Evergreens © Copyright 1997-2014 - Crimson Dragon All Rights Reserved Main Page · Short Stories · Snapshots · Novels · Contact |
======================================================================== Snapshot #12 Evergreens (MF, bond, sm, outdoors) ======================================================================== (c) 1997 - All Rights Reserved Crimson Dragon (dcrimson@yahoo.com) ======================================================================== It is quiet here. She slowly peels the clothing from her body, carelessly tossing it piece by piece into the back seat of the car. It lies crumpled and disorganised there like the clutter in a child's room. She sighs and reaches for the door handle. A moment later, she shivers in the morning air. She waits until she hears the driver's door close with a small slam. She turns to watch him round the hood towards her nakedness. He takes her hand and she is thankful for the slight warmth of the touch. Together they enter the forest, their feet whispering through the carpet of dried needles; one set of feet bare, the other in hard construction boots. The occasional fallen branch and sharp stone elicits quiet gasps from her lips as the litter of the forest presses into the tender skin of her feet. In a sunlit clearing, she kneels with her bare back pressing against the harsh bark of a tall, thin pine. The soft carpet of needles press into her knees and the tops of her feet. She carefully crosses her wrists behind the trunk. She squirms, her legs parting, her upturned feet to either side of the tree that will soon be her prison and her world. She shivers at the exposure, feeling the small bumps rise over her bare skin. She closes her eyes as her slender wrists are bound behind the tree. He is unhurried, taking care to form the knots in such a way that she can't release herself, can't even reach the bonds holding her wrists. Soft rope wraps around the tree, under her bare breasts, holding her securely down and back. The bark itches against her scrubbed skin but she no longer squirms. She sighs and begins to say something, perhaps an entreaty about the tightness of her bonds. He looks up from wrapping her left ankle in the rope. He cocks his head to the side, and she remembers her instructions. Swallowing, she waits silently. His hand lands once on her thigh, and once on her right breast making it dance upon her chest. She draws in her breath, mostly from the surprise of the blows. It doesn't hurt. Not that much. She bites her lip, struggling not to cry out, struggling to keep still, trying not to make any noise for him. Her instructions were clear as they left the house this morning, and she had agreed to try. Satisfied, he bends back to the pleasant task of binding her feet around the tree. Finished, he walks around in front of her, marveling at the way she looks up at him from her position. She isn't blushing as he'd expected. He takes a deep breath and begins to wrap lengths of the soft cord around the base of each of her exposed breasts. She squirms a little, but remembers to keep silent as the ropes bite gently into her skin. Her breasts feel full and like they are being squeezed by a million tiny fingers. It is a warm and pleasant feeling for her. At last, his whispery touches leave her chest, and she is exposed again, wrapped for his pleasure and her own. Her eyes widen as he pulls a strip of white cloth from his front pocket. She now understands why it took him so long to join her outside the car when they'd arrived. The whiteness draped in his hand is the same strip of white cotton that had previously draped her most secret of places for the morning ride here. She closes her eyes as she silently opens her mouth. The dry cloth distends her cheeks a little, and the familiar scent of herself fills her senses. She knows that such treatment should humiliate her, but only a dull throb between her legs results as he uses packing tape to completely silence her. Her tongue plays with the cloth in her mouth, and she can feel her saliva beginning to wet it. Swallowing is difficult, but she manages. The man steps back, surveying his handiwork. She stares up at him, defiant, lustful, and utterly beautiful. She stays motionless until he walks from her and perches upon a moss covered boulder. Her exposure, her vulnerability, her helplessness flood through her, and she begins to squirm, trying in vain to reach the knots holding her securely to the tree. Her bound breasts rise and fall as she struggles and she breathes mostly through her nose. Only muffled sounds escape her. Her heat rises as she can no longer deny that her freedom is lost. She must rely on *him* to free her. She must rely on *him* to satisfy her wants and needs. Her eyes plead with him. She pleads silently for many things - even she doesn't understand for what she is begging. But he ignores her silent entreaties and simply watches her. She at least calms, and stares again at him, defiant, flushed and flustered. Her plaintive mewl cuts through the silent forest as he rises from his perch and begins to walk from her. He chooses a path at random, ignoring her muffled cries except for one quick backwards glance at the nude, gagged, struggling, kneeling woman. He smiles at her, relishing her response to the grin. Soon, even her quiet cries are no longer carried to him over the chilly autumn air. Nature, in all its fall splendour surrounds him. Tall evergreens speak to him, birds flit amongst the branches crying out in joy and freedom. Idly, he wonders what she is doing, if she is cursing him yet. Halfway, he draws his razor sharp jack-knife across a small evergreen branch. Whistling, he begins the journey back to her. Serenity permeates his being. He is free as she is not. She doesn't see him as he enters the clearing where she still kneels amongst the dried carpet. He watches her, her