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By Chris Hailey
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Copyright 2013
Story codes: Mg(10), first, rough
You sit down at a table. Your mouth is dry, your heart is pounding harder than you expected. As you pick up the menu and pantomime scanning the items, your eyes flit around the restaurant. It seems like a normal place; there's a couple in the corner, eating their dinner, but no one else is there. It hardly seems like the sort of place that had been described to you.
A fat balding middle-eastern man walks up with a glass of water and a waiter's notepad. "What'll it be?" he asks.
"I want to order something that isn't on the menu," you say, repeating verbatim the words you were told to say. Your voice sounds shaky. "I want to order the special dinner."
The man nonchalantly jots something on his pad. "And how would you like that done?"
"Rare," you respond, answering exactly as you were told.
"I will have to see what we have," the man responds. He leaves, walking through the swinging doors into the kitchen.
You drink the water to wet your parched mouth as you wait. Your heart is pounding harder still.
Finally the doors swing open again and the balding man steps out. A small girl follows behind him. He gestures toward you. The girl is looking at the ground but raises her eyes and briefly looks at you. Her eyes are dark, she looks scared.
You were told that the girl would be fourteen or fifteen. But this girl looks like she is ten, even nine. She is tiny. She is beautiful. She has shining dark hair, a soft, coffee-colored complexion. She is skinny and long-limbed. Your heart is pounding hard.
She walks to you, her head bowed. She reaches a hand out and you take her hand and stand up and follow her through the swinging doors.
Still holding her hand, you follow her down a hallway and through another swinging door. On the other side is a large man, a
scary-looking man. He says nothing, but holds out his hand, palm side up. The girl pauses, you take out a wad of bills from your pocket and put them in his hand. He counts them--1, 2, 3, 4, 5: $500 dollars. He nods to the girl and she continues walking down the hall and you follow her.
She opens a door, holds it open for you. You walk into the room. It is a small room with nothing but a bed, a door leading to a bathroom, and a window looking out onto a back courtyard. She steps through the doorway, closes the door, and turns the lock.
You sit on the bed, needing to calm your nerves. Your knees are shaking so badly you could hardly stand. She is leaning against the locked door, looking down at the floor. You want to say something to her, something to comfort her. She is
only a child, no older than your own daughter. But what can you say that will comfort her? Nothing.
"You should take off your clothes," you say instead. You try to sound authoritative, commanding, but your voice cracks and you sound nervous.
She raises her dark eyes, shining with tears, and nods. She looks back down at the floor and begins unbuttoning her shirt. She is wearing a little bra; when she takes her shirt off, she reaches around her back and unhooks the bra. Still looking at the floor, she slouches her shoulders forward so the bra falls off.
She has tiny breasts, just beginning to bud, just barely lifting her dark swollen little nipples off of her cream-colored chest.
Your heart is pounding so hard now that it feels like your chest is going to explode. Your cock is rock-hard. Your nervousness is beginning to be replaced with something else--with sexually-charged adrenaline. As she begins unbuttoning her pants, you stand up and start disrobing yourself. Your hands shake as you undo your belt. She drops her pants and panties. Her pussy is bare and cream-colored. Your erection throbs at the thought of violating that little child's pussy.
You drop your pants and underwear; your cock springs free, standing out proudly, curving upward to point at her. She stares at your manhood, wide-eyed, scared. You are rock-hard, harder than you have ever been. Painfully hard.
"Come here," you say, your voice commanding now.
She walks to you slowly. She is so very, very scared.
You put your hands on her shoulders, you push her down. She is on her knees in front of you now.
"Suck me," you command.
As she opens her mouth, she closes her eyes. You push your cock into her lips.
"Open wider," you say. You grab her hair, you pull your cock back, you push it in again, you start fucking her face. Her beautiful little child's face.
After a minute, you let go of her hair and pull out of her mouth.
You walk over to the bed, your cock so stiff it hardly moves as you walk. You take a couple of pillows and stack them on the bed, near the edge. You look over at the girl, still down on her knees, staring up at you with a frightened look.
