401 © Copyright 1997-2014 - Crimson Dragon All Rights Reserved Main Page · Short Stories · Snapshots · Novels · Contact |
======================================================================== Snapshot #1 401 (f, exh) ======================================================================== (c) 1997 - All Rights Reserved Crimson Dragon (dcrimson@yahoo.com) ======================================================================== She'd never done anything like this before. The butterflies were flitting about her stomach with the mere thought of it. She forced herself to slow as she climbed the steps to her apartment. Sixteen floors. She could have taken the elevator, but that just didn't seem right. Her hands shook as she rattled her keys into her door, silently cursing the butterflies, the lock, and her anxiousness. As she kicked off her shoes and slammed the door, she considered how this had to be done. She practically ran to the bedroom, closing the curtains from room to room. She peeled off her clothes, relishing the feel of the air against her naked body. She twirled in front of the mirror and dashed out to the living room, bare feet flying above the floor. Her joyful laugh echoed through the apartment. The butterflies were raging as she stepped to the balcony doors. Her heart pounding as she slid open the glass which kept the winter out and the warmth in. She heard the sounds of the city murmuring through the night. The cars racing past, sixteen floors down. The rush of the winter wind embracing the building like a lover. She felt the cold of the wind carress her body as she stepped through. She felt the curious sensation of the freezing concrete of the balcony against the soles of her bare feet. Her adrenaline pumping through her veins, giving her the sensation of warmth despite the arctic wind. Leaning on the balcony rail, absorbing the freedom of the winter storm swirling around her. Feeling the biting of the wind contracting her exposed nipples. Shivering in the cold night air, head held high in defiance of the unrelenting weather. She carefully brushed her hardening nipples with her fingertips and sighed as if the frigid air were a harsh love. The butterflies collapsing in her stomach as she watched the traffic on the 401 so far below her. |
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Crimson Dragon
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