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By Chris Hailey
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Copyright 2017
Story codes: Mg12, mast, lapdance
Summary: Jenny loves to sit on laps! Tonight, her parents are having a grown-up party, and she finds the perfect lap to plop down on.
Jenny loves to sit on laps. She always has, as long as she can remember. Ever since she was a little girl.
Sometimes, when she's sitting on a snuggly lap, she likes to settle down and cuddle up. But usually she's very squirmy when she's sitting on a lap. She's a very squirmy girl, and when she's sitting on just the right kind of lap, all she wants to do is squirm and bounce.
And tonight, she's sitting on just the right kind of lap!
Her parents are having a party tonight, and there's all kinds of loud music, and grown-ups everywhere. She's been drinking Dr. Pepper all night, and she's on a sugar rush like you wouldn't believe, and since there are no kids her age to goof around with, she starts looking for somewhere to sit and squirm and squiggle to the music. And that's when she sees a lap! Hooray! It belongs to Steven, one of her daddy's friends, a very cute and big and strong man, who's sitting down and sipping his drink and watching the crowd of people dance.
And I bet you can guess what Jenny does as soon as she finds a lap she wants to sit on. She plops right down!
Steven is surprised to find a fidgety twelve-year-old, the daughter of the party's host, suddenly bouncing on his lap. It's a pleasant surprise, for sure. She'd attracted his attention earlier that evening when she was dancing and gyrating to the music. He noticed her then, because of her little cut-off jeans and her tight purple tee-shirt. The teeshirt's nice and tight against her chest, showing off the shape of a sweet little pair of growing assets beneath a training bra. And the shorts, well, they're not as tight as the teeshirt but they have their own charm, cut high up her long skinny legs.
Jenny, his new little knee-bouncer, is just an amazingly cute thing, shoulder-length golden locks, a sugar-rush blush on her round freckled cheeks, a little button of a nose, blue sparkles for her eyes. Steven can't help himself; he feels a stirring in his groin the moment she plops her skinny bottom down on his lap. Hell, it's hard to imagine any man, even the gayest man in America, who wouldn't feel a stirring in his groin when this little budding princess hops on and starts giving him a lap dance.
She has a can of Dr. Pepper in her hand, and she leans over to grab a bowl of Bugles sitting on a table nearby. She sets the Dr. Pepper down on the table, next to Steven's drink, and proceeds to take Bugles from the bowl and put them on the ends of her fingers. Once she's got one hand Bugled, she tries to do the same to the other, but it's harder, with the fingers of her first hand already topped with Bugles now. Steven laughs at her, then helps her, grabbing a few Bugles out of the bowl and fitting them to the ends of her remaining fingers. He still has a couple remaining in his hand when they're done, and these he feeds to her, one at a time, plopping them in her open mouth amid her giggles. She holds her hands out and admires her Bugle-topped fingers, wiggling them, then eats the Bugles from her fingers one at a time.
When her fingertips are empty again, she reaches back to her Dr. Pepper, but picks up Steven's drink instead. She holds it up to her nose and feels the tickle of the fizzy bubbles of the tonic water, and the sharpness and strangeness of the smell of the alcohol.
"What is this?" she asks him.
"Gin and tonic," he answers.
"Oh. Is it good?" She lifts the glass to her mouth.
His eyes dart around the room to see if anyone is watching. No one is, but it doesn't matter anyway. She's already taken a drink.
"Ewww," she says, crinkling her nose and sticking out her tongue.
"Too strong?" he asks her.
"It's..." She takes another drink. "It tastes funny." A third drink.
"Alright, that's enough, little lady," he says, taking the glass away from her. She giggles. Her head already spins a bit. He takes a drink himself, and as he reaches over her, to set the glass down in the table, he puts a hand on her back. His hand feels big and warm and strong to her, and this makes her feel even more squirmy than she already is. She decides she really likes sitting on Steven's lap!
He feels her soft little bottom rubbing enthusiastically against him, and he wonders if the girl knows what she's pressing up against. A little embarrassed by his body's reaction to her squirmy softness, he moves his hips, trying to adjust things a bit so he isn't just poking her right in the ass. But this just makes things worse. It makes him get even harder, and it makes it seem like he's intentionally trying to rub it against her. What he really needs to do is adjust himself with his hands, but to do that, he'd have to reach under her rear end, or between her legs, and...
