'And the Girl Shall Lead'
(Mg11, cons, sci-fi fantasy)
The following work of fiction is written by Admiral Cartwright (a pseudonym) and presented for entertainment purposes only. Copyright © 2016 and beyond. Any publication, reproduction, retransmission or other use of the descriptions and accounts of this story without the express written consent of Major League Baseball is prohibited. Unless, of course, you ask the author first.
Distribution of this material or of any predecessor(s) for profit and/or with this information abridged shall constitute a violation of copyright law and may result in some serious shit. LEGAL NOTICE: Possession of written, fictional depictions of sexual activity among "minors" (persons yet to achieve the arbitrary age limit chosen by their governments, irrespective of individual abilities) may be illegal in your place of residence. Further, agencies in locations where said depictions are legal have demonstrated a willingness to test the threshold of what is or is not "obscene".
I'm legitimately surprised I've never tackled this topic, given my nom de plume. So, finally, here it is, the product of an idea that hit me while watching an episode of a science fiction series that shall remain nameless. Any similarity to characters or situations belonging to any entity that might find intellectual property protection paramount is entirely speculative, your honor.
Praise for 'And the Girl Shall Lead'
You have been missed and I for one hope you continue to grace us with the fruits of your imagination. Kirk was still pissed. A group of children—children, dammit!—had taken over command of his ship, and wrestling it back was nothing short of horrifying. These children were under the direction of a powerful, ghost-like being who had directed the killings of their parents, and they were only now dealing with this trauma after Kirk and crew had revealed the alien for the monster he truly was. The children were now under the care of the ship's doctor and the psychiatrists, but the healing would take a lot more time than their current trip to the nearest star base—years, perhaps. But Mary ... Kirk saw something in the eyes of the pretty, freckled, pigtailed blonde that unnerved him, even as he dealt with the lingering anger and disappointment at having lost his command, however temporarily. Mary was eleven years old and small for her age. She looked nine, maybe ten, and adults were all too happy to act protective of her, and Mary was all too happy for the attention, especially whenever one of them carried her in their arms. As nice as that doctor was, though, she was particularly enamored of the captain of this huge, suddenly intimidating starship. The boys in her group were already taller than she, even though they were younger; playtime was okay, but anything more substantial from nine- and ten-year-olds just wasn't going to happen, either physically or intellectually—something of a surprise, given their lineage. As for the older boy, Tommy was all business when he paid her any attention at all, and this was true even before the visit from the at-first-charming alien and the powers he bestowed upon them for their mission to take him and the starship from their adopted world to a distant planet, for reasons at which she could now only guess. This otherwise tight-knit group and their parents, all research scientists, comprised the entirety of humanoid life on their adopted planet; so, as the only girl, relegated to being just one of the boys, Mary took to wearing only the dresses from next year's stock to hide the beginnings of her transition into womanhood. But Kirk—Kirk was different. His confidence, his swagger, that disarming smile that made Mary just melt. He was so gentle and comforting when the alien was exposed and her tears flowed; could Kirk possibly give her the true validation that she so desperately wanted? The star base was only a few hours away at their present speed. She'd have to work fast. ~~ The children were assigned adjoining guest quarters. A central common room, sparsely furnished and with a touch-activated viewscreen, led on its opposite ends to connecting doors and smaller quarters, so they could bathe or nap in some privacy and congregate when they wanted. Ship's stores produced mostly uniforms—and, naturally, everything in adult sizes—so their own clothes were cleaned and returned to them. Mary was disappointed; if she was going to present herself to Kirk as something other than "just one of the boys", she'd need to show it off, and her too-large dress was an obstacle. Mary appraised herself in the mirror. Her breastlets were still more buds than boobs, but there was unquestionable growth. Her hips were just starting to widen a bit off her waist, and the tiny hairs on her young mound were getting slightly darker, showing the barest hint of the pubic hair she would eventually sprout. Mary liked what she saw; would a grown man feel the same? ~~ Dress back on, sash tightened around her waist, she went back into the common area and found she was alone; apparently, the