BitBard's Library
M1ke Hunt's

Copyright © 1994 by Jonathon Earl Bowser
M1ke Hunt
--[MF, Humor]--

M1ke Hunt is on the short, short list of my favorite amature authors mostly because I have FUN reading his stories. Erotica is usually a solemn and serious business -- set the tone drive up the mood and let everything explode in a fit of passion. M1ke takes a different tact. With tongue in cheek (and elsewhere) he grabs your attention by making you smile, then chuckle and maybe laugh. When the story gets sexy you're still having fun. M1ke is one of the few authors I ever read who made sex a great game and pulled it off.

"M1KE is writing this himself. That's why you shouldn't believe a word of it. He's a fabulous writer, who occasionally fancies himself humorous and tries to make people laugh while they're having an orgasm. The two are mutually exclusive, of course, but he doesn't seem to understand that. M1KE began writing in March 1997. He has written three dozen stories, more or less, and thinks they got increasingly hilarious. He's wrong. His favorite is "Women Are Stupid," which despite its misogynistic title attempts to prove that women could rule the world if they would only try. M1KE is spelled with a "one," which just proves that he's a lousy speller, too."

Mike's narrator is lively, self-mocking, self-amused, thus doesn't take himself too seriously as he seduces or is seduced, so the stories tend in turn to amuse the reader. Red Dragon is a converted Mike Hunt fan, so be on the look-out, you know they are good.

Mike earned 16 spots on Celeste's list of top stories for 1997

--Ole Joe's Metaguide

She's a Tease
A friendly neighbor and a vacuum cleaner...

The Photographer
My little camera and a couple of friends

A Cousin's Lips
Skinny-dipping with a skinny cousin

The Darkroom
A sequel to The Photographer

The O'Stikkit Inn
My wife dances with a new acquaintence

The Skier
A nurse helps straighten me out

June's First
The wife's first sexcapade and story

The Lingerie Salesman
I embark on a brand new career

Maria in Maine
My wife and I visit her old college friend

Feet are Neat
A summer job in a shoe store at the mall

Straight Sex
A self explanatory (if misleading) title

Shorts Stories
Little stories, but then aren't they all?

Women are Stupid
A political manifesto (whatever that means)

Fun in the Tub
Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink

Some Things Just Happen
A chance encounter and a long lifelong longing

Four Letter Words
3 short story contest entries (and not a story among them)

Shelly's Sex Life
Just trying to help a neighbor

Shelly's Trial
And this is what I get for trying to help

The Wet T-Shirt Contest
With this handy title you need an explanation?

Fucking Celeste
A tribute to the sex stories reviewer

The United Way
A couple of friends help a couple of friends

Art Class
An almost all true story about my college daze

The Topless Bar
Finding love in all the right places

A science-fiction look at a brief history of time

High Rise
The real me and the real me

And Then I Fucked Her
My commentary on how to write sex stories

Dirty Boys
Jimmy and I learn all about sex (teen, mm)

Drive In
Half-price special: 2-for-1 night

Reluctant Bride
I help her with the wedding arrangements

Young, Dumb-Full of Cum
A non-sex story for sex story spammers

Auto Biography
I'm a rambler and a gambler and a sweet-talkin' ladies' man...

Identical Twins
I make a spectacle of myself, twice!

The Swimsuit
What Fun In The Tub could have been

Under Cover
I expose the phone-sex industry and myself

I am M1ke's Dick
The making of "The Making Of..."

The Night Before Christmas
M1ke's last published story


These stories are hosted in my collection with the permission of the Author. I also used them to wrap a few fish with M1ke's Permission. Anyway he said I could display them and he wouldn't sue me, at least not until I win the lottery. Thanks M1ke! (I think)