His eyes scan the room again. No one is watching. No one is paying any attention, they're all just laughing and dancing and chatting and drinking. But, on the other hand, the twelve-year-old seems oblivious to the fact that she's got him stiff as a metal rod. Heck, right now she's busy putting more Bugles on her fingers! She's just squirming and bouncing because that's what girls like her do at a party when they're sitting on a lap, right? Granted, she's a bit old for this kind of behavior--either that or way too young for it--but hey, it'd be wrong to make her stop. It's not her fault that he's getting a woody while she bounces. She doesn't mean to do it. Heck, she probably doesn't even know she's doing it. So he helps her put the Bugles on her fingers again, taking her cue and acting like nothing's happening at all. Then he reaches over her for his drink.
"Want another sip?" he asks, after taking a drink himself. She giggles and holds the glass in her Bugle-tipped fingers and takes a nice big drink. He looks around. There's still nobody paying any attention to them. He reaches over and puts the glass back in the table as she munches a Bugle off of a finger, and as he sits back, he puts his hand on her bare knee. She doesn't respond at all, just eats another Bugle from a finger.
As nice as Steven's big strong hand feels on her back, his other hand, that he just put on her knee, feels even nicer. It's so warm! Yay! It just makes her want to squirm all the more, and so she wiggles away to the music while she munches another Bugle from her finger.
Looking casually around the room, he lets his index finger make little circles on the inside of her knee. Her skin is soft, oh goddamn it's so soft! And he knows it's even softer further up her leg, so he slides his hand a bit, a couple inches further up, feeling her soft skin with his fingertips. Technically, his hand's still on her knee. Some of his fingers are on her knee at least, a couple of them. But now his index finger is on her inner thigh, making its little circles on even softer skin a few inches above her knee. She makes no response to this, just keeps eating Bugles off her fingers.
Jenny is feeling very goofy now. She loves the lap she's found to sit on tonight! It's the awesomest! It's just the sort of lap that she can squirm and squiggle on all she wants, and Steven doesn't even seem to mind at all that's she's being so goofy! Most grown-ups would tell her to settle down, but he's just laughing and having as much fun as she is! And she loves the feeling of his big warm hands. It makes her tummy act a little funny, the way his fingers are stroking her knee. It tickles! She likes it a whole lot!
He leaves his hand there for a little while, just petting her thigh with his fingertips, then decides that the girl seems to like what he's doing, or at least doesn't object. So, eyeing the room with his casual look, he slides his hand further up her leg, and down, too, down onto her thigh, his hand half-way up her leg and his fingers now stroking her inner thigh. She squirms and shimmies as his hand moves, and he stalls his advance, worried that she might want him to stop now. But he decides the squirming is just more of her silliness. As far as he can tell, she's still not responding to his touch at all. She's still just eating Bugles. His fingers start to pet again. Oh god, her skin is even softer now! Up and down his fingers pet, back and forth, gentle little strokes.
The first apparent sign of her reaction to his hand on her thigh is when she finishes the last of the finger-Bugles and leans over to pick up her Dr. Pepper again. As she leans, she opens her legs. Just a little bit. It's entirely possible that it's accidental. Unintentional. Unrelated to his probing fingers. But this thought hardly even passes through his brain. He takes it as a sign, a green light to continue his advance, so he slides his hand up even further. Now his thumb is resting on the frayed hem of her cut-off shorts, his index finger less than an inch away. His hand is quite obviously well up her leg, but still, as he casually scans the room, he can tell that no one is looking, no one is noticing, no one is paying any attention at all. Heck, she doesn't even seem to paying attention. She just drinks her Dr. Pepper and looks out at the people and squiggles on his lap. And, fuck, he's never felt skin so soft before.
His index finger circles, moving further up, until he feels the stray strands of the cut off hem. He slips it under the strands, under the hem, and finds the edge of her panties. Another finger joins the first and he traces the hem for a moment, running fingertips along the fabric while looking casually around the room. She seems to be squiggling a little more on his lap now, giggling, drinking her Dr. Pepper.
He's smiling and she's squirming as he slips his fingers in, under her shorts, over her panties, right on top of her pussy.