"Get on the bed," you say. "Lay down with your stomach on these pillows."
She slowly climbs onto the bed and lays face down, her stomach on the pillows.
You stand behind her, at the edge of the bed. You grab her hips and pull her closer to you, then put your hands on the inside of her thighs and spread her legs open.
There is your prize. There is your bald little cream-colored pussy. Your cock throbs with excitement, adrenaline soars through your body.
With one hand on her hip, you grip your cock with your other hand and position yourself at her opening. She whimpers into the bedsheets as you rub your cockhead in between her bald pussy lips.
Once you have it positioned correctly, you push into her. She cries out and moves forward, resisting. With the tip of your
cockhead still in her pussy, you take hold of her hips again and pull her back into position. Then you reach one hand out and grab a large clump of her hair. With your other hand you grip your cock again. You push in, hard. She cries out again, but before she can lunge forward to resist, you pull back on her hair, pulling it towards you.
She cannot move this time. Your stiff cock bows under the pressure, and yet her hymen is still intact after your second assault. Your heart is pounding, your adrenaline is coursing through you, causing your entire body to shake. You are on fire. "Give it up, you little bitch," you say. You hadn't meant to say it out loud, and your voice sounds strange, scratchy and aggressive. Once you've said it, though, once it's out there, you feel the need to say it again. "Give it the fuck up, you whore!" you shout, gripping your cock and shoving in hard, pulling back forcefully on her hair. The young girl cries out a third time, but it is too late for her innocence now. You feel her maidenhood tear.
You pull back, shove in again, she sobs.
You fuck her for a dozen strokes, pulling her hair back hard with each thrust so that she cannot resist. Then you pull out. Your cock is covered in blood.
She lays there, her face in the bedsheets, sobbing, as you go into the bathroom and wash yourself off. You wet a towel and return to the room and gently wipe the blood from her vagina.
You sit down next to her and put your hand tenderly on her back. "I'm sorry if I hurt you," you say to her. She turns her face, opens her dark, beautiful, childish eyes and looks at you. She stops sobbing.
"What's your name?" you ask her.
"Sirah," she says.
"You are very beautiful, Sirah," you say.
"Thank you," she says quietly. She looks at you with her shining black eyes. "And what is your name?"
You tell her your name. She repeats it in her sweet little voice, as if she wants to remember forever the name of the man that deflowered her.
You lean over and kiss her on the cheek. Then you put your hands on her shoulders and roll her off the pillows towards you. When she is on her back on the bed you lean over her and take her nipples into your mouth; first one, rolling it between your tongue, then the other, feeling their soft, spongy flesh. Then you sit up, on your knees, and move over to her so that your cock is above her face.
"What do you think of my cock, Sirah?" you ask.
"It is big," she says.
"Do you like it?" you ask.
She looks up at you, her dark eyes wide.
"Do you want it inside you again?"
She doesn't answer, she just looks up at you.
"I'm going to put it inside you again," you say.
She nods.
"I'm going to fuck you," you say to her, looking down at her face underneath your cock, "and then I'm going to finish inside you. I'm going to come inside you." It gives you a thrill to tell the little girl that she's going to have your come inside her.
She nods again.
You lift the shaft of your cock so that your balls are in her face.
"Kiss my balls," you command.
She lifts her head and kisses your scrotum.
You sit back. You put your hands in her armpits, moving her so that she is laying in the middle of the bed. You climb between her legs, spreading them open with your knees. You grip your cock and lean over and push into her again.
She turns her head to the side but she does not cry out this time. You enter her; you are gentle at first, a slow, cautious pace, letting her stretch open and lubricate, enjoying the feeling of her hot sticky lips sliding along your cock. Your cock is throbbing. He wants you to fuck her. None of this pansy-ass gentle shit, he likes it rough, he wants a woman to know he's inside her. And no matter what you want to do, he is ultimately in charge. He gets what he wants.
You lay down on her, wrapping your arms under her shoulders and up over her head, holding her in a head-lock. You start slamming into her, one hard thrust after another, the weight of your whole body driving your cock into her. She grunts painfully with each thrust.