boys had found something to do somewhere else. Mary started toward the door to see if there was anyone still standing outside who would escort her to the bridge, when the door chimed instead, startling her. "Um ... come in," she said, gathering her wits. The door slid open with a whoosh, and Kirk obliged her, looking around for the rest of her group. "Where is everyone?" "I dunno. I was just going to ask the man outside." "Oh, okay." Kirk said, glancing once again around the cabin. That charming smile returned. "Is everything to your liking here? Anything you need?" Mary gave Kirk that look he found so disturbing, and he began to turn and take his leave. "Well, you just let me kno—" "There is something," Mary said, thinking fast. Her chance had just walked in, on his own, and she knew it may never happen again. "I'm hungry," she improvised. Kirk turned again to face this young girl, looking somehow different than before. Her hair, of course. It was still loose and damp, no longer in the pigtails she'd sported earlier. She was pretty, and Kirk rather preferred long, loose hair on his wom— What the hell am I thinking that for? Kirk admonished himself. Mary was a girl, many years from developing into the woman she will be. Will be someday, he finished the thought. Mary noticed the sudden change in Kirk's expression, and the quick, almost imperceptible glance at her body. With a slight smile, she turned and walked toward the table under the viewscreen, trying to replicate the more sensuous walk she had seen one of the boys' mothers do when her husband had spent "too many goddamned hours" in the lab one day. Mary turned back toward the captain, planted one hand on her hip, and pointed with the other toward a bowl of exotic fruit. "Can I get something better than this?" she smirked. Kirk had started to follow her, then stopped midway, suddenly quite uncomfortable. Regarding her question almost dismissively, he whirled and started toward the door, saying something to the effect that a yeoman would be sent to escort her to the officer's mess. Mary, panicking that she'd lost her chance, pounded her fist in the manner taught her and the other children by their alien kidnapper. But he's gone now. No way this is going to work, she thought. And Kirk stopped dead in his tracks. ~~ Mary had known what she wanted ever since that one night she interrupted her parents. They had forgotten to deactivate the door to their bedroom and Mary, curious about the noises coming from inside, tried to creep closer to the door until everything on either side was exposed with a whoosh. Engrossed, neither parent knew they were on display until Mary clapped her hand to her mouth and gasped. Red-faced and apologizing, Mary ran quickly back to her own room and sat on her bed, taking in what she had just seen: her mother, straddling her father, his penis slamming almost violently into her vaginal channel. Mary knew all about the biology of the act; having scientists for parents meant a dry, clinical explanation of what humanoids have known for centuries as "the birds and the bees". Her mother knocked on her door and joined her daughter only moments later; once calm, Mary had tons of questions. Why were you sitting so hard on his penis? Did it hurt? What were the noises you were making? Are you trying to make another baby? And so on. From there, sex became only slightly less clinical as mom curtly answered everything. No, it didn't hurt, once you were old enough that the vagina can accept a penis inside. No, it was not just for reproductive purposes. Two people giving each other pleasure, and receiving it in turn, is a great joy. Some people waited until they were joined in matrimony, others did not. It was a whole new universe for Mary, then nine. She was appreciative that her mother had opened up—yet disappointed that so much seemed to have been held back. What exactly am I supposed to be too young for, anyway? ~~ On the other hand, this was not something Mary was ready to share with anyone else. Tommy was not yet a teenager but, because he was at least two years older than the other kids, his involvement in their playtime activities was decreasing. The other boys seemed only to care about the next fun thing to do when they were not being schooled. Mary, of course, was the only girl; her mother had already demonstrated a willingness to keep any discussion on the topic to its barest minimum, and she wasn't planning to have a talk with one of the other mothers as this would come right back home anyway, given such a small group. Left entirely to her own devices, Mary began to experiment. A finger in her canal was followed in due time by two fingers, then three. Her clitoris was a pleasant, and pleasing, surprise, allowing even more waves of pleasure. Finally, one night, she reached her first real orgasm, prompting a visit from her mother, and a "must have been a nightmare" excuse that was not entirely convincing. Still, as expected, her mother left it rest there. And Mary learned to be a lot more quiet. ~~ Hairbrushes