Olivia © Copyright 1997-2014 - Crimson Dragon All Rights Reserved Main Page · Short Stories · Snapshots · Novels · Contact |
======================================================================== Snapshot #8 Olivia (Mf, bd, sm) ======================================================================== (c) 1997 - All Rights Reserved Crimson Dragon (dcrimson@yahoo.com) ======================================================================== The world looks so different when you are upside down. It had taken some convincing, but she had finally managed to persuade him that she really did want to do this tonight. She had talked him into it while driving home from an exceptionally boring party. All talk. No play. Worst of all, lousy music. As soon as the door opened, she was peeling the party dress from her body. She dropped her clothes at the front door in a heap and followed him upstairs. Meekly, she melted to her knees, feeling the rough texture of the carpet pressing into her legs and feet. She offered her wrists to him and shuddered as the cord bound them tight. Laying on her back, she offered herself to him silently. He used the spreader bar, fastening her ankles to it with the soft leather cuffs. She sighed and pulled at the bonds, not really wanting out. Using the block and tackle, she felt herself lifted by the ankles until just her long blond hair touched the carpet. She felt the curious sensation of her free breasts falling towards her head. She readied herself, as the first teasing blows began to rain down on her body. She squirmed against the bonds, as they fell, alternating with soft caresses of her exposed vaginal lips. But never any penetration. She suffered the blows and the frustration silently, determined not to cry out. She felt herself briefly attain some higher plane of existence, and then slip back to reality as the leather found her tender breasts. She finally screamed as the orgasm from her sore nipples ripped through her body. She, completely relaxed, was fast asleep by the time he was able to lower her gently to the floor and release her. He carried her unconscious form to the bed where he kissed her tenderly and covered her nude body with the covers. She curled up like a child beneath the warm sheets. As he turned out the light, her dreams had transformed themselves from inner daemons to summer breezes for the first time in weeks. |
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