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Title Decoration Crimson Dragon
                           Snapshot #17
                        (Mf, bd, sm, outdoors)
               (c) March 1999 - All Rights Reserved
                Crimson Dragon (
Reluctantly, she followed him until they were standing across from
the tall hedge. She shivered as the cooler air caressed her face. The
light was failing, and shadows deepened.
Hundreds of children played here, though by now most of them were
being tucked into their beds. Her heart hammered as she heard a sharp
snap off to her left. She resisted the impulse to turn her head, flee
if danger presented itself. But danger tonight was a relative term,
wasn't it? The only real danger was discovery.
She heard a low rumble, like that of an overhead jet. The sound
approached, growing louder and more insistent. She saw lights
filtering through the branches of the hedge. Blinking, she listened
as the Doppler of the truck continued on to an unknown destination.
His soft voice was commanding in the gathering darkness.
She hesitated, then turned to face him. "Please, no. We don't have to
do this."
He took a deep breath and then spoke more gently.
She sighed and began to shed her clothing. She hadn't worn underwear
in anticipation of the command. There was little point. She would
have to remove her bra and panties anyway. Perhaps he would be
pleased with her faster nudity and release her sooner. She stood in
the final light of the setting sun, her body shivering and unclothed,
curved and ready to spring - tense. She handed her clothes to him and
watched them disappear into the small backpack that she had been
forced to carry to this location but was now in his hands. She
flushed at his scrutiny.
She closed her eyes as his finger traced down her left breast,
leaving a white-hot trail of sensation. She sighed and fought a
losing battle to control her nipples. The cold and his light touch
conspired against her, and she groaned as she felt her nipples
tighten as though they had been washed with arctic air.
She opened her eyes. He was standing next to the children's
teeter-totter, his head cocked to the side watching her.
"Not here. Please."
He merely pointed at the first horse. She sighed and moved towards
him, her bare feet whispering through the warm grass. The moon peeked
out from the tree line bathing her naked beauty in ethereal white
The moon watched as the man carefully began to wrap her wrists and
ankles, restraining her to the harsh metal of the child ride in
minutes. She felt her bare breasts ride up on her chest as her wrists
were pulled up and secured to the handle that this afternoon had held
countless small hands steady, though without the need for rope.
She felt her ankles secured with multiple loops of the same rope,
tighter and tighter to the pole. She could feel the pressure of the
cool pole pressing into her bare back. She closed her eyes. Loops of
ropes, around her waist, her upper chest, above and below her
breasts. Then the rope that she dreaded, the one secured to her waist
restraint and slipping between her lips, brought up sharply causing a
gasp of pain, and then secured. She squirmed, but only succeeded in
rubbing her sensitive parts with the rope.
Finally, he was done. She opened her eyes and gazed up at him,
meeting his eyes and holding them.
"Oh, yes."
"You can let me go, now."
"You realise that I can hurt you."
She shivered. "I don't want you to hurt me."
"Actually you do, but consider what I can do." His fingers began a
slow journey down her bound body. She struggled to keep her balance.
The ropes wouldn't let her fall to the ground, no. But, she also
didn't want to be reliant on the ropes for support - that would dig
the bindings deeper into her skin and worse between her legs. No, she
had to at least try to balance herself on the thin pole. Her toes
curled and then she tried to relax. His fingers explored down her
body, her navel, her thighs, her calves, her toes. She shivered, and
then the fingers were bumping against that damnable rope between her
legs, teasing her, stroking her outer lips. She sighed.
"I can bring friends to see you. Perhaps a group of drunken teens? I
could sell this image, take pictures of you."
"Please, no."
"Or I could hurt you."
The fingers grasped her right nipple and threatened to squeeze. She
clamped her mouth shut, determined not to attract attention to
herself by screaming.
The fingers released her erect nipple and stroked it instead.
"I could get a branch, and whip you until you screamed. And then I
could gag you, with your own clothing, perhaps whip you some more."
She turned her head away, afraid of looking at him. The strong
fingers gripped her chin, forcing her face back. She nearly lost her
precarious balance on the pole by resisting. She gazed into his eyes.
She tried to get her fear out of her eyes, tried to replace it with
contempt, but she couldn't. His fingers were tracing her bare breasts
again, lightly slapping at them. It didn't hurt her, but the
sensations of her breasts dancing on her chest were distracting. She
had trouble focusing.
"Or I could leave you."
She licked her lips.
"I'm sorry," she said simply.
"I know you are." His fingers lazily parted her vaginal lips and gave
her a stroke. She knew she was soaking wet, and she flushed because
now he knew.
Suddenly she felt the tip of the ride as he lifted her feet. She
cried out as the teeter-totter did as it was designed. She was upside
down and moaning. The rope splitting her sex dug more deeply into
her. Involuntary tears wet her eyes. Then as quickly as she had been
turned, she was righted, her head back towards the sky.
After a while of silence, she opened her eyes. He wasn't there.
Frantically, she searched, trying to crane her neck back to see
behind her. She lost her balance and cried out as the ropes dug more
cruelly into her soft skin.
"M-master?" she whispered with a tremble in her voice.
She waited, knowing that he wasn't gone, but so afraid that he was.
He let her suffer for three minutes and then spoke gently into her
"I'll be back."
Without answering her, he slowly slipped away. By craning her neck,
she could see him as he walked away from her towards the entrance to
the park. Then he was truly gone, the memory of his footsteps echoing
through her whirling mind. She heard another truck approaching, and
she closed her eyes, praying that he wouldn't leave her there

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