Water Tower Inn

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Title Decoration Crimson Dragon
                           Snapshot #23
                         Water Tower Inn
                             (MF, exh)
              (c) August 2000 - All Rights Reserved
                Crimson Dragon (dcrimson@yahoo.com)
"I'll do it," she spoke softly in his ear.
He opened his eyes as the words penetrated into his mind, and the
familiar rustling of her movements stirred his consciousness.
His head lay back cradled into the pillows piled high against the
unfamiliar headboard. Her weight settled comfortably across his
legs. He licked his lips deliberately, and glanced at her sideways.
She lay naked across the bedcovers, facedown, her fingers idly
toying with her long brunette locks, a mischievous expression upon
her freckled features. As always, she was absolutely glorious.
Knowing that he was playing with fire, but honestly not believing
that she would, he shook his head slowly.
"You wouldn't."
The smile gracing her lips intensified. After a moment, she pushed
herself up from her relaxation and crawled up the bed until her lips
again rested against his ear. Her voice was husky, warm, and
absolutely not to be denied.
"I'll do it," she repeated firmly after a moments hesitation.
Before he could protest, she was standing erect on her bare feet,
padding across the worn mottled carpet, her fingers on the doorknob.
He pushed himself up into a sitting position, positive that she was
teasing him. He smiled at her in understanding, beckoning her back
to bed with his finger.
Her lips formed an airy kiss, and before his breath could hitch, she
was gone. Her bare skin glowed in the hallway light, her bare foot
upturned as she slipped through the doorway. The heavy steel door
closed firmly with the solid click of finality.
His whispered words fell into an empty room, "I didn't want it that
He thought briefly of going after her, but abandoned that notion
almost as quickly as it had come. The inexpensive bedside clock
flipped to 6:24, and he sighed as he settled back into the pillows,
and closed his eyes, trying not to think of her departure. Though
she'd only been gone a few seconds, he ached with her absence.
A soft tapping opened his eyes. With a rush of adrenaline, he leapt
to his feet, nearly stumbling to the doorway. Her infectious grin
absorbed his brief anger reducing it to amazement. Her bare breasts
danced as she laughed and side stepped back into the room, brushing
his arm with electricity. He let the door swing shut as she
collapsed in laughter back across the bedclothes.
As he settled back onto the bed beside her, she propped herself up
on an elbow. Her face was flushed.
"That expression was priceless," she whispered to him.
"Did anyone see?" he asked simply, trying to keep accusation out of
his voice.
She simply smiled, and raised her right hand. Moisture dripped
between her tightly closed fingers. With a mischievous grin, she
opened her fingers slowly, revealing the small, clear frozen water
cubes settled in the palm of her hand. Shivering, she softly touched
her nipples with the ice, raising her flesh with a sigh. He opened
his lips as he felt the coolness of the water trace them, and one by
one the cubes of ice melted against his tongue only barely tackling
his thirst. The coolness of the ice was immediately replaced with
the pliant warmth of her mouth on his. She smiled as she felt him
"Yes," she whispered.

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