Now Jenny's tummy feels really funny! All fluttery and jumbled. She's never been touched like this before. All the laps she's sat on in her whole life, no one's ever touched her private place like this! And she likes it so much! His fingers are rubbing and they're so soft and tickley! But they're also strong and firm, and she likes that, too.
She's squirming like crazy now, moving her hips back and forth with his finger-rubbing. She's having so much fun! She loves how he likes to tickle her in this new and special way! Giggling from all the fun, she lifts her can of Dr. Pepper to her mouth, but she misses her lips, or maybe she's just bouncing too much, or something, because some of it slops out of the can and onto her arm, and some on her shirt, and a little on the chair. This just makes her giggle more and she holds the can tight and feels the soda sloshing around inside as she moves her hips with his tickling fingers.
He can tell from the twelve-year-old's gyrations on his lap that she's having a lot of fun now. She's still moving to the music, still giving him her little lap dance, but her motion's changing. She might not know what she's doing, she might not understand or even realize it, but the little hussy's sliding her hips with a firm determination now, pushing her pussy hard against his fingers. She's starting to let out little gasps. Her pink cheeks are getting red. She has her eyelids half-closed, and from what he can see of the rest of her eyes, they're glassy and unfocused and starting to roll. He rubs her pussy harder, pressing his fingers against her through her panties. Suddenly...
Her tummy flip-flops like crazy. Something funny's happening! His fingers aren't just tickling now. No, it's not just a tickle, it's... it's... Oh! It's the most wonderful fantastic feeling! It makes her shake and shimmy! The feeling starts right at his fingertips, right between her legs, and it rolls through her body like a wave, and just when it seems like she'll be able to catch her breath, another wave! Now she can't catch her breath at all, and she's swooning, she feels so light-headed, like she's gonna pass out!
And then... she gushes. She can't help it now, she moans and her face goes hot and she just gushes from her pussy, wetness flowing out and soaking her panties underneath his fingers.
...Suddenly he feels that her panties are soaking wet. Steaming hot and soaking wet. His fingers are rubbing hard through slippery cotton fabric now, and the girl is shaking and gasping for breath and Oh my god the girl is cumming! The sweet twelve-year-old is cumming, right under his fingers, right on his lap, right in the middle of her parents' crowded party room, the little girl is cumming!
He rubs her little pussy through her panties for another minute, feeling her coming down from her climax, nice and slow and easy. Her squirms are mostly replaced with heavy sighs, and she leans back against his chest. The hand he still had on her back slides under her arm as she settles up against him, and he takes the opportunity to give a little budding breast a gentle stroke, while he continues to pet her sweet wet pussy with his other hand.
She still has an occasional little squirm, especially when he starts squeezing her boob, and when his fingers rub just the right spot on her pussy. It makes her catch her breath and giggle. But these squirmies now are more like tickles than the big rolls of crazy feelings that she was having before. And tickles are fun, especially when a man as cute and wonderful as Steven is tickling her, but sometimes they're just too much, and that's what these are like now. So she puts her hand down on top of her shorts, on top of his hand, and he understands, and he pulls his hand out. But he leaves it on her bare thigh for a moment, his fingers still gently stroking her soft skin.
She stays leaned back against him for another moment, still panting, and he gives her breast another couple squeezes. Then she sits up, and takes a final sip of her Dr. Pepper, and grabs a couple more Bugles, and jumps off his lap.
"I hafta go ta the bathroom," she says with a silly smile.
"Okay," he says back. He's got a big smile too. He picks up his drink as he watches her leave the room, then stands and joins the crowd, chatting. When she comes back from the bathroom a few minutes later, she just dances around with the other people at the party, like she'd been doing before she gave him the lap dance. Just like nothing happened between them at all.
