'Sade
(MF/F reluc magic size)
Sometimes life is trying for a nymph. Especially if she's been
captured by the hulking and ugly Thribans. Silkshadow finds herself
the unwilling plaything of a pair of Thribans who are intent on
performing the wild thang, but also want to practice safe sex. At
least safe sex for the Thribans. But while Silkshadow has her doubts
as to her survival in this game, she finds out that she is capable
of more than she thought.
I should warn the reader that I'm not normally a fan of immersion
erotica, especially when it strays into descriptions of huge phallic
symbols attached to very big and ugly trolls that aren't quite
human. Doesn't do much to turn on my arousal, and even after reading
this story -- t'Sade hasn't changed my mind.
Luckily, t'Sade does more there than describe gooey sex. There is a
certain metaphorical relationship here, and I actually did like the
plot/character despite the themes t'Sade has chosen. Can't say I
liked the ending particularly, but that is probably just the author
in me crying out that: "I wouldn't have ended it that way."
Nevetheless, I didn't write the story, and I think the ending is a
valid one despite my preferences.
If I could mention one thing about the story. Spell checkers are not
enough. The version I read was rife with correctly spelled words
that were clearly typos. 'Ever' used where t'Sade meant 'every' --
things like that.
Despite the technical issues, the story is readable and is
enjoyable. And given all my preconceived strikes against it, that
means it's a pretty good feat of story-telling.
Technical : 7
Eros : 10
Character/Plot : 10
Crimson : 10
Author's site:
Posted To ASSM: Thu, 3 Jun 2004
Red Shoe Diary -- Jim Dogget
(MF Rom True)
She stands at the dining room table, her back facing him, naked but
for the bright red shoes encasing her feet. And he awakens, so hard
it is painful. When Mary asks what he was dreaming about, he tells
her, a bit sheepishly. But when Mary arrives home bearing a new pair
of shiny red shoes, our narrator has eyes only for her. Events
unfold, frustration and anticipation rise until finally, one night,
they find the time and opportunity to make a dream come true.
I'm torn. Perhaps it was the title -- I know I'm a sappy Dragon, but
I was expecting something more similar to the more famous "Red Shoes
Diaries" of David Ducovny fame. When the story turned out to be
something completely different, disappointment flashed across my
features, I'm sure. Pushing that aside, I'll try to judge the story
for what it is, rather than for what it isn't.
The story is told in diary format. Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. In some ways
this is effective -- builds the anticipation, builds the
frustration, and creates a view into our author's head. I guess I
found it too intimate. I don't really know Mary, you see, and the
Diary format assumes that I do -- it's kind of a feeling like the
Diary wasn't meant for my eyes. And it really isn't. It's meant for
Now, having said that, the thought of reading another's diary might
really appeal to the voyeurs out there, but I found that I didn't
get enough feeling to connect with the fantasy. I simply didn't know
the diary writer nor his subject well enough to fully understand the
fantasy or its resolution.
On the other hand, it was a nice visual distraction, and what it
lacked in depth is somewhat made up for with raw imagery.
Technical : 9
Eros : 9
Character/Plot : 8
Crimson : 8
Story: xt
Author's site:
Posted To ASSM: Sun, 6 Jun 2004
Afterward -- H. Jekyll
(cheat, MF, oral)
Her lover comes to her in the afternoon, after her husband has left
and it is safe. When she hears him returning, she rushes down to see
him only to find her husband come home early. And her husband can be
a good lover, too.
I'm torn about this story, too. I'm not entirely sure what Jekyll is
trying to tell me about cheating. But the story is oddly effective
-- the people inhabiting this world are wonderfully crafted and
realistic. Perhaps the story is merely an exposition, letting us
decide how to feel about the situation.
Also odd: the point of view shifts around during the story,
sometimes apparently without reason, but that, too, is oddly
effective whereas I would have been concerned about continuity.
Well, Jekyll, you've made this Dragon think, and so I have to
conclude that the story was a success. Who ever said thinking and
erotica can't mix?
Technical : 10
Eros : 10
Character/Plot : 10
Crimson : 10
Author's site:
Posted To ASSM: Fri, 4 Jun 2004
Impersonation -- Carlos Malenkov
Frank exists in a topsy-turvy world where magic and science combine
to make most things possible. In order to garner favour in the right
circles, Frank embarks on a journey to cross the great divide. To
transform natural given body into man-malleable existence. But it
won't be dressing as woman that will be difficult, but affecting the
mannerisms, the shift in thinking. But maybe it won't be *that*
First off, I'm not a fan of transgender stories. This goes a little
beyond the standard TG story and actually explores the human aspect
of such a transformation, rather than concentrate on the sexual
aspects. That actually helped me at least connect to the characters,
if not the themes.
There is a good story here -- well written and human -- but it
simply didn't connect fully with this Dragon. I think you have to
understand and identify with the underlying themes to fully
appreciate it.
Technical : 10
Eros : 8
Character/Plot : 10
Crimson : 8
Author's other works:
Posted To ASSM: Sat, 5 Jun 2004
And don't you know it -- TeresafromLeon
(Mf nosex)
Teresa plays a verbal game of cat and mouse at the breakfast table
with her latest lover.