"Tell me you want my come," you snarl in her ear.
She says nothing, just grunts, her head to the side, looking at the wall.
You grab her face with your hand, a thumb on one cheek, fingers on the other. You squeeze her face hard and turn her head so she is looking up at you. "Tell me you want my come inside you," you hiss.
"I want your come inside me," she says mechanically.
"Tell me you want my sperm!" you say loudly, slamming into her repeatedly. "Tell me you want my sperm, you little whore! Tell me you want to have my baby!"
"I want your sperm," she says, grunting with each thrust, "I want to have your baby."
"Oh my god you're such a fucking whore!" you shout as you start orgasming.
You unload, filling the little girl with your come, several huge, glorious shots, slamming hard with each one, then several smaller ones.
You pull out of her. Your cock is bloody again. You go into the bathroom and clean it off, then climb on the bed and kiss her cheek.
"Thank you, Sirah, it was very nice," you say.
She manages a little smile.
Nickname | Date | Feedback |
maola | Damn! im cummin... | |
Bob | Great story, you capture the man's frame of mind so well, it's just how I would feel incredibly nervous! Ideal age & body type as well. Would love more of these little prostitute adventures. | |
Anonymous | Violent, and yet painfully erotic. Realistic after a fashion, and arousing. Would read again. | |
Chria Hailey | "Painfully erotic" is a fascinating way to put it, Anon. Normally I wouldn't necessarily take that as a compliment but I think that is basically what I was going for. Definitely not a comforting tale, but it does get my blood flowing and I hope it does for others here too. | |
writerz01 | Very nice. The roughness you mentioned was just right I believe. Sexy and arousing tale. | |
Anonymous | Very nice. I don't normally go for the rougher stories, but this one was very well written. | |
The Professor | One criticism I have is that you failed to lubricate her virginal pussy.
Some erotic tougue licking supplying copious amounts of saliva would add to the
realism portrayed. Justva suggestion... A reaction from the child to some clitorial stimulation too would be good during this activity, given her budding breasts, one would expect her to react, experiencing sexual feelings for the very first time in her very young life and possibly resulting in her first time orgasm prior to the onslaught of sexual gratification by the adult. |
geofred | Perfect scenario. I would have liked more certainty that she was 9-11 rather than 14-15 which nowadays is normal for first time sex Certainly she wold enjoy it the second time. | |
Horny daddy | Loved this story, would love to have been him , love the thought of taking the virginity out off a young girl. For me the younger the better , 5,6,7 yr olds are more than ready for some penetration, erotically speaking this was a cummer for me, would like you to write a story with younger girls and daddy's or uncles brothers or neighbours etc. | |
Ron | The only thing I detest more than second person stories is violent sex stories. Hated it. | |
Chris Hailey | As far as second person goes it can definitely be off-putting. I think I did a decent job in this one. | |
DrTarr | I wold love to see this told from the girl's POV as well | |
bummer | you should have ripped open her tight ass too | |
KiwiCat | Very nice. Sometimes we have to let our inner beasts out to play as writers. Often the results can be enlightening and steamy fun. | |
Anonymous | I would like to take a baseball bat to everyone who likes this story! Feeble sick bastards who hide behind the internet and condone the sick abuse of helpless children for their own self abuse. Pathetic morons. | |
Chris Hailey | I feel a need to respond to the previous Anon. Perhaps I err in not including enough by way of disclaimers in my stories; I've always thought that such disclaimers are unnecessary and even a little unseemly. But, it is perhaps a good time to state what I hope is obvious: I am a perfectly normal person with a perfectly normal family life and sex life and let me state unequivocally that I abhor violence against children, violence against women, and indeed all violence (including, by the way, beating innocent people with baseball bats). This story is a masturbatory fantasy; I thought it up one day, wrote it down because I like to read fantasies while masturbating, and shared it here for like-minded people. Indeed I think the most dangerous thing here is that the previous Anon (and, perhaps, others) confuses fantasy with reality. Psychologists have long recognized that sexual fantasies are perfectly normal. Even "deviant" fantasies are within the "spectrum of normality." Plenty