The World Below

© Copyright 1997-2014 - Crimson Dragon All Rights Reserved

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Title Decoration Crimson Dragon
                           Snapshot #6
                         The World Below
                  (c) 1997 - All Rights Reserved
                Crimson Dragon (
She knew that she was going to do it as soon as she left the office. Today was
it. Too much pressure. Too much stress. She felt her mind snap. Slip into
a place where it all just disappeared.
Her apartment. Mr. Jack Daniels. Four shots. More than enough. She gagged on
the first two, the second two went easier. Her head swimming, as she slowly 
did a strip tease, for absolutely nobody. Elvis low on the stereo.
She danced naked with herself for a time. Finally, letting herself out into the
deserted hallway. The labyrinth guiding her body back towards the stairs.
Up, slowly twirling up the stairway. The fog slowly lifting as she found
the ladder. The ladder where she had hesitated so many times before. Last time
actually breaking the lock that led to the dark place, but not having the
courage to climb that last rung. Shaking, she placed her hands on the rungs 
and slowly climbed. Feeling the cold steel against the soles of her feet.
Feeling the draught flow down from the trap door above.
Tears coursed down her cheeks, as she emerged into the night. Looking over
the edge. She watched the world below. The people, like ants, scurrying
hither and fro. The cars, like toys, rushing back and forth for no particular
Her heart began to beat more insistently as she placed her bare feet up onto 
the low wall surrounding the rooftop. Her head still swimming, as she 
outstretched her arms towards the heavens. Tears formed again, but she 
steadied her nerves with a raw force of will.
And slowly, ever so slowly, simply leaned forward.

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