This is an odd but compelling piece. There is no explicit sex, but
that certainly doesn't affect the nature of the story. If anything,
the subtle innuendo commands a more erotic subtext.
And hidden between the lines is a depth of character and lively
nature that cannot be denied. Certainly a different approach, but
something worth reading.
Technical : 10
Eros : 10
Character/Plot : 10
Crimson : 10
Author's other works: on&index=name&submit=Search
Posted To ASSM: Sat, 19 Jun 2004
Party at Lisa's -- Kenny Gamera
(gangbang, inter, size, dp)
Kenny works with a girl, Lisa, who makes lunch salads. This, so she
claims, leaves her nights free for "other pursuits." Intriguing, no?
Well, Kenny is intrigued and infatuated with Lisa. So, when he is
invited along on a club night with the restaurant cooks, he
willingly tags along if for no other reason than Lisa will be there.
Except Lisa has other plans for a wild night, and Kenny is included
in the festivities.
For me, personally, I don't see the appeal of interracial stories.
And this story depends on this a great deal, along with physical
proportions for its Eros. Nevertheless, I'll give the story the
benefit of the doubt, and believe that if one is looking for these
elements, that the story will be more erotic than I personally found
It is very well written, and even while I would have liked to have
seen some motivation and deeper character for Lisa, the protagonist,
Kenny was well defined and likable. As an author, I think it is
important to understand Lisa further, given the outcome, but that
may be a subjective thing.
Technical : 10
Eros : 10
Character/Plot : 9
Crimson : 10
Author's site:
Posted To ASSM: Thu, 10 Jun 2004
Elvira -- Joe
(MF, femdom, mostly dialogue)
{story codes added by a sleepy reviewer for clarity}
Elvira, a prototype for the Mistress of the Dark, wanders into Joe's
life and tempts him into trying something new.
I like Joe's -- the author, not the character -- style. He writes
beautiful characters, with a subtle pen that is compelling and
revealing. And this story is no exception. Both Joe and Elvira shine
as human and flawed.
Unfortunately, I'm really not a fan of femdom stories or more
specifically malesub, and Joe doesn't generally use story codes.
Bad combination, for me. Nevertheless, the writing talent is nearly
enough to overpower my distaste for the genre, and I found myself
enjoying the other aspects of the writing more than I would have
thought. Probably worth a look.
Technical : 9
Eros : 9
Character/Plot : 10
Crimson : 9
Author's other works:
Posted To ASSM: Mon, 21 Jun 2004
Cottage Life -- Bradley Stoke
Dot is a liberated girl of the 1960's. As some of you might know,
the 60's were a tumultuous time -- a time of experimentation, a time
of upheaval. This is the story of Dot, who is killing time at the
cottage, hanging around unclothed, because that's what one did to
protest society's repression. And she is waiting for Bill, her
brother, and Sam, Bill's friend and lover, to join her and alleviate
some of the boredom of being a flower child. But even being as
liberated as she is, Dot finds herself wondering about Bill's
current obsession.
This story gives us a window into the times. We watch as the three
young reactionaries wander through their lives, through psychedelia
and music and dope. I really loved the glimpses into a different
time and lifestyle than most readers would be used to, I reckon.
I was a little disappointed in the ambiguity of the piece. While
Brad does a wonderful job of presenting the time and the character
of the era, I was left hanging a little. There didn't seem to be a
focus, or a message, here beyond an exposition of the times. I
wanted to see further -- to see what happens to the three teens,
what their decisions and lifestyle wrought upon them and how they
learned and/or grew from the experience.
However, I did like the story as written. Even if nothing else, it
is a wonderful glimpse through the window of time, and that alone
makes it worthwhile reading.
Technical : 10
Eros : 10
Character/Plot : 10
Crimson : 10
Author's site:
Posted To ASSM: Wed, 16 Jun 2004
Instructress -- Uther Pendragon
(MF wl)
She has to guide Greg through the motions to get exactly what she
This story is presented entirely in dialogue. It's amazing how much
can be portrayed merely by our understanding of the way two people
speak. It's subtle and it is a talent to make it work.
Unfortunately, in this case, it didn't work for me -- but I think
that's only personal preferences. For me, I'm a romantic Dragon, I
fear. I want a session between the sheets to be perfect without the
need for words. And this story flies in the face of that.
In reality, Uther's rendition here is not only more true to life,
but as Sue Johanssen or Ruthie Westheimer might say: "It's smart to
communicate what you want in the sack." Unfortunately, I don't find
Sue or Ruth or their advice a particular turn on, so as I said, the
practical didn't work for me here.
This will probably not be the case for you. Uther has a definite
talent for writing stories in this genre and despite the fact that
it didn't work for me, I'd still recommend the story.
Technical : 10
Eros : 10
Character/Plot : 10
Crimson : 8
(Reviewed version unavailable from ASSTR archives due to author request)
Author's site:
Posted To ASSM: Wed, 23 Jun 2004