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devil picture Yoko

B y Emperor

*Semi-Fictional* [m/f teen cons virgin interracial]

(Subtitle:Japanese Encounters #1 )

The very first day I saw her, I knew she was the one for me, 5'3, that fine black hair, her pretty eyes, and the kicker, she's Japanese..

First day of school I saw her, delicious all the way from her silken hair to her petite breasts to her cute toes. Dressed pretty reserved for an american girl. I went up and talked to her, as our conversation went I found out that she had had just moved to the states from Tokyo, Japan. She had the cutest voice, and I so much enjoyed cueing her into words that she had forgotten. I like that kind of thing, helping people along into a new culture. I like international students, it's so fun :)

I was a frosh and she was a sophmore which was ok, but I would have rather have been older since I was about a foot and a half taller than she was, but I like my women that way. I just knew I had to have her! She was my ideal type of woman, smart, short, into engineering and knew nothing of my past. Before I entered highschool I was the class nerd/wierdo. In grade school I always managed to find all sorts of interesting things to do and I managed to evade capure most of the time....

I was pretty early deemed a perv and a wierdo. I was tall, spoke of strange things like what happened if you mixed chlorine and ammonia [this is fifth grade you understand] I was obviously the tech geek! But I had the most fun with my pal Adam we investigated everything from people kissing on the hill to going into the girls bathroom to look for 'odd' things. I was rarely caught, in fact I got away with major goosings and harrasment untill this PC/Sexual Harrasment crap came into the mainstream, it was kind of an odd situation for a man of my caliber... But enough about me, y'all want to read them thar sex parts.

It was the next year or so till I made my moves, I was a junior and was in the top 2% of my class [at least according to my class schedule] and was flying high. Over the past year I had done some growing up, grew my hair, didn't like it, grew a goatee, liked it, joined the JSA, had a blast. We both went to the big convention of the year in California's state capital, Spring-State. The first day was pretty cool, we went to debates together and had a generous amount of fun talking about stuff like whether marijuana should be legal or not and other such fun debate topics. I had brought along my tools of the 'trade'. A vibrator, Lube, Condoms [I *LOVE* rough riders], Beer, Rum, Mountain Dew, and Sake.

We went back to my room and decided to get blasted, I knew this was not a great idea since I was CIA and had 'party duty' later on that night, and since my roomies would be back around 12:15am or so, but I wasn't worried. We watched SNL and pulled back a few beers, Yoko had drank before, but did not have a high tolerance. We drank, I got so bold as to kiss her deeply, she responded well, returning the tongueing. We were wrapped around each other in more ways than one.

We kissed some more, and I unbuttoned her shirt. I got my first real look at her breasts, I quickly removed her bra and licked her supple breasts. She was heaven, I circled her nipples with my tongue and felt her back begin to arch. I ran over to the CD player to put on my favorite tape. The machine started to blast forth GWAR's "Sexocutioner." I was flying, I quickly returned to my Yoko. I resumed my kissing and licking of her breasts, and made my way down to her belly-button. I kissed it gingerly and started to remove her dress, I quickly took off her dress and thusly removed my shirt. My tatto in gothic lettering of "Emperor" suprised her, if she thought that was a suprise, she just has to wait.

I started deep kissing her again and feeling her breasts and feminine organ, she squirmed to stimulate herself more and I knew she enjoyed every minute of it. I moved down to her waist and removed her dainty white panties. I licked her wet slit and felt her shivver slightly, I took this as a good sign and started going at it deeply. I was very well informed from all those years of reading the* hierarchy, so I knew what was correct and what wasn't [don't let those pain in the ass prudes complain about this one, I did the right thing].

I probed her femininity with a greater degree of intensity savoring those delectable juices. I knew it was time when she started fondling my manhood. I brought myself back up on the sofa and she started to suck my cock. She sucked like what I considered a pro would, I was in heaven, I could feel that I was approaching orgasm, I asked her if she would like to taste my cum, she didn't say a word and resumed sucking my cock vigorously. I climaxed in her mouth, she swallowed all that my member issued forth. I was in heaven, she told me that she wanted me in her, I went over to my bag of toys and brought out my vibrator and accesories.

I gently lubed her asshole and my finger with lube and poked it into her virgin asshole, I felt her twitch and felt wave after wave of her orgasm on my finger. I felt it was time, put on my RoughRider condom and I slowly entered her awaiting fuck hole, I went in centimeter by centimeter continuously asking if she was ok. She replied that she was ok, I felt her virginal membrane and asked if she really wanted to do this, she grabbed my ass and pushed my full length into her hole. I punctured her hymen with no pain since we were both blasted, but

I still was empathetic with her, the pain and the pleasure canceled each other out and we continued our joint venture to pleasure. I was in heaven, I started vigorously pumping into her cunt with my heat seeking moisture missile. While I was pumping away I felt waves of muscle contractions signifying orgasm, that peaked me over the edge, I blew my load and we both shuddered together, I kissed her tenderly. We lay in the bed kissing till my erection subsided in her hole and I removed my soggy slippery penis.

We both basked in the afterglow of sex and loosing our virginity together. We lay there and made pillow talk. I really felt like I loved her, I really did, with an intense passion. We got out of bed and took a shower together. We kissed and licked each other slowly and with care. I had never felt so attatched to any woman like I was with Yoko. I wanted to love every cubic centimeter of her body, I even though I had just had sex with the girl of my dreams, I was still a nerd at heart.

We finished my shower and put on the new "Offspring" CD, we toweled each other off and then went to sleep together. When we woke up my roomies were getting ready for caucus, I got up and suggested that Yoko get up and return to her room so that she would look presentable for the first meeting of the day. I took an other shower and dressed for cacus, I had to be there since I was part of our cabinet and an advisor to our president.

Caucus was pretty boring, so me and Yoko left early and stole a passionate kiss in the hallway. We went to the first debate, it was whether the statutory rape age be changed, we were interested especially since I was 15 and Yoko was 18. The guys in the chapter who thought I was the incurable virgin were pretty cool about me and Yoko though. I suspected that they would continuously prod me about it, but they wanted to know everything, especially because I was a 6'3 affluential white guy who did a 5'4 or 5'5 Japanese girl who was 3 years older than I was. I just said it was pretty cool.

The next night me and Yoko hung out together and did Sake. Sake is pretty nifty, except that it is very high in alchohol content. We stayed in my room and got buzzed, we made out tenderly and had great fun. We went to sleep together and the next morning went back to San Francisco, she drove since I didn't have my license, I licked her slit on the hour drive back down. She had at least 4 orgasms on the way down. She dropped me off at my house and I kissed her passionatly before I got out of her car. The next monday at school we talked about the weekend and about our relationship. We continued meeting on the weekends when my parents were out of town, we continued till she had to return to Japan. It was a sad day in the night of Emperor's life. I listened to Slayer, Type O Negative, and Henry Rollins for the rest of the week. It bummed me out, but she has internet access over there in Japan so we correspond about every week, so I'm happy.

For feedback: send mail to , no flames please...

Authors Note: This is the first story I've written so don't be too critical about it.

I reserve the right to sue the cock off of any fuckhole lame enough to modify this story withought my permission - Even though this story is pretty tame in terms of storys posted on the globaL computer circuit.. If you want to make changes to this story contact me and send me the newest album of Slayer, Carcass, GWAR, Napalm Death or The Offspring who's kickass music I attribute this story to...


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