About the Snapshots

© Copyright 1997-2014 - Crimson Dragon All Rights Reserved

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Title Decoration Crimson Dragon

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I t is very hard to describe the meaning behind these images. I'm not sure that there is any.

It is like these images have taken up residence in my head.

They are there to make me feel. They are there to make me sad, happy, wonderous, confused, angry, frightened, and a whole range of other emotions.

And they collectively clamour for release.

Some primitive tribes believe that a photograph has stolen your soul. Does this mean that an image or a snapshot, if you will, can expose your soul? Your deamons? Your essence?

Not all of these images are sexual in nature, though most have some connection with sexuality. Sexuality is simply an expression of the human nature.

Many have a bondage theme. Don't ask me why; I don't have a clue. These are only the images that are in my head. I have no idea why they are there. Very few actually have intercourse beyond what may be imagined. This may not appeal to everyone. But consider this fair warning.

And so, I inflict my daemons upon you. If these images are going to offend you, please refrain from reading them. If you have comments, good or bad, please feel free to contact me.

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Main Page · Short Stories · Snapshots · Novels · Contact

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© Copyright 1997-2014 - Crimson Dragon
All rights reserved

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