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Crimson Review #024

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"Around the town I use a rattlesnake whip,
 Take it easy baby don't you give me no lip
 Who do you love?
 Who do you love?"
    -- George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Sorry about the delay. The nym server decided to take a dive, and so
I was unable to post this last Wednesday as planned. No matter what
you hear, Rui wasn't to blame. Honest.
Ah well, I needed a break anyway.
The missives below are merely opinions, publicly stated, but only 
opinions. Dragons may be immortal, but they are not infallible. Read the 
stories for yourself, and form your own opinions. Then, let the author 
know what you thought. Celeste's blowjob principle isn't smoke in the 
 - Crimson Dragon (
Review Archives:
Thanks to Denny for checking over the reviews for obvious
bungles, though ultimately any errors herein are mine and mine 
Story Summary:
Christine -- Writerzblocked
At the Conference -- Kenny Gamera
    (Mf D/s Oral)
Picnic Crumbs -- Kellis 
    (MF anal oral)
Language Barrier -- Souvie
    (MF - implied, oral - implied, flash-fic)
Love in the Sun -- BluePen
    (MF, Romantic)
Separate Ideas -- Cyan
    (MF, Ff fantasy, D/s)
Chocolate Knights and Chocolate Daze -- Gary Jordan
    (MF, rom, lt bond, oral, anal)
The Morning After -- Souvie
    (MF, oral, flash-fic)
The Morning After -- Henrik Larsen
    (MF oral flash)

