Cordelia Speedicut's
Wicked Bedtime Stories
I’ve always
felt that erotica tends to take itself too seriously – a stick up its
collective bum, as it were. For my part, I find the whole bumping of pelvises
thing to be intrinsically comic. Fun in other ways, too - but still.
I started out trying to write parodies
of the genre, and discovered that a whole lot of exaggeration was needed to get
beyond the standard fare. So I settled for a serving of perversity with
(hopefully) a bit of humour on the side.
It took me a while to notice that there were some recurring themes that were a bit ... sideways. The most consistent thread you'll find here is transformation. Not the furry hentai sort; more the sort of thing that Greek and Roman mythology revels in. I find there's nothing like a meadow full of nymphs and satyrs to get the blood stirred - not that either creature gets more than a few walk-on roles below.
An Erotic Fairy Tale I - Guilder
– Actually, several connected
tales in which the story is retold. It begins with a Witch, some Ruffians and
Rats, a Curse, and a Member of Unusual Size. And then things get more
Complicated … with a Fire Breathing Dragon, some Mercenaries and Blacksmiths,
an Erotic Fountain and some Rude Confectioneries, plus Hot Tail and yet another
Member of Unusual Size.
's story starts
us off (admittedly loosely), followed by some
seriously twisted
business by yours
. Last revision 19 March 2017.
Published 2016 - Smashwords e-book edition free HERE .
Cinderella: An Erotic Fairy Tale II - Dryadia - Further adventures, with even more Fire Breathing, a Forgotten Bacchanalia, further Warning concerning Blacksmithies, Hot Tail in the Dark, and yet another Member of Unusual Size. Also, wandering Freckles and truly Radiant lips; fearsome Wizardry and Centaur sex; plus Carnal Greetings and Sexual Carnage. A Triumph of Lust... with Blues and tuna. Trio from an idea suggested by Alex Suriel. Last revision 19 March 2017.
Published 2016 - Smashwords e-book edition
& humor; MF, FF, size, tf, toys, orgy, zoo (do dragons & centaurs
Club Latex
- Several
young Ladies visit a new Fetish Club – which, Unfortunately for them, is
Secretly run by a Mad Doctor. Even more Unfortunate is the fact that he is
Founder and CEO of Doc Abseil’s Animatronic Orgasmatron Manufacturing
Enterprises. Last revision 30th March 2017.
Published 2016 Smashwords e-book edition free HERE.
fantasy & humor; MF, FF, Fdom, size, gr, tf, tg, toys, mc, orgy
The Dog
Sitter & Other Stories
The Dog Sitter
- a
quick and silly riff on the old “girl meets mad scientist (to say nothing of his
dog)” story. Of course, my Heroine would never ordinarily Dream of engaging in
the Acts depicted here, but for certain Sinister Influences. And neither would
the dog. This one calls for a tip of the Mad Doctor’s hat to Umgestalten,
whose story
Breeder Bitch
was a major influence. fantasy & humor; tf, mc, zoo, preg
The Fountain
in the Garden
- twisted quickie in which a young Wicca is drawn
by a Greater Power to an assignation of Wicked Intent. Transmogrification will
Ensue. Presented with a tug of the forelock to
Seraphic Soul
from whom I borrowed the Dance at the heart of this little story. fantasy & humor; FF, gr, tf, mc, orgy
The Toy
Shoppe - A Midwinter’s Tale
- An Erotic Theme upon Christmas - being
a modern Encounter with an unusual Angel. fantasy & humor; MF, FF,
Last revision 29 December 2016
Published 2016 Smashwords e-book edition
free HERE.
A Victorian Adventure, involving Templars & a Jinniyah, plus Sex, Violence
and Cheap Brandy. Each episode concludes in an Exciting Cliffhanger. Last revision 6th May 2017
fantasy & humor; MF,
FF, size, tf, tg, toys (viol not sexual)
Daddy's Droid
- Concerning a Sex-bot, and What Happens when
Virtual Reality goes wrong. Formerly posted as Droids R Us - the title change intended to ensure no surprises.
The core premise of this plot was largely liberated from
by baubleheadz. New cast of characters,
though, and a whole new story arc. Last revision 22 April 2017. fantasy & humor; tf,
Mff, mc, in, toys, gr
the Harlot
- A
young woman annoys her lover - who, as it turns out, has both Trust issues and
Thaumaturgical talents. She finds herself
transformed to
become a rather nice inflatable - and insatiable - sex doll. Luckily, her best
friend sets out to try and meet her needs - resorting variously to frat boys
and stallions.
Four chapters to March
2013. Inspired by drawings by
. Last revision 30 April 2017
fantasy & humor; MF, FF, gr, tf, toys, orgy, in, zoo
Newly published 2017 Smashwords e-book edition - Free HERE.
Vintage Recycled Stuff:
Latex Bloom
- No latex, in spite of the title - just rude Shrubberies.
Oh - and some Plans for World Dominion. Story cribbed from
‘Latex Plant’ by Steven Nicholes … which
in turn was a rewrite of ‘Late Bloomer’ by Dragonfly (all three
are posted together at
Kristen’s Archives
). This version recycles most of the plot and
characters for a couple of chapters, before wandering off on its own
Lastly, I’d like to present an old favourite of mine – A Succubus Awakes , by Amajinarie, wherein a young lady discovers an untapped talent for sex. Two very lightly re-edited chapters - plus, I have also added my own version of subsequent events ... mainly because I couldn’t wait to see what might happen next. Consider it an alternate sequel, or something. Four chapters to June 2009. (The un-edited original two chapters may be found at Literotica .)
fantasy & humor; tf, mc, gr, orgy
For all the
above, the author offers these disclaimers:
Also, an
apology: If you've read the stories so far as to reach where the
endings aught to
be, you will often note the lack of one. I prefer to think of it as
having left
room for sequels. Which I will try to post from time to time.
Also, feel
free to let me know about any shocking lapses in syntax or continuity -
not to
mention spelling (for the most part, I've done my own editing).
Finally, the
author advises that you do NOT read these stories aloud to your
children at
bedtime – unless they are adults, which conjures images the author
refuses to
contemplate further.
Cordelia Speedicut
Comments? Feedback? Punctuation fails? Contact:
is the home page for Cordelia Speedicut.
For Further Amusing Links, click here.
Or, revisit the welcome page to get another look at that bat babe (or to double-check the warning about sexually explicit material. See? I told you this stuff was immature.)