BitBard's Library
Tom Bombadil's

Copyright © 1994 by Jonathon Earl Bowser
Tom Bombadil

--[ MF, FF, Adult Fiction ]--

Perhaps no other author bridges the worlds of sex-story and story-story as well as Tom Bombadil. In fact, one could say he has a foot on both shores. You'll find in this collection simple, short sex-stories and long, very intricate novels with meaningful plots and fully developed characters. You'll also find stories which have no sex in them at all. Finally, you'll find that all these stories are very, very good!

Tom's Website:

TOM BOMBADIL is one of the strongest entries into the group in the past year. His stories are unique and he seems able to adapt his writing style to that of others, witness his Deirdre-esque entries into the story pool. It will be very hard to blast "Chosen" or "Elizabeth and Anastasia" off my favorites list.

--Ole Joe's Metaguide

Triple-Header Surprise
(FF, MF, mc?)

(MF,MMF,FF,Semi NC,Lampoon)

Evening Rendezvous
(MF mf)

I Promise
(Romance, Non-Explicit)

(MFF, Spank)

(MF, Mf, FF)

Testing the Device
(MF, Voy?)

Angie Baby

Difficult Question
(MF, Voy)


The Morning After
(FF Kinda)

Roadside Encounter
(ff+/m, semi nc)

Christmas Dinner
(No Sex)

(FF, Mast, Exh)

(FF, some b/d, semi n/c)

One Rainy Morning
(Romantic Interlude)

The Forgetful Husband
(MF, Romance)

...Angelica Ahsmacker


(No Sex)

Brenda - A love story

Camara, Lady of the Sword
(Heroic Fantasy, some NC,300K)

Elizabeth & Anastasia


These stories are hosted in my collection with the gracious permission of the author. No rights have been granted to redistribute these stories elsewhere without the author's permission.