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Title Decoration Crimson Dragon
                           Snapshot #13
                        (MF, bd, light sm)
                  (c) 1997 - All Rights Reserved
                Crimson Dragon (
She pulled against the thumbcuffs holding her hands securely behind
her. She knelt as instructed, struggling to hold her balance. He
wouldn't be pleased if she moved from the position in which she'd
been left. Sighing, she waited, feeling her exposure, feeling her
vulnerability. Again, she pulled against her thumbs. Such small
steel bands, so effectively making her helpless.
She shivered. He'd had her strip completely nude. Even made her take
off her loose friendship band - the band she'd sworn never to
remove. He had threatened to cut it off her, if she didn't
acquiesce. And after she was helpless, he could have done so easily.
If he cut if from her, she wouldn't even be able to replace it after
she was freed. Crying, she had removed it and placed it with her
watch and rings on the coffee table. He watched her until she knelt
down and offered her hands behind herself. He'd attached her thumbs,
surprising her. She'd never seen thumbcuffs before.
Then he left. Her tears had stopped, replaced with a sense of
nervousness and anticipation.
Her eyes snapped open at the footsteps returning. She didn't know
how long she'd knelt here, but her knees had fibre marks from the
carpet, she was sure. They ached a little, and she wished that she
could shift, place them closer together, relieve the tension. But
she dared not.
He touched her, lightly stroking the bare skin of her breast. He had
put on gloves, the leather felt odd against her nudity. He touched
between her legs, lightly teasing her. She gasped, and he looked at
her sharply. She mumbled a quick apology, and determined to keep her
mouth shut. She didn't want to be gagged. She could feel her
dampness seeping down, swelling her lower lips, tingling.
"Lay back," he ordered her softly.
With an internal sigh of relief, she broke position and lay back,
pressing her bound arms into the carpet. She obediently spread her
ankles apart when he motioned her to do so. Soft leather soon held
her legs wide, the spreader bar stiff and unyielding. She tested it,
but couldn't move, as she had known that she couldn't. He
disappeared, leaving her to think again. She thought, and wished
that she could at least touch herself. Her thumbs ached at the
pressure from her restraints.
He returned, a chain and winch in his hand. Previously she had
missed it, but he confidently attached the chain to a sturdy hook in
the ceiling, attaching her spreader bar to the winch. Slowly, she
felt herself rise, pulled upwards inexorably by her tethered ankles.
She wanted to cry out, but not this time. She wasn't allowed. It
wasn't the time.
Slowly her weight rose, until even her long hair wasn't touching the
carpet. Her face rose to about waist height, then abruptly stopped.
She squirmed a bit and earned a light slap to her stretched thigh.
"You want clamps?" he asked her.
She paled, knowing he could put the clamps wherever he chose. She
couldn't do a thing about it. She slowly shook her head. She didn't
want the clothespins on her nipples or her vaginal lips. She was
afraid to speak.
"Stop squirming then," he chastised her more gently. She tried to
keep her swaying nude body still.
Leaving her upside down, he disappeared again. Her eyes widened as
he returned shortly with a band of wide leather. She knew where it
was going before he even told her. She bit her lip, trying to keep
herself from feeling too much anticipation, and she was determined
to please him and not cry out.
The leather belt fell, slowly at first then faster. Not hard, but
enough to redden her vulnerable skin. Her thighs, her breasts, her
back, her buttocks. The last light blow broke her control. She let
out a soft cry as the leather kissed her exposed vaginal lips,
sounding wet and dangerous, though both of them knew that it
wouldn't hurt her unbearably. Tingles spread throughout her skin,
warming her and driving her. She wanted to beg, but didn't.
She felt his fingers grip her tight nipples. She cried out again,
knowing that after the spanking he wouldn't gag her for expressing
pain. It didn't really hurt, but she had been surprised by his grip
on her. She was gently turned by her nipples, his fingers guiding
her body around in the direction he wanted.
His penis was hard and pressed against her lips. With no hesitation,
she opened and licked and kissed and did what was expected of her.
She was careful not to brush him with her teeth, but it was awkward
being upside down. Her reward, a soft tickling of a tongue, soothing
her aches and pains. She smiled around the intrusion in her mouth.
If she was at the right height for his pleasure, then her
interesting regions were at the right height for his attentions,
too. The maddening tongue slipped inside her, caressing her and
teasing her. Her head pounded from her rushing blood, her groin a
mixture of pleasure and pain. He lightly pinched her nipples when
his tongue distracted her too much from her task.
She fought the sensations, not wanting to climax yet. She pulled
against her thumbs wanting so much to touch him, to help him.
Despite her slow rhythm, she at last felt the tightening against her
tongue as he reached the point of no return. She'd been more than
ready for the last two hours, it only took a slight shift in
distractive thoughts to allow his tongue to push her over the edge.
Together they climaxed, the hours of teasing filling her senses and
releasing her with sharp cries. Blue light exploded behind her
closed eyes, and warmth suffused her tightening muscles.
She sighed in contentment as she pulled against the thumbcuffs. He
gently lowered her back to the floor.

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