of people have fantasies about rape, or about sex with minors, but (relatively) few, thankfully, act on these fantasies or confuse their fantasies with reality. Indeed, the opposite may be true-- people who suppress such fantasies out of fear or shame may be more likely to view their sexual fantasies as uncontrollable and abnormal and may be more likely to act in damaging and dangerous ways out of self-loathing. Society is better off recognizing that such fantasies are normal and non-dangerous; plenty of perfectly normal people have such fantasies and do not and will not act on them. Emphasizing that such things are normal is far more likely to lead to healthy sexual behaviors than threats and insults and fear and shame. Off my soapbox now! |
perv daddy | I enjoyed the story and beat off as I read it. The only thing missing, and what I would have done, is lick her bald little pussy and give her a nice "cummie" She deserves that for being co-operative. Perv Daddy | |
A lady | Enjoyed your little story, there's nothing I like better than a straight forward fuck story before heading to my bed and little drawer of joy | |
LPM | She was fine in the end. I lost my virginity late and it hurt A LOT. So, that is simply a part of life. She learned her role to men. A wonderful story. Would be hot to think she was impregnated, too. | |
Sumtime | I loved the story but feel it would have been better if the girl had been 8 at most with a totally flat chest. You might have given more emphasis to her having a totally bald pussy too. | |
sweet stix | You are so sick chris. This story made me cry | |
Anon | This was pretty hot I love it when your stories get rougher and the girls are dominated I hope you do more like this. | |
Dan | I loved this story. There's nothing more erotic than a violent story of preteen violation, but not violent for the sake of torture, just for complete male sexual gratification. I think the "me" of this story would do exactly as written. Tearing her open with a hard cock and later ejaculating into the whore's body without remorse and with single-minded concern only for my own sexual gratification is very fulfilling. Why waste time with her feelings? She is a nothing but a sex object. Demanding that she ask to carry my baby so that it can become another sex toy for me and any other man that wants to use the baby whore's body would be a wonderful outcome for the sperm dripping from the 9 year old whore's vaginal cavity. More like this! | |
Les | Excellent! | |
Daren P | As a writer of erotic fiction, I wonder why those who claim to abhor it
take the time and effort to read it, don't you? Do they masturbate
while reading then feel guilt? Makes me wonder... I enjoyed your tale and totally understand that it is nothing but fantasy, not to be confused with reality - or baseball bats. |
Yeah, makes me wonder, too, Daren. --Chris |
Perv dad | Beautiful kiddiekunt story. You really portray her purpose in life as a simply a preteen fucktoy. Once she starts growing ugly tits and hips you can use her as a breeder for new and even younger fuck puppets. | |
Definitely can't agree with you about "ugly tits"--there's nothing better than a nice warm chubby set of tits for me--but to each their own. --Chris |
daddy must doit | wow, love this story, would so loved to have been him!!! I agree with some of the above that it would have been more erotic to a point if she had been a bit younger, say around 6/7 yrs old.. at this age they are more than willing to try penetration and love the fact that men find there holes attractive and needing attention.. theres nothing more erotic in fantasy terms as to fuck a single figure girl.. tight , flat chested , and and awesome kisser would be any mans ultimate fuck toy.. and I challenge any man to come home and see his little girl flahing her cunt at any age and not want to fuck her.. great story. keep them young. | |
Anonymous | Reminded me of my first young in Thailand she was 11 and her uncle was selling her to a whorehouse and I happen to be there and brought her for 9 dollars for the whole week I was there on R&R from danang AFB Vietnam,she had only been fucked once when her uncle had raped her and he got scared that her mother would kill him so he took her to bangkoc to the whorehouse and he was going to tell his sister that she had run away. We stayed in the hotel room leaving just to eat and then back to bed where we had sex as much as I could then we were in the bathtub having fun. was a great week. | |
Anonymous | Well written for a 2nd person. One of the problems of 2nd person like this is that one's curiosity about how she got to the position she is in wasn't revealed. How does a 10 year old come to accept that she will lose her virginity to a strange man? There's a full untold story that unfolded days or even years before this one. | |
