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Copyright © 1994 by Jonathon Earl Bowser

--[MF, MMF, Group, Hot]--

Backrub took many a high spot on Celeste's top twenty lists and deservidely so. These works are Hot with a capital H. If Backrub does anything right at all, its that he writes stories about group sex and makes it believable -- desirable really. Rarer still is the true lack of inhibitions once the group gets going and "Showing off Again" and "Skin on Skin on Skin" offers a rare glimps into male bisexuality within the context of good, solid, writing.

Backrub published between 1995 and 1996 often in collaboration with other notable female authors. Contact informaiton for this author no-longer exists.

Several stories by this author are no-longer available in the public archives. If you have one of these lost stories please send a copy to

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