have been pretty much the same for centuries, not that Mary knew that. Watching herself in the mirror one night after a sonic shower, Mary had an epiphany: the handle was not too different in size and shape from dad's penis—or her memory of it, at least. Tucking her brush into her pajamas, she took it to bed, and her pleasure to new heights. Her hymen long since gone—her fingers had removed that obstruction—Mary guided the handle into her wet, waiting orifice, and winced in pain about half-way. She waited for the pain to subside, maybe a few seconds, then eased out, back in, back out, back in, a little deeper, the pain a little easier, slowly, slowly— And then it was in. Mary gasped, a smile of wicked pleasure taking over her face. Back out, back in, five-plus inches on each stroke, the bristles tickling her clitoris—once she figured out an angle that didn't actually poke. A new feeling started welling up inside, like her orgasms until now, but more, and more, like warp factors different. Almost on instinct, Mary reached behind her head with the hand that wasn't busy and pulled her pillow over her face, hoping it would muffle what exploded from her mouth as her orgasm exploded from her vagina, a series of screams that otherwise would have brought the entire colony over to see what was wrong. You've heard the phrase, "hooked on a feeling"; Mary was undeniably, inextricably hooked. The only thing left to conquer was a real penis—and, given the circumstances, that seemed unlikely for the foreseeable future. ~~ Kirk slowly turned back toward this young girl who was pumping her fist in the practiced manner of her recent powers. My stars, it's working. Mary felt a very real electricity as she strode deliberately toward one of the sleeping cabins, Kirk obediently in tow. Once the door closed, Kirk was a barely restrained animal. Grabbing the backs of Mary's arms, he bent over to compensate for their respective heights and pulled her in, mashing his face into hers, a kiss that only gradually got softer and more romantic as the pair settled into a mutual routine, their tongues playing, their lips parting, touching, parting. A short breath, eyes locked in pure lust, then back to their interplay, Kirk's proud penis poking into Mary's belly as far as his trousers would allow. Mary moved both hands from the small of Kirk's back to fondle his penis and testicles through the material, drawing a groan from her captain. Kirk unfastened Mary's dress and it fell from her shoulders, drooping at the waist. Mary reached down and undid the sash holding it to her hips and her clothing fell the rest of the way, leaving her naked before Kirk. His expression changed, and she knew immediately why; she was losing him, her just-budding, not-at-all womanly body leading Kirk toward reality. Furiously, she pumped her fist, willing her man back to her. No! You're not getting away! Masculine hands slowly reached for her shoulders, and Kirk drank her in, a hunger restored. Mary reached for his trousers and fumbled with the opening. Succeeding finally, Mary watched as Kirk's trousers hit the floor, and marveled at her first up-close penis, almost in a panic. Oboy! That's a lot bigger than my hairbrush! Mary didn't get much chance to process the thought as Kirk practically ripped off his tunic and firmly, but gently, pushed Mary backward onto her bed. He was atop her in a flash, his mouth making a beeline to one young breastlet, washing it with his tongue, still somehow both firm and gentle. Mary's eyes grew wide with this new sensation—she hadn't yet considered her tiny mounds to be erogenous zones, and Kirk was devouring one by its nerve endings, sending an electric shock straight to her vagina. Kirk let the young tit pop from his mouth, and looked into Mary's eyes, wide with newfound pleasure. He smiled, and dove into the other one with equal zeal, and equal results; Mary, slowly growing accustomed to the feeling, sighed and closed her eyes. They seemed to pop from her head moments later when the captain arrived at her mons veneris and, an instant later, at her clitoris. Kirk was suddenly more gentle now, tickling her clit with his tongue and tracing the length of her pussy lips, back to her clit, down to the opening of her cunt, savoring the taste of her young juices. The stimulation of her clitoris and labia minora was totally new, totally electric, and totally explosive. Mary's head fell back onto her pillow and she experienced an orgasm somehow different and still as powerful as her hairbrush caused, and she tried with only limited success to stifle a scream, lest it escape the bulkhead or the cabin door, to be heard by who knows whom. Kirk watched intently as the girl's cum subsided and her legs finally relaxed, falling knees-out to the mattress. Taking his cue, the captain mounted his young lover and entered her, once again in a near-animalistic frenzy. Mary gasped at the invasion and grabbed Kirk's buttocks, holding him steady, hoping the pain would subside. This was no hairbrush, but a proud captain. Mary craned her