I do understand what you mean. On the other hand, the person in the story--the man--would not necessarily know any of the back story, either. So there is a sense of realism to this because it doesn't give you information that the main character would not have. Just a different sort of perspective. I like to mix things up! --Chris |
The Major | Excellent. You should have had her deflower herself. You lay on your back and have her impale herself on you manhood. | |
fuzzieone | I think you did a great job describing her and he, as I was stroking and reading I could feel the tightness of her sweet hairless cunt as I rammed my hard throbbing cock home | |
Lilikoi | So, you're a decent writer and this was pretty well done, thank you for
sharing. The only issue I take is in the small smile she gives at the end. I
can't tell if the narrator is deluding himself or if you are the one that is
deluded, but no one smiles after being raped, not even prostitutes. I get turned off by stories where a girl just takes all the abuse without appearing hurt at the end, or even seems happy about it when it was clearly non-consensual and there's no plausible explanation for her reaction. Yes, some girls might experience pleasure and come to accept it, but most should/would be irreparably damaged and psychologically broken by a violent event like this. I speak from experience, even the slightest trespass on someone's physical boundaries and autonomy over their body will leave obvious scars. So please stop pretending the girls enjoy it. Maybe they do reluctantly find some forcibly provoked pleasure in the act, maybe they do strive for acceptance and praise, but any sign of forgiveness or appreciation for the perpetrator is ridiculous. It feeds into the perpetrator's fantasies, and I get that maybe you do that to appeal to your audience, but it takes away from the girl's character and makes her completely unreal. She's the one I'm reading this story for. It's her pain that I want to share and connect with. So please, give us what the girls are really experiencing. Thank you. |
Lilikoi, thank you very much for your feedback and your point is definitely well-taken. I hope you know that I am not "deluded"--that this is strictly a fantasy. My intent was not to have the smile indicate that she was happy about what happened, or that she enjoyed it. Not hardly. My intention was something more like, the girl figures he'll come back and probably knows that her pimp will require her to make him happy, so she smiles because that's what she has to do. Maybe looking at it like this will help you sympathize with her more? --Chris |
Karen | I couldn't help shivering with excitement as I read this story. I know it's terribly wrong, but the description of the girl sounded so like my second daughter and as I read the story I imagined it was happening to her. Couldn't stop myself from reading right through to the end. I feel such a perverted slut. | |
erl | Very good story, if she had been 8 would of been better for my liking. Another reader suggested that a sodomizing her would of bee appropriate as well for her and I have to agree. | |
les | Good as your stories are I think that in this instance I was more turned on by all the accompanying comments above - would love to correspond with some of the more salacious commentators - | |
LadyOfSin |
Beautifully Violent
Chris, you have outdone yourself once again. I would like to see more like this, except not a prostitute. As a child, I tried more than once to get molested. (Ladies, please tell me I am not alone here). But I was always saved by a protective mother. So, I enjoy older men seducing then taking little girls (erotica) very much. Even more violently because it's beautiful before and after but they are really acting passionately and it's natural. |
Old Fart | Damn right I would Fuck Her! | |
Old man | GREAT at 67 just shot a load all over my key board LOL. Can't wait for another story!! | |
bob | very enjoyable story. It got me hard (I'm stil hard even after reading all the comments). I love the fantasy of fucking a little girl, especially her first time. I also enjoyed pretending I was the little girl and picturing the story from her point of view. Thank you. | |
Van Byrd | My only objection is to the words "whore" and "slut." Where's the joy in fucking a whore? Where does the guy get off being moralistic and calling her a "slut"? | |