Nickname | Date | Feedback |
chef | 3/30/2017 | Thanks for new story. Will there be more to this story later? Keep writing. |
slave parker | 3/30/2017 | great xxxxciting story, great picture, would make the perfect xxx movie! thanx! |
Matteo | 3/30/2017 | Well done. Excellent story. I love the building tension as you focus in on this chance rebounder between family friend and daughter. Amongst all the adults having fun there's the illicit interaction between the naive girl and her lucky partner in crime. Very hot and steamy. You certainly know how to draw in the reader and place them in the thick of the action. One of your best. Bravo |
Notmuchofflimits | 3/30/2017 | That was fan fucking tastic. The slow burn, the is she / isn't she aspect...and to leave us hanging at the end just like him. Please continue! |
Anonymous | 3/30/2017 | more please |
Hey, thanks to all of you for your comments. I'm just really happy to hear that you all enjoyed it. As for there being a follow-up, it's certainly an obvious candidate for a part two, and I'll never say never. After all, I intended my Ruby series to be a one-off and it wound up in six parts! But for me, as some of you have already noted, a big part of the appeal of this story is the girl's adorable innocence, which leads her to not even really realize what the guy is doing, let alone that she might feel a desire (or obligation) to reciprocate. Her mind just isn't there yet, she's still 100% a child. I think this only really works if it's just a chance encounter, just a moment of random connection between two would-be lovers, and I suspect the magical spell would be broken if he follows her off to bed and fucks her. In "reality," in "truth," he really would just be left hanging, right? Wondering what might have been. He's happy with his memories of the moment, and his fantasies about untried possibilities, and she's happy with the same, and that's a happy ending for both--if not the sort of "happy ending" we usually have in these sorts of stories :) --CH |
mac | 3/30/2017 | I hate to inform you, but there is no "sugar rush". It has been disproved in several studies. Children with elevate blood sugar levels are tired and drowsy. It is as false as the Hollywood belief that doctors spank babies at birth. Never happens. |
Thanks for the comment, mac. I have read of these studies, too. Two things in reply:
First, let's assume for the sake of "literary license" that "sugar rush" is just a short-hand way of describing that excited goofy feeling a kid has when, say, they are hanging out at a fun party. Second, as firm a believer as I am in science, I am also a firm believer in skepticism. And that means--requires!--that I'm skeptical about science, too. Personal experience can be misleading, but it can aslo be informative. And everyone I know, everyone on Earth, has experienced a "sugar rush." We all know what it is. I won't go further into my thoughts on it in this lame format, but suffice it to say that I think "science" is wrong on this one. --CH |
writerz | 3/30/2017 | A lap dance many dream of. 12 year old sexy young lady willingly and wanting to have those feelings. To have her sweet little pussy played with till she creams. Lovely. |
Alvo Torelli | 3/30/2017/td> | Lovely and very hot! Nicely written and paced. Well done. |
J | 4/1/2017 | Another great read! I think you are right that it doesn't make sense for a sequel. The charm is that she doesn't know what her orgasm was or how she was responsible for bringing it about. |
Anony-mouse | 4/1/2017 | Excellent story. Look forward to more from you. Hadn't read anything from you for awhile. Glad to see a new story. |
Clem | 4/1/2017 | love to have him get to the point where he can lick her pussy and ass, then have her cum in his mouth as he greedily sucks it all. you could write a few pages about that. |
Paulxxx | 4/2/2017 | Great story. Remind me of the time my granddaughter 8 at the time sat on one of my knees. she started grinding her crotch on my knee. unfortunatly her mum my daughter scolded her for it and apologised to me. I would have let her carry on it gave me a right erection |
Anonymous | 4/2/2017 | Wow-blows me away-thanks again for a great story |
f42 | 4/2/2017 | Holy crap, I loved this. It works out pretty well her leaving him high and dry. The whole idea of a serial lap teaser I think would be pretty fun. I would have thought that it may have worked with a slightly younger girl since it would be less out of place. Other settings like a crowded theater, sporting events, at home in watching TV/movies in the same room as a bunch of other people might be fun as well. |
Leather and Lace | 5/17/2017 | Loved the story, the whole build up. |
Dave Miyagi | 5/19/2017 | Hi Chris, just browsing around on a Friday night
Yes, great little story, thanks. Sure, we have all experienced a lap sit to one degree or another so easy to relate to. This one goes way further of course and would indeed make for a good scene in a movie as your first commenter suggested. Love stories with underage drinking, a turn on for some reason. Cheers! |
erbk | 11/28/2017 | I knew a girl like this. I was a lot younger, though... let me tell you there's something amazing about holding a girl of around 12 on your lap while you are 15,16, and making her cum her eyes out without either set of parents realizing. |
Keith | 2/3/2018 | Jenny lap dance was a good story |
Grog | 07/21/2021 | I am not sure if this is a stand alone story or part of a set- it works either way for me.
Real fun to read and fully believable. Many of your readers will either have done something like this or wish they had. |
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