neck up to offer her lips in a kiss, and Kirk obliged, mollified for the moment. Gradually, he felt her grip on his ass loosen, and he began a slow back-and-forth, somehow understanding her needs even through the haze of whatever was this power she held over him. Without question, though, Kirk was fucking her, bumping headlong into her cervix with each near-complete thrust of his cock. Each time, a centimeter more made its way inside this hot child's pussy, then another, and another. Mary's orgasm was building. She threw her arms around his neck and looked up into her captain's eyes, all lust. When finally his penis was fully engulfed, Mary exploded again, all that and more, her neck bent back so far that she was staring into the bulkhead behind her—not that she could see it through the stars in her eyes as the rest of her body bucked, writhed, and shook with the violence of her first joining with a real man and his very real penis. Kirk hadn't cum yet, but he was close. Mary just did regain her senses in time; there was one more thing she had to do. Pushing her captain toward one side, he got the hint and rolled over, letting Mary straddle him from above. This would have been quite the concession from a man always in command, including the command over his women, but Mary was in control. She slid Kirk's penis from her vagina and sat down on it again, awkwardly at first, seeking a rhythm. Presently, she found it and, with her hands atop Kirk's muscular shoulders, she drove herself to her most powerful orgasm yet. "Unnnngh!" Kirk grunted, his come slamming into him hard, his cock slamming deep into his first pussy in weeks. Mary had buried her face into his smooth chest, alternately squealing and screaming, riding him like a piston engine. His hands found her hips and took control of their pace, if only slightly deeper and faster, adding even more power to a cum that was impossibly strong already. Kirk slipped from consciousness, completely drained. Mary slowed her pace, her orgasm finally subsiding; she, too, seemed to fall into a new, deep slumber, falling to one side off the still-twitching body of her captain. At that moment, Kirk jolted awake. ~~ This exhausted, sated little girl lying next to him was wearing the first happy smile he'd seen on her. He was wearing no such thing—nor anything else, for that matter. Ever so gently, Kirk managed to pull himself from underneath her arm and leg and got up from Mary's bed. He threw his clothes on and got the hell out of there, not even bothering to look to see whether an ensign was still standing guard at the common room door. ~~ Kirk stood in the sonic shower for what seemed like a Solar day, as if it could wash off the disgust he felt. Not with the girl; clearly, she wanted this and, well, she sure got it. His disgust rested wholly with himself—and in no small part because he seemed to need to convince himself that he was disgusted. ~~ Kirk—all captain, all business—escorted his young charges down a corridor, into a turbolift, and down another corridor to the transporter room. They were silent for the entire journey, perhaps nervous about the next steps in their lives. Once on the pad, however, the kids couldn't stop asking questions. "Will we get new parents?" Tommy blurted. "I'm sure someone will love you very much, like you were their own," Kirk answered in measured, long-since rehearsed words. "Will we have to go to school?" asked Don, his nose crinkled. "Yes," Kirk responded to a chorus of groans. "Where will we go?" asked Ray in a panic. Don stiffened, also suddenly panicked. "Will they keep us together?" Kirk assured them that everything would be taken care of. "Will we ever see you again?" Kirk tried to smile naturally toward Mary, then looked evenly and quite intentionally at each child in turn. Back to Mary, and charming as ever, he said, "It's possible." Mary and Kirk locked eyes as the children shimmered from sight. "Someone has a wee crush," opined the chief engineer, wearing the grin of someone who had just made a naughty joke. A say-another-word-and-you're-dead glare from Kirk, however, wiped it abruptly from the Scot's face as his captain turned and left the room. The ensuing walk to the turbolift seemed longer than it was mere moments ago. "Bridge," Kirk barked. ~~ With his log entered and the scene surveyed, Kirk practically jumped from the command chair. "Ahead to our next assignment, helm. Warp factor two." "Aye, sir." Relinquishing the conn to his helmsman, Kirk stepped quickly into the lift and directed it toward the officers' quarters. Slowly, but deliberately, he made his way to one of the doors and rang the chime. "Come." Kirk plodded into the living area of his first officer, who seemed suddenly to stand taller over his captain than ever. Half-human, half-alien, and every bit friend and confidant, he was the one being aboard this ship who truly understood the inner conflict now tormenting Kirk. "I need ... a favor," the captain stammered. "I need to forget ... something." ~~~~~~~~~~ Like? Dislike? Comments? Tell me! |