Hey thanks for the comments, Van. It's a criticism I get a lot from readers, actually, that I use words like "whore" and "slut" too much. The funny thing is that I've always considered them "terms of endearment"--enjoyable names to call your lover when you're talking dirty to her during sex. I guess I've just been really lucky that all the lovers in my life felt/feel the same way. I have been trying to tone it down a bit recently in consideration of the sensibilities of my dear readers though, so I am listening! --Chris |
Tony Bobby | Nice! I love stories about pt girls getting drilled like this! | |
REALLYBGCK | The best pussy I ever had was a runaway 12 year old girl. She was selling her hot little fuck box for $25 and after I fucked her for an hour I offerened another 20 if she would stay all night. | |
Well then you might want to check out my story The Lighthouse, which is more along the lines of what you are describing (with a little bit of this story mixed in as well). | ||
horny daddy | loved the story the older i get the more i love young girl stories, younger the better. i'm 76 i can still get horny and hard and i just cum again tell me about her further adventures specially one with an old guy like me | |
bratovichc | Great story. I like the submission of the little girl. I like that she had been a virgin. I have a tremendous erection reading this great story. | |
old perv | nice story chris. I love the thought of having a preteen girl to use. I'd like to know how she ended up as a prostitute. I'd like to think her dad was making some use of her. | |
Keith_4_fun | Loved tbrhe story. Would also love to share experiences and fantasies with some of the lady commenters. | |
What, am I running a dating service now? I should be charging a fee! Jusk teasing, Keith, I hope you get some emails! Let me know how it goes! --Chris |
Wally | WOW, that was one hot story. One of the best I have read. I see that you wrote it a couple of years ago, but stories like that don't get old. I have written one (seeding of the amish girl) that I allowed someone else to publish I was not sure on how to publish a story on this site. Great Story. Wally | |
Give us a link to your story, Wally! I will post it here. --Chris |
LoneChildLover84 | Very nice text!! A bit rough but not too much... I like moderate BDSM/slavery stories about young preteen slaves! I wish I could have my own beautiful preteen (5 to 10 years old) slave-girls!!... | |
justagirl | comments = excellent story. I love the rough with the care. I to always tried to get the older men in my life to "take care of me " from an early age. This was always in my fantasies. Ty for this! | |
Glad you enjoyed it, justagirl, and let me know if you need someone to "take care of you" anytime soon! :) --Chris |
ken | love the story,Very hot...I get turned on reading fantasy stories. | |
LoneGirlLover63 | Nice story, Chris! I already made a comment on it. Don't know if you read it? I love hot stories about bondage/non-consensual sex involving child sex slaves!... I miss all the good stories of the defunct "LOLITA BONDAGE" web-site: it was great!! Try to write more stories like this, involving even younger children. | |
I don't believe I saw your comment before, Lone. The comment form isn't always reliable. Thanks for writing again. --Chris |
Torch | Chris, fucking hot story and I am gay. Don't know why but totally gay for men but bi for boys and girls. Love the rough stuff. Looking forward to reading more of your stories. | |
heroone1 | loved your story, was great giving that little whore your baby cum. you needed to have giving her some thing that would really get her preg an had a cum up story of you getting her ass hole. but all in all a good story. | |
TheSatyre | You are a pretty good writer and I would love to read more from you. I liked this story a lot but I couldn't help feel that maybe it was a little short, or perhaps bare would be a better term. Maybe I was expecting a bit more description and an in depth view into what the main character was seeing, thinking and feeling. Looking quickly around your other stories I see you seem to have a specific age of around 9 below which you don't seem to go for your female characters. Is that a conscious choice or simply your preference? Would you consider writing a more hardcore story such as this featuring even younger characters? | |
Thanks for feedback, TheSatyre. This is one of my more minimalist stories, to be sure; do read other stuff that I've written because I try to mix it up a bit. As for my preferred age, you are right, the youngest I am interested in is 8 to 9 years old. I don't think you should expect to find anything involving a girl younger than that from me. But, who knows? --Chris |
PedoMom | I love your stories Chris, they always make me cum so hard! I write, too. Found on this site as: | |
Gesso | Hey Chris,
Ask what you've missed about the second person. How does it exploit the
