Shewannaga © Copyright 1997-2014 - Crimson Dragon All Rights Reserved Main Page · Short Stories · Snapshots · Novels · Contact |
======================================================================== Snapshot #10 Shewannaga (Ff, bd, exh) ======================================================================== (c) 1997 - All Rights Reserved Crimson Dragon ( ======================================================================== She could feel the cold water of the river through the bottom of the canoe. The occasional droplet of water driven by the wind and waves landed on her naked body causing her to shiver. If she looked up, she could see the clouds far above her, scuttling across the otherwise clear blue sky completely oblivious to the small creature slowly drifting downstream. She had no way of judging how long she had been lying in the bottom of the canoe. Her slender wrists bound to her sides. Her bare ankles crossed and securely lashed together. Judging by the position of the sun, it had probably been a couple of hours. The lazy river uncaringly carried the small boat and its nude bound cargo as though she wasn't even there. They had driven for hours to find this isolated river. She had willingly disrobed in the car as soon as they left the main highway. Diane had pulled off the road, had her leave all her clothing at the side of the road. The handcuffs had kept her hands behind her back for the rest of the ride. Diane had teased her breasts for what seemed like hours before resuming their ride. She had cried out in frustration, straining her manacled wrists to reach in front of her. To get more than just teasing. Diane has just grinned at her discomfort, put on her seatbelt so that it ran cleanly between her exposed breasts and continued the drive. There was little traffic on the back roads that they had taken. She smiled as she recalled the shocked faces staring at her bare chest on the few occasions that they were passed. Finally, they arrived at the dock. She had climbed into the borrowed canoe unsteadily. Diane had securely tied her wrists and ankles, having her lie quietly in the bottom of the canoe to lower the craft's center of gravity so it was steady in the water. She doubted if it would have been comfortable to have the canoe tip her bound into the cold water. She felt the small boat float out into the current and begin to drift. Diane had refused to answer any questions. How long was she to be aboard? Where the river went? Would anyone see her? Where would Diane meet her? Would Diane even meet her? What if the canoe ran aground? A million questions answered only with a smile. And so she drifted. No control. No concerns. Just the smell of the water, the cool spray, and the blue sky. She sighed, and continued her journey. |
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