damp, brunette hair tangled about her shoulders. Her hair has fallen in her eyes, and she cannot brush it away or tuck it behind her ear as she normally would. Her shaded eyes are focused upon a small squirrel, no ... a small chipmunk foraging in the needles a metre from her left knee. She looks like a child, wonderment crossing her strong, fine features. A moment later, the small creature raises it head, sensing a dangerous presence. The girl, it knows, will not hurt it, but the man, at the other side of the clearing with the evergreen bough still gripped in his right hand, might. Her eyes rise with the chipmunk, following its nervous gaze and focusing on him through the wisps of her hair. Tears glisten in her eyes and she begs as best she can for release. Her body aches from the hours of immobility, and her arousal is complete. He can sense it, and she knows it from the throb between her parted legs and the tightness of her nipples. She squirms in her bonds and pleads with her wet, wide eyes. The chipmunk dashes away from her with a series of loud squawks brimming with betrayal. He approaches her and gently moves her hair from her eyes. Her eyes widen at the sight of the branch he grips so casually. The evergreen bough, with all its velvet needles, softly strokes her skin. Breasts. Thighs. Ribs. Soles. Throat. Lips. Between her quivering thighs. And back to her breasts again. The strokes slowly and inexorably become taps and then stinging blows, the soft needles reddening her skin. She begins to cry as the needles of the bough strike her unprotected and bound breasts. Still he continues to strike her, mindful of the power. He could easily break her skin, cause her agony, cause her life's blood to flow from her veins. But he has no interest in truly hurting her sensitive skin and so he is careful with his branch. At last, her head falls forward, her muffled sobs bouncing through the forest. The bough falls to the ground, touching her right knee. She can't shift away from it, even if she had the energy to try. Her skin, from her shoulders to her thighs, is a light crimson. She isn't marked, but her skin is a rosy warmth in contrast to the cool air caressing it. Her tears fall steadily down her cheeks and onto her bound breasts. Each drip feels like a warm acid splashing against her hyper-sensitive breasts. He kneels in front of her, joining her on the ground. His fingers tease her, finding all the places that she loves. Her reddened skin feels like the softest touch would send her into oblivion, but his fingers seems to tease and not satisfy. Slowly he enters her with two fingers, surprised at the depth of her arousal. When she begins to hold her breath, when she begins to tense under his fingers, he withdraws, leaving her on the edge, enjoying her squirming. Occasionally, he pinches her skin to distract her from otherwise unavoidable climaxes. Finally, her head falls forward again. She is exhausted, unable to struggle anymore against her restraints, unable to struggle towards the elusive orgasm that she so desperately wants and he is tormenting her by withholding. Her shoulders ache, her knees burn still pressing into the harsh carpet of needles. She cries, partly from the aches, partly from the pure frustration. He watches her cry, but not for long. He finally reaches forward, parting her soaked lips and softly touches her clitoris. He strokes her with the rhythm they both know so well, urging her, letting her know without words that there will be no pinches or punishments this time. Her head rises, her eyes still shining with unshed tears. She closes her beautiful brown eyes and places all her attention on his insistent fingers and her senses. She explodes, crying out through her gag. Her first peak hits and then the second, and then more softly the third. Her muffled voice echoes through the forest, disturbing the wildlife, and whispering to the trees. Without the gag, Australia might have heard her release. At last, she slumps dazed in her restraints, breathing heavily through her nose, exhausted. The man gently releases the tape, pulling out the sopping panties from her mouth. "Thank-you," she whispers. He smiles and perches on the boulder for a while, watching her watch him. At last, he lowers himself to the carpet of needles. She opens her mouth, ready to satisfy him, knowing what is expected of her. He gently tilts her open face upwards, and urges her jaw closed. Then he kisses her lush, full lips gently. She gives him a baffled look but obediently closes her mouth and returns the kiss. Slowly, he unwraps her, beginning at her sore breasts, and ending at her wrists. He shushes her gently every time she tries to speak to him. At last, she is free and she stretches her arms towards the sky, working out the kinks and aches in her cramped muscles. Tears appear as pins and needles race through her extremities and she tries to stay as motionless as she can. He watches her and feels her pains, but leaves her to work them out herself. Touching her now would only make her pain worse. At last, she turns to him and smiles. It is smile of exhaustion and trust and is the smile that he lives for. She feels a glow suffuse her body as the results of her smile become evident upon his face. She holds out her hand, beckoning him to join her. He walks toward her, and takes the small hand in his own, guiding her from the clearing. By the time he climbs into the driver side, she is curled up on the seat, still unclothed, and fast asleep. He watches her for a moment, her bare chest rising and falling in the afternoon light streaming through the windshield. Her hands are clasped loosely under her chin. She is smiling in her sleep, to some unknown but pleasant dreamscape. Together, they drive away, leaving the forest behind to its quietness and solitude. |
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