reader, for example? None of that is here. Minimalism? I'd call this 'Noneism' -
(don't worry, I'm just being a fuck-head.) You do need more description. It's a jerk-off story, please let us jerk-off. You do need more gravitas, gravity and gravy, let's say. And you could do it in the same word-count area. It's not that Hemmingway's dead... I liked it actually, because it's a bit experimental. I disagree with your themes, but that's just taste (Me, Mr. Pee) - I think here you enter a new phase of your poethics. It's an exciting time Mr. Chris. |
Far be it from me to prevent anyone from a good jerk-off! :) Thanks for the comments, and don't worry about being a fuck-head, often my favorite comments are the critical ones! Cheers, --Chris |
JohnnyPurv | 5/14/2016 | Fucking hot story. |
Themastersblue | 5/14/2016 | Nice, love her getting sold, time take her ass also.. |
DOC | 5/16/2016 | Hot story, but wish they had more crying. |
Sincerelylolipop | 7/12/2016 | I loved this. Came hard to it. The rougher the better!! |
Awesome, glad to have done my part to bring more sexual gratification into the world! --Chris |
Eagle Thunder | 12/7/2016 | I can't believe it's been three years since you've
posted this and I just now find it. I have come to
realize how easily a man with no scruples can
coerce a young girl into a life of sex slavery, so
a story like this one always peaks my interest. I
have to wonder why you've been exploring the
rough, forced side so little.
I for one, enjoyed the story a lot, even if he didn't take her ass or fucked her throat properly (maybe it wasn't allowed? you've given no details of what else the protagonist was instructed), she was there to be used and do everything in her power to get this man to return and rent her use again. 'Beautifully violent' and 'painfully erotic' are very good ways to describe this story. As far as rape story go, you did a good job yet again. Then again, all of your stories are well written - some impossibly so. How come you haven't explored this darker side of sinful pleasure more? You've explored the other, lighter side, so extensively and so well! You might have noticed how many women have enjoyed this particular story. They all have such fantasies of being coerced, made to serve... even if most realize how dangerous it would be to act on them. The few that are lucky enough to be able to act on them safely, always do so. I hope you'll explore more this aspects of kids tricked or forced into sexual servitude. As fantasy is quite beautiful, giving the male character (with whom the male reader is meant to identify) the most pleasure, while giving the female reader (that identifies with the girl) a strong resonance with her desires. In your beautiful writing style, I'm sure the results would be most pleasurable ;) |
Thanks for the feedback, Eagle Thunder. I value all feedback, and yours more than most. I suppose I don't explore this sort of theme all that much, simply because it doesn't get me off all that much. I'll definitely keep your advice in mind for the future, though! --Chris |
Oauli | 3/28/2017 | Such a hot story. I could just imagine the sexy sceen. Love deflowering stories. He should have had viagra there. Gave her ass a good fucking to. No holes bared |
Paulxxx | 4/30/2017 | Such a hot story had me masturbating. The thought of paying for her to use and abuse shoot a load into then leave so erotic a fantasy. Fact is if a guy pays for this he wont be interested in her feelings. It's her cunt ass mouth body he has hired. He only has a short time to use her. Well written chris |
Father4Star | 01/31/2022 | Now as far as I'm concerned, I loved the story for the most part though I would say considering the description of the little girl she probably was about 13-14 years old. Her size would not normally bring on breast increase before a certain weight. There are exceptions though. I know one thing, I wanted to be shoving my cock into her until I was totally spent. And as for her hymen being so hard to break, I'm glad does not happen very often. Just thinking about the story, I would say another chapter wouldn't hurt as I'm already getting a hard-on thinking about it. Time for another story Chris, thanks. |
Poswho | 02/01/2022 | Poorly written |
Hey, thanks for the feedback. This was one of the first stories I wrote, almost ten years ago! I hope you'll check out some of my newer stories, and let me know what you think. Cheers, Chris |
Anonymous | 02/02/2022 | Can't see how I've missed this for 10 years! Hot! But I agree with all who say he should have licked her clitty and give her her first orgasm as a reward for being so cooperative |
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