Christine -- Writerzblocked
Author's Site:
An old man wanders in the rain. Confusion settles in, for he can only remember fragments of the past. But those few memories are what sustains him, and even while the rain and the lightning fall around him, he finds a fleeting happiness in memories past. While the version that I read was formatted badly, I suspect that was the fault of ASSM conversion software. Despite it, I found this story to be uncommonly deep. The memories, the sex, the tenderness, the character all combined wonderfully to present a world that we might not think about enough. Or maybe we do. I liked the premise, and the slow build of this story, and I hope that I never have to experience it. Technical : 9 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Conference -- Kenny Gamera (Mf D/s Oral) Story: Author's Site: The woman kneels in the centre of a room, her arms bound behind her back. She cannot see, or hear -- her eyes covered and her ears plugged by modified hearing aids. Without the benefit of sight and hearing, she still provides pleasure to a stranger; one that she cannot recognise and will never know. This is a nice exposition of a dominance/submission fantasy. It's sexy, without a doubt. However. While Kenny has captured some of the nuances of the girl's submissive tendencies, it really does only amount to the telling of a fantasy. It's light, and that's all Kenny was trying for here, and so it is successful in that regard. And it is more than a simple stroke-fest. But still I found the character and plot lacking. I wanted to know more about Kenny's characters -- what led up to this situation, and why it was attractive to them. I'm not quite sure what the message was, if there was a message at all, beyond sexual exhibition. Nevertheless, I do recognise that not all stories have to be deep. I'm pretty sure that Kenny really was only trying for a light fantasy, and in that light, the story really is very sexy. Or at least I thought so. It's a good descriptive piece, and those that like sexual power games will probably enjoy the glimpse into Kenny's fantasy world. Technical : 10 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 7 Crimson : 9 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Picnic Crumbs -- Kellis (MF anal oral) Story: Author's Site: With the picnic over, all that is left is the crumbs. Well, except for Liz. Her car won't start, supposedly a battered solenoid, and she returns to where an old man is cleaning up the debris of the picnic. They get to talking, and play with some left over whipped cream, and after a time, she seduces him. Now, if this was only a stroke tale (tail?), then I would be wondering who Liz is, and why she is seducing this old man. I would wonder about their relationship, and why they were doing as they were. But while the sex is a heavy part of this story, it isn't the only part of it. In between, we see character, we see motivation, and we see plot. The characters are much more than simple sex machines, and so my potential wondering is curtailed. Character. This story has it in spades. I didn't quite know if I would like a story like this. It is uncomfortably close to incest, and relies heavily on addressing anal sex. Not really my cup of tea, so to speak. But after reading it through, I have to admit that I liked it, despite it all. It's a good story, and the characters have this air of realism. And so, I give you the scores. Well deserved. Technical : 10 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Language Barrier -- Souvie (MF - implied, oral - implied, flash-fic) Story: Author's Site: When Jose decides to accompany Rudy to the protest, he also decides to show up early. To be honest, even Jose isn't quite sure why they are protesting the distribution of condoms at the local high school. "We don' need no steeekin' condoms!" When Rudy shows up, it all becomes slightly more clear. Technical : 10 Eros : 8 Character/Plot : 8 Crimson : 9 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Love in the Sun -- BluePen (MF, Romantic) Story:
xt Author's Archive: On a beach, he is cooking freshly caught fish. When he looks up, he sees her walking down the beach toward him. When she gets there, she makes them tropical drinks, and after dinner, the anticipation ends, and they make long and passionate love. [ The offshore breeze moved the leaves of the palm trees as he stirred the coals, {feeiling} their raw heat. ] [ Sitting back on his {haunches he} looked down the beach, where he could see her approach. ] In the second sentence, it needs a comma. The first, well, the problem ought to be obvious. And this is only in the first paragraph. I have to say that I was a little disappointed with the technical scores here. Bluepen, if this is the same Bluepen that I've reviewed before, can certainly write better than this effort. Among the things I noticed: numerous spelling errors (or possibly far too many careless typos resulting in spelling errors), a distinct overuse of the word 'then' in some parts of the story, and various punctuation mistakes. A good deal of these issues could be resolved with the simple use of a spell checker. Most of the story revolved around their sexual encounter. While there is nothing wrong with that, I felt it was over-described and over-long. That's why the Eros score dropped. I would have preferred to see a little more effort placed on character, so I could care about these people fucking near the beach. They obviously cared about each other. Why? Who are they? Why should I care about them? Despite all this, the setting and the mood that Bluepen has described here is exceptionally romantic. The beach, the dinner, the drinks, and their passion for sex all combines to present a very nice atmosphere. With a little more character and plot, this would have been an excellent story. As it stands, I felt it was a little more than a particularly romantic stroke fiction. But maybe that's exactly what Bluepen was aiming for. Technical : 6 Eros : 7 Character/Plot : 6 Crimson : 6 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Separate Ideas -- Cyan (MF, Ff fantasy, D/s) Story: Author's Site: Lena's apartment is about as Zoe imagined it would be. Together, they work on a school project, just professor and student, while Zoe tries to figure out her feelings towards Lena. It's all very complicated, you see, with Lena being her teacher, and throwing in lesbian confusion. After the project is complete, they get to talking and Zoe works up the courage to ask Lena some leading questions about sex. The answer she gets isn't quite what she was expecting. [ {When I risked a glance at her I felt} I needed to etch every detail in my memory to be able to recall this moment. ] Needs a comma after lengthy adverbial phrases. [ The gist of it was she didn't {seen} the least put out I'd said something. ] Typo. I also noticed a few other issues, ranging from awkward sentences to some consistency issues (Lena loses her pants, and then suddenly she's completely naked?), to overuse of the adjective 'nice'. Cyan's story here is a contrast in sexuality roles. While I understand what Cyan was trying for here, I personally found the manner in which it was done a little abrupt. The message is to not let society dictate sexual preference and roles -- but in presenting it, I was left with more questions. Cyan gives us lots of character with Zoe, and her confusion and uncertainty, but I didn't quite understand the teacher's actions, and where they were supposed to lead. Thus, the character is somewhat lost in the feeling that Lena's "demonstration" is not so much a lesson, as it is sexually motivated and perhaps even self-defeating. It comes across as more of a need to present a dominance/submission scene than any societal messages. I honestly think that Cyan missed an opportunity to better show the message that was intended. It's an interesting work, but I'm not sure it was as effective as it might have been. However, I did like Zoe's character and her approach. I just wish that her bravery hadn't been so thoroughly misplaced and her encounter with Lena had been more a positive one. Technical : 7 Eros : 7 Character/Plot : 7 Crimson : 7 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocolate Knights and Chocolate Daze -- Gary Jordan (MF, rom, lt bond, oral, anal) Story: Author's Site: After a costume party, our narrator gets a little (well ... a lot) drunk. Jeanine dutifully takes him home, and tries to get him into bed. Unfortunately (or is that fortunately), our narrator still remembers his purpose and plans, and Jeanine gets a surprise that she wasn't quite expecting. [ The theme was Knights in Armor. Jeanine stood modeling what appeared to be a [... costume ...] with a well-known {lable}. ] At first I wondered if 'lable' was a legitimate alternate spelling, but after checking a few dictionaries, I don't think so. Normally, I wouldn't bother pointing it out -- the story was excellent technically besides -- thus the 10 below -- but I figured that somewhere with all the 'suggestors' (su-jesters?) in the Fishy Tank, someone might be interested in misses. Anyhoo, this story moves along in a tight narrative that is charming, romantic, and humorous. I really liked the characters, and their relationship. The sex is fun, and different -- at least the narrative was -- and it kept me guessing through most of it. Easy. Technical : 10 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Morning After -- Souvie (MF, oral, flash-fic) Story: Author's Site: Never again. Never. Until next weekend. I've made the same pact as the girl in this story. Many times. For me, it wasn't tequila and schnapps, but other combinations are just as deadly. Anyway, her panties are lost, and as she wanders about the room looking for them, she gets distracted by the virile nutritionist still snoring in the bed. It might not cure a hangover, but she still decides to sample the wares one last time. [ {Before long come drenched her tongue,} filled her mouth, slid down ... ] Normally, I point out the need for commas in long (more than three words) introductory phrases. This sentence vilifies the short introductory phrase. "Before long" tends to run into the sentence subject: "come", and it becomes a jumble, even with a short introductory phrase. It needs a comma between "long" and "come". Don't fret it -- the story is otherwise excellent technically, but I wanted to point out the comma issue more for other authors out there that might benefit. It was fun, and light. I liked it. Technical : 10 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 10 Crimson : 10 +----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Morning After -- Henrik Larsen (MF oral flash) Story: Author's Site: Hmmm, two short flash pieces with the same title. Have to read this ... Turns out that Henrik has written the counterpoint to Souvie's tale above. Different perspective from our lazy nutritionist in the bed. I didn't quite get the same sense of character that Souvie managed, but the piece was an interesting counterview. The problem, I think, is that while Souvie's flash stands on its own, Henrik's almost requires one to read Souvie's first. There isn't anything wrong with that, and Henrik even warns us of that in his preamble, but I, too, would recommend reading Souvie's first to get the gist of the characters and situation. Then read this, if you are wondering what the other side might be thinking. I especially liked the cross-story connection at the end. That was skillful. Technical : 10 Eros : 10 Character/Plot : 8 Crimson : 10

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